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Castro Plot?

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One of my areas of interest is tabloids and the JFK assassination. Today I have typed out an article from the National Enquirer August 17, 1976, in its entirety.

That there was a trail of evidence leading from Oswald to Castro there can be no doubt. But was someone laying a trail linking Ruby to Castro as well? Or was Ruby a Castro agent?


4 Dallas Policemen Reveal They Saw Evidence Ruby

and Oswald Conspired to Kill JFK—On orders From Castro

…But the Documents, Turned Over

to FBI, Mysteriously Disappeared

By Charles Cobb, William Dick and Lee Harrison

Documentary evidence that Jack Ruby conspired with Lee Harvey Oswald and a third man to murder John F. Kennedy was found two months after the assassination, say four Dallas police officers who saw the material.

The documents clearly stated that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro ordered Kennedy killed—and that the three “did it for Castro, the officers declare.

The crucial evidence was turned over to the FBI, which claims it forwarded the documents to the Warren Commission—but at some point it has been mysteriously “lost.”

Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade confirms he personally received the evidence form the officers at his home on Jan. 23, 1964.

Wade, in turn, handed the documents over to the FBI.

But an ENQUIRER probe of the Warren Commission’s archives shows that the documents are inexplicably missing.

Deputy Constable Billy J. Preston of Dallas, who obtained the evidence, read it and turned it over to District Attorney Wade, told The ENQUIRER:

“There is no doubt in my mind that the evidence proved a conspiracy.”

The Warren Commission report states there was no evidence that Ruby knew Oswald before the assignation. But Constable Ben Cash of Port Arkansas, Tex., who was a deputy constable in Dallas at the time of the assassinations and who also read the documents, declared:

“The papers Preston picked up contained a receipt for a motel room outside New Orleans in two names—Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby!

It showed two long-distance calls billed to the room. Beside one was the notation ‘Cuban Embassy,’ beside the other, ‘Russian Embassy.’

"This receipt was dated two months before the assassination occurred.

"There was a document among the papers detailing how the assassination was accomplished. I have no doubt the writer of that document was the third man involved in the killing.

"It revealed the whole conspiracy and I believe the writer intended it to protect his own life—he could warn others who knew that if anything happened to him, the document would be released.

It stated that Oswald was not alone in the assassination, and that a .25 caliber gun—it didn’t say whether it was a rifle or a handgun—had been used in the killing.”

The only weapon cited in the Warren Commission report as having been fired at Kennedy was an Italian-made 6.5 millimeter carbine.)

Preston told The ENQUIRER that the evidence consisted of 33 documents, packed in a cardboard container about the size of a shirtbox and included:

* The document Cash mentioned, laboriously handwritten in part-English, part-Spanish, giving accurate details of the assassination. It also recounted an earlier plan to assassinate Kennedy in Wisconsin in September 1963—which was abandoned because security around the President was too tight.

* Newspaper clippings identifying the author of the document—the third member of the assassination team—as a Texas-born gunman who had hired out repeatedly as a professional killer in Mexico.

“There were notes stating clearly that Fidel Castro had Kennedy assassination, tht the killers were doing it for Castro,” Preston stated.

“The notes also spoke about Ruby and Oswald meeting in New Orleans, about trips to Mexico City, and about visiting the Cuban and Mexican embassies.

“There was mention of an airfield across the border in Mexico, and I’ve often wondered if this could have been the planned getaway field.”

Preston said the documents included a membership card, No. 52, in the “Fair Play for Cuba Committee,” issued to Jack Ruby. The committee was a pro-Castro group, and Oswald is known to have passed out leaflets for it in New Orleans.

The papers also included a press card issued to Ruby at a Chicago address by the Daily Worker, a communist newspaper.

The box containing the documents was given to Preston after he got a call from a girl he knew, who was rooming with another girl named Mary. She said Mary had something Preston should see. Preston went there and Mary told him her boyfriend had left her with a file of papers.

“Mary was an employee of Paramount Pictures, and some of the notes made by her boyfriend were on the stationery of the company,” Preston said. “I remember one thing very well: that girl was scared!

“She told me that Oswald had also spent some time at her residence, which was in a lower-income neighborhood of Dallas.”

Dallas Deputy Constable Michael Callahan stated that he too had seen the contents of the box when Preston brought it back to the constable’s office. “I saw a message in it about going to Cuba,” he said.

And former Deputy Constable Tom Stockard Jr., told The ENQUIRER: “I was there when the other constables were going through the contents of the box. It happened just like they said.”

Cash said the documents were turned over to District Attorney Wade that same night, and he saw them handed over by Preston. Wade confirmed it.

