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Fetzer rewrites the history of Hinckley’s attempt on Reagan

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Just as I suspected - all coincidence (or "copy cat")!

Significantly you failed to mention that Swaggart received a letter saying Reagan was going to be shot, postmarked days before Reagan was shot (it arrived on the day Reagan was shot), and using the same language (America would "turn to the left") used in a letter found in a hotel room that Richardson had occupied. (How could such a letter written before the crime be "copy cat"?) I would say those letters must have been written by the same person, either Richardson or someone who was setting him up. Call them just a coincidence and I will conclude that discussing any of these subjects with you is a waste of time.


Edited by Ron Ecker
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Just as a suspected - all coincidence (or "copy cat")!

Significantly you failed to mention that Swaggart received a letter saying Reagan was going to be shot, postmarked days before Reagan was shot (it arrived on the day Reagan was shot), and using the same language (America would "turn to the left") used in a letter found in a hotel room that Richardson had occupied. (How could such a letter written before the crime be "copy cat"?) I would say those letters must have been written by the same person, either Richardson or someone who was setting him up. Call them just a coincidence and I will conclude that discussing any of these subjects with you is a waste of time.


The letter could have written by Richardson because the wording was similar but the FBI determined he was in his parents house hear Philly and the letter to Swaggart was sent from Grand Junction Colorado a few thousand miles away. It does not seem unreasonable that there were 2 nutjobs with a hard on for Ronnie just as a few years earlier 2 women tried to shoot Ford.

The biggest coincidences happened after Reagan was shot (i.e. Richardson becoming obsessed with Jodie Foster and staying at the same hotel). Before that all you got is that 2 losers who at some point lived in the same Denver suburb thought about killing Ronnie. It is not known if they lived in that city at the same time, knew any of the same people or had any connection with each other. How would having lived in the same town been a factor in choosing a patsy.

Senario 1

Richardson wrote the letter he left his parents' home in Pennsylvania and travelled for reasons unlnown to Grand Junction a few days before the shooting. After the shooting he identifies with Hinckley the both want to kill "the Gipper" and both lived in Lakewood. A few week after the attempt he decides to emulate his hero and goes to the same hotel and sends a letter to the same actress

Senario 2

Richardson didn't write the letter the language is coincidental or the text of Swaggart letter had been reported somewhere. It was recieved on the day of the attempt this is not unreasonable. The rest same as above he identified with Hickley the common tie of Lakewood possibly being a factor, he then decides to emulate his new role model and goes to New Haven

What is your theory that Richard had been programmed and then "threw a circut" his behaviour didn't make sense for a would be assassin.

I noticed neither you nor Jack tackled the part about the Hinckley's sacrificing their own son to make "Poppa Doc" Bush POTUS.

Another question if they had Richardson why use Hickley? And why would they program two MC's with the same obsession? It would increase the chance for a screw-up


Edited by Len Colby
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I would respond to the points raised in your latest and rather desperate attempt at rebuttal, but as I indicated I am not going to waste my time. It is now clear that either this is all just a debating game to you (which you've lost), or else you have an agenda, or both.

Jack or others are free to play along with you if they wish to, but I'm finished.


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I would respond to the points raised in your latest and rather desperate attempt at rebuttal, but as I indicated I am not going to waste my time. It is now clear that either this is all just a debating game to you (which you've lost), or else you have an agenda, or both.

Jack or others are free to play along with you if they wish to, but I'm finished.


Au contraire monsieur Ecker!!! I have no agenda nor is this a debating game, I genuinely believe there to be no merit to your theory, even Pat said he believes the attempt was as it appeared to be. Some times lone nuts do assassinate or try to assassinate presidents, presidents-elect or presidential candidates or do you think all the 20 or so incidents going back to the time of Andrew Jackson (1835 IIRC) that were attributed to LN's were conspiracies?

You won the debate just because you said you did? LOL Didn't Rove say Bush won the debates?

You have yet to show why it's unreasonable that 2 psychos were gunning for Reagan at the same time just as 2 tried to shoot Ford weeks apart in 1975. Nor have you shown that Richardson and Hinckley had any other connection that predates the attempt other than one at some point lived in the same city that the other grew up in. Nor have you explained why them both having lived in Lakewood would have been significant. Those are only a few of the questions you left unanswered. The letter was mailed from a city thousands of miles from where Richardson lived and 238 miles (357 KM) from Lakewood (further than NYC is from Washington or Boston).

You say it would be easy to rebutt me, go ahead and try!

You unfortunately seem to be emulating Jack's debating style of trying to impugn the motives of those who disagree with you and using that as an excuse not to debate and leave questions unanswered


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  • 2 years later...

Just as a suspected - all coincidence (or "copy cat")!

