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Would Dallas DA Henry Wade Have Prosecuted LHO as a "Co-Conspirator"?

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David Von Pein has started an interesting thread on the defense of LHO elsewhere on the EF-JFKA. 

But what I wonder is...would Dallas DA Wade have prosecuted LHO as a "co-conspirator"? Seems likely. 

The reason I posit Wade would have alleged a conspiracy is the mountain of evidence---whether accurate of not---pointing to a shot from the GK area, meaning a co-conspirator. 

1. The Z-film shows JFK being pushed violently to the back and left---as if shot from the GK area.  I don't know why that violent motion happened, but jurors might have reasonable doubts as to why. 

2. Dallas Sheriff Decker and DPD Chief Curry both said they heard shots from the front of them, from the GK-overpass area. Whether justified or not, that is some heavy brass, and would influence jurors. Would they wear their uniforms in the trial? Seems likely.

3. I assume defense counsel would also summon numerous witnesses who would also testify they heard shots and saw gunsmoke in the GK area. Especially Sam Holland, who is the very picture of Texan salt of the earth. 

4. The still photographs and x-rays of JFK are muddy, inconsistent and misleading. One color photographs appear to show no damage to back of JFK's head. How can that be?  

5. Dr Crenshaw would testify he thought JFK has been shot from the front. 

Gee, jurors might have reasonable doubts the fatal shot had come from the front--while LHO was behind JFK. 

For all of these reasons, Wade might have decided (as he initially planned) to prosecute LHO as part of a conspiracy, that successfully assassinated the president, and that LHO was "holding out" on naming his confederates. 

Just IMHO. 



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No, Henry Wade would not have prosecuted Oswald as a "conspirator" in the JFK assassination, no matter what the evidence was, and that is because Lyndon Johnson, through aides, was telling Henry Wade to NOT ALLEGE ANY CONSPIRACY IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION.

And that is because Lyndon Johnson, the actual perp in the JFK assassination, (my opinion) wanted to blame the murder of JFK on one person: Lee Harvey Oswald alone. LBJ did not want any talk of "conspiracy" public validated because ... that road might end up at his feet.

It is important to know that Dallas DA Henry Wade used to work for BOTH Lyndon Johnson and FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and that Henry Wade was a roommate with LBJ insider John Connally during WWII. The influence of LBJ and his Dallas powerbrokers was heavy.

Henry Wade:  

"Washington's word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy-whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend." -Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney

Lauren Guyenot:



From the moment he became president while Kennedy’s body was still warm, Johnson used all the weight of his newly acquired authority to kill the investigation and impose the necessity of selling to the public the “lone gunman” theory. In order to do that, he didn’t try to convince people around him that this was the truth; rather, he claimed it was a matter of national security. Instead of playing down the importance of evidence linking Oswald to the USSR and communist Cuba, he dramatized its highly explosive nature, capable of igniting a new world war—a nuclear one. Hours after Oswald was arrested, Johnson insisted that all federal and state bodies quickly deny any rumor of foreign conspiracy and assert that Oswald had acted alone. Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade, Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr, and Police Chief Jesse Curry all received phone calls from Johnson’s aide Cliff Carter (Johnson’s flunky ever since he had helped him steal his first Senate election in 1948), issued directly from Air Force One and then the White House. According to Wade, “[Carter] said that President Johnson felt any word of a conspiracy—some plot by foreign nations—to kill President Kennedy would shake our nation to its foundations. […] Washington’s word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy, whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend.”

  Johnson continued to raise the specter of nuclear war to silence the “rumors” of a communist conspiracy: “40 million American lives hung in the balance,” he kept repeating.421 Johnson used the same argument to direct the hand of the members of the Warren Commission formed on November 29 to appease public suspicion of a government cover-up. “We’ve got to be taking this out of the arena where they’re testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did that and check us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an hour,” he explained to Senator Richard Russell in a telephone conversation on November 29, persuading him to join the commission


Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

No, Henry Wade would not have prosecuted Oswald as a "conspirator" in the JFK assassination, no matter what the evidence was, and that is because Lyndon Johnson, through aides, was telling Henry Wade to NOT ALLEGE ANY CONSPIRACY IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION.

