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Arlen Specter's "SBT" Notebook (DVP's Tongue-In-Cheek Version)

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Virtually all conspiracy theorists who are of the opinion that President John F. Kennedy met his violent death on November 22, 1963, as the result of an evil, elaborate plot orchestrated and carried out by _________ (the roster of potential assassins and conspirators is nearly endless to use in this blank space), are also of the opinion that Mr. Arlen Specter and the Warren Commission he worked for in the year 1964 were all wet and/or full of stinky fecal matter when it comes to the three words that have sparked debate the world over since the President's assassination -- the "Single-Bullet Theory".

But if conspiracists could shake loose the forever-strangling "All Evidence In The JFK Case Must Have Been Faked And/Or Tampered With" albatross that hangs around their necks, they could easily see that any theory that needs to be substituted for the Single-Bullet Conclusion lacks all credibility and can easily be shot full of holes via common sense alone.

Forgive the heavy dose of sarcasm that follows, but I think it is appropriate given the subject matter. I've put on my Arlen Specter hat when writing the comments below, which are comments that serve as a "faux notebook" of Mr. Specter's in a sense, as Arlen tries to figure out what the devil really occurred on Elm Street in Dallas, Texas, on 11/22/63. (And for the sake of my imaginary "Specter Notes", the dreaded "SBT" is NOT to be considered as an option for even a brief moment.)

I can just hear Mr. Specter now, as he attempts to explain the simultaneous wounding of President Kennedy and Governor John B. Connally in a Non-SBT manner -- which, of course, would be in a manner that needs to reconcile an incredible THREE-SHOTS-LOOK-LIKE-ONE shooting that the Houdini-like riflemen seemingly pulled off in Dealey Plaza.

In such a make-believe scenario, Arlen's notebook just might be filled with comments like this (as of early September 1964, just before the Commission hands over its Final Report to President Johnson):

[Arlen Specter Simulation On...]

We here at the Warren Commission have come to the conclusion that President Kennedy and Governor Connally were struck by three separate bullets (not counting the JFK head shot). These three bullets all disappeared...somehow...without a single one being recovered and placed into evidence.

Regarding the subject of bullets -- The Commission discounts Bullet #CE399 as being connected to the actual shooting in any fashion whatsoever....because we've been told by people with far greater minds and resources than that which the Commission possesses that Bullet 399 was "planted" in Parkland Hospital by some unknown conspirator (or it was "switched" with the "real" Parkland bullet by the FBI....or by somebody else unknown) in order to mislead the investigators and in order to falsely implicate one Lee Harvey Oswald in the President's demise.

Therefore, the Commission has no choice but to accept this rumor of bullet-planting (or bullet-switching) as being an ironclad, undeniable fact, even though the Commission has no solid, verifiable evidence to back up such allegations of evidence tampering. But, I'm obliged to go with the flow and just assume that said bullet was a plant. Oh, well. So be it.

We at the Commission are at a loss to explain where all of these three missing projectiles vanished to. But I guess we'll just have to assume that they all just magically evaporated into a puff of smoke just after the THREE (unknown and unseen) separate gunmen squeezed off these rounds into the two victims.

We at the Commission are also at a loss to explain just how the bullet which entered Mr. Connally's back created an elongated entry wound without having hit President Kennedy (or some solid object) first. But, we'll just have to assume, I guess, that the bullet started tumbling in mid-air after having hit nothing but Dallas, Texas, atmosphere between the rifleman's weapon and the Governor's back.

Also...we at the Warren Commission are somewhat stumped as to WHY two separate bullets completely stopped after striking JFK's neck and back, with neither bullet causing an exit wound after entering, and with neither of these two bullets striking any hard or bony substances within the President's body. Another obligatory "Oh, well" is needed here it would appear. (Along with a vigorous shrugging of the shoulders, signifying complete and utter bewilderment regarding this matter, a matter that all conspiracy theorists think is totally unimportant and, therefore, doesn't mean a darn thing.)

The rest of the Commission staff and I are also unable to explain the fact that the autopsy report (signed by three doctors) unambiguously determined (on page #6 of its report) that the bullet which struck JFK in his upper back positively emerged from the front of his neck and then went....well....where the hell did it go? It must have gone someplace. But I've been told by conspiracy theorists that I can't rely on a "Single-Bullet Conclusion"; so the answer must rest elsewhere.

