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Emergency Medical at the Plaza

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In addition, ambulances, such

as the one on standby for JFK that was caled to Dealey Plaza five

minutes before Kennedy arrived to pick up an alleged “epileptic seizure”

victim, were called to this same area on false alarms in the days and

weeks before 11/22/63, as ambulance driver Aubrey Rike told me (even

saying that the FBI believed there was something to this)!

So, if one assumes that the plaza was carefully surveyed prior to the hit, with some extensive planning, including various locations for planting weapons, escape routes, shooter locations, anticipated crowd volume, etc. - seems logical to have some types of dress rehearsals of one kind or another.

Couple it with Burkley's placement.


pp. 109-110 "Dr. George Burkley...felt that he should be close to the Presi-

dent at all times..."

"Dr. Burkley was unhappy...this time the admiral protested. He could

be of no assistance to the President if a doctor was needed quickly."

In hindsight, it wouldn't have made a shred of a difference if Burkley had been sitting in Jackie's place - however, the contingency planning is worth marking.

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William Plumlee Posted Yesterday, 10:10 PM

From the Warren Com; VII 533

"... Mr. Liebeler.

How many officers were assigned at Elm and Houston?

Mr. Smith.

Three of us.

Mr. Liebeler.

Who were the other two men?

Mr. Smith.

W. E. Barnett, and E. L. Smith. I think that is his initials. I know it is another Smith boy anyway.

Mr. Liebeler.

How did you station yourself when you got there?

Mr. Smith.

Just after we got the epileptic seizure en route to the hospital, I hadn't gotten back to the corner but just a few minutes until the motorcade was coming, so I stationed myself on Elm Street in the middle from the southeast curb of Elm and Houston and held traffic up...". WC VII 533

Interview 1991 at the Plaza:

"... BQ: Did you see anything from the 6th floor window?

"... A: Nothing that would look suspicious to me, however, the most significant thing that I remember, we were looking for a diversion. It would be logical for a team to set up a diversion to focus in that direction while something was going on in this direction. I remember an incident where people congregated right out in front of the Texas School Book Depository and I'd heard the sound of ambulances and this so we thought...".

Interview Denver FBI SAC Scott Warner, at the Colorado State Reformatory Buna Vista, Colorado; April 20, 1964: FBI 62- 1XXX- X9 FOIA Declassified 1997

"... SA Warner: What do you remember that day in the Plaza? ..."Did you see anything out of place? ...".

"... A: Nothing that was out of place. The one thing I can remember, we were looking for a diversion. I remember an incident where people rushed toward the the cornor across the street, and I'd heard the sound of ambulances and we thought this was a diversion of some sort. ...".

"... SA Warner. What kind of a "deversion" were you looking for?".

" ... Any kind of... something that would... (interupt)

" ... Mr Plumlee, our records do not show an ambulance being dispatched to Elm street and the Plaza during the time frame you have said. Would you care to... (interupt)

" Sir. I remember a sirene that I thought was the sound of..... thats all I can say". ...".

There was indeed an ambulance at the scene just before the motorcade arrived. The ambulance picked up a man who was suffering from an apparent epileptic seizure. As in many other cases of that day (arrests), there were no records of this man at Parkland hospital, where he was taken to.

Ambulance driver Aubrey Rike, who drove for O'Neil, relates that in the few days before the killing of the President, an ambulance was dispatched to the Dealey Plaza area on several occasions (seemed like prank calls at the time...).

This could have been to establish the time it took for an ambulance to get there.

Both these issues raise considerable suspicion.

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Jerry Boyd Belknapp, who lived with his parents at 1212 Ross Dr. Irving, and worked at the Dallas Morning News, was taking medication for a head injury he suffered in an auto accident. He suffered a seizure at 12:19 and was taken away in an ambulance at 12:25.

Jack Ruby had met an ad employee of the DMN the night before at the Egyptian Lounge, and was at the DMN at the time of the assassination, in an office with a view of DP.

Another possible diversion was the apparent breakdown of a work truck on the other side of the Tripple Underpass, who deposited a workman with a rifle like package.

The diversions weren't necessary, since the SS and protective detail did not survey any of the open windows on parade route.


Edited by William Kelly
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