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Robert Burrows

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  1. Give peace a chance? Laughable. Man himself is incapable of achieving peace. It's not in his wheelhouse. "Our problems are manmade--therefore, they can be solved by man." How's that proved out? Good luck finding peace. Here comes the iceberg. https://youtu.be/BDSkoYfNrwg?si=MyCyfbdPVsAW_4QF
  2. Now they have their martyred savior. To quote a famous pig "...that's all folks." An interesting historical echo- on this day Jean-Paul Marat was assassinated July 13, 1793.
  3. "...our two contries have too much too offer too each other to be tearing at each others trouths in an endless cold war. Both are conoutries have major shortcomings and advantages. but only in ours is the voice of dissent all the ability of that voice of dissent allowed opportunity of expression, in returning [illegible] to [illegible] the U.S., I hope I have awoken a few who were sleeping, and others who were indifferent." Oswald's notes read like an inarticulate synopsis of JFK's Peace Speech.
  4. https://www.ncregister.com/blog/4-months-before-he-shot-jfk-lee-harvey-oswald-lectured-the-jesuits
  5. Thank you for posting this, Mr. Cole, I missed the news about David Talbot's "severe stroke." Prayers for his recovery, and for his family. IMHO one of the best authors on the JFK assassination.
  6. I'm interested in what you're discussing, but none of your photographs are visible.
  7. RFK Jr. was nine years old when his uncle was murdered, and 14 years old when his father was killed. I'm sure that the loss of both men caused enormous psychological damage to the young man. But psychological damage doesn't explain or excuse his maturation into a science denying, fascist supporting presidential candidate. Somewhere, his father is extremely disappointed.
  8. Agreed. JFK was considered an existential threat and was dealt with accordingly.
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