And we know the bullet did not do any damage to the interior of the limousine, because the FBI's Bob Frazier testified to that fact during our interview with him. (Note -- Check on Mr. Robert A. Frazier's credibility...he may be "in" on the "cover-up" too, just like hundreds of others like him, who are bent on keeping the truth of President Kennedy's death a secret no matter what.)

Oh well, we'll just leave this additional little problem to greater minds in future generations. For right now, I'll just pretend this snafu concerning the autopsy report (saying that a bullet exited JFK's throat) doesn't exist at all.

The Commission's members and staff are also a little puzzled as to how in the world Governor Connally was struck by a separate shot in the back, even though he was seated almost directly in front of JFK in the car.

Given the bullet's entry point on Mr. Connally's back and its downward and slightly right-to-left course through the Governor's body, it would seem to us at the Commission that this bullet would have probably had to have passed through someone sitting behind the Governor prior to striking Mr. Connally.

But, various conspiracy theorists have told us that this one-bullet scenario must be impossible, so I guess we'll have to think of a non-SBT way for this bullet to get to Connally by not travelling through the man sitting behind Mr. Connally. Oh well...we'll try another theory I guess.

Another "Commission Stumper" for us dumbbells in Washington is the amazing "lining up" of the three wounds on the two victims -- with the back wounds on the President and Governor Connally, plus the wound on the front of JFK's neck, seemingly lining up pretty doggone close to being at an approximate 17-degree downward angle through the men, which is, as it turns out by gosh, an angle that leads back to a sixth-floor window in a building where a certain rifle with the serial number C2766 was found at 1:22 PM on November 22 (just 52 minutes after JFK and John Connally were shot by these [at least] three separate gunmen in Dealey Plaza).

Oh well, just a pure coincidence I guess. I'll mark it down as such a coincidence...but I want these incredible shooters/marksmen on MY side in the next war, by golly, I'll tell ya that right now!

We at the Commission, after looking long and hard at the Abraham Zapruder home movie of the assassination, are also a tad bit perplexed at just exactly HOW these THREE SEPARATE (ace) shooters in Dallas were able to fire their respective weapons in perfect, or near-perfect, synchronization from their three separate locations within Dealey Plaza so to have struck the two victims with these three shots/bullets at a point in time (per the Zapruder home movie) to make it appear that both men were struck initially by bullets at an identical point in time.

(Note -- Maybe the film has been "altered" in some manner....consult a certain "Mr. Fetzer" for further information on this possibility; because, sans alteration of said motion picture and sans a whole bunch of people running around covering up the real evidence, it looks to most of the Commission members and its staff as if this three-bullet scenario is a real turd of an idea.)

The Commission is also in a quandary over the Neutron Activation Analysis, which concluded that the Connally wrist fragments "most likely" came from bullet CE399 found at Parkland. [This "NAA" item is a bonus item. Since Vincent Guinn's NAA analysis did not occur until the 1970s, we can just pretend that Mr. Specter added this item to his notebook at a later date.]

But, if the Warren Commission is to believe the words of valid and bona fide conspiracy researchers who have studied this case long and hard, then Commission Exhibit #399, as I discussed earlier, was "planted" by evil henchmen in the hospital.

(Note -- Figure out a way to make myself believe that there was ANY way on this Earth that some crazy, suicidal conspirator(s) would have had a desire to risk blowing the conspiracy plot wide open by planting a bullet on a stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas before 2:00 PM (Central Standard Time) on 11/22/63, a time when Governor Connally was still in the operating room and, hence, no plotters had the slightest friggin' idea where all the "real" bullets connected with the assassination were located. Then call Vince Bugliosi in Minnesota or L.A. -- I need to talk to someone with a grip on reality here.)

[Specter Simulation Off]

The above serves as a paraphrased transcript of Arlen Specter's probable notes regarding an alternative to the Single-Bullet Theory--dated September 8th, 1964 [with an addendum added in 1978 for the NAA stuff]. Exact verbiage may vary from final notebook of Mr. Specter. But rest assured, whatever the final verbatim version of such a notebook would have looked like, the end result would have been undoubtedly just as laughable and impossibly ridiculous.


The Single-Bullet Theory is so obviously the most logical (and almost certainly correct) version of the wounding of both President John F. Kennedy and Governor John Connally....and for so many different and interconnected reasons (most of which are outlined in tongue-in-cheek style above).

