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New August 2023 John Newman interview on the CIA mole

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Newman just posted this on Facebook. This podcast has half a million subscribers, so more than a few people will see it.

0:00 - What really happened on 11/22/63

5:40 - Working with Oliver Stone & being contacted by the NSA

18:03 - The biggest CIA mole hunt in history

27:13 - Suppression of John’s books & implications of truth about JFK

43:06 - The CIA's assassination / psychological warfare operations in Europe: Operation Gladio

46:24 - How the Russian sleeper mole in the CIA was activated

1:09:29 - Pyotr Popov

1:14:04 - Tracking the high echelon CIA mole

1:30:07 - Lee Harvey Oswald

1:32:25 - The Army General who wanted Armageddon: Lyman Lemnitzer

1:38:44 - The ‘Trojan Horse’ inside the Kennedy family: Maxwell Taylor

1:55:14 - JFK’s plan to pull out of Vietnam

2:05:03 - The military coup leading up to JFK’s assassination

2:17:22 - Lee Harvey Oswald’s meetings in Mexico in 1963

2:36:10 - The KGB defector who claimed 2 former US presidents knew about the plan to take out JFK

2:42:40 - The missing letter Oswald wrote to CIA from Minsk

2:48:18 - The CIA mole inside Martin Luther King’s group

3:01:31 - John’s conclusion on JFK

3:04:52 - Kennedy’s speech on secret societies

3:09:54 - John’s involvement with Oliver Stone’s latest documentary ‘JFK Revisited’


Edited by Anthony Thorne
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