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Since many have hanged (themselves) as well as hung their support of the WC on the final/last NAA analysis, and the analytical results of this testing are supportive of the conclusion, then the manipulations of how this/these results came to be must be fully examined in light of the known evidence.

First off, the NAA results, as analytical testing, support that the fragments examined and compared, came from only two bullets.

However, one must also take into consideration that this is nothing more than statistical testing/evaluation, and has little to do with the factual evidence in which actual evidence has had a tendancy to "disappear".

And in that regards, one must question the potential for same evidence to "re-appear" in a different location.

Not unlike the old pea/shell game, as well as some of the fantastic magic tricks observed on television and at the Vegas Shows.

Some may be of the impression that these "sleight-of-hand" tricks have some basis in reality, but most are aware that it is merely a simple deception that when fully explained as to HOW?, is easily understood.

And in that regards, one must not only "look at the pictures", they must also read and evaluate, as well as correlate the information with the photo's.

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Since many have hanged (themselves) as well as hung their support of the WC on the final/last NAA analysis, and the analytical results of this testing are supportive of the conclusion, then the manipulations of how this/these results came to be must be fully examined in light of the known evidence.

First off, the NAA results, as analytical testing, support that the fragments examined and compared, came from only two bullets.

However, one must also take into consideration that this is nothing more than statistical testing/evaluation, and has little to do with the factual evidence in which actual evidence has had a tendancy to "disappear".

And in that regards, one must question the potential for same evidence to "re-appear" in a different location.

Not unlike the old pea/shell game, as well as some of the fantastic magic tricks observed on television and at the Vegas Shows.

Some may be of the impression that these "sleight-of-hand" tricks have some basis in reality, but most are aware that it is merely a simple deception that when fully explained as to HOW?, is easily understood.

And in that regards, one must not only "look at the pictures", they must also read and evaluate, as well as correlate the information with the photo's.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you produce them at this time then, please? May we assign to this group of particles Commission Exhibit No. 840?

Mr. DULLES - These have not been discussed before, have they?

Mr. SPECTER - They have not.

Mr. DULLES - It shall be admitted as Commission Exhibit No. 840.

(Commission Exhibit No. 840 was marked for identification and received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - I move formally for their admission, then, into evidence at this time.

Mr. DULLES - They shall be admitted.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe the three pieces of metal which are contained within this vial, please?

Mr. FRAZIER - The three pieces of metal are lead. They were weighed immediately upon recovery and were found to weigh nine-tenths of a grain, seven-tenths of a grain, and seven-tenths of a grain, respectively. Since that time small portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.


One really needs to read this statement!

"A" was compared to "B", and then "B" was compared to "C", according to the above.


Mr. SPECTER - Now, what did the comparative examination then disclose as among Commission Exhibits 399, 567, and 840?

Mr. FRAZIER - That examination was performed by a spectrographer, John F. Gallagher, and I do not have the results of his examinations here, although I did ascertain that it was determined that the lead fragments were similar in composition.


Yep! They were all lead. However, and personally, I would have preferred that Agent Gallagher take the stand and testify as to the results of the NAA work done at Oak Ridge, as well as submit the documentation generated during the testing.

But then again, I would also have preferred that FBI Agent Henry Heiberger, the only agent from the FBI Lab to examine the clothing of JFK, to have also testified and provided copies of his lab test sheets.


Mr. SPECTER - So that they could have come from, so that the fragments designated 840 could have come from the same bullet as fragment designated 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Were the tests sufficient to indicate conclusively whether fragments 840 did come from the fragment designated as 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.


Just perhaps, had a proper test protocol been followed in which:

(CE#399) was separately compared to EACH of the three fragments found in the rear floorboard of the limosine.

Then, it could no doubt be ascertained as to the likelihood of one of those fragments in CE840 having come from the bullet.

This would have special significance since Agent Frazier immediately had some suspicions that one or more of these fragments was generated from CE840, to the extent that he wrote it in his notes when he first received and examined the bullets and bullet fragments.


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Since many have hanged (themselves) as well as hung their support of the WC on the final/last NAA analysis, and the analytical results of this testing are supportive of the conclusion, then the manipulations of how this/these results came to be must be fully examined in light of the known evidence.

First off, the NAA results, as analytical testing, support that the fragments examined and compared, came from only two bullets.

However, one must also take into consideration that this is nothing more than statistical testing/evaluation, and has little to do with the factual evidence in which actual evidence has had a tendancy to "disappear".

