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"The critics have shown that the assassination could not have happened as the Commission said it happened.

How, then, did it happen? Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. It is the responsibility of future works to address themselves to the question asked above, to begin drawing all the evidence together and to attempt to make sense of it."

Josiah Thompson

Haverford, Pennsylvania

August, 1967



Although I would not presume to speak for Mr. Thompson, I would assume that he does not classify body kidnappings and wound alteration as an acceptable answer to making sense of the obfuscation of the facts and evidence.

Just as it would not appear that he accepts the "Multiple Assassin" answer.

I would therefore hope that the: EIGHT SECONDS IN DALLAS scenario, combined with the three shots/three hits, helps to begin to answer a few of the remaining outstanding questions as relates to the actual events of 11/22/63.

And, those who wish to continue to remain lost and confused and looking for the mythological creatures of body kidnappers and multiple assassins, hopefully have another 40+ years or so in which to continue to stumble around attempting to make sense of nonsense.

Those who want to unravel the issues will look, and they most assuredly will not look for THE SHOT THAT MISSED!

Actually, they will look for the shot that hit and then was made to disappear.----The true "Magic" bullet.

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"The critics have shown that the assassination could not have happened as the Commission said it happened.

How, then, did it happen? Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. It is the responsibility of future works to address themselves to the question asked above, to begin drawing all the evidence together and to attempt to make sense of it."

Josiah Thompson

Haverford, Pennsylvania

August, 1967



Although I would not presume to speak for Mr. Thompson, I would assume that he does not classify body kidnappings and wound alteration as an acceptable answer to making sense of the obfuscation of the facts and evidence.

Just as it would not appear that he accepts the "Multiple Assassin" answer.

I would therefore hope that the: EIGHT SECONDS IN DALLAS scenario, combined with the three shots/three hits, helps to begin to answer a few of the remaining outstanding questions as relates to the actual events of 11/22/63.

And, those who wish to continue to remain lost and confused and looking for the mythological creatures of body kidnappers and multiple assassins, hopefully have another 40+ years or so in which to continue to stumble around attempting to make sense of nonsense.

Those who want to unravel the issues will look, and they most assuredly will not look for THE SHOT THAT MISSED!

Actually, they will look for the shot that hit and then was made to disappear.----The true "Magic" bullet.

Mr. BRENNAN. Well, then something, just right after this explosion, made me think that it was a firecracker being thrown from the Texas Book Store. And I glanced up. And this man that I saw previous was aiming for his last shot.

Mr. BELIN. This man you saw previous? Which man are you talking about now?

Mr. BRENNAN. The man in the sixth story window.

Mr. BELIN. Would you describe just exactly what you saw when you saw him this last time?

Mr. BRENNAN. Well, as it appeared to me he was standing up and resting against the left window sill, with gun shouldered to his right shoulder, holding the gun with his left hand and taking positive aim and fired his last shot. As I calculate a couple of seconds. He drew the gun back from the window as though he was drawing it back to his side and maybe paused for another second as though to assure hisself that he hit his mark, and then he disappeared.


August 1964-----Aired on CBS on September 27, 1964:

"The President's head just exploded"


VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22 day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Howard Leslie Brennan, Address 6814 Woodard, Dallas, Texas Age 44 , Phone No. EV 1-2713

Deposes and says:

I was looking at the man in this windows at the time of the last explosion. Then this man let the gun down to his side and stepped down out of sight.


Anyone like to take a guess as to exactly how it was that Mr. Brennan could be looking at the shooter in the sixth floor window of the TSDB at the time of the last shot, yet also have seen the President's head "explode" as well?


Mr. LIEBELER. How many shots were fired altogether, Mr. Willis?

Mr. WILLIS. Three shots.

Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any question about that at all?

Mr. WILLIS. No, sir

Mr. WILLIS. No, sir; I did not. I couldn't see that well, and I was more concerned about the shots coming from that building. The minute the third shot was fired, I screamed, hoping the policeman would hear me, to ring that building because it had to come from there. Being directly across the street from the building, made it much more clear to those standing there than the people who were on the side of the street where the building was.

Mr. LIEBELER. So you thought you had picked out a particular building at the time when you heard shots?

Mr. WILLIS. Absolutely.

Mr. LIEBELER. What building was that?

Mr. WILLIS. The Texas School Book Depository Building.

Mr. LIEBELER. You were pretty sure?

Mr. WILLIS. I felt certain. I even looked for smoke, and I knew it came from high up.

Mr. LIEBELER. You say there were three shots fired? You heard three shots fired?

Mr. WILLIS. Yes.

Mr. LIEBELER. Did you think that the President had been hit by the first shot?

Mr. WILLIS. I didn't really know, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER. You couldn't tell whether he was hit by the first shot? You couldn't tell whether he had been hit by the first shot or the second shot or the third shot, or by how many shots he had been hit?

Mr. WILLIS. No, sir; except this one thing might be worthy of mention. When I took slide No. 4, the President was smiling and waving and looking straight ahead, and Mrs. Kennedy was likewise smiling and facing more to my side of the street. When the first shot was fired, her head seemed to just snap in that direction, and he more or less faced the other side of the street and leaned forward, which caused me to wonder, although I could not see anything positively. It did cause me to wonder.

Mr. LIEBELER. You say that the President looked toward his left; is that correct? Toward the side of Elm Street that you are standing on, or which way?

Mr. WILLIS. In slide No. 4 he was looking pretty much toward--straight ahead, and she was looking more to the left, which would be my side of the street. Then when the first shot was fired, she turned to the right toward him and he more or less slumped forward, and it caused me to wonder if he were hit, although I couldn't say.


Mr. ALTGENS: There was not another shot fired after the President was struck in the head. That was the last shot--that much I will say with a great degree of certainty.

Because, you see, even up to that time I didn't know that the President had been shot previously. I still thought up until that time that all I heard was fireworks and that they were giving some sort of celebration to the President by popping these fireworks. It stunned me so at what I saw that I failed to do my duty and make the picture that I was hoping to make.

Mr. LIEBELER - You also testified that you were standing perhaps no more than 15 feet away when the President was hit in the head and that you are absolutely certain that there were no shots fired after the President was hit in the head?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; that's correct.

Mr. LIEBELER - Could you tell us approximately how many shots there were between the first and the last shot--as you well know--there were supposed to have been three shots, but how many shots did you hear?

Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I wouldn't want to say--I don't want to guess, because facts are so important on something like this. I am inclined to feel like that there were not as many as I have heard people say. I think it's of a smaller denomination, a smaller number, but I cannot--I can really only vouch for the two. Now, I know that there was at least one shot in between.

Mr. LIEBELER - At least one?

Mr. ALTGENS - I would say that--I know there was one in between. It is possible there might have been another one I don't really know, but two, I can really account for.

Mr. LIEBELER - And that's the first one and the last one?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.


VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Emmett Joseph Hudson, Address 107 South Bishop, Dallas, Texas Age 56 , Phone No. WH 2-2008

Deposes and says:

I definately [sic] heard 3 shots.


Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him - the second shot.

Mr. LIEBELER - That was when the bullet hit him in the head; is that correct?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it looked like it ht him somewhere along about a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear.

Mr. LIEBELER - On the right-hand side or the left-hand side?

