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The Mafia Did It

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I wonder if the Kennedys received any fish from anyone following the assassination? (jk)

Is there any mention in that book about Marcello owning any graveyards in NO, or there abouts?

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Guest Tom Scully

The Kennedy's had Carlos Marcello arrested by the authorities and taken forcibly to Guatemala.

Marcello soon returned to the United States. Undercover informants reported that Marcello made several threats against John F. Kennedy at one time uttering the traditional Sicilian death threat curse Take the stone from my shoe.

Marcello's territory went to Dallas where Ruby may have been his man there and Oswald's uncle also work for Marcello.

But also there are links that Marcello may have had ties to the overthrow of Castro where some of his land may have been used to train the Anti-Castro Cubans. There is where David Ferrie comes in. It is said that he was CIA contract pilot. He work for Marcello and also he knew Oswald.

If Marcello was involved in the assassination. A person can see why it needed to be covered up.

If this came out in 64 oh boy!!!!

You have the CIA trying to kill a foreign leader on top of that they are using the Mafia to help them. On top of that Oswald's uncle worked for one of the mafia leaders the CIA was using to kill Castro and on top of that Oswald may have been friends with a CIA contract pilot and also he work for the Mafia!!

I am convinced the assassination of JFK would have been preceded by a vote of approval of the highest members of the LCN national commission. If Marcello was empowered by such a vote, I doubt the meeting described below would have taken place because the people who had voted in 1963 to empower Marcello would prudently avoid ever again associating with him so openly.

If Marcello had sponsored the assassination of JFK without an empowering vote, I strongly doubt he would have been permitted to live long enough to attend this meeting.:

Contract on America: the Mafia murder of President John F. Kennedy - Google Books Result

books.google.com/books?isbn=093350330X... David E. Scheim - 1988 - History - 480 pages

... at Apalachin99 and the 1966 mini-conclave at La Stella Restaurant, in Queens.100 Indicative of their close relationship, Trafficante sat at Marcello's left at the...

Organized crime was organized, co-ordinated, methodical, discrete.:

.... The holders of the "participating interest" blocks are now reaping $5000 a year for each block they hold. All of this is possible, of course, only because the federal government does not collect its 52 percent corporation tax bite on the income of the Desert Inn Associates, a partnership, and because the increased depreciation based on the new high value added further tax shelter. Further, the money the owners get from the sale of the property to their partnership is treated as capital gains, so that again the federal treasury takes a beating. What Wien put together for the Desert Inn gamblers was a far, far better deal for them than the most flowery proposals that Guterma could offer. They not only have eaten their cake; they still have it, and each year the frosting gets sweeter. There were certain minor disadvantages to the creation of the partnership, and one of these was that the Desert Inn had to give an accounting of its income and expenditures over five years to justify some of the statements made to the SEC in the prospectus.

These are fascinating. Insofar as the author is aware, they constitute the most recent complete public disclosures of the full operating experience of any of the Nevada gambling casinos. The gamblers are secretive by nature, naturally conspiratorial, and it sets badly with them to surrender any information about their beyond what they want to give up. They are compelled by law on occasion to give up some bits of data such as the complete disclosure for the years 1954 through 1958 printed here.

But they dislike doing it. By, the collection of former bootleggers and gambling operators at the Desert Inn had survived their entanglement with Alexander L. Guterma, they believed. Business was booming. Income was running high. Their properties at the Desert Inn had been placed in the most favorable possible tax position, and the money was pouring in. Far behind them were the days when Guterma had brought in the proposition that they might sell their stock on the American Stock Exchange....

SEC News Digest, 04-18-1961


....INDICTMENT NAMES GUTERMA. GARFIELD. OTHERS. The SEC reports the return of a Federal indictlllent(USDC

SONY) on April 13th (LR-1982) charging a conspiracy to violate the Secucities Aet registration and anti-fraud

provisions in the aale of Shawano Development Corporation stock by Samuel Garfield, Alexander L. Guterma.

Irving Pasternak, Allard Roen, Allen K. Swann, Louis p. Coticchia. also known aa Louis P. Brady, John Ehrlich, Natham W. Gennes, Frank Gruber, also known aa Frank Graver, Daniel A. Lamar, Morris Miller and World Wide Investora Corporation.


CG 6343-C* advised on January 18, 1960, that on that date, Murray Humphreys had a conference with Frank Ferraro concerning a meeting Ferraro had

recently had with an elderly man. The following conversation took place between Humphreys and Ferraro in this regard:

Ferraro: Yeah. First of all, he came in with his son who is tied up with a bonding firm in Cleveland. A guy with them, a guy by the name of

Lou Brady was instrumental in selling to all.....which he fleeced all, Mooney out of $90,00.

