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R. Spencer Oliver

John Simkin

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On 28th May, 1972, McCord and his team broke into the DNC's offices and placed bugs on the telephones of Larry O'Brien, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and R. Spencer Oliver, executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen.

Some historians have been puzzled by the decision to place bugs on Oliver's telephone. Jim Hougan (Secret Agenda) has pointed out that Oliver's father was a lawyer who worked with Robert F. Bennett, the head of the Robert Mullen & Co. Oliver also represented Howard Hughes.

In an interview with Robert Parry, the author of Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq (2004) Oliver suggested that the wiretap was connected to his attempts to head off the nomination of George McGovern. Oliver was concerned that McGovern would be easily defeated by Richard Nixon in the 1972 presidential election. He was therefore involved in a plot to replace McGovern with Terry Sanford.

Oliver believes that Nixon wanted to gain information about his plans so that he could undermine the plot to stop McGovern's candidacy. According to Oliver, John Connally and Robert Strauss, were using their influence behind the scenes to get McGovern the nomination. He points out that McGovern got his share of the Texas delegates on 14th June, 1972. Later that day, Gordon Liddy told the burglars that they needed to return to the Democratic offices at Watergate. Three days later, James W. McCord, Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez and Bernard L. Barker were arrested while breaking into the Watergate offices. Does this mean that the purpose of the second break-in was to remove the bug from Oliver's phone?

Spencer Oliver was convinced that the full story was not being revealed about Watergate. He therefore started a lawsuit against those involved in placing a wiretap on his phone. As he pointed out: "I realized that anybody who received the contents of the intercepted telephone conversation and passed them on, in other words, the fruits of the criminal act, was also guilty of a felony. So that meant that if someone listened to my phone, wrote a memo like McCord had done and sent it to the White House or to CREEP, everybody who got those memos and either read them or passed them on was a felon."

Robert Strauss, who was now Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, tried to persuade Oliver to drop the lawsuit. When he refused, Strauss cut off his pay as executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen. Strauss also worked behind the scenes in order to arrange a negotiated settlement with the Republican Party.

At a press conference in April, 1973, Oliver declared: "I am appalled at the idea of ending the civil suit in the Watergate case through a secretly negotiated settlement and thereby destroying what may be an important forum through which the truth about those responsible may become known. I do not know what motivated Robert Strauss to even contemplate such a step."

Robert Parry (Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq) has pointed out that "Oliver said it was not until spring 1973 that he began putting the pieces of the Watergate mystery together, leading him to believe that the events around the Texas convention were not simply coincidental but rather the consequence of Republican eavesdropping on his telephone. If that was true, Oliver suspected, Strauss may have been collaborating with his old mentor Connally both in arranging a Texas outcome that would ensure McGovern's nomination and later in trying to head off the Watergate civil lawsuit."

In 1976 Spencer Oliver was appointed as Chief Counsel of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives and during the Iran-Contra Scandal he instigated an investigation of CIA director, William Casey. He also served as Chief of Staff of the US Helsinki Commission (1976-1985).

Oliver also took an interest in the October Surprise affair. When he praised the arms dealer, Dirk Stoffberg, for testifying about the case, he was bitterly attacked by the Republicans for attempting to smear Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. Oliver was defended by his boss, Dante Fascell of Florida, who argued that Oliver's actions were carried out "under my direction". As a result of this debate, the House of Representatives voted 217 - 192 to create a special Task Force to examine the October Surprise issue.

In 1992 Oliver called for an investigation into the secret foreign policies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. This included the support of the Reagan administration for Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Later that year Oliver was appointed as Secretary General of the International Secretariat of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The Standing Committee of Heads of Delegations decided in 1995 to provide for a five year term for the Secretary General. Oliver was unanimously re-elected and was subsequently re-elected twice for five year terms.

I have Spencer Oliver's email address and will invite him to join the Forum.



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On 28th May, 1972, McCord and his team broke into the DNC's offices and placed bugs on the telephones of Larry O'Brien, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and R. Spencer Oliver, executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen.

I beg to differ:

There were no bugs in the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

There was no "first break-in" at the Watergate on 28 May 1972. Period.

Ashton Gray

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On 28th May, 1972, McCord and his team broke into the DNC's offices and placed bugs on the telephones of Larry O'Brien, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and R. Spencer Oliver, executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen.

Some historians have been puzzled by the decision to place bugs on Oliver's telephone. Jim Hougan (Secret Agenda) has pointed out that Oliver's father was a lawyer who worked with Robert F. Bennett, the head of the Robert Mullen & Co. Oliver also represented Howard Hughes.

I met Spencer Oliver’s father, Bob Oliver, several times when I was employed by General Foods Corporation in the years immediately preceding Watergate. His father was retained by The Mullen Company, a CIA-organized front, which was the public relations/lobbying firm in Washington, D.C. used by General Foods. Robert Mullen and Oliver’s father on occasion traveled to White Plains, N.Y. to advise the corporate leaders of General Foods.

When Robert Bennett purchased The Mullen Company in 1970, he continued the retainer relationship with Oliver’s father.

As to the assertion by a member of the Forum that there were no break-ins at the Democratic Party headquarters in Watergate prior to June 17, 1972, or “bugs” planted there, the reader’s attention in called to the posting of the sworn deposition of Gordon Liddy in this thread. Liddy provides specific details of the prior break-ins, exposing the gross absurdity of the member’s la-la-land assertion.

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On 28th May, 1972, McCord and his team broke into the DNC's offices and placed bugs on the telephones of Larry O'Brien, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and R. Spencer Oliver, executive director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen.

I beg to differ:

There were no bugs in the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

There was no "first break-in" at the Watergate on 28 May 1972. Period.

Ashton Gray

I have read your postings but I do not think you have done enough to convince me that the bugs were never placed on the phones of O’Brien and Oliver. However, I suspect that the real motive was not to place bugs. They were sent in to remove them but the real motive was by the CIA to set-up Nixon.

It is still not clear why you think McCord and his team were doing in the Watergate offices. Nor why they were willing to take the rap for something they were not guilty of doing.

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I have read your postings but I do not think you have done enough to convince me that the bugs were never placed on the phones of O’Brien and Oliver.

First, there is no evidence or testimony that any bug at all ever was on an O'Brien phone.

Second, days before the 17 June "break-in" there was a phone company sweep: no bugs.

Third, immediately after the arrests there were sweeps. Guess what: no bugs.

I don't need to "convince" anybody that there were no bugs. The only evidence of records says: "NO BUGS."

The only "evidence" you (and 99.999999999999999% of the world) have for believing in bugs having been planted is because Daddy told you so.

(I'm sorry, I misspoke—it wasn't daddy; it was Lie-Factory Liddy and a handful of his fellow convicted and thoroughly impeached criminals. Daddy told you about the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy. Same difference. Only Daddy had benign motives.)

Do you have anything else besides the "word" of proven liars to base this bug religion on? If so, bring it. If not, what is there to cliing to? What is there to stand on?

However, I suspect that the real motive was not to place bugs. They were sent in to remove them but the real motive was by the CIA to set-up Nixon.

Oh, for the love of God! Of course the 17 June break-in was the springing of the trap, but the CIA had had Nixon set up since 26 August 1971 when they sent Hunt and Liddy out to Beverly Hills to take snapshots of each other in front of the office door of CIA's pet psychiatrist Louis Fielding.

And of course all they had to do was "get caught" on 17 June, and claim they had been in before bugging the place. Think the thing through: Why in the world would CIA risk their assets for this op by actually breaking in two weeks earlier? There's not a chance in hell! All they had to do was tell the same story, which is exactly what they did, and so amateurishly and badly and conflictingly that it would make 10-year-olds laugh out loud.

It is still not clear why you think McCord and his team were doing in the Watergate offices.

Asked and answered. They were there to get caught, then to plant the 28 May "break-in" story, which was their alibi for what they actually had been doing on Memorial Day week-end. If you want to know what that was, you'll have to ask them or somebody at Langley.

Nor why they were willing to take the rap for something they were not guilty of doing.

Because it was an arranged "rap" with pay-offs at the other end; because it was necessary to selling the op; because it created a world-wide distraction that is reverberating to this day and that took all attention off CIA; and because the consequences of the truth being revealed were so dire that it is to this minute among the dirtiest secrets of the dirtiest scum that ever cashed a government payroll check.

Believing in the Easter Bunny is a lot easier and more pleasant, though, innit?


Edited by Ashton Gray
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Because it was an arranged "rap" with pay-offs at the other end; because it was necessary to selling the op; because it created a world-wide distraction that is reverberating to this day and that took all attention off CIA; and because the consequences of the truth being revealed were so dire that it is to this miinute among the dirtiest secrets of the dirtiest scum that ever cashed a government payroll check.

Believing in the Easter Bunny is a lot easier and more pleasant, though, innit?


Ashton, the Church Committee investigation into CIA activities came as a direct result of Watergate. Baker and Thompson (and Colson and Nixon) had convinced many that the CIA was somehow involved in Watergate. And then someone (Nixon himself?) got word to Hersh about Operation Chaos and Angleton's activities. At that point the CIA became fair game and was put in the sights of Senators Church, Schweiker and Hart. Are you at least willing to admit they miscalculated? Your assertion that just about everything we've been told is part of some CIA plot doesn't ring true with me in part because I just don't think the boys at Langley were as omniscient as you seem to believe.

