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The Tan Jacket at the Library

Gil Jesus

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On March 15, 1964, Mrs. Emily R. Francis of Washington, D.C. wrote a letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reporting that a friend of hers from Los Angeles had been watching the coverage of the assassination on TV and saw two men in one of the film clips running out from behind the TSBD, one wore a dark suit and the other threw a jacket into some bushes. ( CD 1179, pg. 221 )

The FBI interviewed the friend, Mrs. Einar W. Giaver and two others who saw the film on TV with her. Mrs. Giaver told the FBI that in that clip, "the man in front, the shorter of the two, threw what appeared to be a tan or brown jacket into a bush as he ran away..."


The FBI tracked down this film and found that it depicted the east side of the Oak Cliff branch of the Dallas Public Library on Marsalis and Jefferson, rather than the Book Depository. That library was only .2 miles from the Tippit murder scene.


This is the same library where police rushed to upon receiving a report that Tippit's killer was seen running into the library.


The same library that Capt. Westbrook responded to and was present at when the white jacket was found under the car in the parking lot. The same library that when the police thought they had their man, they were told by a "secret service" man that he had been checked out and wasn't the one. So he was released.

PS: some thing interesting that Westbrook says while he's at the library:  "we got a wtiness that saw him shed his jacket".


There's no evidence of anyone seeing a man shed the jacket under the car, so he must be talking about the shedding of a jacket near the library. This confirms a jacket was shed in that vicinity.

If the tan jacket was found near the library and substituted for the white jacket found under the car, then the legitimacy of the tan jacket as evidence is in question.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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Have been  doing some reading on this, but the ladies could not state the film that was shown to them was the same they had seen on TV ?

The 2 SA do state about seeing 2 men in the film, but nothing on the jacket (well, not in the report) ?

And o/c : told by a "secret service" man that he had been checked out and wasn't the one....




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Sounds like somebody edited out the tossing of the jacket before they showed the film to them. The reason why I say that is because what the women saw was confirmed by the witness at the scene who was mentioned in the radio transcript. ( 21 H 397 )

Edited by Gil Jesus
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I was wondering how the secret service got there before the DPD and had already questioned those people (back-ground check,... ?) ?

At least noting their names would have been usefull imo.  But they were o so sure about who they wanted if you ask me....


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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