Mr. HUDSON - Right hand.

Mr. HUDSON - Right along there is about where President Kennedy's car was when he was hit - at the time I was looking right at him when the shot struck him, when the bullet struck him

Mr. LIEBELER - How many shots did you here altogether?

Mr. HUDSON - Three.

Mr. LIEBELER - Three shots?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - Are you sure about that?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - You say that it was the second shot that hit him in the head; is that right?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; I do believe that - I know it was.

Mr. LIEBELER - You saw him hit in the head, there wasn't any question in your mind about that, was there?

Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - And after you saw him hit in the head, did you here another shot?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see that shot hit anything - the third shot?

Mr. HUDSON - No, sir. I'll tell you - this young fellow that was sitting there with me - standing there with me at the present time, he says, "lay down, Mister, somebody is shooting the President." He says, "Lay down, lay down." and he kept repeating, "Lay down." so he was already laying down one way on the sidewalk, so I just laid down over on the ground and resting my arm on the ground and when that third shot rung out and when I was close to the ground - you could tell the shot was coming from above and kind of behind.

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; so right along about even with these steps, pretty close to even with this here, the last shot was fired - somewhere right along in there.

Mr. LIEBELER - You think the last shot was fired and the car was about where it actually is in that picture when the third shot was fired?

Mr. HUDSON - Pretty close to it; yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - But you think the President had already been hit in the head by the time the third shot was fired?

Mr. HUDSON - He had been hit twice, so Parkland Hospital said. He was hit in the neck one time and in the head one time.

Mr. LIEBELER - You say it was the second shot that hit him in the head?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes.


Mr. LIEBELER - So you only saw the President hit once; is that right, sir?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir; I just saw him hit once.

Mr. LIEBELER - That was in the head?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - And you aren't able to say from your own observation when he was hit in the neck?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes.

Mr. LIEBELER - If he was hit in the neck.

Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - And you saw the President get hit by what you heard as the second shot?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes.

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"The critics have shown that the assassination could not have happened as the Commission said it happened.

How, then, did it happen? Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. It is the responsibility of future works to address themselves to the question asked above, to begin drawing all the evidence together and to attempt to make sense of it."

Josiah Thompson

Haverford, Pennsylvania

August, 1967



Although I would not presume to speak for Mr. Thompson, I would assume that he does not classify body kidnappings and wound alteration as an acceptable answer to making sense of the obfuscation of the facts and evidence.

Just as it would not appear that he accepts the "Multiple Assassin" answer.

I would therefore hope that the: EIGHT SECONDS IN DALLAS scenario, combined with the three shots/three hits, helps to begin to answer a few of the remaining outstanding questions as relates to the actual events of 11/22/63.

And, those who wish to continue to remain lost and confused and looking for the mythological creatures of body kidnappers and multiple assassins, hopefully have another 40+ years or so in which to continue to stumble around attempting to make sense of nonsense.

Those who want to unravel the issues will look, and they most assuredly will not look for THE SHOT THAT MISSED!

Actually, they will look for the shot that hit and then was made to disappear.----The true "Magic" bullet.

Do you feel it was imposible for some shots to have been fired by a weapon(s) which had a sound

suppression device attached?

If a cover story centered on one shooter was the desired result, other weapons would have to be unheard

as well as making sure other shooter(s) remained unseen by the public.

Diversionary tactics work very well when attention needs to be drawn away from specific areas.

Smoke?, from what was intended to represent a gun fired on the knoll, would direct attention away from

other areas of the plaza.

I would guess a person could convince himself that sound was associated with that smoke in a moment of

confusion and/or panic.

Smokeless gunpowder was pretty much the norm in 1963 wasn't it?

So why was there a large cloud of smoke seen coming from the bushes on the knoll? It gave a spot to

focus attention and left a lasting first impression of where at least one of the shots originated.

(The following is off topic but my personal opinion of why we were not told the truth about JFK's murder.)

The WC purpose? To soothe our country's conscience with a fairy tale.

Why not tell us the truth? The truth would have torn our country apart.

The truth about who was involved in planning and carrying out the events of that day is probably known.

Imagine if the American People were to have found out that JFK's murder was a conspiracy in 1963-64.

Our country would have erupted in violence and there is no telling what kind of response our military would

have used to quell nationwide civil unrest/revolt.

America could very well have found itself in another civil war. That kind of weakness in the middle of the

cold war might have invited an attack from the Soviets.

The persons involved knew the truth of their actions would have to be concealed. Nothing was left to

chance. Getting away with murder is nothing new for those powerful and influential people who shape our nation's policies.

Like it or not...nothing good will ever come from finding out the truth while persons involved are still in positions of power in this country.

These are my personal feelings and, as such, are obviously speculation on my part.

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"The critics have shown that the assassination could not have happened as the Commission said it happened.

How, then, did it happen? Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. It is the responsibility of future works to address themselves to the question asked above, to begin drawing all the evidence together and to attempt to make sense of it."

Josiah Thompson

Haverford, Pennsylvania

August, 1967



Although I would not presume to speak for Mr. Thompson, I would assume that he does not classify body kidnappings and wound alteration as an acceptable answer to making sense of the obfuscation of the facts and evidence.

Just as it would not appear that he accepts the "Multiple Assassin" answer.

I would therefore hope that the: EIGHT SECONDS IN DALLAS scenario, combined with the three shots/three hits, helps to begin to answer a few of the remaining outstanding questions as relates to the actual events of 11/22/63.

And, those who wish to continue to remain lost and confused and looking for the mythological creatures of body kidnappers and multiple assassins, hopefully have another 40+ years or so in which to continue to stumble around attempting to make sense of nonsense.

Those who want to unravel the issues will look, and they most assuredly will not look for THE SHOT THAT MISSED!

Actually, they will look for the shot that hit and then was made to disappear.----The true "Magic" bullet.

Do you feel it was imposible for some shots to have been fired by a weapon(s) which had a sound

suppression device attached?

If a cover story centered on one shooter was the desired result, other weapons would have to be unheard

as well as making sure other shooter(s) remained unseen by the public.

Diversionary tactics work very well when attention needs to be drawn away from specific areas.

Smoke?, from what was intended to represent a gun fired on the knoll, would direct attention away from

other areas of the plaza.

I would guess a person could convince himself that sound was associated with that smoke in a moment of

confusion and/or panic.

Smokeless gunpowder was pretty much the norm in 1963 wasn't it?

So why was there a large cloud of smoke seen coming from the bushes on the knoll? It gave a spot to

focus attention and left a lasting first impression of where at least one of the shots originated.

(The following is off topic but my personal opinion of why we were not told the truth about JFK's murder.)

The WC purpose? To soothe our country's conscience with a fairy tale.

Why not tell us the truth? The truth would have torn our country apart.

The truth about who was involved in planning and carrying out the events of that day is probably known.

Imagine if the American People were to have found out that JFK's murder was a conspiracy in 1963-64.

Our country would have erupted in violence and there is no telling what kind of response our military would

have used to quell nationwide civil unrest/revolt.

America could very well have found itself in another civil war. That kind of weakness in the middle of the

cold war might have invited an attack from the Soviets.