“I definitely remember receiving those documents,” he told The ENQUIRER. “I remember the deputy constables bringing them to my home.”

The FBI confirms that it received the documents and claims it forwarded them to the Warren Commission. Official FBI spokesman William “Bill” Hayes told The ENQUIRER from FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.:

“These documents were filed with the Warren Commission in an FBI report dated Feb. 11, 1964. They are presently in the custody of the National Archives in Washington.”

A search of the Archive yielded the report itself—but no documents. The report, bearing Bureau File Number 105-82555, states definitely that the FBI received the documents on Jan. 28, 1964, but they are not with the report, nor is there any reference in the report to enclosures or attachments.

Marion Johnson, archivist in charge of all papers relating to the Kennedy assassination, said: ‘I never heard of these documents before.”

Nevertheless, The ENQUIRER, with Johnson, made a thorough search of the Archives. The missing documents were not found.

When The ENQUIRER went back to FBI spokesman Hayes to report that the documents were not in the Archives as stated, he refused to discuss the matter—leaving side open the question of what happened to this startling evidence after the FBI received it.

Said Preston: “We were told at the time that the documents were so important they were being rushed to Washington.”

Cash added: “We knew they were important. I believe that if they had been released then, we would have had World War 3.

“When I heard nothing more about them, I figured they were being kept secret for that reason—the Cuban involvement could have led us into a war with Cuba and Russia.”

And Preston noted: “I was surprised when none of us who saw the documents were ever questioned or called before the Warren Commission.

“Then I figured decisions had been made by higher authorities to keep the conspiracy secret because of political repercussions.”

But after 12 years of silence, the deputy constables said, they decided to reveal the evidence because Congressional probes hinting at a cover-up had encouraged them to speak out.


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Gary, the Enquirer has things a bit wrong but are in the ballpark. For the real story you need to go back to a news article that Earl Goltz wrote in Dallas. It names the officers involved and traces back the origin of a box of materials that certainly would have tied Oswald and Ruby as well as suggested that the two men were involved with parties outside the U.S. As I recall there was nothing specific about Castro per se but various leads across the border into Mexico.

Jim Marrs first surfaced this in his book Crossfire and you will find some good details there. I cover it in Chapter 13 of my book along with a variety of other indications that Ruby may indeed have been set up as being tied to Oswald and some sort of conspiracy.

Certainly Ruby was tied to an interest in doing business with Castro by his McKeown contacts and McKewon was brought back into play in 63 by an apparent Oswald impersonator.

There are a variety of other apparently planted stories from Miami and Dallas about Ruby being involved.....Martino related to Weyl that reports out of Cuba indicated that Ruby went to Havana to make a shady deal at the same time Oswald was in touch with Cuban intelligence. I'm pretty sure Bringuier was floating a similar story in New Orleans. And in Dallas we have an amazing and somewhat corroborated report of a man named Yates giving a ride to an Oswald impersonator with a rifle and dropping him off at the TSBD...after the fellow had floated the question of whether JFK would be shot when he came to Dallas and asking if Yates was familiar with the Carousel club. This story was confirmed by a fellow employee of being told by him to Yates before the assassination.

Bottom line is, if officials had really been interested in tieing this to Castro it there would have been material for them to use.

Which of course is just what the plotters had arranged...if Yates had gone to the FBI earlier or to the press on November 22....hard to say how history might have been written.

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Thanks Larry.

I do have one document in my files that refers to this incident. It is an FBI document, dated January 1, 1964 (RIF #180-11007710009) from agents Will Hayden Griffin and Arthur Carter

Mr. Billy J. Preston, Executive Deputy, Precinct 1, Dallas County, Dallas Dallas, Texas, advised that he is an executive deputy in Precinct 1 under ROBIE LOVE, Constable, Dallas County, Dallas, Texas, and he obtained thirty-three documents, including one 2- by4-inch spiral-bound notebook from Mrs. MARY SIMS, who resides at 4311 Cole, Apartment E, telephone LA 1-4764. He stated Mrs. SIMS is employed as a clerical secretary for the Stanley Warner Management Corporation, Dallas, Texas, telephone number RI 8-0781, Extension 28.

He said that Mrs. SIMS told him these documents were obtained by her from one BILLY LEE JONES, also known as H.L. JONES, who claimed to be a great-great, grandson of WILLIAM H. (BILLY THE KID) BONNEY. He said that Mrs. SIMS told him that JONES, a transient, stays at the City Mission on South Ervay in Dallas and allegedly resides at an unknown address in San Antonio, Texas. She told him that she wanted to check up on this man inasmuch as he claimed to be formerly connected with the office of Naval Intelligence and she recalled typing a report for him concerning JACK RUBY's going to Cuba.

