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The Revolution Will Not be Televised

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I usually avoid things of this nature like the plague, but in light of the last four years and the fact that this person is speaking about a topic that is as pertinent to current events as I can possibly imagine, I thought that Forum members might wan't to at least look at it. There are always people ready to shout fire in crowded movie theaters, but when there is something credible about the points being made, which in this case is entirely a subjective concept, maybe it helps to be aware of it.


Home of Try to Live Better by Self Education

Point in Question

Welcome to the New American Fixers' Dictatorship! My guess is that the whole world is smart enough to know the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections made lots of people powerful and rich in the process of fixing our federal, state, and local elections. I believe Kerry and Company were in on the deal and sold out to the Bush bribers and enforcers; I will bet Kerry will pocket the 50 million dollars he has left over from his campaign scam. Will we ever have the pleasure of seeing the fixers hanging in public? I believe all elections since 1960 have been fixed by elite criminals controlled by big money. Clinton was a partner in some big money businesses with the Bush and Rockefeller empires which makes him a criminal elite in reality, and just as 'trustworthy'. Kerry never prosecuted the big fish; he could have initiated the sending of most of our political and business controllers to jail and the death house; ask The Ghosts of Sen. Paul Wellstone, investigative journalist Gary Webb, Sen. Mel Carnahan, Sen. John Tower, Sen. John Heinz, President Kennedy and His Son Jon and His Brother Sen. Robert, Congressman Wright Patman of Texas, Congressman Carroll Reese of Tennessee, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Representative Henry Gonzalez, Representative Phil Crane of Illinois, the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, head of the Alaska Military District Gen. David McCloud, former Director of Central Intelligence William Colby, etc. Remember the switch from Dean to Kerry; Dean or Gore should rightfully be our president now.

Tim, Is this where you found the "Zangetty" Story?


Edited by Robert Howard
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Guest Stephen Turner

And lest we forget, according to Gill the revolution WILL not go better with Coca Cola. nor I dare say Pepsi, KFC, SUV's, Virgin atlantic, Brtitsh- American Tobbacco, CIA, MI5, KGB, the saying "Have a nice day" or billionaires in the White house.

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Robert, that probably ranks as the most paranoid garbage I have ever seen. Not where I ran into the Zangetty story. If I recall, I found it someplace on the net while trying to research claimed associations between Ruby and Oswald.

Perhaps Tim, but it connects with a number of topics. One that often arises is education. Self education is a response to a feeling that 'state sanctioned education' is not good. There are a number of groups that resort to this, particularly on the radical right and radical left. The feeling that society is a sham is an understandable one. Where the response is a genuine attempt to create a balance, in spite of perhaps being paranoia induced, it stands a chance of contributing something positive.

Where it is a deliberate attempt to lead people astray and 'dumb down' in order to introduce an uneducated agenda it can be dangerous. This is what 'closed societies' depend upon. Cults and block groups (such as the KKK, Christian Identity and other right wing groups.) where the leadership has an agenda that uses understandably disillusioned people. One of their main issues is education. Self or closed education, such as exclusion of large groups in society (in this instance Negroes) perpetuates a skewed view of reality.

On the other hand there are parents who see the existing education as limited and want to broaden their childrens education in a better environment.

Robert, on the whole I see these sort of topics as having value and not to be so readily dismissed. If nothing else it allows a view to aspects of society otherwise hidden.

In this instance, perhaps one of the contributors to that site is a clue to it's agenda


pieman New Amerikkkan Coup Fri Aug 29 01:30:25 2003

New Amerikkkan Coup Click:


Ameri - kkk - an. KKK??

Edited by John Dolva
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Well, John, here is one quote from that cite:

Will the rest of the world have to destroy America to get rid of the elite criminals or will it be done by civil war?

If that is not a call to terrorism I do not know what is! Incredible!

Here is another quote:

My guess is that the whole world is smart enough to know the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections made lots of people powerful and rich in the process of fixing our federal, state, and local elections. I believe Kerry and Company were in on the deal and sold out to the Bush bribers and enforcers; I will bet Kerry will pocket the 50 million dollars he has left over from his campaign scam.

So the entire Kerry campaign was a scam so Kerry could pocket the left-over campaign funds? Of course it was!

This cite should be linked to dictionary definitions of paranoia. "Paranoia, it destoy ya'!"

Robert, Stephen and John, do you believe the Kerry campaign was nothing but a scam? Do you advocate the violent destruction of the US? Robert should apologize for posting this trash!

