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This is the the kind of JFKA stuff reaching millions now. Not bad ...

Karl Kinaski

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Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA


- 1963 Cuba Daniel - Castro interview ...

- 1961 Lemnitzer and Northwoods ... 

 - Bay of Bigs  ... "Kennedy later told friends that the Bay of Bigs was a trap ...

- 1962 Mansfield fact finding mission to Vietnam. Mansfield: "War in Vietnam would be a mistake."

- Change of Vietnam policy after JFKA 

- Khrushchev Kennedy letters ... 

- Missile crisis Kennedy in danger to give in to the military plans to invade Cuba ... "Against my will."

- JFK Speech June 10th 1963 ... 

- JFK TV speech on the nuclear test ban agreement, July 25th 1963 ... 

- NSAM 263

- CIA Murder--Manual 

-  Oswald arriving in the american embassy in Moscow (they got the year wrong.)

- Snyder not asked a single question about Oswalds ties to U2 programm by the Warren Commission

- Naggs Head agent training

- Oswald  roommate Jim Botelho: "Oswald's whole communist thing was a total lie, a pretense ... I was sure that Oswald was on an intelligence Operation in russia."

- Mohrenschild, James Walton Moore ..

- Angleton ... ( was the head of the CIA's assassination program which he ran with army colonel Boris Bash? ... Bash was famous for "investigating" Oppenheimer ...)

- HSCA interview of Ann Egerter 

- Jim Wilcott: "Oswald was an CIA asset."

- Richard Case Nagell (was told: Kill Oswald or convince him that he was being set up to become a patsy.) 1995 Death of Nagell when AARB contacted him ... 

- Thomas Arthur Vallee ... the Chicago plot ...

- Treatment of Abraham Bolden ...

- 1995 All records of the Chicago plot destroyed ... 

- The Oswald imposters

- Witness Wayne January: Red bird incident Nov. 20. 1963 .. 

- Rose Charmaine ... exhumation of her body wanted by Garrison but denied ..

- Julia Ann Mercer ... her altered testimony 

- Prouty: Sloppy protection in Dallas ... 

- Roger Craig ...

- Paine not owning a Rambler but a Chevy Bell Air ... (in fact, they had three to four cars ...)

- Harper Fragment ... (he found it on 24th of November, not the 22th as claimed in the clip)

- Tippit shooting (clip claims  shooting at 1.15min pm ... maybe it was at 1.06 pm ...)

- Brewer: the two Oswalds, Boroughs, Postal ... Bernard J. Haire ...

- Crenshaw, what he saw and how he was smeared by the MSM ... 

- Bruce Pitzer

- Caroline Arnold 

One thing: The narrator said phon "Mohrenschlick" instead of "Mohrenschild"  ...  

- Oswald Baker Truly encounter ... clip claims 1.5 min after the shooting ... could be 40 seconds after the shooting ...  

- Ruby

- Bugliosi's book HELTER SKELTER full of lies not only RECLAIMING HISTORY ... 

- Dorothy Kilgallen ... 

- Garrison: Ruby Mafia asset used by CIA ...

- Grammer: Ruby was trying to foil his own assassination job ...

Clip ends with a question:

The question is: Are YOU now one of those people? (Conspiracy theorists.) 

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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2 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA


- 1963 Cuba Daniel - Castro interview ...

- 1961 Lemnitzer and Northwoods ... 

 - Bay of Bigs  ... "Kennedy later told friends that the Bay of Bigs was a trap ...

- 1962 Mansfield fact finding mission to Vietnam. Mansfield: "War in Vietnam would be a mistake."

- Change of Vietnam policy after JFKA 

- Khrushchev Kennedy letters ... 

- Missile crisis Kennedy in danger to give in to the military plans to invade Cuba ... "Against my will."

- JFK Speech June 10th 1963 ... 

- JFK TV speech on the nuclear test ban agreement, July 25th 1963 ... 

- NSAM 263

- CIA Murder--Manual 

-  Oswald arriving in the american embassy in Moscow (they got the year wrong.)

- Snyder not asked a single question about Oswalds ties to U2 programm by the Warren Commission

- Naggs Head agent training

- Oswald  roommate Jim Botelho: "Oswald's whole communist thing was a total lie, a pretense ... I was sure that Oswald was on an intelligence Operation in russia."

- Mohrenschild, James Walton Moore ..

- Angleton ... ( was the head of the CIA's assassination program which he ran with army colonel Boris Bash? ... Bash was famous for "investigating" Oppenheimer ...)

- HSCA interview of Ann Egerter 

- Jim Wilcott: "Oswald was an CIA asset 

- Richard Case Nagell (was told: Kill Oswald or convince him that he was being set up to become a patsy.) 1995 Death of Nagell when AARB contacted him ... 

- Thomas Arthur Vallee ... the Chicago plot ...

- Treatment of Abraham Bolden ...

- 1995 All records of the Chicago plot destroyed ... 

- The Oswald impsters

- Witness Wayne January: Red bird incident Nov. 20. 1963 .. 

- Rose Charmaine ... exhumation of her boy wanted by Garrison but denied ..

- Julia Ann Mercer ... her altered testimony 

- Prouty: Sloppy protection in Dallas ... 

- Roger Craig ..

- Paine not owning a Rambler but a Chevy Bell air ... 

- Harper Fragment ... (he found it on 24th of November, not the 22th as claimed in the clip)

- Tippit shooting (clip claims  shooting at 1.15min pm ... maybe it was at 1.06 pm ...)

- Brewer: the two Oswalds, Boroughs, Postal ... Bernard J. Haire ...

- Crenshaw, what he saw and how he was smeared by the MSM ... 

- Bruce Pitzer

- Caroline Arnold 

One thing: The narrator said phon "Mohrenschlick" instead of "Mohrenschild"  ...  

- Oswald Baker Truly encounter 8 clip claims 1.5 min after the shooting ... could be 40 seconds after the shooting ...  

- Ruby

- Bugliosi's book HELTER SKELTER full of lies not only RECLAIMING HISTORY ... 

- Dorothy Kilgallen ... 

- GArrison: ruby Mafia asset used by CIA ...

- Grammer: Ruby was trying to foil his own assassination job ...

Clip ends with a question:

The question is: Are YOU now one of those people? (Conspiracy theorists.) 

Overall, I would give it a solid B. 

One of the worst snafus is the claim that Fletcher Prouty "protected President Eisenhower." Prouty, of course, for years spread the lie that he had worked in presidential protection. He finally came clean in his ARRB interview, when he admitted that his duties had nothing to do with presidential protection. 

Another error is the segment on JFK and Vietnam. But, given the sources that video's producer obviously used, it's not surprising that he repeated the myths about JFK's Vietnam intentions, NSAM 273, etc.

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