And that is because Lyndon Johnson, the actual perp in the JFK assassination, (my opinion) wanted to blame the murder of JFK on one person: Lee Harvey Oswald alone. LBJ did not want any talk of "conspiracy" public validated because ... that road might end up at his feet.

It is important to know that Dallas DA Henry Wade used to work for BOTH Lyndon Johnson and FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and that Henry Wade was a roommate with LBJ insider John Connally during WWII. The influence of LBJ and his Dallas powerbrokers was heavy.

Henry Wade:  

"Washington's word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy-whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend." -Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney

Lauren Guyenot:



From the moment he became president while Kennedy’s body was still warm, Johnson used all the weight of his newly acquired authority to kill the investigation and impose the necessity of selling to the public the “lone gunman” theory. In order to do that, he didn’t try to convince people around him that this was the truth; rather, he claimed it was a matter of national security. Instead of playing down the importance of evidence linking Oswald to the USSR and communist Cuba, he dramatized its highly explosive nature, capable of igniting a new world war—a nuclear one. Hours after Oswald was arrested, Johnson insisted that all federal and state bodies quickly deny any rumor of foreign conspiracy and assert that Oswald had acted alone. Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade, Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr, and Police Chief Jesse Curry all received phone calls from Johnson’s aide Cliff Carter (Johnson’s flunky ever since he had helped him steal his first Senate election in 1948), issued directly from Air Force One and then the White House. According to Wade, “[Carter] said that President Johnson felt any word of a conspiracy—some plot by foreign nations—to kill President Kennedy would shake our nation to its foundations. […] Washington’s word to me was that it would hurt foreign relations if I alleged conspiracy, whether I could prove it or not. I was just to charge Oswald with plain murder and go for the death penalty. Johnson had Cliff Carter call me three or four times that weekend.”

  Johnson continued to raise the specter of nuclear war to silence the “rumors” of a communist conspiracy: “40 million American lives hung in the balance,” he kept repeating.421 Johnson used the same argument to direct the hand of the members of the Warren Commission formed on November 29 to appease public suspicion of a government cover-up. “We’ve got to be taking this out of the arena where they’re testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did that and check us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an hour,” he explained to Senator Richard Russell in a telephone conversation on November 29, persuading him to join the commission



Thanks for your collegial comments. 

You are entirely correct that Democrat President LBJ perped a snuff job on a true investigation of the assassination of the fellow Democrat President JFK. It is still shocking. 

Some day I plan a list on the many snuff jobs that have been perped on a true JFKA investigation. The WC, Garrison, Richard Sprague, the RFK1A, the snuff job on a true RFK1A investigation, the Scott Enyart photo heist, and the JFK Records Act. I am forgetting a few. Maybe readers remember. 

My take is LBJ was being handled by the CIA at that point (Nov. 23-24-25), with the WWIII scare---a scare they planned in advance, by having LHO visit Kostikov in Mexico City. 

Also, I do not see the LBJ mafia organizing the RFK1A,  and the Scott Enyart photo heist in 1996. IMHO, they are follow-on events, or part of twin assassinations. 

Those acts strike me as well beyond the ken of foreign governments, the Mob, or right-wing racists and so on, or LBJ.

Who then?

Likely, the same organization that can subvert, evidently in perpetuity, the JFK Records Act. 

Just IMHO. I enjoy reading your views. 

(Wade prosecuting LHO would depend on his living, of course. Even the CIA, realizing that a Texas jury might feel conflicted about the shots coming from the front, might give LBJ and Wade a new narrative: There was a small, domestic conspiracy, of unaffiliated left-wing losers.) 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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6 hours ago, Johnny Cairns said:

No, Oswald was to be tried as the lone killer. The Dallas Police wanted him before a grand jury by January 1964. My article on this point, https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-dallas-police-convicted-oswald-without-a-trial-part-1


You write a lot of good articles on the JFK assassination. 

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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

You are entirely correct that Democrat President LBJ perped a snuff job on a true investigation of the assassination of the fellow Democrat President JFK. It is still shocking. 

Some day I plan a list on the many snuff jobs that have been perped on a true JFKA investigation. The WC, Garrison, Richard Sprague, the RFK1A, the snuff job on a true RFK1A investigation, the Scott Enyart photo heist, and the JFK Records Act. I am forgetting a few. Maybe readers remember. 

