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Dallas COPA

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Have you read this Dawn?

In a previous post,you indicated that you thought that Tricky Dicky was involved.

Who else do you think was involved?

Do you agree that Johnson, Nixon and Hoover were probably all involved?

Yes. In fact a book I was really pushing this time two years ago focusses on LBJ: Barr McClellan's " Blood Money and Power: How LBJ killed JFK". I waited many years for Barr- (a good friend of mine)- to finish this book, and was quite disappointed in his actual knowledge of the case itself. He resorts to something he called "faction" and made many case errors, but the book is fantastic on the LBJ background.

I have also always thought Nixon "iced" Hoover, too. But that's another matter.

If you are truly interested in the assassination and Watergate connections a very rare book called "The Yankee and Cowboy War", by Carl Oglesby (Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate), is an excellent place to put these pieces toghether. It can be gotton online but is rather expensive.

Tim Carroll can tell you tho it's more than well worth it. (As for me, I'm overly biased here).


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