And in that regards, one must question the potential for same evidence to "re-appear" in a different location.

Not unlike the old pea/shell game, as well as some of the fantastic magic tricks observed on television and at the Vegas Shows.

Some may be of the impression that these "sleight-of-hand" tricks have some basis in reality, but most are aware that it is merely a simple deception that when fully explained as to HOW?, is easily understood.

And in that regards, one must not only "look at the pictures", they must also read and evaluate, as well as correlate the information with the photo's.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you produce them at this time then, please? May we assign to this group of particles Commission Exhibit No. 840?

Mr. DULLES - These have not been discussed before, have they?

Mr. SPECTER - They have not.

Mr. DULLES - It shall be admitted as Commission Exhibit No. 840.

(Commission Exhibit No. 840 was marked for identification and received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - I move formally for their admission, then, into evidence at this time.

Mr. DULLES - They shall be admitted.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe the three pieces of metal which are contained within this vial, please?

Mr. FRAZIER - The three pieces of metal are lead. They were weighed immediately upon recovery and were found to weigh nine-tenths of a grain, seven-tenths of a grain, and seven-tenths of a grain, respectively. Since that time small portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.


One really needs to read this statement!

"A" was compared to "B", and then "B" was compared to "C", according to the above.


Mr. SPECTER - Now, what did the comparative examination then disclose as among Commission Exhibits 399, 567, and 840?

Mr. FRAZIER - That examination was performed by a spectrographer, John F. Gallagher, and I do not have the results of his examinations here, although I did ascertain that it was determined that the lead fragments were similar in composition.


Yep! They were all lead. However, and personally, I would have preferred that Agent Gallagher take the stand and testify as to the results of the NAA work done at Oak Ridge, as well as submit the documentation generated during the testing.

But then again, I would also have preferred that FBI Agent Henry Heiberger, the only agent from the FBI Lab to examine the clothing of JFK, to have also testified and provided copies of his lab test sheets.


Mr. SPECTER - So that they could have come from, so that the fragments designated 840 could have come from the same bullet as fragment designated 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Were the tests sufficient to indicate conclusively whether fragments 840 did come from the fragment designated as 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.


Just perhaps, had a proper test protocol been followed in which:

(CE#399) was separately compared to EACH of the three fragments found in the rear floorboard of the limosine.

Then, it could no doubt be ascertained as to the likelihood of one of those fragments in CE840 having come from the bullet.

This would have special significance since Agent Frazier immediately had some suspicions that one or more of these fragments was generated from CE840, to the extent that he wrote it in his notes when he first received and examined the bullets and bullet fragments.



Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399?

Mr. FRAZIER - I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains.

Mr. SPECTER - Referring now to 399.

Mr. FRAZIER - Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing.


Well Then! Perhaps the question should be rephrased!

"Is it possible that any one of the single fragments of CE840 may have come from CE399?"

Especially since: "only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing"


Weight of bullet (CE399):------------------------------------------------158.6 Grains

Weight Loss from firing:-------------------------------------------------- 0.63 grains

Weight of one of the CE840 fragments:-------------------------------- +0.9 grains

Total:---------------------------------------------------------------------- 160.13 grains


Now, for a small portion of the "CORE" of CE399 to be "missing", then, something would have to, not unlike a tube of toothpaste, squeeze this bullet with sufficient force to cause a portion of the lead core to be forced out the base of the bullet.

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Since many have hanged (themselves) as well as hung their support of the WC on the final/last NAA analysis, and the analytical results of this testing are supportive of the conclusion, then the manipulations of how this/these results came to be must be fully examined in light of the known evidence.

First off, the NAA results, as analytical testing, support that the fragments examined and compared, came from only two bullets.

However, one must also take into consideration that this is nothing more than statistical testing/evaluation, and has little to do with the factual evidence in which actual evidence has had a tendancy to "disappear".

And in that regards, one must question the potential for same evidence to "re-appear" in a different location.

Not unlike the old pea/shell game, as well as some of the fantastic magic tricks observed on television and at the Vegas Shows.

Some may be of the impression that these "sleight-of-hand" tricks have some basis in reality, but most are aware that it is merely a simple deception that when fully explained as to HOW?, is easily understood.

And in that regards, one must not only "look at the pictures", they must also read and evaluate, as well as correlate the information with the photo's.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you produce them at this time then, please? May we assign to this group of particles Commission Exhibit No. 840?