Even the "evidence" which ISN'T present in the JFK murder case (but SHOULD definitely be in existence if the SBT is a false scenario) is telling us that the Commission's single-bullet conclusion almost HAS to be accurate -- e.g., no bullets found in the victims; no other bullets in evidence except CE399; no damage to the limo's back-seat areas; plus: virtually no damage done to the interior portions of JFK's upper back and neck (i.e., no broken bones and no hard, bony structures being struck by either of the TWO projectiles that conspiracists believe entered these regions of the President's body and failed to exit).

The total absence of injuries within President Kennedy's neck and back is enough--all by itself--to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that just a single bullet made a clean getaway through JFK's body, without pausing to do any substantial damage whatsoever.

It's always been amazing to me that so many people who bash Mr. Specter and the Single-Bullet Theory can then seemingly believe in some "alternate" scenario that is far more fanciful and full of implausibilities and complications and vanishing bullets than is the Single-Bullet Conclusion. And there MUST be a correct alternate theory if the SBT is untrue. So what the heck is it?! Conspiracists never say, of course.

In short, those who disbelieve the SBT are, by default, automatically choosing to believe some OTHER theory regarding the wounding of President Kennedy and Governor Connally. And ANY alternate theory in this matter falls way, way short in the common-sense and realistic departments--not to mention in the "physical evidence" category as well.

But even if one day in the year 2099 (when some brave person decides to put forth an alternate theory that he/she thinks debunks the SBT once and for all), one thing's still a certainty: No other theory postulated could possibly match the EVIDENCE and, above all, the COMMON SENSE that the Single-Bullet Theory matches and possesses.


"You call it the [Single-Bullet] theory; I call it the 'conclusion'. It was a theory until we found the facts; that's why I refer to it as the 'Single-Bullet Conclusion'." -- Arlen Specter; 1965

David Von Pein

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If you use the correct wound location on Kennedy’s back (not neck) the SBT cannot be correct. Glen Bennett saw JFK hit in the back “about 4 inches down from the shoulder.” Clint Hill viewed the body in the morgue and testified that the back wound was “about 6 inches below the neck line.” The Boswell face sheet puts it in the back, not the neck. The holes in the jacket and shirt are well below the neck line. James Jenkins described the back wound as shallow (and the autopsy doctors were unable to determine any sort of track to the throat—which would have been upwards, in any case.) Thomas Robinson was “adamant” that he saw the throat wound being probed from the back of the skull. Jerrol Custer testified that a “king-size” bullet fragment fell out of Kennedy’s back when the body was lifted for X-rays. The latest Paul Landis revelation is just another nail in the coffin of the SBT.

Just because only 3 hulls were found in the TSBD doesn’t mean that only 3 shots were fired. There are plenty of reasons why witnesses just were likely to under-report the number of shots that were fired, and there are some (like Sam Holland) who insisted that a fourth shot was fired. I like the acoustical evidence, which counts five “suspect impulses,” although one was likely of lesser volume, with one having a “95% or better” degree of confidence as being a “Grassy Knoll” shot (actually fired from the road in front of the GK).

 I know that your site claims that the bullet evidence for more than 3 shots never existed, but like the SBT, some of the evidence had chains of custody that were mucked with, to try to strengthen the case against Oswald in the court of public opinion. I intend to write an article about the ballistic evidence, but in the meantime you can read https://www.a-benign-conspiracy.com/multiple-stretcher-bullets-aka-the-connally-bullet-revisited.html.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

If you use the correct wound location on Kennedy’s back (not neck) the SBT cannot be correct.

I strongly disagree with your above statement, Denise.

IMO, the best visual (photographic) evidence there is to demonstrate the correctness of the SBT is Commission Exhibit No. 903, which clearly and plainly shows that the Warren Commission did NOT "raise the back wound" up into the "neck" of JFK (which is a claim constantly being made by conspiracists). Just look for yourself and see where the WC (Arlen Specter) places the wound via his metal pointer/rod---it's definitely in the BACK here, not the NECK....


And the pointer is then being inserted into the exact same bullet hole in the coat that was being worn by John Connally when he was shot. And the angle of Specter's pointer (which perfectly matches the angle of the string that's on the wall in the background) is 17.72 degrees (17d-43m-30s), which matches the angle from Oswald's window to Kennedy's back wound at circa Zapruder frame Z217.5 (i.e., the average angle between Z210 and Z225) as measured by the surveyors out on Elm Street.

