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Top of windshield shot found in Zapruder film?

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I don't believe a single conclusion from the WC.  I don't believe the order of the shots as described in the WC.  I view the WC through a political lens, as it should.
Can someone verify what I am seeing in the Zapruder film?

With my mindset in place, I started to view the Zapruder film after z313. At z355, there is a little upward plume on the center top of the windshield. z356-358 there seems to be a slight puff of smoke that left the windshield and an upward angle then two black dots appear above the limo.  I inverted the frames.  At z355, the upward plume from the center top of the windshield can be seen much better, z356-358, it sort of looks like a smoke streaming at an upward angle with two white dots appearing above the limo.


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