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House May Impeach Biden: JFK Records Act Not Even Mentioned

Benjamin Cole

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The US House has authorized an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, most likely another highly partisan proceeding.

The nub of the possible impeachment appears to be charges related to grifting and lying, which, if truly banished, would turn DC into a ghost town. 

President Biden has clearly broken the law, and on a matter very important to this forum: His snuff job on the JFK Records Act, the records of which should have been released no later than 2017. 

But neither Trump or Biden faced any consequences for illegally withholding records. Not even talk of any consequences. A free pass. 

So it goes. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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"Another" highly partisan proceeding, eh, MAGA Ben?

Like Benghazi, for instance?   🙄

Have you figured out yet that the damning 2022 Congressional J6 Investigation of Trump's violent mob attack on the U.S. Congress was 1) excellent, 2) evidence-based, and 3) bipartisan?

As for this ludicrous, evidence-free Biden "impeachment" stunt by Trump's MAGA House goons, it's a complete joke.

Trump's MAGA goons, like Trump, will go down in history as shamelessly corrupt, dishonest morons.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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