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The Marks on Oswald's Map

Pat Speer

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Does anyone recall if the FBI investigated the marks on Oswald's map, to see if they correlated to any gathering places for anti-Castro Cubans, etc? My brain is drawing a blank on this. 



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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

Does anyone recall if the FBI investigated the marks on Oswald's map, to see if they correlated to any gathering places for anti-Castro Cubans, etc? My brain is drawing a blank on this. 



I haven’t seen the documents in a while, but I think the FBI decided that at least some of the marks were locations where Oswald had applied for jobs. I don’t recall seeing anything about Cubans, and am pretty sure the FBI had an innocent explanation for all the marks on the map. I have no idea if the explanations were legitimate. 

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44 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

I haven’t seen the documents in a while, but I think the FBI decided that at least some of the marks were locations where Oswald had applied for jobs. I don’t recall seeing anything about Cubans, and am pretty sure the FBI had an innocent explanation for all the marks on the map. I have no idea if the explanations were legitimate. 

Yeah, I remember the claim these were places he'd applied for jobs. But the marks on the map don't have addresses. So I guess what I'm asking is if they provided a list of the companies he'd supposedly applied to, and their addresses, and if anyone has checked them against the map. 

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One of the most interesting marks *appears* to be over Mohr Chevrolet ("appears" will be explained.)  I found it interesting for two, potentially connected reasons. The first is it employed, at least in 1962 and possibly into 1963, one Charles Waters. Waters is a good candidate for someone who impersonates Oswald, in both New Orleans and in Texas. The second has to do with Oswald's library card. Recall that it included the name Jack Bowen on it as a reference. Investigators traced that to a coworker at Jaggars who turned out to be a criminal working under an alias, John Grossi. Grossi appears to have mafia connections, although that was not fleshed out in 1963-4.  Grossi ofcourse denied anything suspicious and any substantive connection to Oswald. But he did volunteer that his (Grossi/Bowen) actual library card was in possession of his friend in Dallas-- who was working at Mohr Chevrolet. This was same exact dealership that Waters worked at.  It raised the possibility to me that the library card was a way that LHO could potentially link up with Grossi's friend at Mohr and then, maybe, through that to Waters. All speculative but the coincidence seemed pretty remarkable to me.

So wht do I say "appears" to be over Mohr Chevrolet. Michael Paine would later do Michael Paine things and say that he thought-- but it was not definitive-- that *he* may have marked the map and that it was for a nearby store, not Mohr. He said he seemed to remember taking Oswald there (the other store) on a job hunt. 


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I can only find the FBI report were they found some adresses to be possible job appl. : 

Note what is says on Texas Airways (end of p.1) , wasn't that the better paid job, who would have marked that message never reached LHO ?







Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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Thanks, Jean Paul. Although the FBI verified that most of the marks had nothing to do with the parade route, they couldn't nail down what a number of them represented. Very interesting.

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Unclear to me are the markings above Lovefield (a little like the shape of a triangle), there are 3 arrows pointing to it.

One report refers to the 10/15-16 TEC job offer, but the markings are not exactly close to the airfield (unless TTA had an office up there ?).

There is a another statement the area is within the Letot bus route and another job offer.  

On the map I can see no other markings closer to Lovefield,  or "Field of Love" like Lee explained to Marina the marking on the Love Field bus, making Marina wonder what the heck that bus was all about... 😃   Lee stating he "practiced" on the field didn't help either 😄






Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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