My take is LBJ was being handled by the CIA at that point (Nov. 23-24-25), with the WWIII scare---a scare they planned in advance, by having LHO visit Kostikov in Mexico City. 

Also, I do not see the LBJ mafia organizing the RFK1A,  and the Scott Enyart photo heist in 1996. IMHO, they are follow-on events, or part of twin assassinations. 

Those acts strike me as well beyond the ken of foreign governments, the Mob, or right-wing racists and so on, or LBJ.

Who then?

Likely, the same organization that can subvert, evidently in perpetuity, the JFK Records Act. 

Just IMHO. I enjoy reading your views. 

(Wade prosecuting LHO would depend on his living, of course. Even the CIA, realizing that a Texas jury might feel conflicted about the shots coming from the front, might give LBJ and Wade a new narrative: There was a small, domestic conspiracy, of unaffiliated left-wing losers.) 

The WWIII scare? The one where the communists, Russian or Cuban, were behind the JFK assassination and we need to cover this up because we might have nuclear war if we don't?

Who was immediately pushing the notion - in hard right-wing Dallas where a boatload of people had warned JFK not to go because of the toxic "hate JFK atmosphere - that COMMUNISTS were behind the JFK assassination?

Before John Kennedy’s body is in rigor mortis, a “very cool” Lyndon Johnson, by 1:20 PM is immediately telling JFK assistant press secretary Mac Kilduff: “We don’t know what kind of a communist conspiracy this might be…”

Go to the 11 minute mark of this very important Mac Kilduff interview (11-22-91): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSpw9w5GGYk Mac Kilduff was filling in for JFK press secretary Pierre Salinger who did not make the Dallas trip.

          Thirty minutes before Oswald’s arrest at 1:50 PM or more likely 2PM, Lyndon Johnson is immediately pushing the “communists did it” narrative.

          The political world in America and the Kennedy entourage were thinking it was a far-right Dallas conspiracy that had just killed JFK - one of the “nuts” from “Nut Country” as John Kennedy had described Dallas just two hours before his death,after reading an assault ad accusing him of treason in the Dallas Morning News, on the plane ride over from Fort Worth. (JFK to Jackie: “We’re heading into nut country.”)

          So, how does Lyndon Johnson, with his legendary political ken, immediately deduce with his paranormal abilities that it was a “communist conspiracy” within mere minutes (or seconds) of his finding out (1:20PM) that JFK was deceased and a full 30 minutes before patsy Oswald was arrested at 1:50PM or 2PM in the Texas Theater? Didn’t Lyndon Johnson himself have a nasty experience with Dallas’s Mink Coat Mob in the 1960 presidential campaign?  Just one month before in October 1963, Adlai Stevenson had been assaulted by the far right of Dallas Because of that Adlai Stevenson had in fact personally implored JFK to not go to Dallas. Not only that, a Dallas citizen Nelle Doyle had written JFK and begged him not to come to Dallas because of fears over his safety in the far right Dallas atmosphere.

Did Lyndon Johnson have divination powers the equal of Carnac the Magnificient  to immediately *know* that the communists  must have murdered John Kennedy?

LBJ left Parkland Hospital at 1:26 PM. U.S. intelligence agent and patsy Oswald not arrested until 1:50PM. LBJ’s comments to Kilduff were made sometime just after 1:20PM when he found out JFK was deceased.



It was interesting to note in retrospect what his reaction was, Bob. You will recall that Adlai Stevenson had been to Texas a few weeks before that. And we had the far political right was very active in General Walker … and Adlai Stevenson had been belted with rotten eggs in Dallas. So we all though this was some sort of you know right, far right activity. Lyndon Johnson was very cool. He said, “Well now Mac [LBJ said] before you make that announcement we don’t know what kind of a communist conspiracy this might be.” He was thinking a communist conspiracy.

INTERVIEWER BOB HENSLEY OF WTVQ:: “He is saying that it was a conspiracy. He wants to know who was involved.”


That’s right. But he [LBJ] thought said ”this could be a communist conspiracy. And I think the best thing for me to do is get back to Air Force One before you make that announcement.”

I said “alright.”

He [LBJ] said then “We will wait back there. For whatever you are going to to. And then to go back to Washington.” So with that we left the trauma room with Johnson, went out the emergency exit of the hospital, put him in his car and he took off for Love Field, to go back to Love Field and Air Force One.





