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Mark Groubert: The Big Version: LBJ Perped the JFKA

Benjamin Cole

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I was asked to provide this longer version of the LBD did it version of the JFKA.

Obviously, this is Part I, but you can find Part II when you watch this one. 

I am not really a fan of the LBJ Did It version, as I see the JFKA/RFK1A as the beginning of a string of intel-state deposings of US Presidents or aspirants. 

IMHO, after the JFKA/RFK1A, came Nixon, Carter and then Trump deposings. I find it less plausible that a certain smaller groups, with less resources than the US intel state, could have pulled off such string of events. 

In the middle was the strange snuff job done on the photographic negatives of Scott Enyart in 1996, which were snapped in the pantry during the RFK1A. That called for some intel-state work also.  

But certainly the LBJ Did It crowd is strong, and has adherents inside the EF-JFKA, and makes valid arguments. I am not one to censor views not my own, or denigrate those with different views. 

So, for all in the EF-JFKA, sit back on enjoy Mark Groubert. He is an excellent showman, and a real JFKA buff. 

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I was asked to provide this longer version of the LBD did it version of the JFKA.

Obviously, this is Part I, but you can find Part II when you watch this one. 

I am not really a fan of the LBJ Did It version, as I see the JFKA/RFK1A as the beginning of a string of intel-state deposings of US Presidents or aspirants. 

IMHO, after the JFKA/RFK1A, came Nixon, Carter and then Trump deposings. I find it less plausible that a certain smaller groups, with less resources than the US intel state, could have pulled off such string of events. 

In the middle was the strange snuff job done on the photographic negatives of Scott Enyart in 1996, which were snapped in the pantry during the RFK1A. That called for some intel-state work also.  

But certainly the LBJ Did It crowd is strong, and has adherents inside the EF-JFKA, and makes valid arguments. I am not one to censor views not my own, or denigrate those with different views. 

So, for all in the EF-JFKA, sit back on enjoy Mark Groubert. He is an excellent showman, and a real JFKA buff. 

The key to the JFK assassination is not LBJ- Mac Wallace, but rather the close ties of Lyndon Johnson and his Texas powerbrokers D.H. Byrd, Ed Clark and perhaps George Brown (of Kellogg Brown and Root) to a select group of operatives in military intelligence (Gen. Edward Lansdale) and the CIA.

D.H. Byrd, Ed Clark and George Brown all made a LOT OF MONEY off of Lyndon Johnson both before and after the JFK assassination. That was their motive. LBJ's motive was the avoidance of immediate destruction at the hands of the Kennedys.

The reason for the JFK assassination was NOT that JFK was killed because of his move to peace or his unwillingness to prosecute the Vietnam War but rather the Kennedys were at WAR with Lyndon Johnson and doing everything in their power to utterly destroy him in real time in November, 1963. LBJ was acutely aware of the Kennedys "destroy LBJ" program and highly concerned, obsessed and agitated about it.

The actual field team shooters, roped in by Lansdale from Operation Mongoose, of JFK were very likely CIA connected anti-Castro operatives who hated JFK for his policy on Cuba (meaning no invasion or a possible reconciliation with Castro).

Lansdale's motive was he was in RAGE over the recent murder of his friend Diem in Vietnam and also his own personal demotion from having any policy say so in the Kennedy Administration. Also, Lansdale worked under Robert Kennedy in Operation Mongoose and RFK had a way of enraging his older subordinates.

LBJ and the Texans approached elements of the military and said, "Please put a bullet in JFK's head" and the answer was "Sure, we have wanted to do that for a long time."

There was NO MONETARY PAY OFF for the JFK assassination. They people who murdered JFK at both top and low levels would have killed Kennedy for free and taken a piss on his corpse if given the chance. The hatred levels, for different reasons, were that high.





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