The persons involved knew the truth of their actions would have to be concealed. Nothing was left to

chance. Getting away with murder is nothing new for those powerful and influential people who shape our nation's policies.

Like it or not...nothing good will ever come from finding out the truth while persons involved are still in positions of power in this country.

These are my personal feelings and, as such, are obviously speculation on my part.

Do you feel it was imposible for some shots to have been fired by a weapon(s) which had a sound

suppression device attached?

Certainly not! No more so than it being impossible for multiple assassins, etc;. However, (unless one believes in the giant conspiracy of planted bullets) two of the fired bullets ABSOLULTELY were fired from the Carcano found within the TSDB. The third/last/magic bullet just has not made it's official appearance in order that it can be confirmed that it too came from the same rifle.

If a cover story centered on one shooter was the desired result, other weapons would have to be unheard

as well as making sure other shooter(s) remained unseen by the public.

Yes! However, there is absolutely ZERO forensic; ballistic; pathological; or physical evidence of any shots having struck JFK & JBC from any location other than from above and from the rear.

So, just because others can not resolve the issues of the assassination is hardly a factual basis upon which to assume that a suppressed weapon was utilized. Just as it is not a basis for the great "CANYON SHOOT" as expoused by others who for whatever reason can not understand the evidence as it exists.

Diversionary tactics work very well when attention needs to be drawn away from specific areas.

I totally agree! But since two of the rounds which struck JFK absolutely came from the TSDB, and there is absolutely ZERO evidence of any striking JFK/JBC from other than above and behind, then exactly why would one wish to go chasing something which has absolutely ZERO basis in fact and/or evidence.

Smoke?, from what was intended to represent a gun fired on the knoll, would direct attention away from

other areas of the plaza.

The "smoke" on the knoll has long been an item which most likely can not, nor will ever be fully explained.

Was it steam as seen from the RR Yard?????????

Was it potentially "smoke" from some type of firecracker which was thrown over the stockade fence and hit into the tree limbs where it exploded???????

Personally, since fireworks were being thrown at various locations along the parade route, and since the "smoke" was reportedly within the tree limbs (and no one was seen in the tree), and a pile of cigarette butts was found close to the car bumper on the backside of the stockade fence, I have to go with the possibility of fireworks.

Especially since, as you have stated, one would have to be firing either a black powder rifle or quite old ammo to be creating "smoke".

The "fireworks" for diversion has great potential! Now if one only knew for certain as to whether Ruby actually stated that he was going down to watch the "fireworks".

I would guess a person could convince himself that sound was associated with that smoke in a moment of

confusion and/or panic.

The sounds in Dealy Plaza are completely unusual due to the ampi-theater structures. Add to this the double overpass and the taller buildings, and the sound issue is further compounded.

This then becomes virtually impossible to exactly correlate due to the gust wind conditions at the time of the assassination, and it is simple to understand why many heard whatever they did.

This sound was also severely affected by the trees in Dealy Plaza as well.

Smokeless gunpowder was pretty much the norm in 1963 wasn't it?

Unless one was firing extremely old ammo! Who goes to a gunfight with old Ammo????????

So why was there a large cloud of smoke seen coming from the bushes on the knoll? It gave a spot to

focus attention and left a lasting first impression of where at least one of the shots originated.

And, it was observed in the limbs of the tree. Exactly where it would possibly become entangled and explode, were it thrown over the fence.

And, since the previously exploding fireworks along the parade route had already "pre-conditioned" the SS Agents into a non-reactive mood (see Pavlov's dog), then the usage of firecrackers could have been as much a coincidental aspect of the assassination as a part of some plan to divert attention.

That does not however mean that those who may have thrown the firecrackers actually had any idea as to the reasons why they were doing so.

(The following is off topic but my personal opinion of why we were not told the truth about JFK's murder.)

The WC purpose? To soothe our country's conscience with a fairy tale.

Nope! To protect the reputatiion of one's political buddy!

Why not tell us the truth? The truth would have torn our country apart.

Nope! But one is frequently known to lie for their buddy. Especially when their buddy has mucho dirt on you.

The truth about who was involved in planning and carrying out the events of that day is probably known.

First off, would be to resolve how the assassination actually transpired. One is considerably less likely to become lost in space/time/rabbit holes, if they do not expend their time and cerebral power chasing multliple assassins and body kidnappers.

Everything tells me that LHO was the trigger man.

Imagine if the American People were to have found out that JFK's murder was a conspiracy in 1963-64.

Our country would have erupted in violence and there is no telling what kind of response our military would

have used to quell nationwide civil unrest/revolt.

America could very well have found itself in another civil war. That kind of weakness in the middle of the

cold war might have invited an attack from the Soviets.

The persons involved knew the truth of their actions would have to be concealed. Nothing was left to

chance. Getting away with murder is nothing new for those powerful and influential people who shape our nation's policies.

Like it or not...nothing good will ever come from finding out the truth while persons involved are still in positions of power in this country.

I must completely disagree! If and when it is ever fully revealed as to how the WC was intentionally established to pull the wool over our eyes, it is far less likely that any such actions will ever occur again.

Not unlike "Magic Tricks", when one understands how they are done, then they also know exactly what to watch for next time.

Also, when those political figures who were a part of this gigantic lie are fully exposed, even if they are deceased, their reputations will become so tarnished that it will cause a few current politicians who may want to do similar actions, NOT to do it.

These are my personal feelings and, as such, are obviously speculation on my part.

It is a gigantic political lie which severely affects the Republican as well as Democratic parties. Therefore, neither side would particularly want it out.

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"The critics have shown that the assassination could not have happened as the Commission said it happened.

How, then, did it happen? Up to now critics of the Report have gotten by with simply discovering the errors of the Commission and displaying them. It is the responsibility of future works to address themselves to the question asked above, to begin drawing all the evidence together and to attempt to make sense of it."

Josiah Thompson

Haverford, Pennsylvania

August, 1967



Although I would not presume to speak for Mr. Thompson, I would assume that he does not classify body kidnappings and wound alteration as an acceptable answer to making sense of the obfuscation of the facts and evidence.

Just as it would not appear that he accepts the "Multiple Assassin" answer.

I would therefore hope that the: EIGHT SECONDS IN DALLAS scenario, combined with the three shots/three hits, helps to begin to answer a few of the remaining outstanding questions as relates to the actual events of 11/22/63.

And, those who wish to continue to remain lost and confused and looking for the mythological creatures of body kidnappers and multiple assassins, hopefully have another 40+ years or so in which to continue to stumble around attempting to make sense of nonsense.

Those who want to unravel the issues will look, and they most assuredly will not look for THE SHOT THAT MISSED!

Actually, they will look for the shot that hit and then was made to disappear.----The true "Magic" bullet.

Do you feel it was imposible for some shots to have been fired by a weapon(s) which had a sound

suppression device attached?

If a cover story centered on one shooter was the desired result, other weapons would have to be unheard

as well as making sure other shooter(s) remained unseen by the public.

Diversionary tactics work very well when attention needs to be drawn away from specific areas.

Smoke?, from what was intended to represent a gun fired on the knoll, would direct attention away from

other areas of the plaza.

I would guess a person could convince himself that sound was associated with that smoke in a moment of

confusion and/or panic.

