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Interesting Op-Ed in Santa Barbara News Press Re RFK Jr./CIA

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4 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

My own predictions:

Biden will not be the 2024 Democratic candidate.

He is getting through this term remarkably well considering his age but anyone who has viewed his public appearances and speeches has seen how slow he is and with scary stops in his pacing.

Slow to the point that you sense a cognitive brain freeze at any moment.

One's gut feeling is that he could not take the rigors of another major media campaign on top of his already demanding job and schedule.

I am amazed at his ability to actually make some wonderful speeches up to now. Even inspiring. There are flashes of his old sparky self.

But there is still another year and a half to go to Nov.2024.

I also don't believe Robert Kennedy Jr. will be the candidate.

In just one area alone he will be brought down before he gets any traction. You don't accuse one of our sacred cow agencies of killing their own president and get away with that kind of charge.

I am sure many here remember the Democratic Primary debates of 2008.

Moderator Tim Russert started off that debate with this question to Dennis Kucinich:

Russert pressed Kucinich about whether Shirley MacLaine’s claims in an upcoming book were true, Kucinich ( caught off guard and embarrassed ) confessed the sin of having seen a UFO.

The audience laughed.

From that second on Kucinich was ruined as a viable candidate.

How Russert got away with that reputation ruining crazy UFO person question to Kucinich to start off that debate sickened me.

Kucinich should have blasted Russert for proposing such a silly, irresponsible question to him in a presidential debate like he did. If an audience member had submitted such a question to the moderators to ask, they would have tossed it in the trash.

I mention that primary debate historical event to propose I believe the same would happen to Robert Kennedy Jr. regards his public statements of CIA involvement in his Uncle's death. And also RFK Jr's past comments about Sirhan Sirhan.

The Dems will come up with a whole new slate.

An outsider. Maybe California Governer Gavin Newsom.

There's a lot of money behind Newsom. Read his Bio. The Getty family of San Francisco has sponsored him since early on. He is very articulate. A very good speaker. A younger fresh face. Attractive as well.

He would beat DeSantis.

Trump knows he'll never be the candidate. Too much criminal investigation and indictments. He is now known for this more than any other thing.

He is a center of attention craving addict.

He'd resort to NYC subway station nut case yelling if he thought it would get him more press.

The nation is exhausted with his 6 years of angry, insulting ranting, posturing, gas lighting.

America doesn't have another year and a half left in them to keep listening to "The Election was Rigged!" Trump.

And what's the deal with Diane Feinstein?

Anyone can see she can't do the job. Even in a rest home she would be in the highest incapacitated category of patients. 

Must be some very powerful people in her priority agenda world who are keeping her in there...imo anyways.





As they say, making predictions is hard, especially about the future. 

You are correct, the party-affiliated Mockingbirded mainstream media will try to first ignore, and then torpedo RFK Jr., and install Biden for a second term. 

But voters are becoming increasingly leery of party offerings. Who has faith in these two parties (and their billionaire financiers) anymore? 

Every presidential election is fascinating. This one will be too. 

RFK Jr. is not a long shot. I would say more in the 2-1 against category, as of now. 


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