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Amazing HSCA panel COPA conference 1995: Baden, Purdy, Wecht + Gary Aguilar and Kathy Cunningham

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


 The footnotes to the sentence refers to the staff interviews with the Bethesda personnel.

So you are saying that Baden prevaricated twice?

Once when he wrote that BS in the report and then again denying he did it?  Actually three times if you really count what is in the footnote.

That would be my guess. He was THE guy when it came to the medical evidence.

1. It was Baden who told Dox to make the red spot in the cowlick look more like a bullet wound on her "tracing."

2. It was Baden, most probably, who "disappeared" the last ten minutes of the Finck transcript, in which he and I think it was Weston repeatedly badgered Finck to change his impression of the entrance wound location, and failed. 

3. It was also Baden, in my estimation, who realized Angel's identification of the large fragment as frontal bone meant Fisher's ID of the mystery photo as showing forehead was wrong, and who then flipped this bone over the coronal suture and said it was actually parietal bone

4. And finally it was Baden who realized this placement of the large fragment didn't leave enough room in the defect at the top of the head for the Harper fragment, who then moved the Harper fragment from Angel's orientation at the top of the head to the side of the head... which, in turn, led him to claim he used paper-cut outs of the bone fragments and put them together on a skull, and that this supported this placement of the Harper fragment on the side of the head. (John Hunt, of course, looked for this skull, or even photos of this skull, in the archives but never found it, and the archivists said they'd never seen such a thing. IOW, Baden made the whole thing up so he could lie about the orientation of the fragment, and photo.)

Now all these actions were designed to sell the cowlick entry and conceal evidence of the EOP entry. While part of me suspects Russell Fisher was orchestrating all this from afar, the reality is Baden was the leader of the panel. Most of the Panel members worked a total of maybe five days. Loquvam and Weston did much of the writing and probably worked a couple of weeks. But Baden was running the panel from beginning to end, an investment of almost two years. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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