Edited by Robert Morrow
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7 hours ago, Johnny Cairns said:

No, Oswald was to be tried as the lone killer. The Dallas Police wanted him before a grand jury by January 1964. My article on this point, https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-dallas-police-convicted-oswald-without-a-trial-part-1



That is an excellent article you wrote for DiEugenio. 

Yes, we agree the frame started early on LHO, perhaps even as he was lined up for assassination. 

But here's the thing: Would the LHO prosecution have changed tactics, altered their narratives, once competent defense counsel was lined up and started building their narrative and case? (This all assumes LHO survived).  

As I have too often already stated, the Z-film, and numerous witnesses (Sam Holland, Sheriff Decker, DPD Chief Curry among many others (the Newmans) would likely testify in trial they thought the shots had come from the GK area.

The Z-film alone is very disconcerting evidence, from the viewpoint of laypeople on a jury. It still is for me, and I suspect the shots fired at the GK were a diversion. But th way JFK moves...oooof. Sure looks like a shot from the GK. 

I can see why LHO was rubbed out.

My argument is that the prosecution, upon seeing LHO still alive, and a competent defense counsel preparing to argue the fatal shots came from the GK...would have to change its tune.  The defense counsel could rely on reasonable doubt to get to a not guilty verdict. 

So the prosecution would accuse LHO of being part of small domestic conspiracy of losers. 

But, AFAIK, everything in your excellent article dead-on correct. 

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8 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

The WWIII scare? The one where the communists, Russian or Cuban, were behind the JFK assassination and we need to cover this up because we might have nuclear war if we don't?

Who was immediately pushing the notion - in hard right-wing Dallas where a boatload of people had warned JFK not to go because of the toxic "hate JFK atmosphere - that COMMUNISTS were behind the JFK assassination?

Before John Kennedy’s body is in rigor mortis, a “very cool” Lyndon Johnson, by 1:20 PM is immediately telling JFK assistant press secretary Mac Kilduff: “We don’t know what kind of a communist conspiracy this might be…”

Go to the 11 minute mark of this very important Mac Kilduff interview (11-22-91): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSpw9w5GGYk Mac Kilduff was filling in for JFK press secretary Pierre Salinger who did not make the Dallas trip.

          Thirty minutes before Oswald’s arrest at 1:50 PM or more likely 2PM, Lyndon Johnson is immediately pushing the “communists did it” narrative.

          The political world in America and the Kennedy entourage were thinking it was a far-right Dallas conspiracy that had just killed JFK - one of the “nuts” from “Nut Country” as John Kennedy had described Dallas just two hours before his death,after reading an assault ad accusing him of treason in the Dallas Morning News, on the plane ride over from Fort Worth. (JFK to Jackie: “We’re heading into nut country.”)

          So, how does Lyndon Johnson, with his legendary political ken, immediately deduce with his paranormal abilities that it was a “communist conspiracy” within mere minutes (or seconds) of his finding out (1:20PM) that JFK was deceased and a full 30 minutes before patsy Oswald was arrested at 1:50PM or 2PM in the Texas Theater? Didn’t Lyndon Johnson himself have a nasty experience with Dallas’s Mink Coat Mob in the 1960 presidential campaign?  Just one month before in October 1963, Adlai Stevenson had been assaulted by the far right of Dallas Because of that Adlai Stevenson had in fact personally implored JFK to not go to Dallas. Not only that, a Dallas citizen Nelle Doyle had written JFK and begged him not to come to Dallas because of fears over his safety in the far right Dallas atmosphere.

Did Lyndon Johnson have divination powers the equal of Carnac the Magnificient  to immediately *know* that the communists  must have murdered John Kennedy?


LBJ left Parkland Hospital at 1:26 PM. U.S. intelligence agent and patsy Oswald not arrested until 1:50PM. LBJ’s comments to Kilduff were made sometime just after 1:20PM when he found out JFK was deceased.



It was interesting to note in retrospect what his reaction was, Bob. You will recall that Adlai Stevenson had been to Texas a few weeks before that. And we had the far political right was very active in General Walker … and Adlai Stevenson had been belted with rotten eggs in Dallas. So we all though this was some sort of you know right, far right activity. Lyndon Johnson was very cool. He said, “Well now Mac [LBJ said] before you make that announcement we don’t know what kind of a communist conspiracy this might be.” He was thinking a communist conspiracy.