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Because it was an arranged "rap" with pay-offs at the other end; because it was necessary to selling the op; because it created a world-wide distraction that is reverberating to this day and that took all attention off CIA; and because the consequences of the truth being revealed were so dire that it is to this minute among the dirtiest secrets of the dirtiest scum that ever cashed a government payroll check.

In fact the opposite is true. The arrest of the burglars drew attention to the CIA. James W. McCord admitted at the earliest possible stage when he appeared before the judge that he was CIA. The other burglars had done work for the CIA before (Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Bernard L. Barker) and the phone number of E. Howard Hunt was found in two of the address books of the burglars. It was this that took the matter into the White House and at the same time implicated the CIA in Nixon's dirty tricks.

If the intention was to get caught bugging the Watergate offices why did they not take bugs with them?

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In fact the opposite is true. The arrest of the burglars drew attention to the CIA.

Temporary, intentional, and fully under control of CIA at all relevant times. That was the whole bait-and-switch, which my multi-part series (now unfortunately approaching book length and slated to be finished by the end of September) is covering in detail.

James W. McCord admitted at the earliest possible stage when he appeared before the judge that he was CIA.

Sure he did—after Caddy had confirmed to him that all the evidence had been planted in Hunt's White House safe by Hunt, and at his (McCord's) own house by Baldwin, and that the bait-and-switch was set to spriing. Look at the sequence. (Naturally enough, Caddy has jumped on this thread to wave the same old pack of Liddy lies in everybody's face as some kind of "proof" that all was just as The Official Story claims. <Snort!> That's all he's ever going to do. But it's obvious to anybody with an IQ above room temperature that Caddy had not the slightest reason to be involved at all, and that he served no other function than as a walk-on and walk-off CIA water-carrier.)

The other burglars had done work for the CIA before (Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Bernard L. Barker) and the phone number of E. Howard Hunt was found in two of the address books of the burglars.

Planted in the rooms intentionally, of course. Nobody is that stupid.

And of course CIA used their own people for the black bag part: they had to. And that's why they had to set up a bait-and-switch to pin it all elsewhere.

All the bread crumb trails to CIA were the bait. You can't pull a bait-and-switch without the bait. But every trail that led toward CIA also led toward the White House.

Do you play chess? The whole bait-and-switch op was just a variation of "the skewer," with CIA playing both sides of the board. They first put themselves as the front piece of their own skewer, then simply stepped aside at the designated time, leaving "the King" in checkmate. It's as old as dirt.

Liddy and Hunt were double agents. That's why they had been wormed into the White House in the first place! And the CIA "Pentagon Papers" op is what was used to put them there.

And, Lord, don't leave out the fact Hunt and Liddy had flown to Miami on or about 14 April 1972 and given the Dahlberg and Ogarrio-funneled checks to Barker so he could arrange to get traceable sequential bills to plant on all of them, which first would arouse suspicion about "CIA involvement" and then would point 30 giant kleig lights onto the White House. That was the bait-and-switch, and they put their whipping boy, Patrick Gray, into Hoover's seat at the FBI—two weeks after the Hunt-Liddy check run to Miami—to run it for them with their other marionette, John Dean, both of whom would then spring the major traps in succession while erasing all the Hunt tracks that CIA wanted erased.

You know, this whole operation is really just ho-hum. It's pedestrian. It's a no-brainer once it's timelined.

It was this that took the matter into the White House and at the same time implicated the CIA in Nixon's dirty tricks.

No, it was the trail of sequentially-numbered $100 bills that the CIA had planted to lead right up to the desk in the Oval Office—after first holding out a phony "lead" toward CIA. Bait-and-switch. Bait-and-switch. Bait-and-switch.

And what "dirty tricks"? The only ones that were going on of any significance all involved the same CIA people! Christ, there's nobody you can name associated with any "dirty tricks" that wasn't directly involved with Hunt! Do you doubt it? If so, name them!

Thomas Gregory was a snot-nosed kid from Utah who was completely put into place by Hunt, and was on Hunt's payroll. Gregory was brought in by fellow Mormon (and CIA snake) Robert Bennett, and was under Bennett's and Hunt's thumbs at every step, quaking all the way, right up to the moment they were done with him, and then they tossed him aside by scaring him into running.

Hunt and Liddy are on record as having been in clandestine meetings at least twice with Segretti (a.k.a. "Don Simmons") during the whole period.

There's not a single aspect of the entire toxic mess that isn't absolutely dripping with putrescent CIA taint. Rubber gloves are in order.

If the intention was to get caught bugging the Watergate offices why did they not take bugs with them?

John, few people can actually make me sputter, but you just did. From all the way across the pond. That's quite a feat.

They did! McCord had the football-sized "smoke alarm" device (to make sure nobody would miss it), while Hunt and Baldwin were planting the other "electronic devices" at the White House and at McCord's house to be "discovered" at appropriate times.

I'm going to make this real plain and simple:

The only electronic equipment ever in evidence anywhere in the length, width, and breadth of "Watergate" is the "evidence" that was that planted at three locations on the night of 16-17 June 1972 by James McCord, E. Howard Hunt, and Alfred C. Baldwin III for the sole purpose of being "found."

That's it. That's all. Finis. End of evidentiary trail. End of discussion. Postulating any other electronic or "bugging" equipment ever in evidence anywhere, at any time, is postulating pure faith-based religion, a faith based exclusively on the statements of proven liars and convicted criminals.

So not only did they plant electronic "evidence," not only did they paper themselves with traceable money that practically glowed in the dark, not only did they leave address books scattered around with "W.H." (White House) clues, not only did they arrange to have plain-clothes police respond to a burglary-in-progress, but James McCord went back and taped the goddamned doors TWICE when the first time didn't trip the trap.

I don't know—what do you need? Signed confessions? Good luck.

In the meantime, every "mystery" of Watergate is completely, thoroughly, entirely, and unequivocally answered by the foregoing. The "mystery" of Watergate is dead and buried. Put a headstone on it.

What hasn't been answered fully is what the CIA crew actually was doing over Memorial Day weekend 1972. They won't ever answer that one voluntarily.

Oh, yeah: and how Alfred C. Baldwin III left McCord's house after he drove the van full of electronic equipment there in the early morning hours of 17 June 1972. That question I asked him is still sitting in his thread. Maybe you can get him to answer it. Good luck on that, too.


Edited by Ashton Gray
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Up until today I'd not heard of a bait and switch operation where the bait was something no one wanted to bite into. When the CIA connection to the burglars was exposed the FBI wanted to back off, and NIXON used this to try to get them to back off. More importantlly, however, the CIA initially went along with this. Why would they do this if their goal was to have these men investigated? Why not just provide this info to Pat Gray, who, according to Ashton Gray, was not gray at all, but a deep black operative of the CIA? Why not have Dean confess before the trail led to him, if he was indeed a CIA puppet? Ashton, you say your conclusions are a no-brainer and I agree, in that you'd have to be lacking a brain to go along with them. (Apologies to Henny Youngman.)

Ashton, I think you really need to modify your theory if you expect any reasonable person to believe it. Anyone the least bit informed knows of Nixon and Colson and their dirty tricks. I think the real question is why you find it necessary to clear Nixon. Perhaps you think the CIA lacked the motive to frame Nixon if he was in fact dirty, so in order to prop up your Nixon-was-framed scenario you bend over backwards to make Nixon look clean. You insult the intelligence of everyone on this forum in the process. Please explain to us again how Segretti was a Hunt operation, when Segretti was in play long before he met Hunt... And why was it again that the CIA waited until after the 72 election to spring the trap and bring about Nixon's downfall? Oh yeah, you already explained this--so they could put their agent Gerry Ford in the White House. Since the only evidence connecting Ford to an intelligence agency connects him to the FBI, please explain to us how Ford's presidency benefitted either the CIA or the FBI. History shows us that the most intense investigations of U.S. intelligence actvities began during Ford's reign, and were, in part, spurred on by Ford's behavior. How was this part of a plot, and what did this plot accomplish?

What upsets me the most about your theory is its lack of humanity. A dark force called the CIA manipulated everyone to perform some dark deeds in order to destroy a white knight named Richard Nixon. In your view, no one acted out of conscience. No one acted out of patriotism. But even less believably, no one acted out of self-interest. Dozens of men fell willingly on the sword given them by the CIA in order to discredit the squeaky-clean Nixon? I find the story makes more sense when the characters in it behave like humans and not drones. Perhaps you've been reading too much science-fiction?

Edited by Pat Speer
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Up until today I'd not heard of a bait and switch operation where the bait was something no one wanted to bite into. When the CIA connection to the burglars was exposed the FBI wanted to back off, and NIXON used this to try to get them to back off. More importantlly, however, the CIA initially went along with this. Why would they do this if their goal was to have these men investigated? Why not just provide this info to Pat Gray, who, according to Ashton Gray, was not gray at all, but a deep black operative of the CIA? Why not have Dean confess before the trail led to him, if he was indeed a CIA puppet? Ashton, you say your conclusions are a no-brainer and I agree, in that you'd have to be lacking a brain to go along with them. (Apologies to Henny Youngman.)