Significantly you failed to mention that Swaggart received a letter saying Reagan was going to be shot, postmarked days before Reagan was shot (it arrived on the day Reagan was shot), and using the same language (America would "turn to the left") used in a letter found in a hotel room that Richardson had occupied. (How could such a letter written before the crime be "copy cat"?) I would say those letters must have been written by the same person, either Richardson or someone who was setting him up. Call them just a coincidence and I will conclude that discussing any of these subjects with you is a waste of time.


The letter could have written by Richardson because the wording was similar but the FBI determined he was in his parents house hear Philly and the letter to Swaggart was sent from Grand Junction Colorado a few thousand miles away. It does not seem unreasonable that there were 2 nutjobs with a hard on for Ronnie just as a few years earlier 2 women tried to shoot Ford.

The biggest coincidences happened after Reagan was shot (i.e. Richardson becoming obsessed with Jodie Foster and staying at the same hotel). Before that all you got is that 2 losers who at some point lived in the same Denver suburb thought about killing Ronnie. It is not known if they lived in that city at the same time, knew any of the same people or had any connection with each other. How would having lived in the same town been a factor in choosing a patsy.

Senario 1

Richardson wrote the letter he left his parents' home in Pennsylvania and travelled for reasons unlnown to Grand Junction a few days before the shooting. After the shooting he identifies with Hinckley the both want to kill "the Gipper" and both lived in Lakewood. A few week after the attempt he decides to emulate his hero and goes to the same hotel and sends a letter to the same actress

Senario 2

Richardson didn't write the letter the language is coincidental or the text of Swaggart letter had been reported somewhere. It was recieved on the day of the attempt this is not unreasonable. The rest same as above he identified with Hickley the common tie of Lakewood possibly being a factor, he then decides to emulate his new role model and goes to New Haven

What is your theory that Richard had been programmed and then "threw a circut" his behaviour didn't make sense for a would be assassin.

I noticed neither you nor Jack tackled the part about the Hinckley's sacrificing their own son to make "Poppa Doc" Bush POTUS.

Another question if they had Richardson why use Hickley? And why would they program two MC's with the same obsession? It would increase the chance for a screw-up


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Thanks for posting that TCI article, Jack. I remember it well. I'd love to hear what Gary Mack thinks about that article now.

As for the shooting itself, I've always had a few questions about it. First, the motive is absurd and laughingly Hollywood-like. Only in America, do assassins shoot at political figures to impress an underage actress. I guess it's irresponsible to believe that a politician could be shot at for political reasons, at the behest of political enemies. Second, why have we never seen a television interview with John Hinckley? Forgive me if I missed it, but I don't believe this guy has ever been filmed giving any kind of interview. That's really strange to me; he's a living, breathing man who attempted to assassinate the president. Why wouldn't some news organization want to interview him?

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Thanks for posting that TCI article, Jack. I remember it well. I'd love to hear what Gary Mack thinks about that article now.

As for the shooting itself, I've always had a few questions about it. First, the motive is absurd and laughingly Hollywood-like. Only in America, do assassins shoot at political figures to impress an underage actress. I guess it's irresponsible to believe that a politician could be shot at for political reasons, at the behest of political enemies.

You are trying to apply a rational motive to mentally disturbed individual, which is crazy :lol: . Charles Guiteau assassinated James Garfield because the president failed to appoint him ambassador to Paris or Vienna. The English immigrant who tried to kill Andrew Jackson blamed the president for being an unemployed house painter and claimed he was really Richard III and the Tennessean was really his clerk. Neither of the women who tried to kill Ford had rational motives, nor did the various men who crashed or tried to crash planes into the White House nor did the woman who shot Andy Warhol nor did the assassin of Selena. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes crazy people kill or try to kill other people (including politicians and celebrities) for reasons that don’t make sense to anyone else.

Second, why have we never seen a television interview with John Hinckley? Forgive me if I missed it, but I don't believe this guy has ever been filmed giving any kind of interview. That's really strange to me; he's a living, breathing man who attempted to assassinate the president. Why wouldn't some news organization want to interview him?

Perhaps he has no interest in being interviewed, perhaps the hospital won't allow it.

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Thanks for posting that TCI article, Jack. I remember it well. I'd love to hear what Gary Mack thinks about that article now.

You apperently missed this e-mail I recieved from Gary which I posted in message #7:

"Hi Len, Notice the title of the 24 year old article: Network tapes may reveal a second Reagan gunman. The key word is MAY. I didn't know then and I don't know now whether that seventh noise was a shot or not. The rest of the article makes it fairly clear that we were speculating and that we couldn't tell which shot or shots did what. The account only reflects what we thought at the time. The subsequent investigation concluded that Hinckley was the only gunman and his gun could fire only six shots, so one of those noises, probably the last, must not have been a shot. I'm not aware of any subsequent information suggesting our early analysis was correct. That is why I insisted the headline include the qualifier word "May."

Gary Mack"

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