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This is Gordon McLendon in 1951 ....

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This is Gordon McLendon who created the Liberty Broadcasting System that originated in the basement of the Oak Cliff hotel in Dallas, Texas. Although it is stated that he was actually watching this particular game, his broadcasts were recreations using sound effects. His standard means of obtaining information was by wire and telephone relayed to him by someone who was watching the game. His LBS was the second in number of outlets to the Mutual Broadcasting System and his recreations were successors to those of Sefton Delmer who was employed during WWII by Winston Churchill to create and direct fake broadcasts towards Nazi occupied Europe. Gordon McLendon with his CIA pal David Atlee Phillips then used the same techniques to direct fake 'pirate' broadcasts into nations where its national government was one that the USA wanted to overthrow. I have heard about the talents of Gordon McLendon with regards to commentary, but this is the first time I have heard it for myself.


Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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