Ashton, I think you really need to modify your theory if you expect any reasonable person to believe it. Anyone the least bit informed knows of Nixon and Colson and their dirty tricks. I think the real question is why you find it necessary to clear Nixon. Perhaps you think the CIA lacked the motive to frame Nixon if he was in fact dirty, so in order to prop up your Nixon-was-framed scenario you bend over backwards to make Nixon look clean. You insult the intelligence of everyone on this forum in the process. Please explain to us again how Segretti was a Hunt operation, when Segretti was in play long before he met Hunt... And why was it again that the CIA waited until after the 72 election to spring the trap and bring about Nixon's downfall? Oh yeah, you already explained this--so they could put their agent Gerry Ford in the White House. Since the only evidence connecting Ford to an intelligence agency connects him to the FBI, please explain to us how Ford's presidency benefitted either the CIA or the FBI. History shows us that the most intense investigations of U.S. intelligence actvities began during Ford's reign, and were, in part, spurred on by Ford's behavior. How was this part of a plot, and what did this plot accomplish?

What upsets me the most about your theory is its lack of humanity. A dark force called the CIA manipulated everyone to perform some dark deeds in order to destroy a white knight named Richard Nixon. In your view, no one acted out of conscience. No one acted out of patriotism. But even less believably, no one acted out of self-interest. Dozens of men fell willingly on the sword given them by the CIA in order to discredit the squeaky-clean Nixon? I find the story makes more sense when the characters in it behave like humans and not drones. Perhaps you've been reading too much science-fiction?

Ashton Gray’s weirdo theories about Watergate are right up there with those crazies that assert six million Jews did not perish in the Holocaust, American astronauts did not walk on the Moon, and Elvis is still alive and walking around.

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If the intention was to get caught bugging the Watergate offices why did they not take bugs with them?

John, few people can actually make me sputter, but you just did. From all the way across the pond. That's quite a feat.

They did! McCord had the football-sized "smoke alarm" device (to make sure nobody would miss it), while Hunt and Baldwin were planting the other "electronic devices" at the White House and at McCord's house to be "discovered" at appropriate times.

I'm going to make this real plain and simple:

The only electronic equipment ever in evidence anywhere in the length, width, and breadth of "Watergate" is the "evidence" that was that planted at three locations on the night of 16-17 June 1972 by James McCord, E. Howard Hunt, and Alfred C. Baldwin III for the sole purpose of being "found."

Exactly. If the evidence is there it is all a question of interpretation. This in itself needs reference to motivation. As Pat Speer has pointed out, your proposed motivation of the people involved makes no sense at all.

That's it. That's all. Finis. End of evidentiary trail. End of discussion. Postulating any other electronic or "bugging" equipment ever in evidence anywhere, at any time, is postulating pure faith-based religion, a faith based exclusively on the statements of proven liars and convicted criminals.

So not only did they plant electronic "evidence," not only did they paper themselves with traceable money that practically glowed in the dark, not only did they leave address books scattered around with "W.H." (White House) clues, not only did they arrange to have plain-clothes police respond to a burglary-in-progress, but James McCord went back and taped the goddamned doors TWICE when the first time didn't trip the trap.

I don't know—what do you need? Signed confessions? Good luck.

I am not sure that sarcasm helps your argument. One thing we do know is that this is a complicated case. To suggest that all the available evidence proves your analysis of the Watergate break-in is ridiculous.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote name='Pat Speer' date='Aug 29 2006, 10:40 PM' post='73418']

Up until today I'd not heard of a bait and switch operation where the bait was something no one wanted to bite into. When the CIA connection to the burglars was exposed the FBI wanted to back off, and NIXON used this to try to get them to back off. More importantlly, however, the CIA initially went along with this. Why would they do this if their goal was to have these men investigated? Why not just provide this info to Pat Gray, who, according to Ashton Gray, was not gray at all, but a deep black operative of the CIA? Why not have Dean confess before the trail led to him, if he was indeed a CIA puppet? Ashton, you say your conclusions are a no-brainer and I agree, in that you'd have to be lacking a brain to go along with them. (Apologies to Henny Youngman.)

Ashton, I think you really need to modify your theory if you expect any reasonable person to believe it. Anyone the least bit informed knows of Nixon and Colson and their dirty tricks. I think the real question is why you find it necessary to clear Nixon. Perhaps you think the CIA lacked the motive to frame Nixon if he was in fact dirty, so in order to prop up your Nixon-was-framed scenario you bend over backwards to make Nixon look clean. You insult the intelligence of everyone on this forum in the process. Please explain to us again how Segretti was a Hunt operation, when Segretti was in play long before he met Hunt... And why was it again that the CIA waited until after the 72 election to spring the trap and bring about Nixon's downfall? Oh yeah, you already explained this--so they could put their agent Gerry Ford in the White House. Since the only evidence connecting Ford to an intelligence agency connects him to the FBI, please explain to us how Ford's presidency benefitted either the CIA or the FBI. History shows us that the most intense investigations of U.S. intelligence actvities began during Ford's reign, and were, in part, spurred on by Ford's behavior. How was this part of a plot, and what did this plot accomplish?

What upsets me the most about your theory is its lack of humanity. A dark force called the CIA manipulated everyone to perform some dark deeds in order to destroy a white knight named Richard Nixon. In your view, no one acted out of conscience. No one acted out of patriotism. But even less believably, no one acted out of self-interest. Dozens of men fell willingly on the sword given them by the CIA in order to discredit the squeaky-clean Nixon? I find the story makes more sense when the characters in it behave like humans and not drones. Perhaps you've been reading too much science-fiction?

"White knight" Nixon??? Where? "Squeaky-clean Nixon"? Ashton has never said these words or even hinted at them. Pat you just pop in and twist what you read to make it become what you THINK you are reading.

You can be filthy dirty and still be set up. This is really getting old kids.


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  • 1 month later...

John, I didn't mean to slight you by being so long in replying. This exchange began in unfortunate coincidence with a pending move, and that move conspired with a concatention of circumstances that of need have kept me away from gathering at the forums for these past many weeks, and will to a degree for some time still.

But I have carved out some time to pick this back up for the moment—long enough to respond as follows

The only electronic equipment ever in evidence anywhere in the length, width, and breadth of "Watergate" is the "evidence" that was that planted at three locations on the night of 16-17 June 1972 by James McCord, E. Howard Hunt, and Alfred C. Baldwin III for the sole purpose of being "found."


Good. Thanks for the stipulation. We agree on that, and at least we've gotten that far. And we've established that two electronic sweeps book-ending the night of 16-17 June 1972—the first sweep done by the phone company and the second by police and FBI—determined that there were no electronic bugs in the DNC offices before or after the night of 16-17 June 1972—when the "burglars" were "caught."

Therefore it is patently impossible that any bugs were planted during any prior purported break-in on Memorial Day weekend 1972.

Ex dolo malo non oritur actio.

If the evidence is there it is all a question of interpretation.

The above evidence requires no "interpretation." There's nothing to interpret. Two sweeps found no bugs. What's to "interpret"? There were no bugs installed in the DNC. It's inarguable. Ipso facto, all the "testimony" regarding such alleged bugs having been installed over Memorial Day weekend 1972 is, and only can be, a pack of lies. No other rational conclusion is possible.

"Interpretation" of facts not in evidence is "interpretation" of fantasy.

This in itself needs reference to motivation.

I would gladly entertain any motivation you'd care to present that fits the facts. And the facts say there were no bugs.

The fool's game, of course, is to try to alter the facts to fit some manufactured "motivation." Do you have a motivation you'd care to put forward that is consistent with facts, or are you trying to take a pack of unsubstantiated lies supplied by the perps, and through some alchemy transmute them into—or at least peddle them as—"facts" to fit a preconceived "motivation" that you are clinging to?

It's not an idle question. It's a pivotal question.

If you're doing the latter, then of course you will need lots and lots of "interpretations." Because the facts don't fit. The good news, of course, is that fantasy, by its nature, can be endlessly "interpreted." Hence the lucrative Watergate fiction industry.

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

Just between us girls, it's my opinion that your own "interpretations" aren't embracing a tithe of the actual facts, and, instead, are selectively embracing only "facts" (however unsubstantiated) that fit your fixed and immutable model. Put another way, you seem to pick and choose among the pieces of the puzzle, selecting only the pieces that appeal to you, or that you hope will make up a picture you want to see.

Just personally, I don't find the idee fixé to be a terribly workable approach to effective data analysis. YMMV.

As Pat Speer has pointed out, your proposed motivation of the people involved makes no sense at all.

That Pat Speer can't make sense of the sensible is to be expected. But, really, John: I would have thought Speer-pointing beneath you.

Stripping your sentence above of the gratuitous Speer-pointing, it says: "your proposed motivation of the people involved makes no sense at all."