Pat Speer's persistent gripes concerning CE903 notwithstanding, that particular Commission exhibit (CE903) is just about as perfect in an "SBT" manner as you could get---which (when you dwell upon it for just a few minutes) is absolutely incredible if the CTers are correct about the SBT being nothing but a totally made-up crock of horse manure.

Lots more here:

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/The SBT Perfection Of CE903

And here:

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/Gerald Ford And The SBT


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Has any conspiracy theorist in history ever made this basic observation?....

Boy, those assassins were sure a bunch of lucky sons of bitches when the guy who shot JFK in the throat from the front managed to hit Kennedy in exactly the right spot on his body so that (later on) the official investigators could utilize that entry wound in the throat as the point of exit for the SBT bullet. And then the multiple assassins got even luckier when the upper-back bullet and the bullet that entered the throat both decided not to exit the body and then both of those bullets vanished into puffs of smoke before either of those bullets (which obviously were still inside JFK's body when he was inside Trauma Room No. 1 at Parkland Hospital) could be seen by any non-conspirator.

Can anyone truly believe that such incredible good fortune could possibly have existed amongst the (alleged) multiple shooters who were (allegedly) firing bullets at President Kennedy on 11/22/63?

(And yet CTers have the gall to tell me that I am the one who believes in "Magic Bullets". Oy vey!)


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Obviously, the rod in CE 903 isn't going through the Kennedy stand-in, so at best can only be an approximation. And it is an incorrect approximation, in my view. As for Gerald Ford, I can't speak for his motivations, but "neck" is obviously not the same as some 4-6 inches below the neck line, which is the under-oath testimony of the back wound's location.

Just a quick count of the ballistic evidence--a sort of preview of my upcoming yet-to-be-written article:

The Von Pein website claims that there was never enough ballistic evidence recovered for more than 3 shots. However, while (to the best of my knowledge) the Tague bullet was never recovered, the other bullets were. In fact, if considered separately, rather than too little ballistic evidence to support more than 3 shots being fired, there is actually too much ballistic evidence per anecdotal accounts to support only 3 shots being fired. (One might argue that there is too much anecdotal evidence for my 5-shot scenario, but I resolve this by having one bullet being moved around by multiple Secret Service agents, from limousine, to JFK stretcher, back to limousine, to Ronnie Fuller stretcher in the hallway.) My article  Multiple Stretcher Bullets AKA The Connally Bullet Revisited describes how there were actually two stretcher bullets: the "pointed" AR-15 bullet (for which the "pristine" CE-399 was a substitution), and the somewhat fragmented Connally bullet picked up by a nurse (probably Diana Bowron) and subsequently given to Texas Highway Patrolman Bobby Nolan, while the tiny Connally fragments recovered during his surgery were turned over to the FBI/Secret Service by head surgical nurse Audrey Bell. Meanwhile, Parkland employee Darrell Tomlinson discovered the "pointed" AR-15 bullet on a hallway stretcher that had been used by neither Kennedy nor Connally, and alerted Parkland head of security O.P. Wright, who turned the "pointed" bullet over to Secret Service agent Elmer Todd, I believe. That's two bullets. The third bullet is accounted for by the nose and tail fragments found in the front of the limousine. (which combined don't account for even half of a Carcanno bullet), plus the "king-size" fragment Jerrol Custer told the ARRB fell out of Kennedy's back when the body was lifted for X-rays. That's three bullets. Then there's Dr. Young's "extra" bullet found in the limousine and brought into the autopsy and described in my article What Happened - Shot 2. That's four bullets. The fifth one, of course, is the Tague bullet, which might or might not have ever been recovered.

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12 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Boy, those assassins were sure a bunch of lucky sons of bitches when the guy who shot JFK in the throat from the front managed to hit Kennedy in exactly the right spot on his body so that (later on) the official investigators could utilize that entry wound in the throat as the point of exit for the SBT bullet. And then the multiple assassins got even luckier when the upper-back bullet and the bullet that entered the throat both decided not to exit the body and then both of those bullets vanished into puffs of smoke before either of those bullets (which obviously were still inside JFK's body when he was inside Trauma Room No. 1 at Parkland Hospital) could be seen by any non-conspirator.

Can anyone truly believe that such incredible good fortune could possibly have existed amongst the (alleged) multiple shooters who were (allegedly) firing bullets at President Kennedy on 11/22/63?

