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Naughty Dallas

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Naughty Dallas


This film was made at the Colony Club, a strip joint owned by Abe Weinstein. Jack Ruby, the killer of accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, owned the Carousel Club, a few blocks down on Commerce Street in downtown Dallas. This film shows only a brief exterior of the Carousel.

After November 24, 1963 and the incarceration of Jack Ruby. The Carousel Club, needless to say went through

some management changes. Going by memory, there was a group that attempted to keep things going and this movie Naughty Dallas was a direct or indirect result. Directed by Larry Buchanan

I have a strong feeling that there are some Forum Members who are less than familiar with this movie,

not that the movie won any Academy Awards or anything.

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Naughty Dallas


This film was made at the Colony Club, a strip joint owned by Abe Weinstein. Jack Ruby, the killer of accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, owned the Carousel Club, a few blocks down on Commerce Street in downtown Dallas. This film shows only a brief exterior of the Carousel.

After November 24, 1963 and the incarceration of Jack Ruby. The Carousel Club, needless to say went through

some management changes. Going by memory, there was a group that attempted to keep things going and this movie Naughty Dallas was a direct or indirect result. Directed by Larry Buchanan

I have a strong feeling that there are some Forum Members who are less than familiar with this movie,

not that the movie won any Academy Awards or anything.

Robert, perhaps not a Forum member, but may I suggest a member of JFK Lancer, Jerry Dealey? Jerry lives in Dallas, and I believe the Plaza was named after his uncle. From my experience, he is a go-to authority on anything Dallas based relating to JFK's murder. In my experience, Jerry is gracious, friendly, and knowledgeable. He also is normal. You might consider contacting him.

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There was another movie, I think the name was Ruby, made by a mainline Hollywood company, that also focused on this side of Dallas.

Wes Wise, a former mayor of Dallas, radio and tv reporter, said that this movie, while a fictionalized account of Ruby, actually captures the feeling, character and spirit of Dallas in the late 50s and early 60s.

Wes was pals with Ruby, and said that when a friend would visit from out of town or on a special occassion, it was typical for local residents to go out to dinner and then stop by the Carousel Club for a tease.

Since the Carousel Club and Colony were just across the street from the Adolphis Hotel, Convention Center, most single men attending conferences and conventions at the Adolphis would visit these joints, and provided the most clientel, though locals did visit on occassion.

Wes Wise would also be a good contact on Ruby connected research items.


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There was another movie, I think the name was Ruby, made by a mainline Hollywood company, that also focused on this side of Dallas.

Wes Wise, a former mayor of Dallas, radio and tv reporter, said that this movie, while a fictionalized account of Ruby, actually captures the feeling, character and spirit of Dallas in the late 50s and early 60s.

Wes was pals with Ruby, and said that when a friend would visit from out of town or on a special occassion, it was typical for local residents to go out to dinner and then stop by the Carousel Club for a tease.

Since the Carousel Club and Colony were just across the street from the Adolphis Hotel, Convention Center, most single men attending conferences and conventions at the Adolphis would visit these joints, and provided the most clientel, though locals did visit on occassion.

Wes Wise would also be a good contact on Ruby connected research items.


Thank's Bill, I will keep that in mind. Wes Wise is probably the best mayor Dallas ever had, in my estimation.

Also, I did see the 1992 "Ruby." Danny Aiello gives an interesting treatment of the main character. Sherilyn Fenn plays as I understand it, a 'composite' character which, ostensibly represented the 'Ruby girls,' if I am not mistaken; David Duchovny [X-Files] as J.D. Tippitt, and David Ferrie played by Tobin Bell. I also liked Arliss Howard's 'Maxwell.' Opening sequence showing murder of 'Action Jackson.' Very underrated movie.

Interesting to think what would have been the impact if Bob Hoskin's had played Jack Ruby.

See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105291/

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Breck Wall is one of the little known players whose

career got a major boost from the assassination.

Like Tony Zoppi, he was a minor figure in Dallas

connected to Jack Ruby. But after 11-22, Wall

became a major act in Las Vegas at a mob

casino*, and Zoppi the publicist there.

Both likely know things that we would like to hear.


*In the 70s I attended Wall's hilarious BOTTOMS UP

burlesque show at the Thunderbird. After the show

in the men's room, my wallet was picked from my

hip pocket.

Edited by Jack White
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Breck Wall is one of the little known players whose

career got a major boost from the assassination.

Like Tony Zoppi, he was a minor figure in Dallas

connected to Jack Ruby. But after 11-22, Wall

became a major act in Las Vegas at a mob

casino*, and Zoppi the publicist there.

Both likely know things that we would like to hear.


*In the 70s I attended Wall's hilarious BOTTOMS UP

burlesque show at the Thunderbird. After the show

in the men's room, my wallet was picked from my

hip pocket.

Quoting Mike Griffith on Breck Wall:

There is also evidence that suggests a link between Ruby and radical Marcello operative David Ferrie. On the evening of the assassination David Ferrie made a very unusual and highly suspicious trip to Houston, and then another suspicious trip to Galveston the next day. Ferrie lied about what he did on these trips when questioned about them by law enforcement authorities. Ferrie drove over 300 miles to get to Houston from New Orleans, through a terrible Texas thunderstorm. When Ferrie got to Houston, he went to an ice staking rink. But instead of skating, he spent his time at a pay phone, making and receiving calls. He then left for Galveston. Ferrie arrived in Galveston shortly before Jack Ruby's friend from Dallas, Breck Wall, arrived there. Less than two hours after that, Wall received a call, in Galveston, from none other than Ruby himself. A rather amazing coincidence, to say the least. Ruby's call to Wall in Galveston was the last long-distance call Ruby is known to have made before he shot Oswald the following morning.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest John Woods

Breck Wall is one of the little known players whose

career got a major boost from the assassination.