Well, all right: since you've thrown down the gauntlet, I'm going to pick it up, and thereby take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on just how woefully uninformed you are on facts that are absolutely requisite to anything resembling a rational or honest address to "motivation" on the events at issue.

I'm going to lay out below relevant incontrovertible facts that I daresay, from your statements, you are almost wholly uninformed of—although that hasn't encumbered your condescension to me on the subject of "motivation."

I'm going to spread before you pieces of the puzzle that you may not like at all, and that very well may not fit any picture you'd like to see: facts and relationships of facts that never will be forced, hammered, pounded, or molded into your model of "motivation." Nor will they ever be tucked under the rug as though they don't exist.

And when I'm done, if you actually care, then, to embark on a mutually respectful and analytical assessment and discussion of these facts, and even a synthesis of them into something resembling "motivation" that would have a basis in fact rather than fantasy, I would be more than happy to engage you—with the understanding that probity demands address, without exclusion, to all the following facts surrounding, and relevant to, the events at issue:

Sunday, 4 June 1972

It is one week to the day after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate, and the simultaneous disappearance of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in Morocco over Memorial Day weekend 1972. On this date Ingo Swann—a Scientology OT VII—departs New York City by plane for San Francisco, where he is met by NSA's Hal Puthoff—also a Scientology OT VII—and taken to Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Puthoff has offices at SRI with Russell Targ, who has been working secretly with CIA for some time on developing parapsychology for military intelligence purposes. [NOTE: New York City is the location of the backstopped address set up the previous year by Anthony Ulasewicz under Operation Sandwedge, just blocks from the lab of CIA's Cleve Backster, with whom Swann has been conducting experiments in telekinesis. While noting that Swann's trip to meet with Puthoff and CIA in California comes one week after the purported "first break-in" at the Watergate and the simultaneous disappearance of Hubbard, it must also be noted, in the "amazing coincidences" department, that Swann later will travel to Washington, D.C. one week after the upcoming 17 June "break-in" at the Watergate—in which the CIA-connected perps are "caught" and begin volunteering self-incriminating stories about their whereabouts over Memorial Day weekend (See 24 c. June 1972.)]

Tuesday, 6 June 1972

Ingo Swann remotely affects a superconducting magnetometer encased in solid concrete five feet beneath the foundation of the Varian Hall of Physics, Stanford University, causing significant readings on the device's trace charts. The event is witnessed by Dr. Arthur Hebard (sometimes spelled "Hebbard"), Dr. Marshal Lee, and six "doctoral candidates" (allegedly students of Hebard, but including CIA representatives who are involved with Swann, Puthoff, and Targ).

Wednesday, 7 June 1972

Puthoff and Swann meet with Willis Harmon, head of a CIA front called "Educational Policy Research Center" with offices at SRI and in Washington, D.C.

Thursday, 8 June 1972

Swann meets with CIA-connected psychiatrist and neurosurgeon Shafica Karagulla at the home of William Tiller.

Friday, 9 June 1972

Ingo Swann returns to New York City. On the same day John Paul Vann—who earlier had been closely connected in Vietnam with CIA's Lucien Conein, Daniel Ellsberg, and Neil Sheehan (reporter who "leaked" the Pentagon Papers for Ellsberg)—dies in a freakish helicopter crash in Vietnam that involves no enemy engagement.

Saturday, 17 June 1972

The "break-in" takes place at the Watergate hotel, in which CIA-connected men are "caught" inside DNC headquarters (although it requires two tapings of an entrance door to effect their getting "caught"). After attorney Douglas Caddy arrives at the D.C. jail (purportedly at the behest of CIA's E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy), CIA's James McCord volunteers to Washington, D.C. policeman Gary Bittenbender: "These are all good men, ex-CIA men." Sweeps of DNC headquarters conducted by FBI and police find no bugs installed.

Sunday, 18 June 1972

Kathleen Chenow, who has worked for almost a year with Hunt and Liddy in "Room 16," with scrambled lines to CIA headquarters at Langley, suddenly leaves the United States for a "vacation" in London. On the same day—the very day after the "break-in" carried out by CIA assets—Ingo Swann arrives in Northfield, Minnesota at the "annual retreat" of the Spiritual Frontiers Foundation (SFF). [NOTE: SFF is heavily funded by W. Clement Stone, to whose foundation in Chicago E. Howard Hunt has delivered an envelope of cash, given to him by G. Gordon Liddy, about six weeks earlier.]

Monday, 19 June 1972

Martha Mitchell calls a reporter late at night from a private villa of the Hyatt Newporter Hotel at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, California. Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray is staying at the same hotel. Martha Mitchell is telling the reporter: "I saw dirty things. I know dirty things." The telephone cord is ripped from the wall. Martha Mitchell is forcefully thrown down onto the bed and forcibly given a shot in the buttocks. [NOTE: She won't be seen or heard from again for over a week, when she surfaces, bruised, in Westchester, New York for a "press conference" just miles from a CIA-connected psychiatric hospital euphemistically referred to as the "Westchester Country Club."

Tuesday, 20 June 1972

L. Patrick Gray only now returns to Washington, D.C. from California. The same morning he arrives, it's confirmed that John Dean will be handling all aspects of the Watergate investigation for the White House. That puts John Dean at the White House and L. Patrick Gray at the FBI solely in charge of every aspect of the investigation to follow. Everything that happens regarding the investigation from this point forward is under their dual control. On or around the same day, Bernard Barker receives $17,000 for bail money from E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt, plus "ten- to twelve-thousand dollars" for "expenses." The same day L. Patrick Gray meets with FBI Special Agents conducting the investigation and they discuss amongst themselves that "there could be a CIA operation involved." The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets at Fred LaRue's apartment with LaRue and Robert Mardian and weaves a complicated (and completely unsubstantiated) tale of Liddy and Hunt having been involved with breaking into Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, interfering with Dita Beard, and having allegedly broken into the DNC on Memorial Day weekend. [NOTE: Robert Mardian is the person who had approached Liddy in December of 1970—shortly after both E. Howard Hunt and James McCord had "retired" from CIA—and asked Liddy to take a position Mardian described as "super confidential." Within six months of the Mardian offer, Liddy was in "the Plumbers" unit inside the White House staff with Hunt, both working with NSA's David Young. Hal Puthoff also is from NSA.]

Wednesday, 21 June 1972

E. Howard Hunt has flown first to New York, stayed overnight, and flown from there to Los Angeles, California. He is staying at the L.A. home of "former" CIA operative Morton B. "Tony" Jackson. G. Gordon Liddy—who has "special clearances" from CIA—flies to L.A. and meets with Hunt and Jackson. On the same day, Judge Charles Richey has been assigned to hear a civil suit filed by the Democratic National Committee against the Committee to Re-Elect the President Watergate. [NOTE: Within a few years, Charles Richey will be the federal judge who throws out Scientology Guardian Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and conspiracy cases naming the FBI, the Director of the FBI, the Attorney General, the CIA, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of the Army. Ritchey will go on later to preside over the criminal trial of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 members of Scientology's Guardian's Office who are accused of stealing federal documents, and subsequently sentenced to prison. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.]

Thursday, 22 June 1972

The FBI interviews Charles Colson and ostensibly come away with the belief that Watergate is "a CIA thing." Acting FBI Director Gray calls CIA Director Richard Helms and purportedly says, "I think we've run right into the middle of a CIA covert operation." Helms asserts emphatically, "there is no CIA involvement." But Helms also makes a very strange and ambiguous "request" to Gray: "not to interview the two CIA men" (unnamed). Gray immediately issues the order to his Special Agents in charge of the Watergate investigation, telling SA Bates: "there was some CIA involvement here," and that "we should proceed very gingerly and very discreetly and carry out the investigation at the Banco Internationale, and also continue to try to trace these checks through the correspondent banks, but to hold off interviewing Mr. Ogarrio"—the Mexican lawyer through which part of the money found on Watergate burglars had come. Ken Dahlberg, source of the rest of the money, is also obliquely and ambiguously included in this hold-off. After his discussion with Richard Helms and the issuances of his orders, L. Patrick Gray has a late-evening private meeting with John Dean.[NOTE: The contradictions and conflicts in the accounts of this "possible CIA involvement" phase, and the ambiguity of the reference to a rigorously unidentified pair, "two CIA men," has no equal in all the rest of Watergate—which is saying a lot. It is literally impossible to catalog all the contradictions here, but this note is to mark this extraordinary vortex of confusion, particularly about an alleged pair of "two CIA men," when in fact all the perps involved in the break-in could be described as "CIA men."]