Smokeless gunpowder was pretty much the norm in 1963 wasn't it?

So why was there a large cloud of smoke seen coming from the bushes on the knoll? It gave a spot to

focus attention and left a lasting first impression of where at least one of the shots originated.

(The following is off topic but my personal opinion of why we were not told the truth about JFK's murder.)

The WC purpose? To soothe our country's conscience with a fairy tale.

Why not tell us the truth? The truth would have torn our country apart.

The truth about who was involved in planning and carrying out the events of that day is probably known.

Imagine if the American People were to have found out that JFK's murder was a conspiracy in 1963-64.

Our country would have erupted in violence and there is no telling what kind of response our military would

have used to quell nationwide civil unrest/revolt.

America could very well have found itself in another civil war. That kind of weakness in the middle of the

cold war might have invited an attack from the Soviets.

The persons involved knew the truth of their actions would have to be concealed. Nothing was left to

chance. Getting away with murder is nothing new for those powerful and influential people who shape our nation's policies.

Like it or not...nothing good will ever come from finding out the truth while persons involved are still in positions of power in this country.

These are my personal feelings and, as such, are obviously speculation on my part.

Do you feel it was imposible for some shots to have been fired by a weapon(s) which had a sound

suppression device attached?

Certainly not! No more so than it being impossible for multiple assassins, etc;. However, (unless one believes in the giant conspiracy of planted bullets) two of the fired bullets ABSOLULTELY were fired from the Carcano found within the TSDB. The third/last/magic bullet just has not made it's official appearance in order that it can be confirmed that it too came from the same rifle.

If a cover story centered on one shooter was the desired result, other weapons would have to be unheard

as well as making sure other shooter(s) remained unseen by the public.

Yes! However, there is absolutely ZERO forensic; ballistic; pathological; or physical evidence of any shots having struck JFK & JBC from any location other than from above and from the rear.

So, just because others can not resolve the issues of the assassination is hardly a factual basis upon which to assume that a suppressed weapon was utilized. Just as it is not a basis for the great "CANYON SHOOT" as expoused by others who for whatever reason can not understand the evidence as it exists.

Diversionary tactics work very well when attention needs to be drawn away from specific areas.

I totally agree! But since two of the rounds which struck JFK absolutely came from the TSDB, and there is absolutely ZERO evidence of any striking JFK/JBC from other than above and behind, then exactly why would one wish to go chasing something which has absolutely ZERO basis in fact and/or evidence.

Smoke?, from what was intended to represent a gun fired on the knoll, would direct attention away from

other areas of the plaza.

The "smoke" on the knoll has long been an item which most likely can not, nor will ever be fully explained.

Was it steam as seen from the RR Yard?????????

Was it potentially "smoke" from some type of firecracker which was thrown over the stockade fence and hit into the tree limbs where it exploded???????

Personally, since fireworks were being thrown at various locations along the parade route, and since the "smoke" was reportedly within the tree limbs (and no one was seen in the tree), and a pile of cigarette butts was found close to the car bumper on the backside of the stockade fence, I have to go with the possibility of fireworks.

Especially since, as you have stated, one would have to be firing either a black powder rifle or quite old ammo to be creating "smoke".

The "fireworks" for diversion has great potential! Now if one only knew for certain as to whether Ruby actually stated that he was going down to watch the "fireworks".

I would guess a person could convince himself that sound was associated with that smoke in a moment of

confusion and/or panic.

The sounds in Dealy Plaza are completely unusual due to the ampi-theater structures. Add to this the double overpass and the taller buildings, and the sound issue is further compounded.

This then becomes virtually impossible to exactly correlate due to the gust wind conditions at the time of the assassination, and it is simple to understand why many heard whatever they did.

This sound was also severely affected by the trees in Dealy Plaza as well.

Smokeless gunpowder was pretty much the norm in 1963 wasn't it?

Unless one was firing extremely old ammo! Who goes to a gunfight with old Ammo????????

So why was there a large cloud of smoke seen coming from the bushes on the knoll? It gave a spot to

focus attention and left a lasting first impression of where at least one of the shots originated.

And, it was observed in the limbs of the tree. Exactly where it would possibly become entangled and explode, were it thrown over the fence.

And, since the previously exploding fireworks along the parade route had already "pre-conditioned" the SS Agents into a non-reactive mood (see Pavlov's dog), then the usage of firecrackers could have been as much a coincidental aspect of the assassination as a part of some plan to divert attention.

That does not however mean that those who may have thrown the firecrackers actually had any idea as to the reasons why they were doing so.

(The following is off topic but my personal opinion of why we were not told the truth about JFK's murder.)

The WC purpose? To soothe our country's conscience with a fairy tale.

Nope! To protect the reputatiion of one's political buddy!

Why not tell us the truth? The truth would have torn our country apart.

Nope! But one is frequently known to lie for their buddy. Especially when their buddy has mucho dirt on you.

The truth about who was involved in planning and carrying out the events of that day is probably known.

First off, would be to resolve how the assassination actually transpired. One is considerably less likely to become lost in space/time/rabbit holes, if they do not expend their time and cerebral power chasing multliple assassins and body kidnappers.

Everything tells me that LHO was the trigger man.

Imagine if the American People were to have found out that JFK's murder was a conspiracy in 1963-64.

Our country would have erupted in violence and there is no telling what kind of response our military would

have used to quell nationwide civil unrest/revolt.

America could very well have found itself in another civil war. That kind of weakness in the middle of the

cold war might have invited an attack from the Soviets.

The persons involved knew the truth of their actions would have to be concealed. Nothing was left to

chance. Getting away with murder is nothing new for those powerful and influential people who shape our nation's policies.

Like it or not...nothing good will ever come from finding out the truth while persons involved are still in positions of power in this country.

I must completely disagree! If and when it is ever fully revealed as to how the WC was intentionally established to pull the wool over our eyes, it is far less likely that any such actions will ever occur again.

Not unlike "Magic Tricks", when one understands how they are done, then they also know exactly what to watch for next time.

Also, when those political figures who were a part of this gigantic lie are fully exposed, even if they are deceased, their reputations will become so tarnished that it will cause a few current politicians who may want to do similar actions, NOT to do it.

These are my personal feelings and, as such, are obviously speculation on my part.

It is a gigantic political lie which severely affects the Republican as well as Democratic parties. Therefore, neither side would particularly want it out.

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VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Arnold Louis Rowland, Address: 3026 Haggerly [sp?] St., Dallas, Texas, Age: DOB: 4-29-45, Phone No. FE 7 1861, POB: Corpus Christi, Texas.

Deposes and says

In about 15 minutes President Kennedy passed the [cross-out] spot where we were standing and the motorcade had just turned west on Elm heading down the hill when I heard a noise which I thought to be a back fire [sic]. In fact some of the people around laughed and then in about 8 seconds I heard another report and in about 3 seconds a third report. (emphasis added)


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VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Arnold Louis Rowland, Address: 3026 Haggerly [sp?] St., Dallas, Texas, Age: DOB: 4-29-45, Phone No. FE 7 1861, POB: Corpus Christi, Texas.

