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"Calling Dr Larry Hancock to Emergency for Mr Von Pein" ....

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Dr Hancock, a patient named David Von Pein has just been brought into Emergency.

He is suffering from acute delusion.

He claims to know nothing about the Special Group (Augmented) or SGA, and yet he is rambling on and on and on about the wonders of the 'Warren Report' and the glory of JFK. I did say glory and not gory, but JFK is quite gory and quite dead.

Can you see if it is possible to bring Mr Von Pein back into the reality of the real world, please?

This is an emergency request.

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Well generally David's normal recollection of all things JFK related, and particularly things about Dallas, has been generally far better than mine so I doubt I would diagnose a memory problem...grin.

However I would say the ins and outs of the SGA are enough to befuddle most people and I continually have to revisit my own work to keep straight how things changed with it over the course of even a couple of years.  First you had the SGA (Special Group, Cuba policy, augmented with the participation and direction of RFK) replaced by the SG (with RFK moving his attention to a new group formed under JFK's direction) and having Cuba strategic responsibility (as Mongoose and Task Force W disbanded) - all at the beginning of 1963. 

Then you had that new high level coordinating group (Cuba Coordinating Committee) now meeting with RFK and RFK not attending SG meetings but rather leaving that, after a few months, to Desmond Fitzgerald who essentially replaced the function of William Harvey and Task Force W with the Special Affairs staff) actually being led by the State Department as a multi-agency group. And you have Fitzgerald sharing some operational details with SG, some with the Oversight Committee and some not at all with RFK and JFK (like Tilt).

........but with nobody in actual Cuban operations at WAVE paying much attention to the new Cuba Coordinating Committee, its plans but instead panning everything that the Cuban Operations Group approved, like AMWORLD.

Anyway, if David does not remember all this I would say its just symptomatic of the chaos in Cuban affairs at the time, I have the same problem so I can assure him its not fatal but just requires frequent recourse to notes and a calendar and headache medication.


Edited by Larry Hancock
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8 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Well generally David's normal recollection of all things JFK related, and particular things about Dallas, has been generally far better than mine so I doubt I would diagnose a memory problem...grin.

However I would say the ins and outs of the SGA are enough to befuddle most people and I continually have to revisit my own work to keep straight how things changed with it over the course of even a couple of years.  First you had the SGA (Special Group, Cuba policy, augmented with the participation and direction of RFK) replaced by the SG (with RFK moving his attention to a new group formed under JFK's direction) and having Cuba strategic responsibility (as Mongoose and Task Force W disbanded) - all at the beginning of 1963. 

Then you had that new high level coordinating group (Cuba Coordinating Committee) now meeting with RFK and RFK not attending SG meetings but rather leaving that, after a few months, to Desmond Fitzgerald who essentially replaced the function of William Harvey and Task Force W with the Special Affairs staff) actually being led by the State Department as a multi-agency group. And you have Fitzgerald sharing some operational details with SG, some with the Oversight Committee and some not at all with RFK and JFK (like Tilt).

........but with nobody in actual Cuban operations at WAVE paying much attention to the new Cuba Coordinating Committee, its plans but instead panning everything that the Cuban Operations Group approved, like AMWORLD.

Anyway, if David does not remember all this I would say its just symptomatic of the chaos in Cuban affairs at the time, I have the same problem so I can assure him its not fatal but just requires frequent recourse to notes and a calendar and headache medication.


Thanks Larry.

It was Gary Murr who contacted a friend of mine in Norway who had an interest in the mv Olga Patricia that began my own interest.

My friend in Norway sent me a copy of Gary's email.

I wondered if it was a hoax or something worse.

It took some time to get a response from Gary whose own interest came from researching his unpublished manuscript and a chapter called 'Forgotten'.

Then I bought your own book called 'Shadow Warriors' and I learned a lot more about the Olga Patricia and Dr Manuel Artime Buesa and his company called BAM. I joined Mary Ferrell and gained access to her wonderful collection that also included the CIA history of their original involvement with the mv Olga Patricia. From there I went to similar archives as well as delving into the newspaper archives which revealed even more information.

The foundation of my interest began in 1985 with Don Pierson giving me his legal and financial archives which included the maritime mortgages for the Olga Patricia. They were tied to a bank used by Manuel Artime. All of this took place along side my simultaneous interest in Don Pierson's 'Radio London' venture. It was put together by a CIA lawyer in Chicago with ties to the CIA bank in the Bahamas.

I followed all of these leads back to McLendon, Murchison and Thompson.

As a result of receiving manuscripts from the widow of McLendon's national sales manager Bill Weaver - which he had written and others tampered with prior publication - I was introduced to the allegation tht McLendon was involved in the assassination of JFK.

All of this research then led me to investigating the Special Group, the Special Group (Augmented) and Operation Mongoose.

I was tipped off by a retired Marconi radio engineer to buy a book from Australia about PsyOps which linked back to RFK at the SGA, and his links to the radio ship used by McLendon, Murchison and Thompson called 'Radio Nord' and anchored in the Baltic. Then I discovered that McLendon was an advisor to Radio Free Europe which was a CIA front.

Similar discoveries into the broadcasting operations of Herbert W. Armstrong led to the CIA's Radio Swan, Radio Monte Carlo and Armstrong broadcasts in Russian aimed at the USSR, and Armstrong's funding of the pop pirate stations that ringed the UK from 1964 to 1967.

My Marconi friend also pointed me to take a look at Churchill's secret WWII broadcasting empire run by Sefton Delmer.

Even though I drove over that 'X' in Dallas and went to the 6th floor of the SBD, and lived just down the road from the grave of LHO, I was sick and tired of the entire JFK Assassination subject until Gary Murr wrote his emal to my friend in Norway.

One final point.

Because a stream of misinformation about my friend Don Pierson (who I went into business with), began to appear in audio and print form, I took one an audio recording about him and played it to Don and asked him for his comments. That led me to interviewing him on tape because no one else had done this.

But when I got to asking him about Senator John Tower he got very agitated and with a hand gesture told me to stop the recording. I told my friend in Norway about this and he kept bugging me to find out why. I was not interested.

Then, one day, Gary's email showed up and it proved to be the match that lit the fuse to blowing away the rubbish about the murder of JFK and finding the true story.

I have now bought several more books published by Larry and added them to our ever expanding library. We intend to use it as the basis for publishing our own discoveries that all began through this very convoluted and strange series of events. 

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