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LBJ meeting GDM - ref. to docs ?


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Q. from http://www.assassinationweb.com/shack3g.htm   :    DeMohrenschildt wrote to Vice President Johnson on April 17,1963. LBJ aide Walter Jenkins replied April 18! On April 23, LBJ's military aide Col. Howard Burris wrote to Jenkins suggesting that LBJ be kept "informed to the maximum extent possible in as many areas as possible...that he be more nearly prepared to assume the reins of government in case he is called upon to do so." Three days later, Burris (and possibly LBJ) met with DeMohrenschildt in Washington. On May 20, LBJ and DeMohrenschildt definitely met.  END Q.   

Above information is being used all over the internet, in books, etc... 

But I can't find hard references to the documents and dates that are being referred to.

It is possible I have looked over them, or the ref. are mentioned in books I do not have (yet).

Any ideas ?

PS : I know there are relations (direct or indirect) between them via the oil-men (Brown and Root / Mecom, etc...)


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I wish I could give you a citation from memory but I can't ....what I do recall, because I was once intensely involved in studying Burris and collected a great number of documents on him, is that there was one which referenced his meeting with DeMohrenschildt in response to his communications with Johnson but there was no indication of Johnson's being in the meeting or even of his particular interest.  At that point in time Johnson was letting Burris serve as his second in lots of meetings.  If I can find my Burris file I'll take a look but those documents were collected by hand from NARA and I have no idea if they ever made it online.  Most were from Johnson's files not from the JFK investigation....

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I did find the Burris folder...amazingly....and am looking for specific documents, however my summary notes say that DeMohrenschildt and Clemard Charles met with Burris on April 26 - DeMohrenschildt was primarily doing an introduction for Charles who was pleading for US intervention in Haiti.  Charles was also being worked as a source of intelligence on Haiti by Army Intelligence (Dorthy Matlock of the Army  Chief of Staff office) and she was sharing the information they collected with the CIA. She continued contacts with Charles through at least May.

I find nothing more on the meeting other than it being listed on a schedule; however it seems not to have made much of an impression because there is a summary  report from Burris to Johnson in regard to national security issues as of April and while several countries - even Yemen - are listed, there is no mention of Haiti.

Johnson was scheduled to fly out of DC that day and did so, which is why Burris was given the meeting as his national security aid.  Whether Johnson stopped by to greet Charles is unclear but if he did it was brief as he did fly out of town that day.

During that period of time DeMohrenschildt was heavily leveraging his contacts with Clemard Charles and clearly attempting to impress Charles with his own connections. 

I should also mention that virtually all the documents I have on the relationship between Burris and Johnson and Burris's work for him are from the LBJ Library files, not from NARA.


Edited by Larry Hancock
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Indeed, he was trying to introduce Charles to half of Washington it seems.

Most contacts I can find, but the Burris not yet.   Close is the 4/29/1963 to "unknown" DODS,

summary Gale Allen DODS case officer requested an expedite check.

He started at the top with the Vice-President and went down the list all the way.

104-10166-10143 WUBRINY when Charles was with him was 5/21/1963.

As you mention, It probably all relates to Haiti those 2/3 months


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My opinion only - I don’t buy the official story on GDM and Charles. I don’t think that’s what the meeting was about in NY, or why Dorothe Matlack was there. Curiously, she was the Army Intelligence point person for Eastern European emigres. Seriously, when did GDM decide he would help getting rid of Duvalier? Does anyone think he was just working on his own? That his only concern was making a payday? Sisal plantations? And of course LHO. George was an old pro, well connected, from wealth and privilege. He was always up to something. His meeting in NYC was with a close associate of George Bush, who later pretended to barely know him, just before GDM’s ‘suicide’. He is often portrayed as a playboy, a liberal, self serving and less important than he thought he was. Don’t buy it. I think he was deep deep cover. Too many coincidences. 

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With GDM often we see this Eastern European connection, in Haiti he was close to the Polish consulate they say (he allegedly sold his part in the plantation to that guy...), not to mention his trips to Yugoslavia, etccc.  

I am still convinced he was prepped in the 1930's to be a German spy.     His buddy (and distant cousin) Maydell got busted for a while (1942), GDM got off the hook but they knew he would play it double for the rest of his life... (and for some that was no problem I guess....). 

GDM sometimes did not really lie... e.g. him insinuating working for "French Intell."... well... euhh...  the Vichy regime was French...  

Post WWII he would still have some of those connections ( a bunch of Germans fled to South-America, even in the late 1950's when it got too hot for some of them in Europe.  E.g. Klaus Barbie (the butcher of Lyon, head of Sipo-SD) fled to Argentina/Bolivia with help from CIC (later Army Intell), he even became a Bolivian in 1957.... 

Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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Just noticed Charles mentioned on May 6 he preferred to continue dealings without George being present... 


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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