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The Strange Case of Lieutenant J. C. Day

John Simkin

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Nobody could confuse the lunchbag with the gunbag.


Any idea where that Coke bottle is from? Any chance it was on the retaining wall? Looks like they are handling it to preserve any prints that may have been left on it...

It is not a Coke bottle. It is a DR PEPPER bottle...a distinct difference. As I recall

it was found on the fifth floor with the chicken bones.


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here's a funny one:

regarding the 601 West Nassaua St. address: look at the writing, look at the W, it's IW, not W

and with the "I" there :: anagram

601 IwESt NASSAuA ST - 601 w t u ASSASSINATE

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Nobody could confuse the lunchbag with the gunbag.
Any idea where that Coke bottle is from? Any chance it was on the retaining wall? Looks like they are handling it to preserve any prints that may have been left on it...

It is not a Coke bottle. It is a DR PEPPER bottle...a distinct difference. As I recall it was found on the fifth floor with the chicken bones.


Dern straight there's a difference ... especially to someone who drinks Dublin Dr Pepper! But damn if they still don't all come in "coke bottles" ... even 7-UP, 'cept o'course everyone knows ain't no "coke bottle's" green!

Speaking of Texana (Texas lore, to all y'all uninitiated), one must go back to the segregationist South - and Dallas - of the '60s to wonder at just how subjugated the average black folk were back then. For example, if in fact the coke (small "c") bottle, lunch sack and chicken bones were found on the 5th floor, we'd have to wonder at the fact that ol' Bonnie Ray Williams done testified to eatin' his lunch on the 6th floor 'fore going down the elevator to the 5th floor to meet up with ol' Junior and Slim, leaving his leftovers behind ... even described where he'd left them right, just the same as others say they'd found 'em.

Now if that wasn't the case, how'd it come to pass that ol' Bonnie Ray done got his story straight with the officers'? Maybe it's not outside the realm of possibility that on the eve of his appearance, some of the boys just come 'round to have a little ol' talk with him to 'splain how things really happened, maybe a couple of times just so's to be sure he remembered right an' all. I mean, he does like his job down there at the ol' Book Depository an' all, doesn't he? (Sure does.) But was everyone so compliant in the early '60s?

That's not to say that his gettin' the facts straight don't also jibe with the every-bit-as-unlikely scenario that them three boys done heard those itty-bitty ol' shells hittin' the floor up yonder, even knockin' some dust onto ol' Bonnie Ray's head an' all ... while all durin' the parade and after, none of 'em heard a peep - much less a footfall - from ol' Jack Dougherty, who done tol' them Warren Commission boys that he'd been up on both the 5th and the 6th floors durin' the same ol' lunch hour before the shots. That man musta moved like a ghost, y'know?

And, y'know they didn't see Jack neither when he was but fifty feet or so from 'em when they go rushin' over to that there window yonder by the railroad tracks and he's over by them elevators - accordin' to Jack anyway - that he wouldn't send down to ol' Roy Truly his boss man when Truly called up for one (but gets right to ridin' down on one soon as ol' Roy gets to clompin' up them stairs alright).

'Course, they didn't hear or see ol' Ozzie Rabbit neither, and sometimes I wonder why not. I mean, an eyewitness or two might'a been nice t' have, even if they only seed ol' Oz outta the corner of their eyes or something. They worked with him, after all, so I'd guess even a little glimpse could'a been pretty conclusive, wouldn't ya think?

'Course too, all this just leaves me to wonderin', Jack, about you and ol' John here. I mean:

Jack :: John

White :: White

Kennedy :: just a hobby? (c'mon, what's up with that?)

But ya know I'm pullin' yer leg on that'n there, it's not like I ain't thinkin' yer writin' back-n-forth with yourself quite yet or nothin', but gosh, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I could have a field day with that'n, doncha think? :ph34r:

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here's a funny one:

regarding the 601 West Nassaua St. address: look at the writing, look at the W, it's IW, not W

and with the "I" there :: anagram

601 IwESt NASSAuA ST - 601 w t u ASSASSINATE

It's more a case of a nonexistant address '601 IWest Nassaua st' having it's closest real street as 'Nassau Circle' which is a short crescent which coincidentally has one of its intersections with Murdock Road as '601 Murdock Rd'.

