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What Ruth Paine Evidence/Testimony was designed to Support or Cover-Up a commie plot?

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1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:

That way, to the American people it would look like a lone gunman killed Kennedy. But to the government -- whose FBI was uncovering evidence of a Cuban/Russian plot -- it would look like just that!


I wonder if Peter Dale Scott had this in mind when he spoke of his Phase 1 / Phase 2 theory. Phase 1 was the Cuban/Russian plot, and Phase 2 was the lone gunman.


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On 2/29/2024 at 10:33 AM, Sandy Larsen said:


Hey Denny,

Here's a thought.

Suppose that the assassination plot was designed by the CIA. (This is what I believe.) And the goal of the plot was to create a pretext for invasion of Cuba or war with Russia... two things that the Generals wanted at the time.

Suppose also that thee plan did NOT call for making it look like Oswald was the lone killer. So, for instance, the Feds wouldn't have taken JFK's body by force. Rather, the autopsy would have been performed by Dallas doctors.

There are two possible ways the Johnson Administration would have proceeded after the assassination. They could have taken advantage of the pretext and attacked Cuba or Russia. Or they could have rejected the pretext, for fear of a potential WW3. Now, suppose they chose to do the latter.

What would have happened after that?

(First, I suspect that they would have figured out that the whole thing was a CIA operation.)

Would the government have told the American people about the Cuban/Russian plot? Of course not. Because if they did, there would be an public outcry against those countries and a demand for retribution. So the government would have covered up the Cuban/Russian plot.

Naturally the American people would have expected there to be a thorough investigation. Something that the CIA plotters would NOT have wanted to happen. Right? Because they were the perpetrators!


The CIA plotters were not stupid. They considered that the above scenario might happen. So what they did was build into their plot a way for the government to blame Oswald in the event that they didn't act on the pretext for invasion/war. In order to do that, they needed to clean up right away, after the assassination, any OVERT evidence of a conspiracy. For example, entrance bullet holes on the front side of Kennedy's head. They had to control the autopsy.

That way, to the American people it would look like a lone gunman killed Kennedy. But to the government -- whose FBI was uncovering evidence of a Cuban/Russian plot -- it would look like just that!

I just recalled your Overt/Covert theory (a few posts up), and re-read it. What I'm saying is almost the same as that. The difference being that you believe the plotters ultimately did NOT want to have an invasion/war, and I believe they ultimately DID want that, but weren't obliged by the Johnson Administration.


Yes, I think we're basically on the same page.

The way I've been looking at it is: Philosophically, did the conspirators "succeed?"

If their goal was to justify a full scale invasion of Cuba and/or a first thermonuclear strike against the USSR, then they failed. If their goal was "simply" to eliminate Kennedy, then they were successful. (Of course it wasn't simple, since eliminating Kennedy would have opened up all opportunities for the conspirators to shape future policy.)

I believe the main goal was to eliminate Kennedy, and that a lone nut would ultimately be blamed. If I'm remembering correctly, there was another young man of similar background to Oswald that researchers suspect would have been blamed in the Chicago plot.

If the Lone Nut explanation failed in any way, the next trail of seemingly most plausible clues would have led to Russia and Cuba instead. In that case, "failure" of the Lone Nut story would have paid the conspirators a dividend.

Heck, if the Russian/Cuba explanation failed to convince in some way, there were other clues that led to the Mafia. The HSCA was more than ready to pin the blame on them.

Then there seems to be a few clues that led to Texas oilmen.

Finally, if all else failed, it could have been laid at the feet of disgruntled rogue CIA agents and angry Cubans.

All of those groups have been accused of being the main driving force. No doubt they participated in various vital ways, but only the biggest of the big could get into the Bethesda autopsy room.

The conspirators were smart to use so many cutouts. And use them in such a way that good people who doubted the Lone Nut story could go along with a cover up and still feel they were ultimately doing the right thing. No one wants to be the hinge that led to World War 3.

Edited by Denny Zartman
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