I actually think the throat wound was caused by a fragment from the same bullet whose nose and tail fragments were found in the front of the car (one of the tiny fragments found in the rug under the jump seat, or possibly a single fragment that broke into 3 when it hit the floor.)

You fail to consider the possibility of there being a desire to cover up a Secret Service AR-15 accident and other Secret Service "oopsies" (i.e., the Dr. Young Bullet that I contend caused the windshield hole). You also fail to consider that the witness accounts for the Tomlinson/Wright bullet describe it as having been "pointed." Moreover, Audrey Bell's account of the Connally surgery fragments fails to match Texas Highway Patrolman Bobby Nolan's account of the "bullet" in an envelope that he was given by a nurse (Bowron?) and took to DPD Chief Fritz. There are too many chains-of-custody for the existing evidence. That's because the embarrassing evidence was made to "disappear."

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

Obviously, the rod in CE 903 isn't going through the Kennedy stand-in, so at best can only be an approximation. And it is an incorrect approximation, in my view.

Why do you say it's "incorrect"? The pointer is obviously NOT entering the "neck". It's the upper BACK. And, yes, I know that the pointer is going over the shoulder of the JFK stand-in, but what else could anybody expect via a demonstration of this sort? You can't expect Specter to sacrifice an FBI (or SS) agent just for the sake of a picture. So that makes the lateral [R-to-L] angle in the CE903 photo off by just a tiny bit so that Specter wouldn't have to skewer the agent sitting in JFK's seat.

Plus, as I said in my last post, the angle is just right for it to lead back to the "Oswald" window (17.72 degrees).....which, I admit, is likely not the exact angle that the SBT bullet took on Nov. 22. But a little bit of "margin of error" must be permitted the WC on the angles. Here's why....



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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

I actually think the throat wound was caused by a fragment from the same bullet whose nose and tail fragments were found in the front of the car...

Then that would be yet another incredible piece of luck for the conspirators.....to have the throat wound come out so nice and round and perfect and non-jagged (and in just the right spot on JFK's neck!) so that Specter & Company would be able to say that it was the exit for CE399. That would be absolutely amazing.

Don't you find those things rather amazing yourself, Denise, in an "SBT"-like way?


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18 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Then that would be yet another incredible piece of luck for the conspirators.....to have the throat wound come out so nice and round and perfect and non-jagged (and in just the right spot on JFK's neck!) so that Specter & Company would be able to say that it was the exit for CE399. That would be absolutely amazing.


The "conspiracy" was the covering up of embarrassing Secret Service accidents, not multiple shooters on the Triple Underpass or Dal-Tex building or GK or wherever. I really do wish you would read my articles. There is simply too much ballistic evidence for your scenario of Oswald-as-the-loan-shooter. If you read my "Multiple Stretcher Bullets" article, you will see that there is one chain for the stretcher/nurse/Nolan/Fritz bullet (the main part of the Connally bullet), another chain for the fragments recovered from Connally during the surgery, and yet another chain for the Tomlinson/Wright intact ("pointed") bullet (for which CE-399 was a substitution). Then you need to account for the Dr. Young bullet found in the limousine, corroborated by Captain/Admiral David Osbourne plus a Navy corpsman. Then the limo fragments. Then the Tague bullet (which as far as I know was never recovered). So I'm giving four chains of custody for separate pieces of ballistic evidence, plus good reasons for covering up two of those of bullets. No conspiracy to murder, but a "benign cover-up" (as CIA director John McCone admitted to participating in) for embarrassing SS responses.

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2 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

The "conspiracy" was the covering up of embarrassing Secret Service accidents...

Do you actually believe the "Hickey Shot JFK By Accident" theory?

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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Do you actually believe the "Hickey Shot JFK By Accident" theory?

Not Donahue’s version, exactly, but yes. Donahue was on the right track, but he got the details wrong.

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Donahue's AR-15 accident idea was a flash of brilliant insight, but he otherwise placed too much reliance on the (altered) Z-film, did not consider enough witness accounts, and believed (contrary to witness accounts) that Oswald had fired only 2 shots (due to a dent in one of the hulls--which might have occurred after the shooting by someone in DPD dry-firing the weapon or stepping on a hull before it was picked up.) Donahue's work was done largely before HSCA, made no consideration of acoustics, and utilized a  limited number of witness accounts. I expanded the witness accounts, aligned acoustics, and accept Z-film alteration as the explanation for why the EOP entrance and exit wounds don't match Z-film, accepted the acoustical evidence, and accepted a more extensive government cover-up than Donahue did. So aside from "AR-15 accident," our scenarios are very different.


