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FBI, the mob, and 9/11

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Of course thank you for correcting my spelling error. I would have assumed you were smart enough to know what I was meaning, I over estimated you, and I certainly apologize for throwing you such confusion.

As for the rest of your post....its just your basic general idiocy.

But the fools of the world do indeed keep the other fools of the world interested.

Please explain to me JACK, and stop avoiding the issue, as to how those smoke clouds could be more dense the further away they move from your ridiculous point of origin.

I wont be holding my breath for a reply.


And people wonder why conspiracy researchers get such a bad name.......

Well son, we do know Jack White and his photo credentials, your photo interp credentials on the other hand, now THAT, is another story...

So, no one is over or under estimating you Sgt. Mikey.... things must be slow at Lancer these day's, eh? You did however, get off to a bad start here mixing it up with Tom Purvis, we all live and learn, eh?

Regarding the topic at hand, your expertise and experience in high rise collapse (and photos of same) would be much appreciated, you do you have a resume, yes? Or are you simply rendering another opinion? Let's not avoid THAT issue, eh?

Seems Lone Nuts are versatile and experienced in so much these day's, simply boggles the mind.... now if they only had credentials to go with their opinons -- just might carry some weight... Carry on!

Interesting to hear from someone who provides nothing on any topic.

Why in the world would I have to be a photo expert to offer an opinion about the smoke in those photos? Are they geometrically challenging? Certainly not.

A for Purvis, I learned long ago never to argue with a fool, folks watching may not know the difference.

But at any rate Davey, carry on, and post more useless nothingness that you contribute so well.

You dont have to be a photo expert to see which way the smoke goes, you just have to apply common sense, something so very lacking in most of the alteration's crowd.

So now Do you have something to offer here David....or are you just to continue flapping your useless gob?


of course I do Sgt. Mikey... you can stop leading with your chin son, this is an international forum, either you know the material or you don't.... You're sounding strangely like Wild *BM* Bill Miller, did you attend his Lancer photo interp classes? Just curious... and I do take Josiah Thompson's posts in this thread seriously. Unlike you son, he's a known commodity with proven investigative-research skills.... you on the other hand are simply peanut gallery prattle.

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Of course thank you for correcting my spelling error. I would have assumed you were smart enough to know what I was meaning, I over estimated you, and I certainly apologize for throwing you such confusion.

As for the rest of your post....its just your basic general idiocy.

But the fools of the world do indeed keep the other fools of the world interested.

Please explain to me JACK, and stop avoiding the issue, as to how those smoke clouds could be more dense the further away they move from your ridiculous point of origin.

I wont be holding my breath for a reply.


And people wonder why conspiracy researchers get such a bad name.......

Well son, we do know Jack White and his photo credentials, your photo interp credentials on the other hand, now THAT, is another story...

So, no one is over or under estimating you Sgt. Mikey.... things must be slow at Lancer these day's, eh? You did however, get off to a bad start here mixing it up with Tom Purvis, we all live and learn, eh?

Regarding the topic at hand, your expertise and experience in high rise collapse (and photos of same) would be much appreciated, you do you have a resume, yes? Or are you simply rendering another opinion? Let's not avoid THAT issue, eh?

Seems Lone Nuts are versatile and experienced in so much these day's, simply boggles the mind.... now if they only had credentials to go with their opinons -- just might carry some weight... Carry on!

Interesting to hear from someone who provides nothing on any topic.

Why in the world would I have to be a photo expert to offer an opinion about the smoke in those photos? Are they geometrically challenging? Certainly not.

A for Purvis, I learned long ago never to argue with a fool, folks watching may not know the difference.

But at any rate Davey, carry on, and post more useless nothingness that you contribute so well.

You dont have to be a photo expert to see which way the smoke goes, you just have to apply common sense, something so very lacking in most of the alteration's crowd.

So now Do you have something to offer here David....or are you just to continue flapping your useless gob?


of course I do Sgt. Mikey... you can stop leading with your chin son, this is an international forum, either you know the material or you don't.... You're sounding strangely like Wild *BM* Bill Miller, did you attend his Lancer photo interp classes? Just curious... and I do take Josiah Thompson's posts in this thread seriously. Unlike you son, he's a known commodity with proven investigative-research skills.... you on the other hand are simply peanut gallery prattle.


