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Let's talk about Carlos Marcello and RFK-JFK

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


If you really believe you have cracked the JFKA, I think you have overwhelming civic obligation to lay out a digestible and documented case here and now. 

Another JFKA book? That inevitably has the appearance of someone trying to monetize a storyline for the 60th anniversary.....

Just tell us what you know.

Anyway, if you have truly cracked the JFKA, your book will be a best-seller. Oliver Stone will do a doc on you. Oprah Winfrey will talk to you on national TV. 


Benjamin you do believe in straw, don't you?

But I am not the straw man you seek to create.

First of all I wrote nothing about having "cracked the JFKA".

What I have written is that the overly-complicated story about JFK is not true. It is a misdirected story that joins a partnership with David Von Pein and his magic bullet.

Second, what is this "obligation" business?

Are you speaking for the Nightmare Socialist States of America?

There is no "obligation", but there are many repeated echos of thanks to Gary Murr and Larry Hancock!

As for Oliver Stone, he won't like it and neither will Oprah Winfrey because it won't support their narratives.

With others we are planning on a three-volume account of our own journey of discovery based upon personal experiences and academic research that will turn what has been a very complicated story of misinformation into an Occam's Razor version of the real story designed on its own to attract a hungry audience.

After all, put pop music together with the US and UK Mob; spy stories; and the murder of the Kennedy brothers, and you have the ingredients for a toe-tapping, edge-of-the-seat thriller with an ending that no one else has revealed so far.

I am only here to find more Garys and Larrys, and at the moment it looks as if the well is dry.

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I had to laugh out loud at this one.  Eastland is not a tiny town, nor in east Texas.  They have a Walmart, McDonalds and more, the original Hilton Hotel.  Where Conrad got his start, on the Eastern edge of the West Texas oil fields.  When it was a much larger town.

A tiny town to most would be say Strawn or Gordon 25 & 35 miles east of Eastland.  Populations of 700-800, where they play sixman football, with abandon.  To some of us who have lived there a tiny town is one with no school left, maybe not a post office, though it's still on a map with a population of 1-2-3-4-500, or less.

100 miles west of Fort Worth, Eastland was the first stop on the railroad west of it for the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus in the early 1800's.  On their way to Abilene, El Paso and California.  They still have a Ringling Road which leads to a small lake where they watered the elephants, look it up on google maps.  

William Clark Green, from East Texas, near Tyler, among the pine trees, wrote a song about it and named a cd after it.  Welcome. to Eastland, Texas. population 3836.


Ron you are obviously standing too close to David Von Pein.

A typo!

A kingdom for a typo!

Yes, Eastland is in west Texas where I knew people like its Mayor.

Eastland was not the birthplace of Conrad Hilton.

Eastland in the 80s was small, but not as small as Venus.

But the Eastland I refer to is the Eastland of the Sixties, prior to the completion of I-20 and its link from Fort Worth to Dallas where Love Field was still the airfield that served the area. There was no DFW.

Having broadcast from a station in Eastland in the 80s and lived in the Metroplex and driven that 100 miles to get to the station, I know Eastland.

I worked with one of its primary promoters.

I can tell you that my knowledge comes from life experiences "on site".

In your bio you claim to be southwest of Fort Worth.

Do you mean that bustling town of Venus?

I once had two mail boxes there in the days when it was used as a film set because it was almost a ghost town.

In Venus I received international mail responses to my radio broadcasts that were heard in places like Moscow, USSR and Auckland, New Zealand.

I know Venus and Granbury and all of the other connecting towns like Euless within the Metroplex.

Your ridicule backfires on you.

But I will grant you one thing: you are good at catching typos!

Thank you Ron for your proficiency in the area of proof-reading.

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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2 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Benjamin you do believe in straw, don't you?

But I am not the straw man you seek to create.

First of all I wrote nothing about having "cracked the JFKA".

What I have written is that the overly-complicated story about JFK is not true. It is a misdirected story that joins a partnership with David Von Pein and his magic bullet.

Second, what is this "obligation" business?

Are you speaking for the Nightmare Socialist States of America?

There is no "obligation", but there are many repeated echos of thanks to Gary Murr and Larry Hancock!

As for Oliver Stone, he won't like it and neither will Oprah Winfrey because it won't support their narratives.

With others we are planning on a three-volume account of our own journey of discovery based upon personal experiences and academic research that will turn what has been a very complicated story of misinformation into an Occam's Razor version of the real story designed on its own to attract a hungry audience.

After all, put pop music together with the US and UK Mob; spy stories; and the murder of the Kennedy brothers, and you have the ingredients for a toe-tapping, edge-of-the-seat thriller with an ending that no one else has revealed so far.

I am only here to find more Garys and Larrys, and at the moment it looks as if the well is dry.

I guess I am old-fashioned enough to believe that all of us have obligations to fellow citizens in regards to murder, and the undemocratic deposing of an elected officials. 

If you are, or are not deferential, to the present-day US government, I understand your sentiments. 

I still can't quite understand what you are driving at. 

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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I guess I am old-fashioned enough to believe that all of us have obligations to fellow citizens in regards to murder, and the undemocratic deposing of an elected officials. 

If you are, or are not deferential, to the present-day US government, I understand your sentiments. 

I still can't quite understand what you are driving at. 

Benjamin, your words are so convoluted as to lose any sense of meaning, even though you are trying to be sarcastic. Best advice to you is to write plainly and express what you mean so that it can be understood by all. But don't use the "have you stopped beating your wife?" analogy. It does not work, not even as a joke.

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1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Benjamin, your words are so convoluted as to lose any sense of meaning, even though you are trying to be sarcastic. Best advice to you is to write plainly and express what you mean so that it can be understood by all. But don't use the "have you stopped beating your wife?" analogy. It does not work, not even as a joke.

I am not trying to be sarcastic or convoluted. 

Yes, I still believe we have obligations to fellow citizens, if not that, then obligations to fellow human beings, if not governments.  

If you have meaningful info on the JFKA, then tell us. 


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I, like Ben, am also unsure what you are proposing as an alternative theory. 
Is there any chance you could give a one sentence explanation, an “in a nutshell” scenario? 

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49 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:

I, like Ben, am also unsure what you are proposing as an alternative theory. 
Is there any chance you could give a one sentence explanation, an “in a nutshell” scenario? 

I am not proposing anything.

What I am stating is that there are 3 ways of looking at this issue:

1. Warren, LHO and magic bullet

2. LHO (maybe) plus oilmen, expat Cubans and CIA (all or some)

3. Carlos Marcello - motive, money and means (in conjunction with Sam Giancana.) = there is your one sentence definition!

I have been following leads that no one else has followed that brought me to conclusion number 3. My initiation was via Gary Murr and backed by Larry Hancock.

That's it!

I thought I had better add this:

If you ask well what about the 'cover-up', it is so complicated, my answer is that RFK and JFK lied themselves into a pit they could not climb out of. The truth could never be told to the extent that RFK was managing the CIA and the CIA was in bed with the Mafia and expat Cubans!

The more the true story was covered-up the worse that the deceit became.

Eventually we reached the point of Weapons of Mass Destruction, went to war and found: nothing at all.

It all began with those nepotistic Kennedy brothers.

The worst of the worst.

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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