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Why would Oswald deny the Hidell signature?

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Also, neither of the two WC handwriting experts gave any testimony whatsoever on the money order Hidell signature. The Oswald handwriting ID was based strictly on the other writing on the form. 

Cole and Cadigan testified in excruciating letter-by-letter detail on questioned documents, with a particular focus on signatures, but they both independently forgot to mention one of the most important signatures in the entire case under oath? Yea ok. 

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  1. Oswald admitted he had the Alek James Hidell Selective Service card, bur either “denied” or “declined to admit” that the signature was his.

  2. Marina admitted to signing the name “Hidell” to “two or three things” with the name “Hidell” that were not pamphlets.

  3. Marina said on at least four occasions that they were living on Neely St. in January, and initially, that she had seen Lee cleaning the rifle in January (which she later corrected to mean she saw it for the first time in March).

    (1) Warren Commission testimony of Marina Oswald February 3, 1964,



    Mr. RANKIN. When did you move to Neely Street from the Elsbeth Street apartment?
    Mrs. OSWALD. In January after the new year. I don't remember exactly.


    For whatever reason, this can't be true. The Oswalds moved from Elsbeth to Neely on March 3rd and according to the postal money order, the rifle wasn't ordered until March 12th.


    (2) Two weeks later, Marina told the FBI on February 17, 1964 that she saw Oswald practicing with the rifle at the Neely Street address in the beginning of January, 1963 and that he had been cleaning the rifle that same day.

    CD 735 page 441



    On February 18, 1964 the FBI agents went back to Marina at the offices of her attorney, and said, “Uh, we’ve got a problem. You told us yesterday that you saw Lee cleaning his rifle in January, but he didn’t buy it until March”.



    On February 18, 1964 she told the FBI that she was mistaken on February 17th about the date, and that the rifle cleaning incident had really taken place in March, 1963.


    (3) Marina told the WC that she first met Ruth Paine at a party in January, but the party didn’t take place until February 22, 1963


    Mr. RANKIN. Can you tell us approximately when you first met Ruth Paine?
    Mrs. OSWALD. Soon after New Years I think it was in January.
    Mr. RANKIN. Would that be 1963?
    Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.


    (4) Here is the translation of CE993, Marina's Narrative of life with Lee:


    On pp. 626-627, she writes of moving to Neely St. after New Years, and then writes of meeting Ruth Paine.

    Officially, she met Ruth on February 22nd, prior to her Neely St. move.

    Is Marina once again putting herself on Neely St. in January, when they didn't actually move there until March?


    WC testimony of Marina Oswald February 3, 1964



    Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street?
    Mrs. OSWALD. Now, I think that he probably did sometimes, but I never did see it. You must understand that sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would be in his room downstairs, and he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he may have taken it. He probably did. Perhaps he purely waited for an occasion when he could take it away without my seeing it.


    Mr. RANKIN. Did you learn at any time that he had been practicing with the rifle?
    Mrs. OSWALD. I think that he went once or twice. I didn't actually see him take the rifle, but I knew that he was practicing.


    However, on March 3, 1964 Marina told FBI Agents, Wallace Heitman and Anatoly Boguslav that not only had she seen Oswald take the rifle out of the apartment in March, 1963, but that she had gone with him! This is CE 1838.



    March 3, 1964




If Marina never saw Oswald take the rifle from the apartment, how could she re-trace for the FBI the route he used?


Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall the first time that you observed the rifle?
Mrs. OSWALD. That was on Neely Street. I think that was in February.


If the first time that Marina saw the rifle was in February, how could she have seen him cleaning it in January?


Steve Thomas


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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

Also, neither of the two WC handwriting experts gave any testimony whatsoever on the money order Hidell signature. The Oswald handwriting ID was based strictly on the other writing on the form. 

Cole and Cadigan testified in excruciating letter-by-letter detail on questioned documents, with a particular focus on signatures, but they both independently forgot to mention one of the most important signatures in the entire case under oath? Yea ok. 

Also, they only had copies, not originals...

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