I figured just as much. Still nothing worthwhile to offer.....ever.... When it comes to chin music you are a one man band.

But hey, I was not disappointed.

I also value Josiah's comments and opinions, I am very glad you do as well. Perhaps you do have some common sense.


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Colby says the smoke on Vesey Street was from one of the collapsed towers.

Please quote when I said that

Here is what Vesey Street looked like then. Do the look the same?

No Jack they don't look the same because the photo on the left was taken on Vesey several hundred feet west of West St and the one on the right was taken in the middle of the intersection.

Brian Smith wrote:

If the fires were mostly on that one side than why did the building come straight down? Why was the collapse symetrical? It should have been a lot more messy, with the structure toppling more to the side. Don't buy it.

It didn't collapse symmetrically.




Here’s yet another video showing heavy smoke and flame coming out of the south side at 1:33 someone presumably a firefighter says "Look at the hole in that building... 7 world... that might come down".

I’ve posted another version of this previously, a fireman named Miller predicted collapse about 2 hours before it happened.

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The photo on the left is captioned "... Building 6 before tower collapse." This is a mistake. Features in the photo clearly show it was taken after the collapse of both towers. That's what the photographer would tell us if he were ever identified. Since I don't know who wrote the caption I can't tell if it was Jack or an Internet site that made the mistake. This points up a problem mentioned before by Len. It's easy as can be to throw up photos from the Internet with no identification as to place, time or photographer. Since there are multiple mistakes on most of the Internet sites, the captions that come with the photos are equally unreliable. Unless your eye is really educated, it's very easy to be misled by some of these photos.

As Steve Spak's videos and still photos amply demonstrate, smoke roils out of the south face of WTC7 onto Vesey Street. That doesn't mean that some smoke from the burning WTC6 also got onto Vesey Street. It did. But most blew to the southeast with the prevailing wind.

Colby says the smoke on Vesey Street was from one of the collapsed towers.

Here is what Vesey Street looked like then. Do the look the same?


Edited by Josiah Thompson
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After the towers fell, this photo was taken showing the

south face of Building 7. Detail is not good enough in this

small version to show damage, BUT is good enough to

show NO FIRES or smoke coming from the building.

I have been searching for a larger version so far without



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I agree. What is labeled "before" is actually a photo taken well after the collapse of both towers... so much after that firemen can be seen with hoses trained on WTC6. Because it was taken well after, smoke from fires is drifting upward and is clearly not a pyroclastic cloud.

Actually, a lot of material is public record or in the public domain. 504 first responders were interviewed and transcripts of their interviews are found on the New York Times web site. (The Times had to file a lawsuit to pry them loose.) In addition, "Firehouse Magazine" has published a fascinating series of interviews with fire people who were there.

Colby says the smoke on Vesey Street was from one of the collapsed towers.

Here is what Vesey Street looked like then. Do the look the same?


They clearly look different to me. The smoke and steam one sees in the before photo is clearly going up and not coming down and not the collapse pyroclastic cloud IMO. I think it is time to find some firemen who were there [or other witnesses]. Some have spoken, but most firemen were given a blanket order not to discuss the day publicly....another suspicious item by itself. This was a huge crime scene indeed and many witnesses and responders; many photos and films - yet all these years later we are still fighting and trying to figure it all out - and the 'officials' don't care to help with a full investigation or even a full collection of statements, photos, films, etc. in one place (and with the photos having been determined in time). One might ask why - oh, probably just another one of those coincidences or they have better things to do.

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Demonstration of the Venturi Effect on 5 skyscrapers on 9-11.


PS...before some un-truther points it out, obviously there is a

small fire at the top of the North Tower making the black smoke.

The lighter dustclouds are not smoke.

Edited by Jack White
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Elements in this photo indicate it was taken fairly early... say before 12:30 PM. It fails to show any fires on the east (or West Broadway) side of the building below floor 9. We have a remarkable series of photos and video taken by Steve Spak between 1:00 and 1:30 PM which show fires raging out of windows on the West Broadway (east) side of the building on floor 12. Since this photo does not show floor 12 and we don't know the time when it was taken, we can't tell whether the fires on floor 12 were just out of frame or whether it was taken before they broke through the windows.

Once again, the time a photo was taken is critical. To simply post photos without attribution or time and place doesn't really show very much.

Building 7 looks OK in this photo...but why did this bus burn to a crisp?


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