INTERVIEWER BOB HENSLEY OF WTVQ:: “He is saying that it was a conspiracy. He wants to know who was involved.”


That’s right. But he [LBJ] thought said ”this could be a communist conspiracy. And I think the best thing for me to do is get back to Air Force One before you make that announcement.”

I said “alright.”

He [LBJ] said then “We will wait back there. For whatever you are going to to. And then to go back to Washington.” So with that we left the trauma room with Johnson, went out the emergency exit of the hospital, put him in his car and he took off for Love Field, to go back to Love Field and Air Force One.






Thanks for your collegial comments.

We agree on much, including the LBJ snuff job on a true JFKA investigation.  

But here's the thing: The snuff jobs on the JFKA/RFK1A investigations have persisted for decades (60 years!) and include the Biden/Garland deep-sixing on the JFK Records Act. Ongoing! 

The Scott Enyart negatives heist in 1996 is a tell---one of the more important clues in the the whole JFKA/RFK1A literature, IMHO. 

The decades of snuff jobs point to an organization with resources, influence, and institutional memory. 

IMHO, that excludes almost all, except the US intel state.

But hey, just my IMHO. 

The EF-JFKA is a place to see different views, not my own.

I am kinda bored with my views by now. 

I enjoy your spirited contributions to the EF-JFKA. 


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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


That is an excellent article you wrote for DiEugenio. 

Yes, we agree the frame started early on LHO, perhaps even as he was lined up for assassination. 

But here's the thing: Would the LHO prosecution have changed tactics, altered their narratives, once competent defense counsel was lined up and started building their narrative and case? (This all assumes LHO survived).  

As I have too often already stated, the Z-film, and numerous witnesses (Sam Holland, Sheriff Decker, DPD Chief Curry among many others (the Newmans) would likely testify in trial they thought the shots had come from the GK area.

The Z-film alone is very disconcerting evidence, from the viewpoint of laypeople on a jury. It still is for me, and I suspect the shots fired at the GK were a diversion. But th way JFK moves...oooof. Sure looks like a shot from the GK. 

I can see why LHO was rubbed out.

My argument is that the prosecution, upon seeing LHO still alive, and a competent defense counsel preparing to argue the fatal shots came from the GK...would have to change its tune.  The defense counsel could rely on reasonable doubt to get to a not guilty verdict. 

So the prosecution would accuse LHO of being part of small domestic conspiracy of losers. 

But, AFAIK, everything in your excellent article dead-on correct. 

Thanks for the support Ben, it is appreciated. 

As to your question, no the Dallas police and FBI of course could not admit a conspiracy involving Oswald because these people had spent Nov. 22,23,24 telling the public over and over again that there was no conspiracy and Oswald was the guilty man. To then reverse that and tell the public that other conspirators were on the loose, free on the streets of American cities, would have been pandemonium. At the very least, the public would have demanded the resignation of Mr Hoover. Curry, Fritz and Wade would also no doubt have been forced to resign. As i prove in my article, the Dallas Police put themselves in a straight jacket when it comes to this case. 

Edited by Johnny Cairns
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50 minutes ago, Johnny Cairns said:

Thanks for the support Ben, it is appreciated. 

As to your question, no the Dallas police and FBI of course could not admit a conspiracy involving Oswald because these people had spent Nov. 22,23,24 telling the public over and over again that there was no conspiracy and Oswald was the guilty man. To then reverse that and tell the public that other conspirators were on the loose, free on the streets of American cities, would have been pandemonium. At the very least, the public would have demanded the resignation of Mr Hoover. Curry, Fritz and Wade would also no doubt have been forced to resign. As i prove in my article, the Dallas Police put themselves in a straight jacket when it comes to this case. 

Well put.

I will note that the very first version of the JFKA, stated by Wade and amplified by the curiously well-prepared DRE and Op-Mocked media, was that LHO was part of a commie conspiracy. 

The powers that be then reversed course, and went with the "LHO, the leftie loser loner" format. 

Well, who knows? 

BTW, we still have an Op-Mocked media. 

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