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Carlos Bringuier

John Simkin

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Guest Tom Scully


I "looked" through the entire online version of the article, transitioning sentence by sentence from the page 1 beginning and then through page 4. The version I read makes no mention of what you refer to, it ends with descriptions of photos with family members. Oswald's mother's name is included in the last description of an AP photo, ending with "by Gladwin Hill." Is there another portion of the article after that?

What is that stuff in the article about "the milkman" joining Oswald's mother in trying to dissuade Oswald from defecting? I remember a milkman turning in a customer who offered porn pictures to him, with Harry Holmes later involved in the sting that netted him.

It appears Weisberg believed the Carlos Bringiuer quote was actually reported as early as 7:09 pm on 22 November! If true, the AP reporting sccoped Gladwin Hill and the NY Times.:

FBI, 1963.doc - The Harold Weisberg Archive:

....See Garrison, 2/3/67.

1/22[?]/1963 Time not given. Police Sgt. Jerry Head (sp?) describing how the Texas Theater building surrounded and 8 to 10 officers entered [including] "... Bob Barnett from the FBI …” From notes taken in 4/64 from The Fateful Hours, A Capitol Custom record [RB-2278] by KLIF, Dallas, issued earlier in the year.

11/22/63 New Orleans – [From interview with Carlos Bringuier, New Orleans delegate for the Cuban Student Directorate, a Miami-based anti-Castro organization]

"He offered himself as a former Marine to train Cubans for an invasion. … I was suspicious of him from the start. ... Frankly, I thought he might be an agent from the FBI or the CIA trying to find out what he might be up to." AP, 7:09 p.m. EST, Tom Dygard

11/22/63 Dallas - A list of known agitators in Dallas -- anyone who might conceivably stir up trouble -- was obtained. The Secret Service men made themselves familiar with these people and their patterns. AP, 9:32 p.m. CST

11/22/63 Washington - Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley prepared a statement today on the assassination of President Kennedy but he either decided not to issue it or it was vetoed at a higher level.

The Secret Service is supervised by the Treasury Department.

The public information office in the Treasury had received no statement. a spokesman said, and had no knowledge of it.

Several Secret Service agents were under the impression that's statement had been issued.

"Go up to the information office," a Secret Service man said, "Chief Rowley gave a statement up there some time ago." There was no indication what the statement contained. AP, 11:51 p.m. EST

11/23/63 Dallas - Curry told newsmen the FBI had interviewed Oswald "a week or two ago."

Asked if the FBI notified police of Oswald's presence, the chief said, "No, sir. They did not."

"Why they hadn't gotten around to informing us of this man, we don't know," Curry said.

He said the FBI told him of the interview last night after Oswald was in custody. Curry said the FBI agents did not reveal what information they had learned from their interview, or if the interview indicated he was a person to watch. AP, 11:20 a.m. CST Peggy Simpson



FBI, 1963.doc - The Harold Weisberg Archive

File Format: Microsoft Word

Frankly, I thought he might be an agent from the FBI or the CIA trying to find out what he might be up to." AP, 7:09 p.m. EST, Tom Dygard ...


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Yes, I've seen that on-line version of the story and was not surprised to see the Bringuier paragraphs removed. I have no doubt that later editions of the story were hastily edited to remove his references to the FBI and CIA...most likely because they were accurate assessments.

I assure you it's there in the original NY Times paper edition, which I've returned to its plastic bag and safe spot. I'd be delighted to show my old yellowed copy to anyone interested.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Yes, I've seen that on-line version of the story and was not surprised to see the Bringuier paragraphs removed. I have no doubt that later editions of the story were hastily edited to remove his references to the FBI and CIA...most likely because they were accurate assessments.

I assure you it's there in the original NY Times paper edition, which I've returned to its plastic bag and safe spot. I'd be delighted to show my old yellowed copy to anyone interested.

John Navin, is there anyway you could SCAN this NYT article and put it in a PDF so it can be distributed to others or put on the internet? A lot of folks would like to see this.

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