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Clint Hill's superhuman speed!

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Was frame 410 left out of your last post purposely?

You have answered other questions about the frames, now, could you address the question posed by Jack?

Is that the curb showing in frame 410?

Is it just another mirage created by blurring?

The area in question does appear to be in sharp enough focus for an opinion. :blink:


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Was frame 410 left out of your last post purposely?

You have answered other questions about the frames, now, could you address the question posed by Jack?

Is that the curb showing in frame 410?

Is it just another mirage created by blurring?

The area in question does appear to be in sharp enough focus for an opinion. :hotorwot


Hello, Chuck.

I did leave the MPI Z410 frame out of my animation because MPI Z408 equates with the Costella Z410 frame Jack used. MPI Z408 is in my animated clip sequence. I hope you find the information helpful.

The first thing that will help someone is to use the most natural and cleanest images possible. I do not know why it is, but the one particular Zfilm image of Z410 that Jack used has had the contrast turned up and its total overall image is more blurred than the Z410 he posted when he started this thread. I offer a comparison of clarity below to the image Jack posted and the one I am using in this reply.


In the next illustration I have three pplaces marked off.

A) The illuminated leaf is vertically thicker than the top of the curb and has a bluish color tint.

B) There is no shade line over Clint Hill like that on the top of the curb. This is because what we are looking at is the green tint combined with the illuminated part of the pyracantha bush foliage. This combination can be seen in the frames leading up to Z410.

There are several reasons for the blurred appearence of the leaves. One is that Zapruder had his camera on telephoto which makes things close to the camera appear fuzzy. Then there is the panning blur and shakiness of Mr. Z's camera that also played a role in the blurring of the foliage. And lastly is the process that MPI used in making their film which caused the sharpness of the images to be reduced when compared to how they look on the original film.

C) The uneven shape of the leaf is visible against the shaded side of the curb that is visible.


Edited by Bill Miller
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Are these consecutive frames?

If they are, agent Hill is moving unusually fast

and is also quite elevated up above the hood.

Did he go from chasing the bumper to hovering over Jackie's head in an instant ??


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Are these consecutive frames?

If they are, agent Hill is moving unusually fast

and is also quite elevated up above the hood.

Did he go from chasing the bumper to hovering over Jackie's head in an instant ??


I don't think anything Hill would be doing would please everyone. Some question that he didn't act soon enough ... others that he got to Jackie too fast. As early as Z320 - Z330, Hill starts to reach the back of the limo. Altgens takes a photo of the limo from the rear and while Jackie is up on the trunk of the car and Hill is already standing on the back of the limo. (see POTP by Trask/pg 316) Hill is standing on the back of the car before, during, and after Z410. It is Hill's standing on the back of the car that elevates him high above Jackie when viewed from Zapruder's pedestal.


Edited by Bill Miller
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