Mr. PRESTON advised that the documents had been turned over by him to the District Attorney of Dallas County and believed that Assistant District Attorney FRANK WATTS had examined them and made photostats of them for any interest they might have in the trial of JACK RUBY in Dallas County for the murder of LEE HARVEY OSWALD.

He also advised that this subject called Mrs. SIMS twice on the night of January 27, 1964, advising her that he was in Myrtle, Mississippi, at Camp Zion. He said Mrs. SIMS told him that the subject told her something abouth the Marine Corps—Love Field, and mentioned Serial No. 634168.

He said that Mrs. SIMS resides with a girl whose nickname is “PUTSY”. He was unable to supply additional information concerning her roommate except her roommate was employed by the V.A., Dallas, Texas.

He advised that JONES had advised SIMS that he was in the Carlson Raiders of the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and called her sometime before the 23rd and claimed that he was with DAVE SCARBORO, an attorney from Abilene, Texas, and advised SIMS that he and SCARBORO were in an automobile accident and were hospitalized in a hospital at Fort Worth, Texas.

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Gary, this really does not sound at all like the material Goltz covers in

his newspaper report. The material in the box he writes about was left

in a closet and found after her roommates sudden departure by the

girl who turned it into police. She thought it might have been from

her roommates latin boyfriend. Some of the material was notes written

on the stationary of the theatre company where the girl worked. However

much of what the officers reported were receipts and other material.

It would be pretty strange for Preston to write a report on what Goltz

described and not mention hotel receipts and telephone charges for

Jack Ruby. In fact if this memo is on what Goltz reported and confirmed

by interviewing the officers then it certainly obscures what was

actually in the box.

In Goltz's story the officers only report physically handing off the box,

nothing about making a report of it or doing more than turning it over

to the DA's office. Certainly nothing about reporting it to the FBI.

I'd sure love to know if this is the same incident and if so why this

memo differes so radically from Goltz's interviews with the officers

themselves. Then again it is an FBI report, from the same field office

as the agents who backdated Ray January's RedBird encounter by six

months making it look nowhere nearly as important as it really was.

And by the way, since when do FBI reports not itemize contents...grin.

-- Larry

Thanks Larry.

I do have one document in my files that refers to this incident. It is an FBI document, dated January 1, 1964 (RIF #180-11007710009) from agents Will Hayden Griffin and Arthur Carter

Mr. Billy J. Preston, Executive Deputy, Precinct 1, Dallas County, Dallas Dallas, Texas, advised that he is an executive deputy in Precinct 1 under ROBIE LOVE, Constable, Dallas County, Dallas, Texas, and he obtained thirty-three documents, including one 2- by4-inch spiral-bound notebook from Mrs. MARY SIMS, who resides at 4311 Cole, Apartment E, telephone LA 1-4764. He stated Mrs. SIMS is employed as a clerical secretary for the Stanley Warner Management Corporation, Dallas, Texas, telephone number RI 8-0781, Extension 28.

He said that Mrs. SIMS told him these documents were obtained by her from one BILLY LEE JONES, also known as H.L. JONES, who claimed to be a great-great, grandson of WILLIAM H. (BILLY THE KID) BONNEY. He said that Mrs. SIMS told him that JONES, a transient, stays at the City Mission on South Ervay in Dallas and allegedly resides at an unknown address in San Antonio, Texas. She told him that she wanted to check up on this man inasmuch as he claimed to be formerly connected with the office of Naval Intelligence and she recalled typing a report for him concerning JACK RUBY's going to Cuba.

Mr. PRESTON advised that the documents had been turned over by him to the District Attorney of Dallas County and believed that Assistant District Attorney FRANK WATTS had examined them and made photostats of them for any interest they might have in the trial of JACK RUBY in Dallas County for the murder of LEE HARVEY OSWALD.

He also advised that this subject called Mrs. SIMS twice on the night of January 27, 1964, advising her that he was in Myrtle, Mississippi, at Camp Zion. He said Mrs. SIMS told him that the subject told her something abouth the Marine Corps—Love Field, and mentioned Serial No. 634168.

He said that Mrs. SIMS resides with a girl whose nickname is “PUTSY”. He was unable to supply additional information concerning her roommate except her roommate was employed by the V.A., Dallas, Texas.

He advised that JONES had advised SIMS that he was in the Carlson Raiders of the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and called her sometime before the 23rd and claimed that he was with DAVE SCARBORO, an attorney from Abilene, Texas, and advised SIMS that he and SCARBORO were in an automobile accident and were hospitalized in a hospital at Fort Worth, Texas.

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