Mr. DULLES - These have not been discussed before, have they?

Mr. SPECTER - They have not.

Mr. DULLES - It shall be admitted as Commission Exhibit No. 840.

(Commission Exhibit No. 840 was marked for identification and received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - I move formally for their admission, then, into evidence at this time.

Mr. DULLES - They shall be admitted.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe the three pieces of metal which are contained within this vial, please?

Mr. FRAZIER - The three pieces of metal are lead. They were weighed immediately upon recovery and were found to weigh nine-tenths of a grain, seven-tenths of a grain, and seven-tenths of a grain, respectively. Since that time small portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.


One really needs to read this statement!

"A" was compared to "B", and then "B" was compared to "C", according to the above.


Mr. SPECTER - Now, what did the comparative examination then disclose as among Commission Exhibits 399, 567, and 840?

Mr. FRAZIER - That examination was performed by a spectrographer, John F. Gallagher, and I do not have the results of his examinations here, although I did ascertain that it was determined that the lead fragments were similar in composition.


Yep! They were all lead. However, and personally, I would have preferred that Agent Gallagher take the stand and testify as to the results of the NAA work done at Oak Ridge, as well as submit the documentation generated during the testing.

But then again, I would also have preferred that FBI Agent Henry Heiberger, the only agent from the FBI Lab to examine the clothing of JFK, to have also testified and provided copies of his lab test sheets.


Mr. SPECTER - So that they could have come from, so that the fragments designated 840 could have come from the same bullet as fragment designated 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Were the tests sufficient to indicate conclusively whether fragments 840 did come from the fragment designated as 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.


Just perhaps, had a proper test protocol been followed in which:

(CE#399) was separately compared to EACH of the three fragments found in the rear floorboard of the limosine.

Then, it could no doubt be ascertained as to the likelihood of one of those fragments in CE840 having come from the bullet.

This would have special significance since Agent Frazier immediately had some suspicions that one or more of these fragments was generated from CE840, to the extent that he wrote it in his notes when he first received and examined the bullets and bullet fragments.



Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399?

Mr. FRAZIER - I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains.

Mr. SPECTER - Referring now to 399.

Mr. FRAZIER - Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing.


Well Then! Perhaps the question should be rephrased!

"Is it possible that any one of the single fragments of CE840 may have come from CE399?"

Especially since: "only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing"


Weight of bullet (CE399):------------------------------------------------158.6 Grains

Weight Loss from firing:-------------------------------------------------- 0.63 grains

Weight of one of the CE840 fragments:-------------------------------- +0.9 grains

Total:---------------------------------------------------------------------- 160.13 grains


Now, for a small portion of the "CORE" of CE399 to be "missing", then, something would have to, not unlike a tube of toothpaste, squeeze this bullet with sufficient force to cause a portion of the lead core to be forced out the base of the bullet.

"repetition is the "heart" of learning"!

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Since many have hanged (themselves) as well as hung their support of the WC on the final/last NAA analysis, and the analytical results of this testing are supportive of the conclusion, then the manipulations of how this/these results came to be must be fully examined in light of the known evidence.

First off, the NAA results, as analytical testing, support that the fragments examined and compared, came from only two bullets.

However, one must also take into consideration that this is nothing more than statistical testing/evaluation, and has little to do with the factual evidence in which actual evidence has had a tendancy to "disappear".

And in that regards, one must question the potential for same evidence to "re-appear" in a different location.

Not unlike the old pea/shell game, as well as some of the fantastic magic tricks observed on television and at the Vegas Shows.

Some may be of the impression that these "sleight-of-hand" tricks have some basis in reality, but most are aware that it is merely a simple deception that when fully explained as to HOW?, is easily understood.

And in that regards, one must not only "look at the pictures", they must also read and evaluate, as well as correlate the information with the photo's.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you produce them at this time then, please? May we assign to this group of particles Commission Exhibit No. 840?

Mr. DULLES - These have not been discussed before, have they?

Mr. SPECTER - They have not.

Mr. DULLES - It shall be admitted as Commission Exhibit No. 840.

(Commission Exhibit No. 840 was marked for identification and received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER - I move formally for their admission, then, into evidence at this time.

Mr. DULLES - They shall be admitted.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe the three pieces of metal which are contained within this vial, please?