Deposes and says

In about 15 minutes President Kennedy passed the [cross-out] spot where we were standing and the motorcade had just turned west on Elm heading down the hill when I heard a noise which I thought to be a back fire [sic]. In fact some of the people around laughed and then in about 8 seconds I heard another report and in about 3 seconds a third report. (emphasis added)


Mr. ROWLAND - Well, the car turned the corner at Houston and Main. Everyone was rushing, pressing the cars, trying to get closer. There were quite a few people, you know, trying to run alongside of the car such as this; officers were trying to prevent this. The car turned--we had more or less a long period of time that they were within our sight considering some of the other people.

The car went down Houston, again turned on Elm, and it was proceeding down Elm when we heard the first of the reports. This I passed off as a backfire, so did practically everyone in the area because gobs of people, when I say gobs, I mean almost everyone in the vicinity, started laughing that couldn't see the motorcade. The motorcade was obscured from our vision by the crowd.

Mr. SPECTER - What would the occasion be for laughter on the sound of a backfire?

Mr. ROWLAND - I don't know. A lot of people laughed. I don't know. But a lot of people laughed, chuckled, such as this. Then approximately 5 seconds, 5 or 6 seconds, the second report was heard, 2 seconds the third report. After the second report, I knew what it was, and--

Mr. SPECTER - What was it?

Mr. ROWLAND - I knew that it was a gun firing.

Mr. SPECTER - How did you know that?

Mr. ROWLAND - I have been around guns quite a bit in my lifetime.

Mr. SPECTER - Was the sound of the fire different from the first and second sounds you described?

Mr. ROWLAND - No, that is just it. It did not sound as though there was any return fire in that sense.

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VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Arnold Louis Rowland, Address: 3026 Haggerly [sp?] St., Dallas, Texas, Age: DOB: 4-29-45, Phone No. FE 7 1861, POB: Corpus Christi, Texas.

Deposes and says

In about 15 minutes President Kennedy passed the [cross-out] spot where we were standing and the motorcade had just turned west on Elm heading down the hill when I heard a noise which I thought to be a back fire [sic]. In fact some of the people around laughed and then in about 8 seconds I heard another report and in about 3 seconds a third report. (emphasis added)


Mr. ROWLAND - Well, the car turned the corner at Houston and Main. Everyone was rushing, pressing the cars, trying to get closer. There were quite a few people, you know, trying to run alongside of the car such as this; officers were trying to prevent this. The car turned--we had more or less a long period of time that they were within our sight considering some of the other people.

The car went down Houston, again turned on Elm, and it was proceeding down Elm when we heard the first of the reports. This I passed off as a backfire, so did practically everyone in the area because gobs of people, when I say gobs, I mean almost everyone in the vicinity, started laughing that couldn't see the motorcade. The motorcade was obscured from our vision by the crowd.

Mr. SPECTER - What would the occasion be for laughter on the sound of a backfire?

Mr. ROWLAND - I don't know. A lot of people laughed. I don't know. But a lot of people laughed, chuckled, such as this. Then approximately 5 seconds, 5 or 6 seconds, the second report was heard, 2 seconds the third report. After the second report, I knew what it was, and--

Mr. SPECTER - What was it?

Mr. ROWLAND - I knew that it was a gun firing.

Mr. SPECTER - How did you know that?

Mr. ROWLAND - I have been around guns quite a bit in my lifetime.

Mr. SPECTER - Was the sound of the fire different from the first and second sounds you described?

Mr. ROWLAND - No, that is just it. It did not sound as though there was any return fire in that sense.

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VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Amos Lee Euins Address 411 Avenue F, Dallas, Texas Age 15 , Phone No. WH 3-9701

Deposes and says:

I am presently going to school at Franklin D. Roosevelt high School and am in the 9th grade. I got out of school this morning to see the President of the United States when he came to Dallas. I was standing on the corner of Elm and Houston street. From where I was standing I could look across the street and see a large red brick building. I saw the President turn the corner in front of me and I waived at him and he waived back. I watched the car on down the street and about the time the car got back near the black and white sign I heard a shot. I started looking around and then I looked up in the red brick building. I saw a man in a window with a gun and I saw him shoot twice. He then stepped back behind some boxes. I could tell the gun was a rifle and it sounded like an automatic rifle the way he was shooting. I just saw a little bit of the barrel, and some of the trigger housing. This was a white man, he did not have on a hat. I just saw this man for a few seconds. As far as I know, I had never seen this man before.

/s/ Amos Lee Euins

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963

/s/ C. M. Jones

Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

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The CHAIRMAN - All right, gentlemen, are we ready? Would you raise your right hand and be sworn, Mr. Jackson? Do You solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Mr. JACKSON - I do.

Mr. CHAIRMAN - Will you be seated, please.

Mr. Specter will conduct the examination.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you state -

Mr. CHAIRMAN - First, I will read a very small short statement for the record. The purpose of this day's hearing is to hear the testimony of Arnold Louis Rowland, Amos Lee Euins, James Richard Worrell, and Robert H. Jackson, who were in the vicinity of the assassination scene on November 22, 1963. The commission proposes to ask these witnesses for facts concerning their knowledge of the assassination of President Kennedy.

You have seen a copy of this, have you, Mr. Jackson?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. CHAIRMAN - Very well, you may proceed, Mr. Specter.

Mr. SPECTER - Would you state your name for the record, please?

Mr. JACKSON - Robert Hill Jackson.

Mr. SPECTER - And what is your address, Mr. Jackson?

Mr. JACKSON - 4030 Sperry.

Mr. SPECTER - What city is that located in?

Mr. JACKSON - Dallas, Tex.

Mr. SPECTER - How long have you lived at that address, please?

Mr. JACKSON - Since September of 1963.

Mr. SPECTER - And of what state are you a native?

Mr. JACKSON - I am a native of Dallas, Tex.

Mr. SPECTER - Have you lived in Dallas all your life?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your occupation at the present time?

Mr. JACKSON - Staff photographer for the Dallas Times Herald.

Mr. SPECTER - How long have you been so employed?

Mr. JACKSON - Since August of 1960.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you outline for us briefly -

The CHAIRMAN - 1950 or 1960?

Mr. JACKSON - 1960.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you outline for us briefly your educational background, please?

Mr. JACKSON - I attended Highland Park High School and then Southern Methodist University, where I studied for a business degree, and I did not finish. I lack about 8 hours of finishing, of getting a degree.

Mr. SPECTER - What year did you leave the University?

Mr. JACKSON - 1957.

Mr. SPECTER - How were you occupied between the time you left the university and the time you started to work for the newspaper?

Mr. JACKSON - I did some freelance photography work for a while, over a year, until I went into the service on the 6 month's plan through my National Guard unit, and I was a photographer there in the Army, on-the-job training, and then after I was released from the Army I did freelance work, I guess for about a year, until I got the job at the Herald.

Mr. SPECTER - How old are you at the present time?

Mr. JACKSON - Twenty nine.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your marital status?

Mr. JACKSON - I am married.

Mr. SPECTER - Do you have any children?

Mr. JACKSON - One child. One girl 15 months today.

Mr. SPECTER - Going back to November 22, 1963, by whom were you employed at that time?

Mr. JACKSON - Dallas Times Herald.

Mr. SPECTER - What was your assignment on that specific day?

