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Dr. Tony Austin

Tony Austin

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Dr Tony Austin was born in Shipley, West Yorkshire, England but he now lives in the county of Somerset where he works as a GP in a rural practice. He is married to Karen, who works as a District Nurse, and they have two young children.

His interest in the Kennedy Assassination started in 1988 when he saw the TV documentary "The men who killed Kennedy." He later read the book "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs and since then he has read many books and articles and also watched numerous films and documentaries on the subject.

In November 2003 he watched a documentary on BBC2 titled "The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy" and he felt that it was giving a very one sided view of the assassination. He decided that he would like to put forward another point of view by writing a critical review of the programme. This was the first time he has ever written about this subject. He approached the 'Dealey Plaza UK' about the article and they agreed to put it on their website.

Tony Austin is now a member of Dealey Plaza UK and he occasionally writes articles on the assassination. In his opinion his article "Ruby's route to a murder and Bugliosi's blunder" is his best article yet.

Edited by Tony Austin
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