Humphreys: Did he fleece Mooney? I didn't know that.

Ferraro: I knew he did.

Humphreys: How could he do that? You mean he disappeared with the rest of the money?

Ferraro: Not only that, but he borrowed an additional amount of $25,000.

Humphreys: Where's he at, now?

Ferraro: Don't know. And he's the first cousin to uh, Joe Manno. Milano. First he wanted to clear and he wanted to know how interested we were in

this thing. We were interested in the thing from the very beginning, if we tied the Chicago Bonding Companies with them. He cut that out.

That's when he come in first. Then he said something about this finance. Moe was a partner way back with them, and uh, Mooney handled

himself very well there, and he stopped him right there. He said this is ours, and ours alone, and ain't nobody going (obscene) with it.

Not in those words, but the old man shut up right away. He wanted to place his son in, you know.

The kid is 23 years old. So that stopped right there. They kept talking, and would he get the right shake from the guys in Cleveland, and

more or less had no regard for SCALISE. JOHNNY SCALISE, and his brother MILANO, is the boss. But he said he's like a puppet. A guy by the

name of DEMARCO is more or less throwing the snowballs, know what I mean? All smooth, no complaints.

Humphreys: Well, a thing like that will have to go before the Commission.

Ferraro: Oh, sure.....



Chicago Tribune - Oct 16, 1963

... as Lou Brady, was described as a courier for the Cosa Nos- ira, or Mafia. ... Sgt. Jack de la Llana, of Tampa, said that Coticchia fre- quently visits


Roemer: man against the mob

books.google.com William F. Roemer - 1989 - 415 pages -

Little Al was there when they discussed what to do with Lou Brady, a Cleveland mob associate who bilked Giancana out of $90000. They killed him. Upon learning of the situation we attempted to locate Brady in order to secure protection for him but were unable to do so. His body was finally located in New Orleans, as I recall. Again, there was a local investigation that never revealed the killer(s). We also listened to Lou Led- erer, another mob man in Vegas, who was assigned the task of recovering


Under Surveillance

April 18, 2010

This is an excerpt from Ron Chepesiuk’s new book: The Trafficantes: Godfathers from Tampa, Florida: The Mafia, the CIA and the JFK Assassination...

....The FBI began investigating the disappearance of an associate of Trafficante named Luigi Pietro Coliachin, also known as Louis P. Brady. A FBI report noted that a special agent of the FBI’s Miami office last saw Brady on August 9, 1963. Brady’s wife, Frances, told the FBI that she had last been with her husband at the Capra Restaurant in Miami Beach. The Bradys and their son were dining with friends, awaiting Santo Trafficante, who telephoned to say he would be arriving shortly. Before that happened, though, Brady sent his family home.

The wife never saw her husband again. In its report, the FBI noted: “Mrs. Brady is of the opinion that Trafficante is responsible for her husband’s disappearance.” The intelligence reports show that the authorities were certainly aware of Trafficante’s movements and activities, but it did not seem to make a difference....


CG 6486-C* advised on 2/23/62 that early in the morning on that date, Samuel Giancana, and his associate, LOU BRADY had a lengthy conversation

which obviously was a continuation of the conference which they had initiated on 2/21/62.....

...Giancana: If it don't work out, it don't work out. It's one of those things.

Brady: Bit I laid there with that (obscenity) Sidney (Korshak) on my mind after what you said yesterday and all night long I had Sidney on my mind.

And I started to put a lot of things together....

continued on next page:


....And he (Sidney Korshak) said well I wouldn't 've had anything to do with the hoodlum element. OK let's say he's a xxxx because he never said it.....

.... So they invited Pat Hoy on the Board of

Directors and Pat is supposed to have gone to Sidney (Korshak) and asked Sidney for his opinion. And Sidney is supposed to have said if this is

the insurance company that this guy from New York is attached to, he's Ferrara, he's a hoodlum kind of a guy or he knows hoodlums....

Soon after Lou Brady's disappearance, Trafficante and his wife dined with Brady's wife.: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=131880&relPageId=2

The point of this post is that IMO, indications are that people in the U.S. government and military and civilian intelligence had to have had a greater role than

any LCN boss in the assassination of JFK and LCN may have had a role under the protection of the government and intelligence principals, but may have been more out front in the murder of LHO. LCN had to anticipate and avoid the risk of ending up as Oswald did at the hands of government principals. If "Marcello did it", serving him up, after killing him, would have been a good business and political decision.

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