Mr. JACKSON - I was assigned to the motorcade to meet the President, Love Field, and go to the Trade Mart and that was the extent of it, cover the parade, I mean the motorcade and the speech.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you assigned to take pictures?

Mr. JACKSON - To take pictures, yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you meet the President at Love Field?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - And did you take photographs for your newspaper at Love Field?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Describe briefly your activities at Love Field on the morning of November 22, please?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, we got there, I guess, 30, 40 minutes early.

Mr. SPECTER - At about what time would that have been?

Mr. JACKSON - I have to think to remember exactly what time, around 9, I guess, 9 to 9:15, I believe. And I took pictures there. There were other photographers from our paper there, our chief photographer. And we just took shots of the crowd, and waited for the President to arrive.

And then when he did arrive, our chief photographer left and went directly to the Trade Mart and I got into the motorcade to ride to town.

Mr. SPECTER - Do you know exactly which car you were in the motorcade?

Mr. JACKSON - We counted up, and it is either the seventh or eighth car. We said eighth car from the President, from the lead car.

Mr. SPECTER - When you say we counted up, whom do you mean?

Mr. JACKSON - The photographers in the car. As we left Love Field, we were trying to figure how far back we were and we all decided it was the eighth car.

Mr. SPECTER - Can you reconstruct that count for us which provided the basis for your conclusion that you were the seventh or eighth car. For example, how many cars ahead of you was the President's car or the Vice President's car, if you can recollect, please.

Mr. JACKSON - Let me think a minute. I know there was a photographer's car directly in front of us which I believe had some of the local press. It was a convertible. Then in front were, I believe, two or three cars carrying the press, the White House press, and the President Johnson, I guess would be in the next car, and then the President in the lead car, or the next car, and I believe there was another car in the lead.

Mr. SPECTER - So as you recollect the scene there was a lead and immediately behind the lead car, whose car?

Mr. JACKSON - The president's I believe.

Mr. SPECTER - And the immediately behind the President's whose car?

Mr. JACKSON - The Vice President's.

Mr. SPECTER - And immediately to the rear of the Vice President's car?

Mr. JACKSON - Press vehicles and I was told it was the White House press, two or three cars.

Mr. SPECTER - And there was one car filled with photographers?

Mr. JACKSON - Directly in front of us.

Mr. SPECTER - Between your car and the cars which you believe to have been filled with White House newsman?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. CHAIRMAN - Wasn't there a Secret Service car directly behind the President's car?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. CHAIRMAN - Between it and the Vice President's car?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir; that is right.

Mr. SPECTER - Wasn't there a Secret Service car immediately behind the Vice President's car. If you know?

Mr. JACKSON - There must have been. That is what I can't recall is which was which in there. I knew the White House press was in there but I didn't know how many cars. I am sure there was Secret Service cars, yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - As you were proceeding along in the motorcade, were you within sight of the President's automobile?

Mr. JACKSON - At times. When he was - when we could not get a clear view of it because of the photographers in the car ahead of us who were sitting up on the back of the seat just like we were, we did not have a clear view of the car at all times.

Mr. SPECTER - As you proceeded along approximately how far behind the President's car were you, expressed either in cars, block lengths or in any way that is convenient for you?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, I would say approximately a block, average city block, maybe closer at times.

Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Jackson, I show you a photograph which has been marked heretofore as Commission Exhibit No. 347, and ask you to look at it for a moment, and see if you can identify what the photograph depicts.

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir; this is the scene of the assassination, parade route, Main and Houston, left on Elm.

Mr. SPECTER - Now, which street did the Presidential motorcade take coming on to that scene which you have described as the assassination scene.

Mr. JACKSON - They were on Houston.

Mr. SPECTER - And before Houston, what street were they on?

Mr. JACKSON - Main Street.

Mr. SPECTER - What direction were they proceeding on Main Street?

Mr. JACKSON - West.

Mr. SPECTER - Now without reference to the photograph, will you tell us what happened as the motorcade proceeded west on Main Street?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, on Main, as we neared Houston Street everyone was more or less in a relaxed state in our car, because we were near the end of the route, I guess, nothin unusual happened on Main Street.

The final block on Main, before we turned on to Houston I was in the process of unloading a camera and I was to toss it out of the car as we turned right on Houston Street to one of our reporters.

Mr. SPECTER - Had that been set up by prearrangement?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. And what I did as we turned the corner, and when - it was in an interval and as I threw it out the wind blew it, caught it and blew it out into the street and our reporter chased it out into the street and the photographers in our car, one of the photographers, was a TV cameraman whom I don't recall his name, and he was joking about the film being thrown out and he was shooting my picture of throwing the film out.

Mr. SPECTER - At this point could you tell us, to the best of your recollection, precisely who was with you in the car at that time?

Mr. JACKSON - Jim Underwood from KRLD-TV station, Tom Dillard, chief photographer for the Dallas Morning News, and me, and then two newsreel cameramen who I know by sight, but I don't know their names.

One of which is with WFAA which is the Dallas Morning News station, and I believe the other was channel 11, I believe.

Mr. SPECTER - Can you position those people in the automobile for us with respect to where each was sitting?

(At this point Representative Ford entered the hearing room.)

Mr. JACKSON - Tom Dillard and Jim Underwood were in the front seat with the driver.

Mr. SPECTER - Can you identify who the driver was?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - But he was a sixth individual separate and apart from the five heretofore described?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. And in the back seat were the two I know by sight but I can't remember the names.

and I was on the right side of the car.

Mr. SPECTER - On the right side of which seat?

Mr. JACKSON - Back seat, sitting up on the back of a seat.

Mr. SPECTER - What kind of car was it, sir.

Mr. JACKSON - I believe it was a Chevrolet convertible.

Mr. SPECTER - Top down?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you carrying one camera, or more than one camera?

Mr. JACKSON - Two cameras.

Mr. SPECTER - And was one camera loaded at the time you rounded the corner of Main and Houston?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir; and one was empty.

Mr. SPECTER - Was it from the camera which was empty that you had taken the roll of film which you have just described?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - All right. Will you now proceed to tell us what happened as you rounded the corner of Main and Houston , Please?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, as our reporter chased the film out into the street, we all looked back at him and were laughing, and it was approximately that time that we heard the first shot, and we had already rounded the corner, of course, when we heard the the first shot. We were approximately almost half a block on Houston Street. Mr. SPECTER - Will you identify for me on Commission Exhibit 347, Precisely as possible, where your automobile was at the time you heard the first shot?

Mr. JACKSON - Approximately right here, I would say the midpoint of this building. Approximately where we heard the first report.

Mr. SPECTER - Now, will you mark a black "X" on 347 the spot where your car was at the time you heard the first shot?

Mr. JACKSON - Right here approximately. And as we heard the first shot, I believe it was Tom Dillard from the Dallas News who made some remark as to that sounding like a firecracker, and it could have been somebody else who said that. But someone else did speak up and make that comment and before he actually the sentence we heard the other two shots. Then we realized or we thought it was gunfire, and then we could not at that point see the President's car. We were still moving slowly, and after the third shot the second two shots seemed much closer together than the first shot, than they were to the first shot. Then after the last shot, I guess all of us were just looking all around and I just looked straight up ahead of me which would have been looking at the School Book Depository and I noticed two Negro men in a window straining to see directly above them, and my eyes followed right on up to the window above them and I saw the rifle, or what looked like a rifle approximately half of weapon, I guess I saw. and just looked at it, it was drawn fairly slowly back into the building, and I saw no one in the window with it. I didn't even see a form in the window.