Then bearing in mind that Harry was into playing with words (inventing some, as he did when calling himself a 'suspicioner'.)

This envelope in question comes through Harry (his signature is on it). It not only has an I placed in front of the West, it also has the 'a' at the end of Nassau.

'601 Nassau St.' could easily be recognised as a possible wrong address for 601 Murdock. Except it may have been a vacant lot in 1963.

Add the IWest and the a and you have a very long anagram of assassinate, which in itself perhaps is arguably meaningless, but in this context interesting at least.

Now lets imagine a nimble minded conspirator who regularly drives along Murdock Road. Toying with street names and car licence plate numbers is very common. I'm sure we all do that to pass time now and then.

What does 'Murdock' and 'Nassau' have in common? Obviously MURDock and nASSAua. Perhaps a 'death minded' person would have noted that a long time before 11/22 and already played word games with it. Driving north, perhaps the corner where 601 is (would be) had something else to draw attention to itself.

If Lee was under surveillance by the post office, then it would be a postal worker who would be in a position to manufacture a false address tab. If this person is the theorised 'word game player' who regularly drives along Murdock street, then a 'playful' twist could very well end up being '601 IWest Nassuan St' to accomodate the scramble of assassinate. The real Nassau circle is in two parts N and S.

Murderers do at times leave clues or calling cards of some nature. Here it's a product of the mind. Of a particular kind of mind that matches the other sleights of hand like the Tague shot, the ZFilm, the floor numberings, the hulls, the bullets, the bottles, the shuffling of Oswalds transfer, and the paper 'bags' (and others). The puzzle of the 'paper bag and the envelope' is yet another in a growing list of mazes that Harry D. Holmes somehow had a part of.

Harry was a remarkable character in many ways, not least as to how his mind worked. It seems he may have had a photographic memory, or very much like it, plus a spatial sense above the average. He also cloaked himself in a sense of 'the enigma'.

So, the assassin conspirator drove along this stretch of road on a regular basis. Perhaps this was Harry. He lived on an almost straight line north of this. A bit south of this along this drive one comes to the old hunting and fishing club which was founded by a Confederate officer in the 1800's. So those not averse to this sort of thinking, and matching the conspiratorial mindset possible in the assassins circle it's not such a huge stretch to see significance in the address, the envelope and the 'paper bag'.

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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

That morning after getting out of the car and before being seen with the bag did he have a window of opportunity to pop over to the PO and get the parcel? Maybe he did and then left the envelope there?

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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

That morning after getting out of the car and before being seen with the bag did he have a window of opportunity to pop over to the PO and get the parcel? Maybe he did and then left the envelope there?

According to the witnesses, he went straight into the building.

However, this does not mean that he did not have time between 8:00 to 11:30 or so to slip away.

Never know for certain, however, one usually must have the notice to deliver and give it to the post office for them to retrieve the mail. And, they usually mark and keep it.

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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

That morning after getting out of the car and before being seen with the bag did he have a window of opportunity to pop over to the PO and get the parcel? Maybe he did and then left the envelope there?

According to the witnesses, he went straight into the building.

However, this does not mean that he did not have time between 8:00 to 11:30 or so to slip away.

Never know for certain, however, one usually must have the notice to deliver and give it to the post office for them to retrieve the mail. And, they usually mark and keep it.

Yes, good point. Would they also put a note in his post box? If so perhaps this is what he used to get the parcel. I may be a bit hard on poor Harry but he did show himself a xxxx and a 'thrower away of things' re the PO box rental note3.

Edited by John Dolva
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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

That morning after getting out of the car and before being seen with the bag did he have a window of opportunity to pop over to the PO and get the parcel? Maybe he did and then left the envelope there?

According to the witnesses, he went straight into the building.

However, this does not mean that he did not have time between 8:00 to 11:30 or so to slip away.

Never know for certain, however, one usually must have the notice to deliver and give it to the post office for them to retrieve the mail. And, they usually mark and keep it.

Yes, good point. Would they also put a note in his post box? If so perhaps this is what he used to get the parcel. I may be a bit hard on poor Harry but he did show himself a xxxx and a 'thrower away of things' re the PO box rental note3.

In a small town such as mine where everyone knows or else knows and is kin to everyone else, they may know that the persons owned a P.O. Box and do as you say.