Mr. FRAZIER - The three pieces of metal are lead. They were weighed immediately upon recovery and were found to weigh nine-tenths of a grain, seven-tenths of a grain, and seven-tenths of a grain, respectively. Since that time small portions have been removed for spectrographic analysis and comparison with other bullets and bullet fragments.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.

Mr. SPECTER - Has that comparison been made with a whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399 which in of her proceedings has been identified as the bullet from the Connally stretcher?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; the comparison was made by comparing Exhibit 399 with a bullet fragment found in the front seat of the Presidential limousine and then comparing that fragment with these fragments from the rear seat of the automobile.


One really needs to read this statement!

"A" was compared to "B", and then "B" was compared to "C", according to the above.


Mr. SPECTER - Now, what did the comparative examination then disclose as among Commission Exhibits 399, 567, and 840?

Mr. FRAZIER - That examination was performed by a spectrographer, John F. Gallagher, and I do not have the results of his examinations here, although I did ascertain that it was determined that the lead fragments were similar in composition.


Yep! They were all lead. However, and personally, I would have preferred that Agent Gallagher take the stand and testify as to the results of the NAA work done at Oak Ridge, as well as submit the documentation generated during the testing.

But then again, I would also have preferred that FBI Agent Henry Heiberger, the only agent from the FBI Lab to examine the clothing of JFK, to have also testified and provided copies of his lab test sheets.


Mr. SPECTER - So that they could have come from, so that the fragments designated 840 could have come from the same bullet as fragment designated 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Were the tests sufficient to indicate conclusively whether fragments 840 did come from the fragment designated as 567?

Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.


Just perhaps, had a proper test protocol been followed in which:

(CE#399) was separately compared to EACH of the three fragments found in the rear floorboard of the limosine.

Then, it could no doubt be ascertained as to the likelihood of one of those fragments in CE840 having come from the bullet.

This would have special significance since Agent Frazier immediately had some suspicions that one or more of these fragments was generated from CE840, to the extent that he wrote it in his notes when he first received and examined the bullets and bullet fragments.



Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399?

Mr. FRAZIER - I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains.

Mr. SPECTER - Referring now to 399.

Mr. FRAZIER - Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing.


Well Then! Perhaps the question should be rephrased!

"Is it possible that any one of the single fragments of CE840 may have come from CE399?"

Especially since: "only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing"


Weight of bullet (CE399):------------------------------------------------158.6 Grains

Weight Loss from firing:-------------------------------------------------- 0.63 grains

Weight of one of the CE840 fragments:-------------------------------- +0.9 grains

Total:---------------------------------------------------------------------- 160.13 grains


Now, for a small portion of the "CORE" of CE399 to be "missing", then, something would have to, not unlike a tube of toothpaste, squeeze this bullet with sufficient force to cause a portion of the lead core to be forced out the base of the bullet.

"repetition is the "heart" of learning"!

Well Then! Perhaps the question should be rephrased!

"Is it possible that any one of the single fragments of CE840 may have come from CE399?"

Especially since: "only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing"

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According to FBI Agent Frazier, the three small lead fragments which originally constituted CE840, and which were found in the left rear floorboard of the Presidential Limousine, weighed: .9 grains/.7 grains & .7 grains, respectively.

However, the NAA work dealt with miligrams of weight, and in order to convert these respective weights to miligrams, each must be multiplied by 64.8.


.9 grains = 58.32 miligrams

.7 grains = 45.36 miligrams

.7 grains = 45.36 miligrams

In computation of these weight conversions, one must take into consideration the fact that even the smallest portion of a "grain" weight would account for considerable miligram weight.

Therefore, since the only original miligram weight of these bullet fragments list them as weighing 58mg/45m/& 45mg respectively, these are the figures which one should utilize.

And, in that regards, the amount of weight to these bullet fragments which was reportedly consumed as a result of the original FBI NAA evaluation of the fragments was also as follows:

Original------------NAA Consumed----------Weight of Tested-----------------Final/Remaining

Weight[/u]------ Weight-----------u] Fragments-----------------Weight

58 mg------------------12.40 mg------------- 5.78/3.77/2.85 mg-------------------45.46 mg

45 mg------------------10.65 mg------------------10.65 mg--------------------------34.35 mg

45 mg--------------------9.70 mg-------------------9.70 mg--------------------------35.30 mg

Total reported weight of tested fragments from Q14/CE840 was reportedly 32.75 mg.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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