Mr. SPECTER - What did you do next?

Mr. JACKSON - I said "There is the gun," or it came from that window. I tried to point it out. But by the time the other people looked up, of course, it was gone, and about that time, we were beginning to turn the corner.

Mr. SPECTER - Which corner were you beginning to turn?

Mr. JACKSON - Houston onto Elm.

Mr. SPECTER - I now show you a photograph marked as Commission Exhibit No. 348 and ask you if you can identify what that depicts?

Mr. JACKSON - This is the School Book Depository. This is the window the two colored men were looking out of. This is the window where the rifle was.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you mark the window where the rifle was with an "A" and would you please mark the window where you have identified the men below with a "B."

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - Referring to your mark of "A," the photograph will show that you have marked the window on the sixth floor with the marking being placed on the window on the westerly half of the first double window.

Mr. JACKSON - I am sorry. This window here on the very end was the window where the weapon was. I am sorry, I just marked the double - actually this is the rifle window right here.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you take the black pencil again and draw an arrow - before you start to mark, hear the rest of the question - as precisely as you can to the exact spot where you saw what you have described as the rifle.

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - Was the window you have just marked as being the spot from which the rifle protruded, open when you looked up?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your best recollection as to how far open it was at that time?

Mr. JACKSON - I would say that it was open like that window there, halfway.

Mr. SPECTER - Indicating a window on the sixth floor of the westernmost portion of the building open halfway as you described it.

My last comment, as to the description of your last window, is only for the purpose of what you have said in identifying a window to show how far open the window was.

Mr. JACKSON - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - Which you heretofore marked with an arrow, correct?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Also in that window I could see boxes, corrugated boxes on the left portion which would be my left, of the window, the open window.

Mr. SPECTER - How many boxes could you see?

Mr. JACKSON - I couldn't tell. It just seemed like a stack of boxes.

Mr. SPECTER - How high were the boxes stacked?

Mr. JACKSON - Maybe two is all I saw They were stacked, I believe they were as high as the window was open, halfway up the window.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your best recollection of the size of those boxes which you say you saw?

Mr. JACKSON - Maybe like that, that wide.

Mr. SPECTER - Indicating approximately 3 feet wide?

Mr. JACKSON - Three feet or a little less maybe.

Mr. SPECTER - What was the height of those boxes?

Mr. JACKSON - I would say high enough to hide a man. Let's say between 5 and 6 feet high, I would say they were 5 feet high at least.

Mr. SPECTER - That is each box would be 5 feet high?

Mr. JACKSON - No; the stack, the stacked boxes.

Mr. SPECTER - Could you see how many boxes were stacked up to reach a total height of 5 to 6 feet?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Whether or not you could identify anyone, could you see even the form or outline of the man?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir. It looked to me like the man was over to the side of the window because the rifle was at quite an angle to me.

Mr. SPECTER - Which side of the window?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, from the position of the rifle it would be the corner of the building, the east. It would be to the right of the window from my view.

Mr. SPECTER - Which direction was the rifle pointing?

Mr. JACKSON - West. To my left.

Mr. SPECTER - Was it pointing in a straight westerly direction or was it pointing at an angle from the building?

Mr. JACKSON - It was at an angle from the building. I am not - well, let's see - well, it wouldn't be directly west.

Mr. SPECTER - What was the general line of direction of the pointing of the rifle?

Mr. JACKSON - Well, directly down the street.

Mr. SPECTER - And by down the street you are pointing out what street?

Mr. JACKSON - Down Elm Street toward the triple, toward the underpass

Mr. SPECTER - Was it pointed as you have indicated at the angle which Elm Street traverses heading toward the triple underpass?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. And the rifle was pointing slightly down.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you at any time in this sequence observe the President's automobile?

Mr. JACKSON - As we turned the corner - or we stopped where the intersection, actually we stopped before we began to turn left onto Elm Street, or rather I would say we hesitated and we were all looking down towards the President's car and I could see two cars going under the underpass. I barely saw the President's car. I would say just the rear end of it as it disappeared under the underpass.

Mr. SPECTER - Was that the only time you saw the President's car from the time you made a right-hand turn off of Main Street onto Houston Street?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your best estimate as to the time span between the first shot you heard and the last shot you heard?

Mr. JACKSON - I would say 5 to 8 seconds. Mr. SPECTER - Can you give us a breakdown between the shots which you heard as to how many seconds elapsed between each one?

Mr. JACKSON - I would say to me it seemed like 3 or 4 seconds between the first and the second, and between the second and the third, well I guess 2 seconds, they were very close together. It could have been more time between the first and second. I really can't be sure.

Mr. SPECTER - Are you sure you heard three shots?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. Mr. SPECTER - Now, will you mark on the overhead shot, which is exhibit 347 with a "Y" as precisely as you can the position of your automobile at the time you heard the second shot?

Mr. JACKSON - With a "Y"?

Mr. SPECTER - Yes, please.

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - Would you now mark on the same exhibit the precise position of your car as closely as you can recollect it when you heard the third shot with the letter "Z"?

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - When, in relation to the timing of the shots, which you have described, did you first look toward the Texas School Book Depository Building?

Mr. JACKSON - It couldn't have been more than 3 seconds before I looked at that window.

Mr. SPECTER - Three seconds from what point in time?

Mr. JACKSON - From the last shot.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you say from the last shot?

Mr. JACKSON - From the last shot, yes, sir. Mr. SPECTER - What is your best recollection or estimate of the speed of your automobile as you were proceeding in a generally northerly direction on Houston Street at the time of the shooting?

Mr. JACKSON - I would say not over 15 miles an hour.

Mr. SPECTER - What would your best estimate be as to the minimum speed?

Mr. JACKSON - Ten, I would say.

Mr. SPECTER - Where in the window were the two Negro men, whom you have described?

Mr. JACKSON - Well there was one in each one of those double windows.

Mr. SPECTER - On which floor was that?

Mr. JACKSON - The fifth floor.

Mr. SPECTER - And will you place an arrow where you saw each of those men, please?

Mr. JACKSON - Each one of them?

Mr. SPECTER - Yes.

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - Did you observe any reaction from either or both of those two men when you saw them?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir. Just looking up.

Mr. SPECTER - Could you see their faces reasonably clear to observe that they were looking up?

Mr. JACKSON - I could tell they were looking up because they were leaning way out just like that. I couldn't see their faces very well at all.

Mr. SPECTER - The witness has leaned forward and turned his head to the right and looking upward as he sits in the witness chair, may the record show.

Representative FORD - Did they both turn the same way that you have indicated in answer to Mr. Specter's question?

Mr. JACKSON - To the best of my recollection one man looked up to his right and the other man looked up like this to his left, one in each window.

Representative FORD - Can you identify which to his right and which to his left?

Mr. JACKSON - I believe the one on the right window, my right, was looking to his right. The one on the west window, the one to my left was looking to his left. I believe I am right on that but I may not because I just looked at them for a fraction of a second, I just followed them up.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your best estimate of the distance which separated you from those two men at the time you observed them?

