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Oak Cliff Time Trials

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On 7/16/2024 at 7:22 PM, Kevin Balch said:

Couple of thoughts.

1. Doesn’t Dale Myers believe that Oswald spent at least a few minutes trying to break in to the furniture warehouse on Jefferson east of the Texaco station?

2. It would be interesting to compare your timeline with an estimated timeline of the Callaway/Bowley search to see if they might have passed the shooter but overlooked him because he ditched the jacket. If the shooter did traverse much of the distance via the alley, that would also explain why they missed him.

3. The fastest route to Marsalis (where he could use the bus transfer) from the rooming house is east on Colorado. He could have even hitchhiked part of the way though this is speculation. I doubt anyone who might have given him a ride would come foreward and admit it. Alternatively, he could have cut through the park.


Thanks for your thoughts Kevin.


"1. Doesn’t Dale Myers believe that Oswald spent at least a few minutes trying to break in to the furniture warehouse on Jefferson east of the Texaco station?"




"2. It would be interesting to compare your timeline with an estimated timeline of the Callaway/Bowley search to see if they might have passed the shooter but overlooked him because he ditched the jacket. If the shooter did traverse much of the distance via the alley, that would also explain why they missed him."


By Callaway/Bowley, I assume you mean Callaway/Scoggins.

Scoggins testified that he and Callaway were driving around and asking people if they had seen a guy but no one had seen him.  Undoubtedly, Scoggins and Callaway would mention the light-colored jacket while describing the cop-killer to people.  Of course, the killer no longer had the jacket and therefore the description given by Callaway and Scoggins would no longer be valid (but the two couldn't know that at the time).

But yes, you make a fair point.  If Oswald was in the alleys (I believe he certainly was), Callaway and Scoggins most likely would have never seen him as they drove the streets in search of.

Callaway testified that after he made his report on the patrol car radio, he and Scoggins took Tenth to Crawford, then down Crawford to Jefferson, then a right on Jefferson to Beckley and then up Beckley.  I have Oswald in the alley between Crawford and Storey from 1:18:31 to 1:20:13.  Callaway's report on the patrol car radio was right at 1:19/1:20.  So when Callaway and Scoggins were in the cab driving down Crawford between Tenth and Jefferson, Oswald would have already crossed Storey and now in the alley between Storey and Cumberland.


"3. The fastest route to Marsalis (where he could use the bus transfer) from the rooming house is east on Colorado. He could have even hitchhiked part of the way though this is speculation. I doubt anyone who might have given him a ride would come foreward and admit it. Alternatively, he could have cut through the park."



As I stated in the article, from the rooming house, the fasted route to the bus stop in question was Beckley to Davis and then Davis to either Patton or Denver and then east on Tenth.

Cutting through the park from the rooming house would certainly take longer; and east on Colorado?  Way longer.


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