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Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe

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Sadly, I experienced the burden of feeling responsible for the demise of a few of the persons named on that long list of "mysterious post-JFK deaths". The Dallas reporter, who interviewed Hall and I during January 1963, was killed by a "karate-chop" to the neck. The reporter sent by Weisberg or Garrison to California contacted Hargraves instead of me, and his focus shifted to the activities of the L.E.I.U. [Law Enforement Intelligence Unit]; and after speaking with Lt. Hendricks of the Long Beach Police Department; he was killed by the "accidental discharge" of a cop's service pistol in the police station locker room. [Lt. Hendricks was at the time the President of the nationwide LEIU]

I assume you are talking about the deaths of Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe. On 24th November, 1963, Bill Hunter of the Long Beach Press Telegram and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald interviewed George Senator. Also there was the attorney Tom Howard. Earlier that day Senator and Howard had both visited Jack Ruby in jail. That evening Senator arranged for Koethe, Hunter and Howard to search Ruby's apartment.

It is not known what the journalists found but on 23rd April 1964, Hunter was shot dead by Creighton Wiggins, a policeman in the pressroom of a Long Beach police station. Wiggins initially claimed that his gun fired when he dropped it and tried to pick it up. In court this was discovered that this was impossible and it was decided that Hunter had been murdered. Wiggins finally admitted he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer. The other officer, Errol F. Greenleaf, testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. In January 1965, both were convicted and sentenced to three years probation.

Jim Koethe decided to write a book about the assassination of Kennedy. However, he died on 21st September, 1964. It seems that a man broke into his Dallas apartment and killed him by a karate chop to the throat. Tom Howard died of a heart-attack, aged 48, in March, 1965.

How does Loran Hall fit into this? Did you have any contact with George Senator.

By the way, have you considered having your memoirs published in the UK? Maybe I could help you with this.

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  • 12 years later...

George Senator had testified before the Warren Commission on April 21 and April, 22 1963. Bill Hunter was hot to death at 2AM on the 23rd. 


Mr. GRIFFIN. Sue Blake?
Mr. SENATOR. No; I don't know her.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I am not going to hand you the next exhibit, which is 5305-0, because there are no names written on there of any persons. And I am not going to hand you Exhibit 5305-P. I will take that back. I will hand you that. There is a name "Bishop" written there. Does that name mean anything to you?
Mr. SENATOR. I think I have heard of the name, but I don't know who it is. I don't know what that is. I believe I have somewheres heard of that name.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, I am going to read to you from Exhibit 5305-Q, and tell me if you recognize any of these names. Monte?

I wonder if the name "Bishop", the only name in Ruby's adress book that was in quotes, was David Atlee Phillips. Could Senator have told Bill Hunter, Koethe and Tom Howard more about "Bishop" than he testified to the WC that he knew? I wonder if this is what got Hunter killed. Was he privy, somehow, to what Senator did or didn't say at the hearings, earlier that day? Was he going to write something that would have been at odds with Senator's testimony?



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5 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

I am looking for a link to Bill Hunter's award winning story, "Three Days in Dallas". If anyone has a link, please share.



I don't know if these will help. The Press Telegram's web site has many individual contact email links.


Independent Press-Telegram from Long Beach, California · Page 1

February 9, 1964






Four major awards were collected by The Independent, Press-Telegram Saturday in the Better Newspaper Contest of the California Newspaper Publishers Association. Awards were presented at a convention luncheon of the association at Corona do by Gov. Brown. The s p o t news award honored a special 16-page section titled "Three Days in Dallas," bringing to I, P-T readers t h e graphic drama of the chain of events touched off by t h e assassination of President Kennedy. The section represented on - the - scene reporting by police reporter Bill Hunter. The l a y o u t was designed and produced by Bryan Hodgson, photo editor.


What’s Hot: Long Beach reporter Bill Hunter was in the midst of the JFK conspiracy

By Long Beach Press Telegram | presstelegram@dfmdev.com |

PUBLISHED: November 16, 2013 at 12:00 am | UPDATED: September 1, 2017 at 3:50 am


" Throughout his coverage, he never wrote anything about conspiracy, other than his assertion of the assuredness that Oswald killed Kennedy and Ruby killed Oswald (though in the latter case the shooting occurred in front of TV cameras and was seen by millions on American television)."

Includes two photos:


“The cop shop at LBPD HQ where reporter William Bradley “Bill” Hunter was shot and killed.”

“ William Bradley “Bill” Hunter “


William Bradley "Bill" Hunter (November 2, 1928 - April 23, 1964)[1] was an American crime reporter for the Long Beach, California Independent Press-Telegram. Hunter's 16-page special on the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby, "Three Days in Dallas", was awarded the 1964 "spot news reporting" award of the California Newspaper Publishers Association's "Better Newspaper Contest".[2]


2. Independent Press-Telegram, February 9, 1964, TOP HONOR FOR '3 DAYS IN DALLAS'


How to contact the Long Beach Press-Telegram

727 Pine Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90813


Public Editor/Community Liaison
Rich Archbold
Twitter: @RichArchbold1


Steve Thomas


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