Like Tony Zoppi, he was a minor figure in Dallas

connected to Jack Ruby. But after 11-22, Wall

became a major act in Las Vegas at a mob

casino*, and Zoppi the publicist there.

Both likely know things that we would like to hear.


*In the 70s I attended Wall's hilarious BOTTOMS UP

burlesque show at the Thunderbird. After the show

in the men's room, my wallet was picked from my

hip pocket.

Quoting Mike Griffith on Breck Wall:

There is also evidence that suggests a link between Ruby and radical Marcello operative David Ferrie. On the evening of the assassination David Ferrie made a very unusual and highly suspicious trip to Houston, and then another suspicious trip to Galveston the next day. Ferrie lied about what he did on these trips when questioned about them by law enforcement authorities. Ferrie drove over 300 miles to get to Houston from New Orleans, through a terrible Texas thunderstorm. When Ferrie got to Houston, he went to an ice staking rink. But instead of skating, he spent his time at a pay phone, making and receiving calls. He then left for Galveston. Ferrie arrived in Galveston shortly before Jack Ruby's friend from Dallas, Breck Wall, arrived there. Less than two hours after that, Wall received a call, in Galveston, from none other than Ruby himself. A rather amazing coincidence, to say the least. Ruby's call to Wall in Galveston was the last long-distance call Ruby is known to have made before he shot Oswald the following morning.

I would have to gave that movie just a "one thumb up" as "Hot Blooded Woman" starring the

famous Beverly Oliver as the main actress is spicey. Director and actor Dale Berry along with Greg

Pappas, Shirley Boyd and Bill Thurman. The black and white movie was released back in


The movie has a fanstatic opening with Oliver walking down the train tracks in a rural

area. She hears voices coming from the woods and low and behold comes across four

tramps :) And so the story goes.............................

john w

Edited by John Woods
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  • 4 years later...

Naughty Dallas


This film was made at the Colony Club, a strip joint owned by Abe Weinstein. Jack Ruby, the killer of accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, owned the Carousel Club, a few blocks down on Commerce Street in downtown Dallas. This film shows only a brief exterior of the Carousel.

After November 24, 1963 and the incarceration of Jack Ruby. The Carousel Club, needless to say went through

some management changes. Going by memory, there was a group that attempted to keep things going and this movie Naughty Dallas was a direct or indirect result. Directed by Larry Buchanan

I have a strong feeling that there are some Forum Members who are less than familiar with this movie,

not that the movie won any Academy Awards or anything.


I would have to gave that movie just a "one thumb up" as "Hot Blooded Woman" starring the

famous Beverly Oliver as the main actress is spicey. Director and actor Dale Berry along with Greg

Pappas, Shirley Boyd and Bill Thurman. The black and white movie was released back in


The movie has a fanstatic opening with Oliver walking down the train tracks in a rural

area. She hears voices coming from the woods and low and behold comes across four

tramps :) And so the story goes.............................

john w


Edited by Michael Hogan
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Naughty Dallas


This film was made at the Colony Club, a strip joint owned by Abe Weinstein. Jack Ruby, the killer of accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, owned the Carousel Club, a few blocks down on Commerce Street in downtown Dallas. This film shows only a brief exterior of the Carousel.

After November 24, 1963 and the incarceration of Jack Ruby. The Carousel Club, needless to say went through

some management changes. Going by memory, there was a group that attempted to keep things going and this movie Naughty Dallas was a direct or indirect result. Directed by Larry Buchanan

I have a strong feeling that there are some Forum Members who are less than familiar with this movie,

not that the movie won any Academy Awards or anything.


I would have to gave that movie just a "one thumb up" as "Hot Blooded Woman" starring the

famous Beverly Oliver as the main actress is spicey. Director and actor Dale Berry along with Greg

Pappas, Shirley Boyd and Bill Thurman. The black and white movie was released back in


The movie has a fanstatic opening with Oliver walking down the train tracks in a rural

area. She hears voices coming from the woods and low and behold comes across four

tramps :) And so the story goes.............................

john w


That's really an interesting coincidence that you would add to this thread, Michael...A couple of days

ago, the Biography channel aired a show on Jack Ruby, I believe there was some footage either

from Naughty Dallas or Hot Blooded Woman.....

There are a couple of things about the show that made sitting thru Posner and Russo less nauseating

and that was some of the video....there were two snapshots that were fascinating, that I thought I had never seen

before, but one was a picture from the WC Armstrong Exhibits.....that jumped out at me, in relation to the

man in the V-neck sweater, the "phony Oswald," in the Carousel.

The other was a shot of Ruby "crouching behind" the group of journalists he later appeared in the

photo with at the Wade Press Conference with...Some of these journalists, I believe Ruby spoke

"Yiddish" with, I have always been suspicious about that.

When Ruby was literally on his deathbed when Earl Ruby and Elmer Gertz

came in and secretly obtained a tape recorded interview with Ruby in which he

spoke Yiddish at that time as well. The purpose of this recording was presented as

more or less a denial that he knew Oswald before he shot him, and a denial of any type of

external pressure that resulted in his shooting Oswald, i e conspiracy......

So the Yiddish thing is compelling to me......

Edited by Robert Howard
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