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Sean Coleman

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    Leeds. It’s grim up North.
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    The endless puzzle that is the JFKA, vintage Star Wars figures (‘77-‘83), classic cars (70’s on), brutalist architecture, being lazy & going on holiday.

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  1. There’s been a lot of talk about the wound but no pics so here we go… Is the wound at 1 o’clock or 10 o’clock, hard to say, but by crikey he was a lucky sob!
  2. Maybe he was the intended target? Like Connally?
  3. An antiquated Mannlicher Carcano more accurate than a modern AR15? Who’d have thought…
  4. 1. Get Lee a lawyer. Doesn’t have to be Perry Mason, just someone who can read & write. 2. Let the prosecution (preferably Posner or Bugliosi) outline their case. 3. Enjoy a coffee, peruse a classic car mag or do a puzzle. 4. Cast considerable doubt on everything the prosecutor brought forth. 5. Flick through the mag or finish the puzzle as the foreman reveals his “omg, can’t believe this ever came to court. What a waste of taxpayers money” verdict. 6. Revel in much glee and hilarity as Posner and/or Bugliosi are tarred and feathered, mounted backwards on a donkey and sent on their way down Stemmons. My point is, with so much conflicting evidence it would have been thrown out.
  5. Judging by the finger the frame seems to be 1” high by probably 1.5” - 2” deep? Probably made of softwood. Edwin’s house was (surprisingly) brick built. (The house front for a change, inc. wonky flag & titled post box. Discreet wasn’t this man’s middle name) My take is the bullet was fortunate enough to find the weakest point of entry thru soft wood, just above the brickwork (which would have stopped it). It then went thru the dry wall as unhindered as an angry teenagers fist. What puzzles me and goes largely unmentioned is that Edwin refused to identify the used slug in evidence as the one he handled after the event.
  6. “…..This thread is about historical facts and their implications for US and world events….” I rest my case m’lud.
  7. There’s too many political arguments with tenuous links to the assassination discussed. Pretty boring watching insults and insinuations being slung so wantonly. I visit and donate to find answers to the actual assassination, not watch an argument unfold akin to disgruntled schoolgirls pulling hair. and….some people’s posts are soooooooo long and boring. Less is more.
  8. I thought the scope was mounted left of centre to avoid the bolt arm action, but I won’t argue with Sylvia….
  9. Is that the bag atop an open roll of brown wrapping paper? Amazing. At least the office boy got a chance to squeeze in a quick nap….
  10. I once heard a story about a lawyer type who spent a lot of time and energy trying to dishonour and discredit a person over what was basically a theory. It caused much hilarity.
  11. Was there earlier this year, seeing Deer in peoples suburban front gardens was a hoot. Nice seafront houses
  12. Don’t understand what argument you’re trying to instigate here?
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