Friday, 23 June 1972

Acting FBI Diretor L. Patrick Gray receives an airgram from the Legal Attaché Copenhagen with the subject "L. Ron Hubbard." It encloses other airgrams captioned "The Church of Scientology in Denmark" (one of the few locations in the world at the time where the Scientology "OT Levels" are delivered). Richard M. Nixon has a breakfast meeting with House Minority Leader Gerald Ford and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs—both of whom had been members of the Warren Commission. Ford is a prominent member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. Boggs is Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Later the same morning, H.R. Haldeman, after hearing from Dean (who had met with Gray the night before) briefs Nixon. Haldeman says specifically: "the way to handle this now is for us to have [Deputy CIA Director Vernon] Walters call Pat Gray and just say, 'Stay the hell out of this...this is ah, business here we don't want you to go any further on it.' That's not an unusual development...and, uh, that would take care of it. ...Pat [Gray] does want to. He doesn't know how to, and he doesn't have, he doesn't have any basis for doing it. Given this, he will then have the basis." Nixon seizes on this "idea" (which had been laundered through Dean and Haldeman) and orders it. Later that morning, CIA's Director Richard Helms, former Deputy CIA Director General Cushman, and current Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters meet with Haldeman and Ehrlichman at the White House, after which Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters sets up a closed-door meeting with L. Patrick Gray that afternoon. [NOTE: CIA disinformation campaigns uniformly make it appear that Nixon spontaneously ordered a "cover up" on the morning of 23 June 1972, when in fact he was induced into agreeing to it through back-channel machinations of Gray and Helms on 22 June, funneled through Dean to Haldeman to Nixon on the morning of 23 June. Helms himself arranged with Gray on 22 June for the FBI not to interview the anonymous-in-testimony "two CIA men"—who only much later are revealed actually to have been two internal CIA employees who had been involved with Liddy and Hunt at relevant times.]

Saturday, 24 June 1972

One week after the "break-in," Ingo Swann secretly arrives in Washington, D.C. "to discuss psi [parapsychology] phenomena with a variety of officials...in terms of universal human consciousness." [NOTE: The unidentified "officials" of course are CIA.]

Sunday, 25 June 1972

John Dean calls Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray at his apartment in the morning and says he wants to meet and talk with Gray. Gray purportedly offers to meet with Dean at Gray's office at the Department of Justice, but Dean doesn't want to be seen there. So Gray meets John Dean outside Gray's southwest Washington, D.C. apartment at Harbor Square. They walk around the area and sit down on a bench and talk privately. On the same day, the FBI "locates" Afred C. Baldwin, who agrees to cooperate, supposedly "to avoid the grand jury."

Monday, 26 June 1972

John Dean is in telephone contact with Deputy CIA Dirctor Vernon Walters, who works directly for and operates only at the behest of and on the instructions of CIA Director Richard Helms.

Tuesday, 27 June 1972

Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff sends a summary to "K. Green," Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI) at CIA, of the results of the Varian Hall magnetometer experiment with Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann. On the same day, Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has two phone conversations with CIA Director Richard Helms.

Wednesday, 28 June 1972

Again CIA Director Richard Helms is in contact with L. Patrick Gray. Helms tells Gray "not to interview active CIA men Karl Wagner and John Caswell"—both of whom have been involved with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt. Gray immediately orders "that the interviews of John Caswell and Karl Wagner be held in abeyance," and simultaneously orders his special agents to interview Ogarrio and Dahlberg—the sources of the money found with the Watergate perps. [NOTE: The public revelation of which "two CIA men" really were protected by Gray didn't come until many months later, while the public had been falsely led to believe that Ogarrio and Dahlberg might have had some kind of CIA connection. This was the CIA's "bait and switch" that created phony media and public interest over some possible CIA connection (the money chain), which, through this Helms-Gray con, was suddenly removed, while secretly protecting the real CIA assets and liaisons to Liddy, Hunt, McCord and the other CIA henchmen involved with Watergate. In short, a "CIA interest" was concocted using "leads" (the money chain through Ogarrio and Dahlberg) that were known by CIA to lead only to the White House, since Liddy and Hunt had done all the money laundering in their double-agent capacity as "White House staff."] In the evening, John Dean meets with L. Patrick Gray and secretly turns over two large envelopes purportedly containing papers and items from the White House safe of CIA's E. Howard Hunt that had been withheld from the rank-and-file FBI agents. [NOTE: No accurate or complete accounting of what was or was not turned over to Gray has ever existed, and in fact Hunt later participated in a suit about it, apparently for no other purpose than to further confuse the issue. Gray later tells at least three conflicting stories under oath about what he had been given, and what he purportedly did with the materials he had been given. Hunt, Dean, and Gray all tell conflicting stories about the contents of Hunt's safe, some of which has been covered thoroughly elsewhere in the thread in this forum on "the Diem cables."] Dean also asks Gray for special access to certain FBI files on the Watergate investigation, which Gray agrees to. Dean again is in telephone contact with Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters (who acts only at the behest of CIA Director Richard Helms). On the same day, Douglas Caddy is served with a subpoena from Judge John Sirica to appear before the Watergate Grand jury, and Caddy forthwith "withdraw completely from representation of any of the seven defendants," according to Caddy. [NOTE: Caddy's claim implies that he actually was "representing" one or more of them, a fact not in evidence except by unsupported claims. Caddy consistently has refused to answer questions in this forum going to the issue of whether he ever was attorney of record for any of the defendants. John Sirica—who had assigned the Watergate case to himself—is the judge who in 1967 had presided over the federal case against the Founding Church of Scientology of Washington D.C. concerning Scientology electropsychometers (E-Meters) that had been seized by the FDA and FBI in February 1963 under John F. Kennedy. The E-Meters had been in the possession of the federal government until the trial, after which Sirica ordered the meters destroyed. His order had been held in abeyance on appeal, leaving the devices still in the possessiona and control of federal agencies. On appeal the case was overturned and Sirica's ruling thrown out.]

Saturday, 1 July 1972

A highly classified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report entitled "Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR" expresses U.S. concerns that "Soviet efforts in the field of psi research, sooner or later, might enable them to do some of the following: ( a ) Know the contents of top secret US documents, the movements of our troops and ships and the location and nature of our military installations ( b ) Mould the thoughts of key US military and civilian leaders at a distance ( c ) Cause the instant death of any US official at a distance ( d ) Disable, at a distance, US military equipment of all types, including spacecraft." It says further: "The Soviet Union is well aware of the benefits and applications of parapsychology research. The term parapsychology denotes a multi-disciplinary field consisting of the sciences of bionics, biophysics, psychophysics, psychology, physiology and neuropsychology. Many scientists, U.S. and Soviet, feel that parapsychology can be harnessed to create conditions where one can alter or manipulate the minds of others. The major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetic and bionics are said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB. ...Soviet knowledge in this field is superior to that of the U.S. ...Control and manipulation of the human consciousness must be considered a primary goal."

Wednesday, 5 July 1972

Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has private conversations with CIA Deputy Director Vernon Walters and with John Dean. Around this time, Gray turns over FBI records of the investigation to Dean. Kathleen Chenow, former secretary to NSA's David Young and part time secretary to CIA's E. Howard Hunt, returns from England to be interviewed by the FBI. Alfred Baldwin receives assurance from U.S. attorneys that he will not be indicted, and will be treated as a witness, not a defendant.

Saturday, 8 July 1972

CIA's James McCord secures Gerald Alch as his attorney (for a fee of $25,000, plus expenses). Alch gets word that the Watergate prosecutors have "independent knowledge" of monitoring equipment having been delivered to McCord's home, into the possession of Mrs. McCord, by "an unspecified person" (who of course is Alfred Baldwin) on the night the burglars were "caught." The prosecutors have threatened to indict Mrs. McCord, but won't if the equipment is turned over. Alch helps arrange that Mrs. McCord turn over the equipment to prosecutors on the condition that she not be indicted, and that the prosecutors may not reveal during the trial who they got the equipment from. [NOTE: Despite having been asked repeatedly in this forum, Alfred Baldwin has refused to answer how he left McCord's house after he purportedly drove the van full of "monitoring equipment" there.]

Wednesday, 12 July 1972

There is further conversation between L. Patrick Gray and Deputy CIA Director Vernon Walters.

Wednesday, 19 July 1972

$40,000 is delivered to Anthony Ulasewicz in New York City.

Wednesday, 26 July 1972

In New York City, Ingo Swann is engaged in an out-of-body experiment at the American Society for Psychical Research that verifies the ability to assume a point of view remote from the physical body, but with the perceptions normally attributed to the visual system and brain of the body. On the same day, John Dean calls L. Patrick Gray and requests the FBI 302 investigative forms from the Watergate investigation. On the same day, Herbert Kalmbach meets with John Ehrlichman and expresses concern that the money he is funneling to Anthony Ulasewicz in New York is a "legally proper activity." Ehrlichman purportedly assures him that it is.

Friday, 28 July 1972

L. Patrick Gray again is in contact with Deputy Director of CIA Vernon Walters. The same day, John Dean picks up about 80 FBI 302 forms from Gray.

Saturday, 29 July 1972

About $60,000 more goes to Anthony Ulasewicz in New York City.

Tuesday, 1 c. August 1972

On or around this date, a secret "mission" purportedly from the Scientology flagship Apollo is in Rabat, Morocco, involved with Moroccon Minister of Defense Muhammad Oufkir and the Moroccon secret police.[NOTE: Oufkir and his own intelligence assets are believed to have been involved with intelligence agency assets in a 28 May 1972 kidnapping and assassination of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (covered elsewhere and outside the scope). The personnel of this purported "mission" of "Scientologists" are secretly in liaison with CIA, using DEA cover, setting Oufkir up for a later intentionally sabotaged attempt on the life of Moroccon King Hassan II. See entry for 16 August 1972 et seq.]

