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Wise and the thing in his ear

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Thanks to Robin's posting of a blowup of the tramps photo in another thread, here's a good look at Officer Wise with what has been suggested is a listening device in his ear.


I don't know what kind of listening device, in 1963 or today, hangs down under the ear as this thing does. But does anyone buy Wise's explanation of this thing in his ear? He said that he had cotton in his ear because of an infection, and that it may have come loose because he had done some running.

Now how much cotton can you stuff in your ear? Enough that when it comes loose, it can hang out of your ear so far that it casts a shadow on your cheek? And it still doesn't fall completely out of your ear, presumably because part of this unbelievable conglomeration of cotton is still stuck in the ear canal?

There is a photo of the older tramp that is also said to show what may be a similar device in his ear. That is less obvious, I don't know, and I don't have the photo handy. But I sure don't buy the story that it's a piece of cotton hanging out of Wise's ear.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Thanks to Robin's posting of a blowup of the tramps photo in another thread, here's a good look at Officer Wise with what has been suggested is a listening device in his ear.


I don't know what kind of listening device, in 1963 or today, hangs down under the ear as this thing does. But does anyone buy Wise's explanation of this thing in his ear? He said that he had cotton in his ear because of an infection, and that it may have come loose because he had done some running.

Now how much cotton can you stuff in your ear? Enough that when it comes loose, it can hang out of your ear so far that it casts a shadow on your cheek? And it still doesn't fall completely out of your ear, presumably because part of this unbelievable conglomeration of cotton is still stuck in the ear canal?

There is a photo of the older tramp that is also said to show what may be a similar device in his ear. That is less obvious, I don't know, and I don't have the photo handy. But I sure don't buy the story that it's a piece of cotton hanging out of Wise's ear.

The technology of intelligence devices circa early 1960's employed devices from 'body worn radio,' to various types of 'recievers' of which I would presume the above device to be, to even the most outlandish such as the [don't laugh] 'Rectal tool kit.' * G Gordon Liddy as well as Lee Harvey Oswald had a propensity for using the Minox Camera, + perhaps someone could inquire to Mr Liddy as to his thoughts on the matter. I am sure he would have some illuminating comments to add, maybe he could explain Dan Rather's quote speculating as to whether E Howard Hunt, or himself was 'acquainted' with Lee Harvey Oswald, I am sure Forum members would be all ears.

* pg. 117 'Ultimate Spy' H. Keith Melton - Escape tools and way's of concealing them continued to be needed in the years after World War 2. This [enclosed photo, not reproduced here - RH] CIA kit from the 1960s was designed for rectal concealment if a search was anticipated.

+ ibid, page's 88, 117.

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