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Tim, I wonder if you read what I wrote or are just reacting to me semmingly indicating your outright condemnation of the site is inappropriate. I don't think Robert posting it reflects on him. He appears to wish to discuss a particular attitude. That doesn't mean that he or those responding hold those views. The issue as I can see it is one of 'education'. In this context a lot of the site contents are indeed 'trash'. That would go for much that is posted.

The 'thought police', and its sometimes self appointed officials are of just as much interest here. John Simkins postings on Angleton, for example, contributes to understanding of those generating fringe reality. I don't think Robert here has anything to apologise for.

As far as the other questions, I don't think violence is good.


Was desert storm one of the first instances of a broad censoring of news? I understand the Vietnam war was brought to an end partly because of the media access allowing people to see what was actually happening as opposed to viewing sanitized versions of reality?

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John, would you think it appropriate if someone linked to a site that contained a bunch of anti-semetic or anti-black diatribes?

Discrimination is sometimes important and laudable. We should discriminate against garbage. I think you yourself posted that the site seems to be linked to the KKK.

I was tempted to post a link to a Nazi organization.

We ought to be intelligent enough to discriminate against stuff that really is trash. We have much more important matters to consider here.

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John, would you think it appropriate if someone linked to a site that contained a bunch of anti-semetic or anti-black diatribes?

Discrimination is sometimes important and laudable. We should discriminate against garbage. I think you yourself posted that the site seems to be linked to the KKK.

I was tempted to post a link to a Nazi organization.

We ought to be intelligent enough to discriminate against stuff that really is trash. We have much more important matters to consider here.

Ok Tim, I get your point.

I choose to see the topic of education as the relevant one here and the link as an opener into a discussion of where 'self education' may lead. (As of now I want to focus elsewhere so not responding to future responses is not to devalue said response.)

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Tim, I wonder if you read what I wrote or are just reacting to me semmingly indicating your outright condemnation of the site is inappropriate. I don't think Robert posting it reflects on him. He appears to wish to discuss a particular attitude. That doesn't mean that he or those responding hold those views. The issue as I can see it is one of 'education'. In this context a lot of the site contents are indeed 'trash'. That would go for much that is posted.

The 'thought police', and its sometimes self appointed officials are of just as much interest here. John Simkins postings on Angleton, for example, contributes to understanding of those generating fringe reality. I don't think Robert here has anything to apologise for.

As far as the other questions, I don't think violence is good.


Was desert storm one of the first instances of a broad censoring of news? I understand the Vietnam war was brought to an end partly because of the media access allowing people to see what was actually happening as opposed to viewing sanitized versions of reality?

As you sometimes see disclaimers on controversial programs on television, I did not post said material as to imply or state that I agreed with material contained therein, and certainly do not advocate the "violent overthrow of the US government, and/or racism in any way, shape of form." Having said that I thank John Dolva, for his illuminating comments. I couldn't agree more (Apologizing for the post, IMO would be condescending to members of the forum, because it would seemingly imply that there thought processes were not advanced enough to "deal with" the subject matter,) We are all big boys and girls arent we? Also, the item was posted in the spirit of For Your Information. The post has been there for some 24 hours Tim and it seems like youre the only one having a cow over it. Another reason I posted it was there are the largest amount of links dealing with Iraq War etc, that seemed to be pretty informative) at the numerical section at the bottom, but I didn't spend more than a few minutes looking at them.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Guest Stephen Turner
Robert, Stephen and John, do you believe the Kerry campaign was nothing but a scam? Do you advocate the violent destruction of the US? Robert should apologize for posting this trash!

No Tim, I dont believe the Kerry campaign was a scam, Just so inept, wishy-washy and spineless that I can understand how others would arrive at that conclusion. Nor do I not advocate the violent destruction of America,Just a Socialist revoluton WORLD-WIDE.

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Robert, Stephen and John, do you believe the Kerry campaign was nothing but a scam? Do you advocate the violent destruction of the US? Robert should apologize for posting this trash!

No Tim, I dont believe the Kerry campaign was a scam, Just so inept, wishy-washy and spineless that I can understand how others would arrive at that conclusion. Nor do I not advocate the violent destruction of America,Just a Socialist revoluton WORLD-WIDE.


"Nor do I not advocate the violent destruction of America,Just a Socialist revoluton WORLD-WIDE."

Thank you, Stephen. A voice of reason crying out in the wilderness of right-wing lunacy.

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Well, John, here is one quote from that cite:

Here is another quote:

My guess is that the whole world is smart enough to know the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections made lots of people powerful and rich in the process of fixing our federal, state, and local elections. I believe Kerry and Company were in on the deal and sold out to the Bush bribers and enforcers; I will bet Kerry will pocket the 50 million dollars he has left over from his campaign scam.

