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The 1:22pm DPD radio message translates as The jacket was planted and the witness transplanted (revision)

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15 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

Whyever was he brought in, in the first place?  To explain a CU shot to the head??

That was a large part of it. Incidentally Tatum did not tell Moriarty the distance from which the phantom final shot was fired:


I then saw the officer lying on the street and saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer as he was lying in the street.

A summary injected "at point blank range" into Moriarty's report of the interview, and the HSCA report morphed this into a "coup de grace."


Oswald, according to Tatum, after initially shooting Tippit from his position on the sidewalk, walked around the patrol car to where Tippit lay in the street and stood over him while he shot him at point blank range in the head. This action, which is often encountered in gangland murders and is commonly described as a coup de grace, is more indicative of an execution than an act of defense intended to allow escape or prevent apprehension. Absent further evidence--which the committee did not develop-- the meaning of this evidence must remain uncertain. 14

14 The committee did verify from the Tippit autopsy report that there was one wound in the body that slanted upward from front to back. Though previously unexplained, it would be consistent with the observation of Jack Ray Tatum.
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=800#relPageId=89 & 90

Here's the autopsy report: Autopsy Number M63-352

The problems are acute (attached Gunshot Wound Chart):

1. The upward direction of bullet #1 (head shot) through the body was not unique. Bullet #2 entered at a slightly upward angle and bullet #3 also entered at an upward angle (item 5).

2. Powder burns were absent relative to bullet #1 (item 4).

3. The "External Examination" states relative to bullet #1 that "No powder tattooing is noted at the margins." It also states bullets #1-#3 all left contusion rings.

4. There is also Dr. Rose's explicit disclaimer relative to an implied gunshot sequence, "The numbers are arbitrary and were used for identification purposes..."

5. The report did not take up the question of deflection.

And yet to this day the notion of a "coup de grace" persists despite the failure of both purported observer and autopsy report to describe one.


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3 hours ago, Michael Kalin said:

That was a large part of it. Incidentally Tatum did not tell Moriarty the distance from which the phantom final shot was fired:

A summary injected "at point blank range" into Moriarty's report of the interview, and the HSCA report morphed this into a "coup de grace."

Here's the autopsy report: Autopsy Number M63-352

The problems are acute (attached Gunshot Wound Chart):

1. The upward direction of bullet #1 (head shot) through the body was not unique. Bullet #2 entered at a slightly upward angle and bullet #3 also entered at an upward angle (item 5).


2. Powder burns were absent relative to bullet #1 (item 4).

3. The "External Examination" states relative to bullet #1 that "No powder tattooing is noted at the margins." It also states bullets #1-#3 all left contusion rings.

4. There is also Dr. Rose's explicit disclaimer relative to an implied gunshot sequence, "The numbers are arbitrary and were used for identification purposes..."

5. The report did not take up the question of deflection.

And yet to this day the notion of a "coup de grace" persists despite the failure of both purported observer and autopsy report to describe one.


I remember noticing all those upward angles and wondered, what the hellj??

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