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Big box...

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Ideas anyone?


Mr. White,

i think that it is the front of the car, with the left side (driver side) being illuminated by the sun (compare

with other vehicles in Z-416 Costella Version).

The whole front grill (air inlet/watercooler) area and the right part of the front hood are

in shadow due to the large truck that is beside the Austin (please compare shadow direction on lampposts).

That would be my best guess.

Edited by Dave Weaver
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Ideas anyone?


looking through the leaves and branches

after a closer look and comparing to cacellare::

what seems like a person just at rear of truck is a leaf or a brighter spot on the lawn. Then on top left is the truck. Then there's a little funny shaped car also seen in 'Cancellare', road, sidewalk leaves etc. No box.

Edited by John Dolva
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