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Dumb question

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What exactly does DGI stand for , as in "Trafficante was a DGI asset"?

DGI stands for Dirección General de Inteligencia, which is basically Castro's intelligence agency. The idea that Trafficante was a DGI asset is an extremely relevant subject of interest.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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Without implying that Scott's question was dumb, there ARE dumb questions, Jim.

I read recently that CJ Roberts (or one member of the Supremes) told the story that when he was trying to get his luggage after returning to DC he could not find it. Upon inquiry he was told to ask at the lost and found.

When he got to the lost and find and said he was looking for lost luggage, the clerk asked him: "Has your plane landed yet?"

Now that question is SO dumb I don't think I would believe it if it was told by a member of congress. Coming from a member of the Supremes, I must believe it to be true.

Once someone posted a list of dumb questions asked by tourists. There is a small island, less than a mile wide, about 500 yards from the west end of Key West. It is now developed, but was not as a tourist asked a local (I am not kidding): "Is that Cuba?" Or I actually had tourists who approached me very early one morning and asked if they could go out on to the Sunset Pier to watch the sunrise. I informed them that at least in Key West the sun does not rise from the plave in which it sets.

There ARE dumb questions. (I've asked a few myself!)

Edited by Tim Gratz
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And how would you propose a "tourist" inquire or find out about Cuba, or the fact that the Key West developed island was NOT Cuba without asking someone else?

Send them to USAID or some other CIA font of bullcrap about Cuba? To be instructed as to "Castro/KGB/GRU/DCI killed JFK" or other like drivel.

I know I have a higher opinion of anyone asking questions than some.

After 50 years of various pontifications by psyoperatives about Cuba and "communism" being right off the US shore at Key West and the manufacturing of evil from Cuba, the query as to the identity of the island likely seems valid to me in light of the stripping of public education of "geography and history".

However don't feel too bad Tim, I decided long ago to agree to disagree (mostly silently) with at least part of what you say.

To insist that there are "dumb questions" might serve to make it harder for someone to as a question for fear of being included in the "dumb question asking" segment of society.

And that would be a wrong done to the curious or to a student, therefore to me the occasional "really" dumb question like "Did your plane land yet?" will have to be tolerated to keep the avenues of thought open for those seeking to know, like me.

That should be kept in mind and an effort made to make it easier for lesser learned ones to ask whatever they want to know particularly about the Black Ops Era.


Edited by Jim Hackett II
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What exactly does DGI stand for , as in "Trafficante was a DGI asset"?

DGI stands for Dirección General de Inteligencia, which is basically Castro's intelligence agency. The idea that Trafficante was a DGI asset is an extremely relevant subject of interest.


Thank you Tim!

You know when Santo was released from prison the rumor started that he made a deal with Castro, which was further supported by Johnny Roselli. INterestingly when Santo set up shop in Miami after returning form Cuba, and started his bolita operations with many of the Cuban gangsters that came with him (Evaristos Garcia,Raul Jerez, etc.) there were a lot of intel reports that Castro was senidng in peopel to tamper with his operations. For a while he was reportedly broke because of Castro's efforts to disrupt Santo's gambling operations (lots of lopsided betting- stuff liek that).

Now a wiseguy saying he's broke is par for the course. But you have to wonder if it's true, why would Castro turn on Santo if Santo was a DGI asset?

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