Monday, 7 August 1972

On or around this date, Anthony Ulasewicz flies from New York City to California and is given $75,000 more in cash. On this date, Ingo Swann flies from New York City to San Francisco where he is met by Hal Puthoff. Puthoff purportedly hands an envelope of an undisclosed amount of cash to Swann on his arrival. Swann is there to participate in secret CIA experiments in remote perception and telekinesis at SRI.

Friday, 11 August 1972

Ingo Swann flies to Los Angeles with CIA-connected psychiatrist Dr. Shafica Karagulla and an undisclosed "associate."

Saturday, 12 August 1972

Anthony Ulasewicz is in Washington, D. C. and leaves a disputed amount of cash in an envelope at Washington National Airport for Dorothy Hunt before flying back to New York.

Monday, 14 August 1972

Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann returns to SRI from Los Angeles and begins a scheduled two-week series of experiments on remote perception with CIA personnel. The results are described as "startling accurate," and CIA's Sidney Gottlieb approves more funding and another work order for the development of "a more complete research plan."

Wednesday, 16 August 1972

On his return from Paris, King Hassan II of Morocco's plane is attacked by jets from his own Moroccon Air Force. The attempted coup is being run by Moroccon Minister of Defense Muhammad Oufkir, but has been sabotaged from the inside, the jets being "armed" with training blanks, so fails spectacularly.

Thursday, 17 August 1972

Muhammad Oufkir is reported as having been the mastermind behind the coup attempt on King Hassan II, and as having "committed suicide." [NOTE: An eyewitness after the fact has described Oufkir's body as riddled with bullets from the back.]

Wednesday, 23 August 1972

Richard M. Nixon accepts the nomination for President at the Republican National Convention in Miami.

Wednesday, 30 August 1972

Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray receives a message (signature blacked out): "Did you receive the printed matter that was sent to you concerning Scientology, if so please acknowledge. Thank you."

Friday, 1 c. September 1972

On or about this date, the Scientology flagship Apollo is moved from Morocco to Lisbon, Spain, reportedly to go into dry dock. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's whereabout have been unknown since Memorial Day weekend, the Apollo crew having been told he had gone to "live ashore" at a secret location in Morocco, where he purportedly is to stay when the ship is moved to Spain. On this date, Acting FBI Director sends a reply to the anonymous person who had sent him a message on 30 August regarding Scientology: "Your letter was received on August 30th. With respect to your inquiry, a search of our records does not reveal any prior communication from you. Sincerely yours, L. Patrick Gray III". On or about the same date, Jim Dincalci—who has been "Medical Officer" aboard the flagship Apollo, with access to L. Ron Hubbard—arrives in New York City from Morocco, purportedly "on leave."

Tuesday, 5 September 1972

Acting Director of the FBI L. Patrick Gray receives a communique from the Legal Attaché Copenhagen, "SUBJECT: L. RON HUBBARD." It says, "Enclosed are single copies of an airgram dated 6/23/72, captioned 'THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY IN DENMARK,' from AmEmbassy, Copenhagen, to U.S. Dept. of State, which is self-explanatory." On the same day, eight Arab terrorists, members of the Black September group, enter the dormitory that houses the Israeli Olympic athletes, kill two Israelis, and take nine others hostage. After hours of negotiation with German officials, the terrorists and their hostages are flown in three helicopters to nearby Furstenfeldbruck airport where, shortly before midnight, five of the terrorists, all of the hostages, and a German policeman are killed during an exchange of gunfire. Three of the terrorists disappear.

Thursday, 7 September 1972

This is the date of the first known "Snow White" dispatch, titled "RE: US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY," purportedly from a Scientology Guardian Office (GO) official, implicating the Guardian Office in questionable or illegal acts again U.S. federal agencies—in this instance the Tax Division of the Justice Department, and the Treasury Department. [NOTE: This is the beginning of a series of events spanning several years that will result in federal charges against Mary Sue Hubbard and 7 top Scientology officials, resulting in jail sentences, the dismantling of the seniormost Scientology organization, and the restructuring of all of Scientology by Meade Emory—a former Assistant to Commissioner of IRS and an attorney connected with Lane Powell, the same firm that Douglas Caddy worked for.]

Friday, 15 September 1972

E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, James McCord, and the "Watergate burglars" (all CIA connected) are indicted by a federal grand jury. [NOTE: Alfred C. Baldwin is not charged. Note, too, that the grand jury avoided any and all address to allegations of "mishandled campaign funds."]

Tuesday, 19 September 1972

James McCord appears for arraignment before Judge Sirica. On the same date, Anthony "Tony" Ulasewicz flies from New York City to Washington, D. C. and leaves $53,000 for E. Howard Hunt's wife, Dorothy Hunt, in a Washington airport locker, then leaves $29,000 on a shelf in the lobby of a Howard Johnson's motel for someone to pick up. [NOTE: A memorandum from Dorothy Hunt dated 2 October 1972 claims that on this date she received $53,000 from E. Howard Hunt's attorney, William O. Bittman—not from Anthony Ulasewicz through an airport drop point.]

Monday, 25 September 1972

An article in TIME magazine covering the Watergate indictments names Alfred C. Baldwin as having been involved, but not charged, claiming that Baldwin had "monitored and transcribed many of the Democrats' conversations" via "bugs" that purportedly had been planted in DNC headquarters in the Watergate over Memorial Day weekend. [NOTE: But there were no bugs at all through which Baldwin ever could have "monitored and transcribed" anything, proven beyond any rational doubt by two electronic sweeps of the premises. Baldwin's story was a complete fabrication, for which he was granted immunity, but one which all the CIA-connected perps ultimately "corroborated." Falsus in uno falsus in omnibus.]

Saturday, 30 September 1972

Richard Nixon signs an interim agreement on strategic arms limitations with the Soviet Union. On or about the same day, Acting Director of the FBI L. Patrick Gray purportedly takes the files that had been given to him by John Dean—purportedly from E. Howard Hunt's safe—out of his personal FBI office safe in Washington, D.C. to his home in Stonington, Connecticut, and puts them in a chest-of-drawers just outside his bedroom, "intending to burn them." [NOTE: This is one of at least three different stories Gray told about what became of the alleged partial "contents" of Hunt's safe. In another of his tales, he already had burned them by this time in his office.]

Sunday, 1 October 1972

The day after the strategic arms treaty with the Soviet Union—on a Sunday, no less—the CIA awards a top-secret contract to NSA's Hal Puthoff, a Scientology OT VII, to develop parapsychology for military intelligence purposes in conjunction with Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann. The contract is issued by CIA's Technical Services Division (TSD), the same CIA division that has run MKULTRA and the other CIA mind-control, brainwashing, drug, and psychiatric operations. The head of TSD is the club-footed Sidney Gottlieb—"Dr. LSD." [NOTE: This program will run for over 25 years in complete secrecy. Although over 95% of it is still classified, enough information has come to light since it was first revealed in 1995 to determine that it was a top priority program running throughout the remainder of the Cold War in total secrecy, first under CIA, later shuffled to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and subjected to other intelligence cult shell games. With typical "in your face" mockery, CIA changed TSD's name to Office of Technical Services—the acronym being OTS. Although this program has been peddled by CIA hacks as having been only concerned with "remote viewing," there is also circumstantial evidence that a primary interest of the CIA in using the Scientology OTs as the core of their program had a great deal to do with Ingo Swann's repeatable demonstrated success in remotely affecting material objects, such as the Varian Hall magnetometer and sealed thermistors.]

Monday, 2 October 1972

E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy sends a memo to Hunt's attorney, William O. Bittman, titled "Accounting of Monies Received." According to her record, by this date she has received $88,000, and claims to have paid out $91,000—$3,000 coming from her "own funds." She adds, though: "You already have an accounting of the $53,500 received on September 19th." This makes a total of $141,500 received by her, according to her. [NOTE: Part of her accounting includes "$30,000 income replacement for Mr. Hunt and Mrs. Hunt."]

Tuesday, 3 October 1972

The strategic arms limitation treaty with the Soviet Union goes into effect.

Monday, 16 October 1972

A twin engine Cessna 310 carrying House Majority Leader Hale Boggs—Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee—and Congressman Nick Begich disappears during a flight from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska. [NOTE: Boggs had served on the Warren Commission, and earlier had been involved with getting John F. Kennedy to come to New Orleans in 1962, partially because of trade activity in Louisiana attributable to International House, whose director at the time was Clay Shaw. It later will be reported that prior to his disappearance Boggs had indicated (in some way, to someone, identity unknown) that he had "startling revelations" about Watergate and the Kennedy assassination.] On or about the same date, an unidentified person delivers $20,000-$25,000 cash to the office of E. Howard Hunt's attorney William O. Bittman, ostensibly from Fred LaRue.

