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Robert Oswald vs Marina, what went wrong ?


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Apperantly something went wrong, while I was still under the impression Robert did help Marina out (the funeral, getting her away from Mr. Martin, etc).

Excerpt from People Magazine by June O.P. - this is from 1983... so a long time ago

(PS I know about the handwritten statement by Robert on the argument/deal with Martin, the lawyer, etc)

Marguerite and Robert Oswald, helped my mother bury Lee, but in the months following, something that I don’t fully understand happened to create an estrangement between Mom, Marguerite and Robert. Whatever the problem was, the fear and distrust they apparently had for each other resulted in my never meeting my grandmother or uncle, even though they both lived within an afternoon’s drive of our home. Because of much that has been written about Marguerite, Mom and I were convinced that she was quite crazy and that she had no desire to have anything to do with us. The truth, which I did not learn until after her death nearly three years ago, is that she had wanted very much to see us. I even learned that she had come to my high school once in hopes of seeing me and was turned away by a protective principal. It will always be one of my most haunting regrets that I never insisted on meeting her.

Her death also taught me some of the unpleasant facts about my father’s brother. When Mom called with the news of Marguerite’s death, I made arrangements to fly home for the funeral. But Uncle Robert called my mother and told her that if we showed up, he would have us thrown out."

So, obviously Robert changed his mind ?  I assumed none of them liked Marguerite, so that wouldn't have been it,  Now, in any other case I would say that this is their private business, but since June wrote this in public.

I feel like she wanted to get back at Robert and have her say, unless there was more to it.

I'm still a newby, but perhaps some oldtimers  :D  here know some more 




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On 9/8/2022 at 7:38 PM, James Wilkinson said:

Hard-to-dismiss, nagging suspicions about Marina's ties to Soviet intelligence had probably crossed Robert's mind.


On 9/8/2022 at 7:38 PM, James Wilkinson said:

Hard-to-dismiss, nagging suspicions about Marina's ties to Soviet intelligence had probably crossed Robert's mind.

I realize its not possible to "prove a negative", but. . . FWIW. and I knew Marina quite well for many years, there's not a chance in the world that she had any ties to Soviet intelligence.  She was happy to be in America -- was super-impressed with the plethora of goods available at the supermarket, and was basically a very lovely "homebody."    She was not at all superficial, but very annoyed that LHO had a rifle.  And when he came running into the house one night, and said that he had "shot at Walker," she was quite frightened, and started to wonder about his mental stability.  (Its too bad that Lee didn't live long enough to explain to Marina that it was "all an act" [my quotes]).  By the way, and I hope this is clearly remembered by students of the JFK case, Marina said that Lee "adored" JFK.  She said it once, under oath to the Warren Commission) but in obscure language.  But if she had testified the way she later talked to me, she would have been a very strong "defense" witness.  (DSL, 9/11/22)

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I was speaking more to Robert's possible suspicions of Marina than the actual reality, per se -- but that said, it would still seem ill-advised to so doubtlessly dismiss such a scenario.

Especially given CIA records describing a Soviet program to wed would-be sleeper agents to foreign defectors, whom their wives had a habit of divorcing after accompanying their husbands back to their home countries. Given the  intense amount of surveillance to which defectors like Oswald were subjected, it's hard to imagine that Marina wasn't at the very least debriefed by Soviet intelligence -- let alone likely having also been recruited into keeping tabs on him.

Combine that general prospect with Marina's October 1960 holiday visitation to the same Leningrad apartment building where U.S. defector Robert Webster was living, and one doesn't have to be an acolyte of Jim-Garrison-style propinquity to have the perpetual, proverbial raised eyebrow in this matter.

If Marina meeting Lee wasn't a coincidence, then what could she possibly have to gain by admitting as much once he became Kennedy's accused assassin? There would seem to be only downsides there all around, especially in fueling reckless speculation over Soviet involvement in such a plot.

I just don't see how she can be cited as a reliable witness, given her contradictory, coached and coerced testimony.

Lee's fondness for Kennedy is of course a matter of record, which doesn't need to rely on Marina for substantiation.

(It's an honor to be quoted in a post by a luminary such as yourself, Mr. Lifton.)

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