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Nellie Connally Destroys the Single-Bullet Theory

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Just a quick note about the debunked claim that JFK was not really grabbing at his throat but was exhibiting a Thorburn reaction and was in the Thorburn position. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here is a good refutation of this claim:

Dr. Lattimer and the Great Thorburn Hoax

Alternative Link

Is it not amazing that you have people here arguing that the guy who actually experienced the shot and felt the powerful punch to his back "could not tell when he was hit" when he studied high-quality blowups of the Zapruder film? I mean, he made a full recovery and was fully lucid and sharp when he testified before the WC and when he spent hours studying the Zapruder film for Life magazine.

To believe the SBT, you have to pretend not to see JFK's and Jackie's reactions that start in Z200, not to mention the other evidence of a shot at/just before Z190, and you have to pretend to see Connally "grimacing" in the very frames that Connally specified he was not grimacing.

You must also ignore the fact that Nellie Connally corroborated her husband's WC testimony when she testified before the WC. Both were certain that JFK was hit before Connally was hit, and Nellie specified that she heard a disturbing sound, turned to look at JFK, saw him grabbing at his throat and exhibiting a blank look--all this before she heard the shot that hit her husband.

And the Zapruder confirms that JFK was clearly hit well before Connally's right shoulder starts to drop dramatically and his cheeks start to puff at Z238. 



Edited by Michael Griffith
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