Tuesday, 18 October 1972

At about 8:40 a.m. the Coast Guard in Long Beach, California receives a call from an informant saying that "a classified private electronics firm of which he had some knowledge or connection" had determined a location of the downed plane carrying Hale Boggs and three others. The Coast Guard contacts the FBI, and an FBI teletype is sent to Acting Director FBI L. Patrick Gray. It says that after the "first report was received" the "information concerning the location of the downed aircraft was checked with a larger unit [sic]," and that this anonymous "larger unit now discloses the downed aircraft" at a described location. The information immediately is furnished to the Coast Guard in Los Angeles. At 9:10 a.m. someone (name redacted, but apparently the original informant) "recontacted" the FBI Los Angeles office, saying, "Tracking equipment now being used is tracking the men and not the plane," suggesting that there were survivors and that they had left the plane. Sometime the same day the FBI interviews the informant. He declines to give the name of the classified firm where he works. The information is that around 7:15 the previous evening the unknown informant had received a call from "friends" who are "involved in working with highly sophisticated experimental electronic surveillance." [NOTE: There is no indication anywhere of who or what the mysterious "larger unit" is that was contacted by the FBI pursuant to the informant's tip, but which "larger unit" then gave the FBI a detailed description of a location for the downed plane. According to available records, neither the plane, nor any of its occupants, nor any scrap were ever found, despite The largest civilian and U.S. military search in history at the time, involving Coast Guard, Navy, and Air Force aircraft.]

Monday, 23 October 1972

An article in TIME magazine seeds a Daniel Ellsberg-Watergate connection, saying that "Bernard Barker, the former CIA agent who led the raiding party into the Watergate, recruited nine Cubans from Miami in May and assigned them to attack Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the Pentagon Papers to the public." [NOTE: So typical to such CIA-Operation Mockingbird ops, this reference to Barker in relation to Ellsberg is not only to plant a seed of connection, but to sow many weeds of confusion around it. This story is an ambiguous reference to an operation involving Barker and "the Cuban contingent" brought to D.C. to disrupt a peace rally—not a reference to Barker having been involved in the Fielding break-in, about which nothing at all so far has been revealed.]

Wednesday, 1 c. November 1972

At or around the first of November, CIA's Technical Services Divsion (TSD) is transferred out of the Directorate for Operations into the Directorate for Science and Technology, and its name is changed to Office of Technical Services (OTS). With it is transferred the CIA's top-secret "remote viewing" program being run by Scientology OTs Puthoff and Swann. At around the same time Sidney Gottlieb retires, replace by John McMahon. It is during this period that Gottlieb, with CIA Director Richard Helms's collaboration, begins destroying CIA records, a great deal of them reportedly related to CIA's MKULTRA and its predecessor programs. [NOTE: Of course no one ever will know how much was made to disappear forever in the Helms/Gottlieb purge, or what it consisted of. By 2 February 1973, after the documents have been destroyed, Helms also will be gone from CIA, spiriting overseas into an ambassadorship in Iran.]

Tuesday, 7 November 1972

Ronald DeWolf (a.k.a. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., a.k.a. Nibs) records a video-taped interview retracting testimony he has given as a paid informant to IRS, and retracting all allegations he previously has made against his father, the founder of Scientology. He says his allegations had been made "vengefully." [NOTE: DeWolf later will retract his retraction, claiming duress, and will sue for control of the Hubbard estate, claiming that his missing father is likely dead. His suit will be used as a very public stage for employees of the FBI and BATF to "prove" with special inks and fingerprints that the missing Hubbard is "alive and well and in control of his affairs."]

Friday, 10 c. November 1972

On or around this date, Kima Douglas [a.k.a. Kima Dunleavey] and Fred Hare, representing themselves as executive officers of a "Scientology mission," fly to the Gold Coast in Africa [now Ghana] and set up a secretive corporation called "Religious Research Foundation" with bank accounts in Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. [NOTE: The whereabouts of Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard are unknown, and have been since Memorial Day weekend 1972. Years later, though, the creation of this corporation will be attributed to him in the suit by DeWolf, and subsequently used by United States Tax Court as part of adverse federal rulings that ultimately will put Scientology under control of IRS in a complex probate engineered by former Assistant to Commissioner of IRS Meade Emory, connected to the same law firm as Douglas Caddy.] On or around the same date, E. Howard Hunt telephones Charles Colson—who once again just happens to be ready to tape a Hunt phone call. Hunt says: "[T]his is a long haul thing and the stakes are very, very high and I thought that you would want to know that this thing must not break apart for foolish reasons... . We're protecting the guys who are really responsible...but at the same time, this is a two way street and as I said before, we think that now is the time when a move should be made and surely the cheapest commodity available is money." Colson gives a copy of the tape to John Dean.

Wednesday, 15 c. November 1972

On or around this date, CIA Director Richard Helms calls L. Patrick Gray's "number two man" (Mark Felt), purportedly saying that Helms is going to call Assistant Attorney General Peterson regarding the interview of CIA Deputy Director Karl Wagner to see if it "could not be conducted...be held off." On or about this date, John Dean is at Camp David and plays the Hunt/Colson tape (see 10 c. November 1972) for Ehrlichman and Haldeman, later for John Mitchell.

Sunday, 19 November 1972

On returning from the Gold Coast, the purported "Scientology missionaires" who have set up the Religious Research Foundation (Kima Douglas and Fred Hare) are "arrested" in Madrid, Spain on spurious "charges" concerning LSD and some chocolates. During a period of several days in jail, they are in private contact with U.S. DEA agents, including an agent named Weldon K. Curry, supposedly for "interrogation." In a few days all the allegations magically go away. [NOTE: The full story of this lunatic drama is a painfully transparent "cover" for these so-called Scientologists to be in secret contact with U.S. federal agents immediately after their operation to set up a phony financial corporation that later will be used by Ronald DeWolf and federal agencies and courts—all while the CIA is running a top-secret intelligence program entirely built on Scientology, secretly using U.S. intellegence personnel who have trained in the highest levels of Scientology, but without knowledge or approval of any Scientology official or organization.]

Monday, 20 November 1972

In Paris, Henry Kissinger starts a new round of peace talks with Le Duc Tho. Around the same time Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray is hospitalized with some unspecified illness.

Tuesday, 21 November 1972

The "Second Round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks" with the Soviet Union begins in Geneva.

Friday, 1 December 1972

On or about this date another $40,000 cash is delivered to E. Howard Hunt's attorney, William O. Bittman, "by messenger." On this date there is a meeting in Bittman's office attended by "the lawyers." [Apparently this refers to all lawyers involved in defending Watergate defendants: Gerald Alch for McCord; Peter Maroulis for Liddy; Rothblatt for Sturgis, Martinez, Gonzales, and Barker.] According to Alch, "The question arose as to whether the CIA was involved." One of the other lawyers suggests that all of the lawyers try to ascertain from their clients whether the CIA was involved—whether they had any knowledge that would implicate the CIA. Alch tells the other attorneys that his contemplated defense for McCord is to be based on "duress." The other attorneys feel this "will only be applicable to Mr. McCord in view of his being the Chief of Security." Immediately after the meeting, Alch and McCord then meet at the Monocle Restaurant, where Alch raises the question of McCord's background in the CIA, and asks if there is any substance to allegations of Watergate being a CIA operation. McCord does not "specifically respond to that question." Alch also brings up Victor Marchetti's book, asking if it could be a good reference relative to CIA training, including disavowing connection to CIA. McCord says it wouldn't be. According to McCord's testimony: "There followed from Mr. Alch a suggestion that I use as my defense during the trial the story that the Watergate operation was a CIA operation. I heard him out on the suggestion, which included questions as to whether I ostensibly could have been recalled from retirement from CIA to participate in the operation. He said that if so, my personnel records at CIA could be doctored to reflect such a recall. He stated that Schlesinger, the new Director of CIA, whose appointment had just been announced, could be subpoenaed and would go along with it." [NOTE: According to public records, Richard Helms is CIA Director through 2 February 1973, and Schlesinger doesn't take over until then. Alch dates this meeting at 1 December 1972, but also contradicts himself on the date by reference to another date in December supposedly given by McCord. Pending further confirmation or corroboration it is being put at this date as seeming most likely relative to other events.]

Sunday, 3 December 1972

The Scientology land base in Morocco is ordered by persons unknown to be immediately disestablished, purportedly because of word from Paris of an impending legal action by France. A massive operation is mounted to move material and personnel to Spain almost overnight. Hubbard is nowhere in evidence.

Monday, 4 December 1972

Scientology flagship Medical Officer Jim Dincalci and former Green Beret Paul Preston board a plane in Madrid, Spain bound for New York City. [NOTE: Later Dincalci will claim to have been fleeing Spain in the company of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard on this trip with Green Beret Preston, and that the three of them "hid out" in New York for ten months. This is the only accounting for the existence or whereabouts of Hubbard during these ten months, and there never has been any evidence to substantiate Dincalci's claims.] On the same day, Henry Kissinger's Paris Peace Talks resume.