Both Donahue and Denise:

Hickey inadvertently fired the AR-15, which explains nose witnesses smelling gun smoke at ground level on Elm Street, explains ear witnesses as saying a shot came from "right there, in the car," explains flash of light and "puff of smoke" (okay, the "puff of smoke" was one of Colin McLaren's addition to Donahue's theory, which McLaren otherwise leaves intact--the other additions being Yarborough's statements that the "third" shot "might have been a SS man returning the fire" and account of SS man "beating his fist against the trunk of the car in frustration and despair"), explains government shenanigans (which Donahue accepted to a more limited degree than I do), and explains AR-15 taken out of service immediately after the assassination. (Denise adds: no assault style weapons in SS arsenal until relatively recently, despite criticisms from other agencies--although the SS seemed more than happy to keep Thompson submachine guns in its arsenal.) 


Differences between Donahue and Denise:

Donahue: Believed in the SBT, only 3 total shots fired, accepted "cowlick" entrance (because he knew that EOP didn't work, given Kennedy's head position in Z-film), single head shot, accepted "front" of the head blow-out, trusted Zapruder film, trusted CE-399, does not account for windshield hole, did not know about slam-fire flaw in AR-15 (but would likely have accepted it if he did) and thought Hickey inadvertently pulled the trigger. Work done largely before HSCA (no acoustical evidence alignment).

Denise: No SBT, 5 shots total (aligning with acoustical evidence), 2 head shots (forehead and "EOP" entrances), back of the head blow-out (due to earlier Oswald head shot), altered Z-film (and other altered altered films and photographs), aligns more (and resolves often conflicting) witness statements, accounts for windshield hole, 3 shooters: 2 SSA's [Taylor? fired warning shot + Hickey's AR-15 accident]) + Oswald (or at least, TSBD shooter), CE399 was a substitution for AR-15 bullet, accounts for windshield hole, aware of AR-15 "slam-fire" flaw (thanks to Donahue's chronicler Bonar Menninger), and relates AR-15 accident to limo stop (not seen in Z-film).


Hope this clears some things up -- or at least, makes you interested in checking out my work.


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19 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

We at the Commission are also at a loss to explain just how the bullet which entered Mr. Connally's back created an elongated entry wound without having hit President Kennedy (or some solid object) first. But, we'll just have to assume, I guess, that the bullet started tumbling in mid-air after having hit nothing but Dallas, Texas, atmosphere between the rifleman's weapon and the Governor's back.

The bullet didn’t really create an elongated wound though. Connally’s clothing proves definitively he was hit almost dead on. The wound in Connally’s back was enlarged by Shaw - “debrided” I think is the term but I’m not positive on that. 

Connally getting hit by a non-tumbling bullet doesn’t necessarily harm the SBT though. 6.5mm MC ammo was some of the most stable ammunition on the planet. Martin Fackler’s tests in I think the late 90s showed that the rounds passed through ~60cm of ballistics gel before tumbling. 

http://thinlineweapons.com/IWBA/2001-Vol5No2.pdf p.41

I don’t know the exact number off the top of my head, but the proposed path-length through JFK’s torso is surely less than 60cm. 

Another thing I don’t know, and am curious about, is the expected behavior of the ammunition passing from tissue into air. If I recall, the bullet did tumble in a few SBT simulations, maybe by Lattimer and I think the Discovery Channel. If the tendency of a 6.5mm bullet passing from a JFK torso-length wound track into air is to tumble, and tumble consistently, that could be a real problem for the SBT.  

You’d have to explain how a tumbling bullet could leave holes like those observed in Connally’s clothing, which suggest a minimal yaw angle at entry. I forget the exact dimensions but the holes are small and quite symmetrical, and appear to have been made by a direct or nearly-direct hit.  

I suppose it’s not impossible that the bullet did a full 360 or something, or entered backwards, but I kinda doubt it. A much better explanation IMO is that the bullet didn’t tumble at all. The question is if that’s typical, or even possible behavior given the conditions in DP. 

Considering Fackler’s test, I suspect a non-tumbling bullet is still consistent with the SBT, but I’d like to see someone prove it.

@Benjamin Cole wrote a very good article on this topic a while back. I’d link it but I can’t get it to load. 

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