I don't think this is so far fetched. Given that : Both W and Kerry were Skull and Bones. ANd Dean was the frontrunner with Kerry way out in back until that silly "Dean scream". (That the press made so much of, and was nothing!!!) Suddenly we see Kerry winning ....it struck me as quite odd. Then comes the debates and Kerry, the great brilliant debater goes on about the veep's gay daughter and other embarresing stuff. The lying Swift Boaters are virtually ignored by Kerry and do untold damage. Then the election. Then, post election: a ton of evidence of massive fraud. What does Kerry do or say? ZERO. Now he's talking about running in 08. Was there a Skull and Bones deal? Tim, if you really do not think things like this happen, what on earth are you doing on this forum????? Oh I remember: it's to convince us all that Castro killed JFk.



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Well, John, here is one quote from that cite:

Here is another quote:

My guess is that the whole world is smart enough to know the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections made lots of people powerful and rich in the process of fixing our federal, state, and local elections. I believe Kerry and Company were in on the deal and sold out to the Bush bribers and enforcers; I will bet Kerry will pocket the 50 million dollars he has left over from his campaign scam.

I don't think this is so far fetched. Given that : Both W and Kerry were Skull and Bones. ANd Dean was the frontrunner with Kerry way out in back until that silly "Dean scream". (That the press made so much of, and was nothing!!!) Suddenly we see Kerry winning ....it struck me as quite odd. Then comes the debates and Kerry, the great brilliant debater goes on about the veep's gay daughter and other embarresing stuff. The lying Swift Boaters are virtually ignored by Kerry and do untold damage. Then the election. Then, post election: a ton of evidence of massive fraud. What does Kerry do or say? ZERO. Now he's talking about running in 08. Was there a Skull and Bones deal? Tim, if you really do not think things like this happen, what on earth are you doing on this forum????? Oh I remember: it's to convince us all that Castro killed JFk.



I will go out on a limb here and opine that all ye who enter here should make certain they have read the Wheaton Thread. Gee, if Wheaton is credible, and I think his story is, to put it mildly, compelling, then it kinda makes sense, it makes the "looney accusation" that 9-11 was "allowed to happen" in order to make "terrorism" the new "Communism."

(Note: 9-11 is and alway's will be the most evil type of act imaginable, the point that is being made is there were "war games" being conducted as the hijackers were doing the deed - tip of the iceberg)

The "War on Terrorism" is in (2001-05), what McCarthyism was in (1954-1958) purely from an American slant, of course. I'll go a little further and suggest to anyone that they read "October Surprise" by Gary Sick or "Firewall" Lawrence Walsh's Book on the Iran-Contra Conspiracy & Cover-up, or Barry & The Boyz - Daniel Hunsicker or "Compromised: Clinton, Bush & the CIA." You see, one can say that Wheaton's assertions are "revelatory" but if you can think for yourself and don't need an expert on television to tell you "what to make of the news" that's being reported that particular day. Then it could be said that it all fits, that's why practically everything thats happened since Jan 20, 2001 (on an event type level 9-11, WMD's/Iraq,

Katrina/Scandal in N.O.), Abu-Gharaib/torture, Sweeping INSLAW under the rug, shall I go on....) has the signature of utter contempt for the American people. Would a bunch of CIA crooks, lose any sleep at night about "pertinent issues facing American's" if they had hijacked the Democratic process to begin with?

From someone who has read a lot of history, take it from me. When the intellectuals start getting rounded up, don't expect anyone at CNN to "make much ado" about it, except Anderson Cooper.

End Note: Back in the 1960's around the time of the famous Esquire Kennedy Cover of 1962, a journalist asked George H. W. Bush about his political aspirations for a political dynasty ala the Kennedy's.

Bush responded

"Wait till you see those Bush boy's!"

Edited by Robert Howard
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Have some of you folks forgotten the posts of about a week ago, in which Tom Purvis--and others--claimed that, unless the US had an actual combat situation into which to send its soldiers, their commanders would be inept?

And so it was that 9/11 occurred, and then Afghanistan, and then Iraq...if you follow their logic, these events were necessary in order to prevent our military leadership from being inept in the event of an "actual" combat situation. The events of 9/11, then, rather than being the tragedy they were, are then transformed into something fortuitous, a lucky accident that allows us to train better military leaders, and due to 9/11, to do so with the 100% backing of the American people.

So, extending this logic forward, America must ALWAYS be at war if there is ever to be a hope of peace. War is peace, peace is war. And George Orwell was a prophet.

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