Friday, 8 December 1972

The first of several bomb threats is received by the Scientology Guardian Office in New York City. It is reported to the FBI as likely having been the work of Paulette Cooper—a woman with a Masters Degree in psychology who had written a book critical of Scientology that had been released close to the same time as the Pentagon Papers in 1971, and who subsequently had been involved with Ronald DeWolf. On the same day, E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy Hunt boards United Airlines flight 533 bound for Chicago. Other passengers on the plane include a journalist working for CBS named Michelle Clark—who reportedly was working on a Watergate-related story, and whose boyfriend reportedly was "a CIA operative"—and Congressman George Collins, from Chicago. On approach near Midway Airport, the plane crashes into the home of Mrs. Veronica Kuculich at 3722 70th Place, killing her and her daughter, and 45 people on the plane, including Dorothy Hunt, Michelle Clark, and Congressman Collins. Dorothy Hunt reportedly has $10,585 in cash in her purse at the time of the crash (though some sources have quoted much higher figures).

Monday, 11 c. December 1972

On or around this date, James McCord meets with his attorney, Gerald Alch, in Boston and starts out the meeting saying he'll have no part of anything that's going to put the blame on the CIA.

Wednesday, 13 December 1972

The peace talks in Paris end amid reports that they have broken down over efforts to settle the postwar political status of South Vietnam.

Friday, 15 c. December 1972

Around this date in December, Jim Dincalci—in New York with former Green Beret Paul Preston—is making regular trips to the United Nations. [NOTE: The United Nations is where Ingo Swann had worked, and where George H.W. Bush is U.S. Ambassador.] Dincalci also is making trips around this time to an office building purportedly at 60 Wall Street (see NOTE following), and meeting with a person named Alfred Toombs. [NOTE: Alfred Toombs was the name of the person who was Army Intelligence Chief in April 1945. At the time, Allen Dulles had been head of U.S. intelligence in Switzerland, traveling to Germany around April or May 1945. As for "60 Wall Street," no record could be found of what might have been there in 1972, but 59 Wall Street is the address of Brown Brothers Harriman, whose history of connections with the Bush family and CIA is copiously recorded elsewhere.]

Monday, 18 c. December 1972

On or about this date Scientology OT VII Ingo Swann flies from New York to San Francisco to begin his top-secret work under CIA contract with fellow Scientology OT VII Hal Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute. Very shortly after arriving, Swann and Puthoff purportedly go to "a Christmas tree lot" in Mountain View, California, where they "just happen" to run into another Scientology OT named Pat Price. Supposedly, Puthoff had met Price "several years earlier" at a lecture in Los Angeles. [NOTE: Pat Price soon will become a key component of the top-secret CIA program with Puthoff and Swann. No explanation is offered for why Price, from Los Angeles, would have been "selling Christmas trees" in Mountain View, never mind just happening to be at the lot where Puthoff and Swann go to buy a tree. The story is insultingly ludicrous, but this is the only offered "explanation" for how three Scientology OTs wound up as the initial core of the CIA's black operation that ran for over 25 years. Price later will die in Las Vegas under suspicious circumstances.]

Thursday, 21 December 1972

Jame McCord writes a letter to Jack Caulfield—author of the original "Operation Sandwedge," under the auspices of which Tony Ulasewicz had set up the base in New York City. The letter says in pertinent part: "Jack: Sorry to have to write you this letter but felt you had to know. If Helms goes, and if the WG (Watergate) operation is laid at the CIA's feet, where it does not belong, every tree in the forest will fall. It will be a scorched desert. The whole matter is at the precipice right now. Just pass the message that if they want it to blow, they are on exactly the right course. I'm sorry that you will get hurt in the fallout." Caulfield replies—rather ambiguously: "I have worked with these people and I know them to be as tough-minded as you. Don't underestimate them." [NOTE: It is idiotically simple to interpret Caulfield's "these people" as referring to Nixon's "people." If you doubt it, research the number of idiots who have done exactly that.]

Wednesday, 27 c. December 1972

On or about this date, Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray purportedly burns papers from E. Howard Hunt's safe "during Christmas week with the Christmas and household paper trash that had accumulated immediately following Christmas." To this point, claims Gray, he has never opened or looked at the files. But immediately before putting them in the fire—so he claims—he opens one of the files, which contain what "appear to be" Top Secret State Department cablegrams. He reads the first cable. Allegedly, it seems to implicate top officials of the Kennedy adminstration in the assassination of President Diem of South Vietnam. [NOTE: This is one of three entirely different stories Gray told about the purported "papers from Hunt's safe." Note, too, that in none of the stories of alleged "cables" is there any mention of names of any "officials of the Kennedy administration" supposedly "implicated." See separate thread in this forum on the fantasy "Diem cables."]

Sunday, 31 December 1972

E. Howard Hunt writes to Charles Colson, requesting that Colson meet with Hunt's attorney, William O. Bittman. Hunt says in part: "There is a limit to the endurance of any man trapped in a hostile situation and mine was reached on December 8th."

Wednesday, 3 January 1973

Daniel Ellsberg goes on trial, accused of theft and conspiracy in the disclosure of the Pentagon Papers. On the same day, the CIA's Anthony Goldin hand delivers to the Department of Justice Watergate prosecutors photocopies of 10 photos that E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy had taken of each other, using a CIA camera, at the office of Ellsberg psychiatrist Lewis J. Fielding. [NOTE: The Watergate prosecutors do not reveal these photos to the Ellsberg court until months later, at what turns out to be an extremely dramatic time in the Ellsberg trial, and in conjunction with the Congressional Watergate hearings. The "reasons" proffered for so withholding crucial CIA-supplied "evidence" are too ridiculous to waste good alphabet letters on here. There also is considerable circumstantial evidence that psychiatrist Fielding had been on CIA payroll at relevant times.]

There, John: I think I'll just cut it off right there for now. That at least is a reasonably good primer for "Studies in Motivation" surrounding "Watergate." Don't you think?

Once you have a firm grasp on all this, I would be simply rapt to hear a rational dissertation from you on a "motivation" that takes all the above into consideration. You would have my undivided attention if you came forth with a fabric of "motivation" that has woven into it threads from all these intertwined skeins.

Put another way: show me a picture you've put together using all the pieces—not just the ones you like. This, after all, is a skill taught at pre-school level. And since this is the Education Forum, that would seem to be a minimum requirement for putting together a puzzle-picture of "motivation." Don't you think?

And while you're trying to arrange that picture, make sure that looming over it everywhere is the dark and loathsome spectre of the Cold War. Because that pervasive miasma, John, was the single greatest source of sociopolitical and intelligence-cult and military-dominance motivation in the world at all relevant times. It was a desperate and obsessive race for supremacy by the acknowledged world powers, and the madmen running that race didn't have the same scruples and checks and balances that good people like you and yours might have. And the then-secret DIA document cited above shows just how running-scared U.S. intelligence-cult psychos—I mean, officials—were at the time.

So if you leave that crucial factor out while you're trying to organize the above pieces into something that makes at least some semblance of sense, I fear that it's just possible that you might come back here—again—proudly waving a picture of elephants and jackasses and red, white, and blue streamers and balloons and party hats, as though all the above somehow fits into some sophomoric, penny-ante "political party" game of "dirty tricks." And I have to tell you that if you do, I will be very, very disappointed. I'll have to tell you that I just know you can do better. I'll have to tell you that you left out some very big pieces. Very big pieces indeed.

I'm sure there are plenty of red-nosed people in pubs the world over who have time to squander listening to such wide-eyed, jejune credulousness, such guileless naiveté, where all the world has blue skies and finger pies and simple, open, straightforward "motivations" of power-hungry dirty politicians—all of whom, by necessity, always know far less than the hoi-polloi.

There may even be members of this forum who have time for such mental masturbation. I don't.

That's it. That's all. Finis. End of evidentiary trail. End of discussion. Postulating any other electronic or "bugging" equipment ever in evidence anywhere, at any time, is postulating pure faith-based religion, a faith based exclusively on the statements of proven liars and convicted criminals.

So not only did they plant electronic "evidence," not only did they paper themselves with traceable money that practically glowed in the dark, not only did they leave address books scattered around with "W.H." (White House) clues, not only did they arrange to have plain-clothes police respond to a burglary-in-progress, but James McCord went back and taped the goddamned doors TWICE when the first time didn't trip the trap.

I don't know—what do you need? Signed confessions? Good luck.

I am not sure that sarcasm helps your argument.

My argument doesn't need help; the sarcasm helps my soul.

One thing we do know is that this is a complicated case. To suggest that all the available evidence proves your analysis of the Watergate break-in is ridiculous.

Mmm. Well, I'm not sure that uninformed arrogance helps your argument. The pieces have been spread out before you, and they won't go away. You can put them to constructive use, or you can studiously ignore them.

Or, if you can't think of anything else to do with them, you always can poke at them with a Speer.

Ashton Gray

Edited by Ashton Gray
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"White knight" Nixon??? Where? "Squeaky-clean Nixon"? Ashton has never said these words or even hinted at them. Pat you just pop in and twist what you read to make it become what you THINK you are reading.

But, Dawn, he does so very well when arguing with his own delusions. And, really, he just falls pretty flat on his red face when forced to stick to real facts. Don't take his only toy away from him.

My disdain for Nixon is in the record. Speer just has to make up things to talk about, that's all, because he can't address the actual facts. It's sort of like his having an imaginary friend.


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