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Hypothesis: JFK's throat shot came from the pergola.

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Since there are two shots seen from the pergola in the Nix film and one shot is seen in the Bronson film, it would make sense to assume the throat shot came from the pergola.  The shot to JFK's head as shown in z313 aligns at the exact timeframe of the shot image in the 2nd window from the top of the pergola & JFK's head exploding in the Nix film and aligns at the exact timeframe of the shot image in the 2nd window from the top of the pergola and JFK's head exploding in the Bronson film.

If you watch the Zapruder film, after each loud report, there is a jiggle from Mr. Zapruder. 

The first strong jiggle comes at z190, then z195, and then there is another at z209 followed by jiggles at z313 and z331.

I believe the shots from the pergola start at the z209 jiggle and continue with z313, and z331.  The z313 shot corresponds to JFK's head exploding and the z331 shot corresponds with blood seen in the back of JC.

From the vantage of where Mr. Zapruder was filming, you can see JFK at z190 and you cannot see JFK at z209, he is hidden behind the Elm street sign.  From the vantage of the 1st or 2nd window from the top of the pergola, JFK would be seen at z209. 

At z190, there is a jiggle and JFK is seen looking to his right waving his right hand and his left hand seems to be on the car door.  As JFK's right hand gets obscured from view at z207 by the Elm street sign, he is looking forward and his right arm is still near his face.

At z209 there is a jiggle from Mr. Zapruder.

At z223, JFK's left arm is already moving towards his throat and there is no jiggle seen on the film until z313.

The only odd behavior I see outside the limo is the flash of light from the Babushka lady starting at z290.(Shoot again, JFK is not dead signal.)

A shot at z209 to JFK while he was passing the sign would have been the perfect kill shot if the assassin would have shot JFK's  heart, obviously he missed his mark and got his throat.

If you look closely at the autopsy picture of his throat, you can see the throat injury shows damage to the center-right side.

If I were the assassin I would go for a shot to the heart.

1. The heart is the cleanest kill.

2. The head is too risky.

3. The throat makes no sense.



Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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