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The Diem cables

Pat Speer

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Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray

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Guest John Gillespie


Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray


Hee, hee...good to get silly in the late afternoon here in Beantown. Check out the link and see if you can send the Dobie and Maynard pic to Pat in lieu of Hunt/Liddy in front of Fielding's office. Go ahead, he'll buy it.




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Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray


Hee, hee...good to get silly in the late afternoon here in Beantown. Check out the link and see if you can send the Dobie and Maynard pic to Pat in lieu of Hunt/Liddy in front of Fielding's office. Go ahead, he'll buy it.




John, Ashton:

I have an idea. Why don't we find Hunt, Liddy et al and invite them out for some wine and conversation. Chuck Colson too, with whom I have been dying to have a conversation for now 33 odd years.

Pat: What is so damn difficult about this cable thing ? There were none. Zip.


John: Wish I was in my old beantown right now. Next summer!

But wait: This post of Pat's is pretty ancient: sorry 'bout the delay....:)

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Hee, hee...good to get silly in the late afternoon here in Beantown. Check out the link and see if you can send the Dobie and Maynard pic to Pat in lieu of Hunt/Liddy in front of Fielding's office. Go ahead, he'll buy it.


Of course a CIA op can't happen without a Cuban in it. That's Bernard Barker peeking in from the side. No, really. It was right after he met with Hunt and Douglas Caddy at that bar in D.C.



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I have an idea. Why don't we find Hunt, Liddy et al and invite them out for some wine and conversation. Chuck Colson too, with whom I have been dying to have a conversation for now 33 odd years.

Ms. Meredith, please add me to the guest list. Oh: and Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Caddy. Please don't leave them over in the "Listening Post." (No telling what they might do alone together.)

I'll rent a travel film for the training of businessmen, and we can get a banquet room under the name "Ameritas." Could we actually get the same "Continental Room" banquet hall in the Watergate? That would be delightful.

While we're waiting for dessert, I want to look directly into Hunt and Liddy's eyes and ask them point blank where they actually were and what they actually were doing over Memorial Day weekend 1972. And I so hope Hunt tries to tell me he was hiding in the liquor closet of the Continental Room peeing into a bottle of Scotch, and that Liddy says, "I don't recall exactly where I was, but was somewhere in the vicinity."


Edited by Ashton Gray
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Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray

I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light.

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I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed...

"Cables"? Plural?


Why, Pat: was it a religious paroxysm that caused you to type "cables" instead of "cable"?

I ask because one of the supreme disciples in your Cult of the Forged Diem Cable(s), John Dean, said very unmistakably that there was "one cable regarding the involvement of persons in the Kennedy administration in the fall of the Diem regime in Vietnam."

And you've reported that your other star witness to the Divine miracle—Colson's pet media whore William Lambert—set forth his lamentations of "Hunt's repeatedly showing him a cable and of his own attempts to get a copy of that cable."

What exactly is the core belief of your Cult of the Forged Diem Cable(s), O High Priest Pat, regarding how many of these invisible miracles existed? I've asked you this before and you've done nothing but dodge it.

So, no, High Priest Pat: I have not joined your cult that believes so fanatically in the noseeum cable(s). And if you're going to keep trying to hold the faithful or get new converts to your cult, answer the core question of your faith:

Do you claim that there was one "forged Diem cable," or that there was more than one "forged Diem cable"?

You have the pulpit and your flock is waiting reverently for more fleecing.

Ashton the Heretic

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Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray

I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light.

Pat: Read my lips: there were no cables. Nada.

Carefull, your "light" is blinding :ph34r:.


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Pat, let me make a suggestion:

You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to.

And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it!

There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal?

Ashton Gray

I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light.

Pat: Read my lips: there were no cables. Nada.

Carefull, your "light" is blinding :ph34r:.


Dawn, if you, as a lawyer, can't see that the creation of a fake cable in order to implicate the Democrats in the murder of Diem was 1) acknowledged by a number of men as a goal of the Nixon Administration, 2) admitted to by the man in the position to fake the cable, and 3) verified by a number of other men who admitted seeing the cable, and that these men gained little if anything from their admitting they knew of or saw this cable, makes the cable a legal and historical fact, then you, as a lawyer, have no business in a court of law. I don't know what Kool-aid Ashton's been sending you via e-mail, but it's mighty potent.

Most puzzling of all is why Ashton should make-up such nonsense--that there was no cable--and include it as part of his scientology-based scenario. It seems obvious that he finds it necessary, in order to build up Watergate as an incredibly EVIL act set up by incredibly EVIL men, that Nixon was innocent of impeachable offenses. Thus, his refusal to admit that Nixon was guilty of anything. You should be wary of false prophets, particularly those using fake names and wearing tinfoil hats.

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Dawn, if you, as a lawyer, can't see that the creation of a fake cable...fake the cable...seeing the cable...saw this cable, makes the cable.

