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Witness Testimony About the Explosive 9/11 Demolitions of the WTC Twin Towers

W. Niederhut

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I have been reluctant to post anything on this horrifying, traumatic subject-- and I was reluctant to post anything on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 yesterday.

And, in my opinion, most Americans are still not ready to talk about what happened on 9/11.  The psychological wounds are too deep.

Speaking personally, I still have occasional post-traumatic flashbacks of the collapsing Towers, and people leaping from the buildings.

The serial explosions that pulverized the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 are plainly visible (and audible) on film and audio recordings, and the serial explosions have also been described by numerous 9/11 witnesses whose testimony was suppressed in the mainstream media, and in Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission Report.

The suppression of this critical 9/11 witness testimony-- which contradicts the official government narrative about 9/11-- is similar to what happened in the case of the Warren Commission's suppression and alteration of the testimony of numerous Dealey Plaza witnesses.

The most famous witness of the WTC explosions is William Rodriguez, but there were numerous other witnesses of the serial explosions that demolished the Twin Towers, including a number of NYFD firemen who were in the Twin Towers before they collapsed.  NYFD personnel also described liquified steel "flowing like a foundry" at Ground Zero-- a phenomenon that could not have been caused by burning jet fuel (or burning office furniture.)

Most people today are also unaware that the bodies of many victims (more than 1,000) in the Twin Towers were never identified, because they were pulverized into fine ash, along with hundreds of thousands of tons of WTC concrete that was dispersed in explosive pyroclastic flows into the Manhattan atmosphere.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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  • 9 months later...

People who push these 9/11 conspiracy theories are a tiny minority of the Western world. The collapse of the WTC towers has been rationally, scientifically explained to the satisfaction of 99% of the scientists who have examined the issue. 

The vast majority of 9/11 Truthers are radical leftists who cling to these crazy theories for political reasons. If 9/11 had happened under Obama, instead of under George W. Bush, 99% of these folks would not be pushing these nutty theories. 

And, folks, be advised that 9/11 Truthers also make the unbelievable claim that a missile, not an airliner, hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and that American Airlines Flight 77--the airliner that hit the Pentagon--did not hit the Pentagon but was secretly diverted to a secret site and that its passengers were either killed, imprisoned, or placed in witness protection programs.

No, I'm not kidding. Watch the nutjob documentary Loose Change. These crazies brush aside the fact that hundreds of witnesses saw Flight 77 flying low and heading straight toward the Pentagon, that dozens of Pentagon employees helped clean up the debris from Flight 77 (a friend of mine was one of them), and that some of the Flight 77 passengers made cell phone calls to friends/loved ones just before the airliner hit the Pentagon to say their last goodbyes.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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  • 2 weeks later...

More of Michael Griffith's redundant disinformation.  He has re-posted this stuff at least 5 or 6 times since joining the Education Forum, when he isn't actively smearing Col. L. Fletcher Prouty and/or insisting that JFK wasn't getting out of Vietnam.

And Griffith always dodges the definitive, accurate 9/11 science and forensic data.

On the 9/11 data, Griffith is like the government propagandists, beginning in the late 60s, who insisted that the Warren Commission Report/Lone Nutter narrative was obviously true, and that WCR critics-- Mark Lane, Sylvia Meager, Jim Garrison, et.al.-- were just "kooky conspiracy theorists."

Government propagandists have also used the technique of promoting truly kooky conspiracy theories (about the JFKA and 9/11) in order to discredit the serious scientific and forensic evidence debunking the official government narratives about those black ops.

Forum members have probably noticed that Michael Griffith repeatedly refuses to answer any questions about the definitive scientific evidence that WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 were demolished on 9/11 by explosives.  He changes the subject.

Griffith also refuses to comment on the FBI files about Dominick Suter and the five Mossad agents arrested in Rutherford, N.J. on 9/11, or the facts about Raytheon's 2001 GPS-guided remote-piloting technology for Boeing jetliners.

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