However, in those days, Dallas was quite large and local mail was delivered pretty much directly to the place addressed as there were far too many local deliveries to waste the time and effort checking against whether one also owned a P.O. Box.

Also, for your information, Post Office jobs/positions back then still operated on the old philosophy of Jacksonian Politics.

Mailcarrier positions were a "handout" job/position which the local State Representatives & Senators got to give to their kin folk and supporters.

However, as you have so readily exposed, the Postal Inspector's position was usually someone who had quite a background and could be relied upon to contact and/or keep the FBI and local authorities informed.

In many cases, which certainly appears to be the case with Harry, they were an FBI Informant and FBI Plant through the political aspects of the position.

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In my opinion, Oswald's Post Office Box had always been compromised.

Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board

September 1998

Chapter 6

Part I: The Quest for Additional Information and Records in Federal Government Offices

A. Records Related To Lee Harvey Oswald

1. Pre-Assassination Records

iii. HTLINGUAL records. HTLINGUAL is the crypt for CIA's mail opening and mail cover program for 1952 to 1973. The CIA reported to the Review Board that it destroyed most of its formal HTLINGUAL records in 1990 at the direction of CIA's Office of General Counsel. The CIA sequestered collection, however, does contain several "soft" or working files on Lee Harvey Oswald and the HTLINGUAL project, including the "soft" file held by the Special Investigations Group of the Counterintelligence Staff (CI/SIG). In response to the Review Board's request for additional information, the CIA located additional references to HTLINGUAL records in archival files of the CIA's Deputy Director of Plans (now the Deputy Director of Operations). CIA processed the relevant records for release to NARA.

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Little thought is given that the MC rifle was delivered to a POB address.

But a rifle is much too large to go in a PO Box, so recipient must to to

a special pickup window and appear before a postal worker and sign

a receipt and show identification before the package is handed over,

ESPECIALLY A FIREARM. And the addressee was using an alias and

had no drivers license for ID.

The govt never produced any receipt or witness regarding this transaction

except the omnipresent Harry Holmes.

A walk from the TSBD to the PO and back, including picking up a package,

would take more than 20 minutes, yet nobody ever noticed an LHO absence

and the "lunchhour" was short. Nobody saw him with a long package.


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Is Armstrong referring to a different package?


An attempt to deliver a package to LHO at the Paine address on 2515 West 5th St, happened on November 20, 1963.

The notice of attempt to deliver the package was found among LHO's possessions at his apartment in Dallas when it was searched.

Since the notice to deliver refereces the Paine address, it would seem unlikely that these are the same two packages.

It can be assumed that LHO acquired the notice of attempt to deliver, when he went to the Paine residence and spent the night of 11/21/63.

However, this would also mean that he had to drop off the notice after he left the TSDB and returned to the apartment.

Thanks for that Tom - it didn't sound as if it was the same package. I had never thought about that concept before [the notice and the timing] - makes sense.

John - perhaps there is an easier explanation. There doesn't seem to be a 'Nassaus' street anywhere - not Dallas, New Orleans, New York, etc. There is a 'Nassau' street in NY, plus a County, etc. There is also Nassau as in the Bahamas.

However, a simpler explanation may simply be that the address in question was a deliberate message - ie, delivered to a non-existent address purposely, in order to end up with Harry Holmes, from Lee. Make sense perhaps? That way he doesn't have to be seen actually going to the Post Office, and he also doesn't have to address something directly. Just a thought.

- lee

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Duke joked:

"Jack :: John

White :: White

Kennedy :: just a hobby? (c'mon, what's up with that?)"

I do not get the joke. Please explain.


You're Jack White. He's John ("Jack?") White. Your avocation is Kennedy. His middle name is Kennedy. Could you possibly be one person just using different photos and writing back and forth to each other? Hmmm....
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Duke joked:

"Jack :: John

White :: White

Kennedy :: just a hobby? (c'mon, what's up with that?)"

I do not get the joke. Please explain.


You're Jack White. He's John ("Jack?") White. Your avocation is Kennedy. His middle name is Kennedy. Could you possibly be one person just using different photos and writing back and forth to each other? Hmmm....

My name is Jack. It always has been Jack. I have never used the name John.

You must be thinking of Miller and Peters who did what you describe.


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