Ohhhhh, Pat. Before this, you were saying "cables" (plural). Now suddenly you are blathering on about "a cable" and "the cable" (singular), while of course trying to smear me—but also while again slinking and dodging around giving a straight answer to the Core Question of the Cult of the Forged Diem Cable(s).

So I'm going to give you another chance. Here you go:

Do you claim that there was one "forged Diem cable," or that there was more than one "forged Diem cable"?

Come on, Pat. It looks so bad when you keep running from answering this question. You can do it. Which is it?


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I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light.

Pat: Read my lips: there were no cables. Nada.

Carefull, your "light" is blinding :lol:.


Dawn, if you, as a lawyer, can't see that the creation of a fake cable in order to implicate the Democrats in the murder of Diem was 1) acknowledged by a number of men as a goal of the Nixon Administration, 2) admitted to by the man in the position to fake the cable, and 3) verified by a number of other men who admitted seeing the cable, and that these men gained little if anything from their admitting they knew of or saw this cable, makes the cable a legal and historical fact, then you, as a lawyer, have no business in a court of law. I don't know what Kool-aid Ashton's been sending you via e-mail, but it's mighty potent.

Most puzzling of all is why Ashton should make-up such nonsense--that there was no cable--and include it as part of his scientology-based scenario. It seems obvious that he finds it necessary, in order to build up Watergate as an incredibly EVIL act set up by incredibly EVIL men, that Nixon was innocent of impeachable offenses. Thus, his refusal to admit that Nixon was guilty of anything. You should be wary of false prophets, particularly those using fake names and wearing tinfoil hats.



Until I began to read Ashton's post in July I had believed in the cable fable, for the very reasons you cite above. There was no good reason to dispute it. Then I began reading Ashton's posts and I found that there was so much I already knew and agreed with that I had to re-examine some others thoughts I had . Like did Nixon kill Dorothy Hunt? Or did the CIA? And same with Hoover. Before Ashton began posting I had believed Nixon had both those murders done. Of course I also knew by 73 that Watergate was a CIA coup. So much in Mr. Gray's posts was stuff I long knew.

Koolaid in email? Pat I don't know what you are smoking. So, you're telling me that if I happen to agree with Aston and not you then I should be disbarred or something? Well I understand how you have a high opinion of yourself and your own view, but let me clue you: I am far from the only person on this forum who has found Ashton's rersearch to be a breath of fresh air. I am here as a student, to learn more about the evil that occupies and runs our nation. And to try to educate others whom I enoucnter in life, people who are blinded by Operation Mockingbird.

No kool-aid Pat. Just a different set of beliefs than you appear to hold. How this could possibly disqualify me in my occupation in any manner is hard to fathom. But I have found here on the forum when someone disagrees with my political view the first thing they always attack is me in my profession.

I take it for what it's worth: very little.


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Dawn: a question... do you honestly believe Watergate was a CIA plot designed to put Gerry Ford in power, to keep stolen Scientology secrets from being revealed, and that Richard Nixon was innocent of an unimpeachable crime, and that the ONLY way to remove him from office was for such disparate men as Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, John Dean, Charles Colson, John Ehrlichman, L. Patrick Gray and William Lambert to conspire on stories such as the one they shared about a faked cable?

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Dawn: a question...


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pat! <Tweet! Whistle> Yoo-hoo!

Quit shuckin' and jivin' and dodgin' and slitherin' and sidewindin' Pat. Everybody can see what you're doing. Just answer the pertinent question of material fact:

Do you claim that there was one "forged Diem cable," or that there was more than one "forged Diem cable"?

Still waiting...


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Dawn: a question...


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pat! <Tweet! Whistle> Yoo-hoo!

Quit shuckin' and jivin' and dodgin' and slitherin' and sidewindin' Pat. Everybody can see what you're doing. Just answer the pertinent question of material fact:

Do you claim that there was one "forged Diem cable," or that there was more than one "forged Diem cable"?

Still waiting...


Ashton, I don't take questions from make-believe people spouting insane nonsense about aliens and volcanoes, etc.

You have refused to answer any of my questions. Why should I answer any of yours, particular when they are irrelevant to the thread? By asking if I believe there was one cable or two cables, are you implying that you believe one of them is the correct answer, and are you thereby acknowledging there was at least one cable?

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Dawn: a question... do you honestly believe Watergate was a CIA plot designed to put Gerry Ford in power, to keep stolen Scientology secrets from being revealed, and that Richard Nixon was innocent of an unimpeachable crime, and that the ONLY way to remove him from office was for such disparate men as Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, John Dean, Charles Colson, John Ehrlichman, L. Patrick Gray and William Lambert to conspire on stories such as the one they shared about a faked cable?

Pat: yes I believe Watergate was as CIA plot. I believe I have said this so many times that I sound like a damn broken record. And Ford was part and parcel of it. Nixon was a criminal who deserved exactly what he got and far worse. He was a mass murderer. (Vietnam etc).

I know nothing about stolen Scientology secrets except what I have read here on the forum.


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