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The Conspiracy to Kill Lee Harvey Oswald, Part II

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17 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

If Gil's posts bother you so much Mark try using the Ignore feature. I doubt Gil will mind that much. 

And you would expect that to be one's response if the issue was my posts. But this is not about my posts.

I post evidence, testimony, exhibits and documents all of them official records.

They hate that, but they can't challenge it or deny it.

They nitpick silly little things like font size, or videos or links even though I don't post anything that any other member doesn't post. So it's not about the post.

Do you ever see them complain about anyone else's fonts or videos or links ?

No, this isn't about posts. If it were, they'd just use the "ignore" button as you suggested.

They complain about these silly little things hoping that they will trigger me into losing it and I'll say something that will get me banned from this forum. They would love to see me out of here. And the proof of that is his suggestion that I just don't post here anymore.

OOPS...he let the cat out of the bag. This is about me personally. The Lone Nutters hate my guts. They hate everything about me.

They hate my politics, they hate my opinions...they even hate my name.

Why ? Because truth seekers and truth speakers have been hated from the beginning of time. For example, over 2,000 years ago a man walked the earth who spoke nothing but the truth and they crucified Him.

From Julius Caesar to Abraham Lincoln, conspiracies exist. The Lone Nutters need to get over it.

And in this case, there was a conspiracy by Texans who preferred Johnson in the White House to kill President Kennedy and Johnson and Hoover protected them by covering it up.

Oswald was just what he said he was, a patsy.

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Edited by Sean Coleman
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