Mr. JACKSON - I am not ver good at distances. I was about the middle of the block, I guess. I would say around a hundred yards, I guess.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you see those two men before or after you observed the rifle?

Mr. JACKSON - Before.

Mr. SPECTER - What is your estimate of how many inches of the rifle that you observed?

Mr. JACKSON - I saw the barrel and about half - well, I did not see a telescopic sight, but I did see part of the stock, so I guess maybe 8 or 10 inches of the stock maybe. I did see part of the stock, I did not see the sight.

Mr. SPECTER - Eight or ten inches of the stock, and how much of the barrel would you estimate?

Mr. JACKSON - I guess possibly a foot.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you see anyone's hands on the rifle?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Now, as best as you can recollect it, what exact words did you state at or about the time you made the observation of the rifle, if any?

Mr. JACKSON - I said, "There is the gun" and somebody said "Where?" And I said, "It came from that window" and I pointed to that window.

Mr. SPECTER - Do you recollect who it was who said "Where?"

Mr. JACKSON - Somebody in the car, I don't recall who.

Mr. SPECTER - Did anybody else in the car say anything else at the time?

Mr. JACKSON - Nothing that I could remember. I am sure they were all talking.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you say anything else at about that time?

Mr. JACKSON - If I did, I don't remember.

Mr. SPECTER - Did anyone in the automobile state that he, too, had seen the rifle from the window?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you have a conversation with all of the men in the car immediately after the incident?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir; because as, I guess after the third shot, I do recall the driver speeding up, and we hesitated at the corner before turning left, and three of the occupants of the car got out, jumped out.

Mr. SPECTER - Who were those three?

Mr. JACKSON - That was Underwood, Jim Underwood, Tom Dillard and one of the TC cameramen. The WHAA channel 8 cameraman and I were left in the back seat. We couldn't make up our minds.

Mr. SPECTER - Was there an individual in the car by the name of Mr. Couch, to your knowledge?

Mr. JACKSON - Couch?

Mr. SPECTER - Yes, sir.

Mr. JACKSON - I don't know him.

Mr. SPECTER - Malcolm Couch?

Mr. JACKSON - The name is familiar. I might state what I did see as we did hesitate there at the corner, I don't recall whether this was before the other three fellows got out of the car or not, I believe we were still in the car, as we observed these other things, but in a fleeting glance as I saw the cars go under the underpass, I did see people running. I saw a motorcycle policeman jump off his motorcycle, in fact, he just hit the curb and just let it fall, and he went down on his knees on the grass, on the lawn of that parkway.

I did see a family covering up their child, and I just saw a state of confusion, people running, and that is about all I saw at that point of the scene.

Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Jackson, at the time you heard the first shot, did you have any reaction or impression from the sound itself as to the source of the shot, point of origin?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir; I didn't. it did sound like it came from ahead of us or from the general vicinity but I could not tell whether it was high up or on the ground.

Mr. SPECTER - When you say general vicinity, what vicinity did you mean?

Mr. JACKSON - We were sure it came from ahead of us which would be in a northerly direction, northwesterly direction. It did sound as though it came from somewhere around the head of the motorcade.

Mr. SPECTER - From the second shot, did you have any reaction or impression as to the source of this shot?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir. Through all three shots, I could just tell that it was ahead of me and not behind me, that is it.

Mr. SPECTER - And the same impression then prevailed through the third shot as well.

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. To me it never sounded like it was high or low.

Mr. SPECTER - Have you had an occasion since the incident to relate the factual sequences, your observations and what you heard? Have you had occasion to tell anybody about what you saw and heard as you have described it to us?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Has there been any variation in your recollection or impressions about your observations on these occasions?

Mr. JACKSON - Not to my knowledge. The other times were not as thorough as this.

Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Chief Justice, Those are all the questions I have, sir.

The CHAIRMAN - Congressman Ford, any questions you would like to ask Mr. Jackson?

Representative FORD - Mr. Jackson, when and by whom were you questioned or interrogated subsequent to the event? I was thinking the FBI, the Secret Service, or any investigative organization.

Mr. JACKSON - You say when, how soon afterwards?

Representative FORD - Right

Mr. JACKSON - I would say within 2 days afterwards, let's see, the next was the first day.

Representative FORD - Saturday November 23?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir; I believe it was the first time.

Representative FORD - Who, by name, if you can, but if not by what organization?

Mr. JACKSON - The FBI called me, I believe it was Friday evening, and I believe I did give some information on the phone Friday night.

Representative FORD - Was that followed up-

Mr. JACKSON - And they came and saw me in the office, I believe on Saturday.

Representative FORD - How did they happen to contact you? Had you made a statement publicly before?

Mr. JACKSON - Our newspaper ran an article by me or I go a byline on it stating this in general which I have stated today.

Representative FORD - Following this initial contact have you made subsequent statements to various organizations or any organization?

Mr. JACKSON - I made statements to the Secret Service also. Other than that there was none other.

Representative FORD - How good are your eyes, do you wear glasses?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Representative FORD - Have you had an eye examination recently or when was your last examination?

Mr. JACKSON - I had a physical when I reenlisted in the National Guard, let's see, that was, I believe, about a year and a half ago, I had that physical and I had 20-20 vision.

Representative FORD - 20-20 vision?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative FORD - You just indicated you were in the Texas National Guard?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative FORD - How long have you been in the Texas National Guard?

Mr. JACKSON - I joined in October 1958.

Representative FORD - And you have been in continuously since?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative FORD - So you are familiar with guns in general?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative FORD - So you would readily identify, if you saw it, a rifle?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative FORD - Did any others in the automobile in which you were riding recollect as far as you know, hearing you say "There is the gun."

Mr. JACKSON - I don't know whether they would remember it or not.

Representative Ford - Have you ever talked with any others in the car?

Mr. JACKSON - I have never sat down and talked with them about the events, no, sir. I have seen them, of course, several times but I have never discussed it with them.

Representative Ford - You never discussed what you said or what they said?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir. I guess the one man I have discussed it more with than anybody else was Tom Dillard, the chief photographer for the Dallas News, and we recalled to each other the scene but we really never went into any detail or as to what each one of us said either.

Representative Ford - At the time you were in the car, after it had turned from Main onto Houston, was there any noise from the crowed on either side of the street, Houston Street?

Mr. JACKSON - There was very little crowed on Houston as I recall. On Houston itself. The crowed - I mean as compared to Main Street, to the other end of town and down through Main. The crowed thinned out as we got down near the intersection of Main and Houston, and there was a lot less people but I couldn't make an estimate of how many.

Representative Ford - There was no noise from the crowed at that point?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir; no noise, I would say.

Representative Ford - At the time you heard the first shot, what was your position in the car? Were you standing or sitting?

Mr. JACKSON - I was sitting on the back of the seat, on the right hand side of the back seat, sitting up.

Representative Ford - Did you have a camera in your hand?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes; I had one camera around my neck and the camera I had just emptied, it was in my lap. I had thrown my film out to this reporter over the side of the car as we rounded the corner and I still had the camera lying in my lap, and the other one was around my neck.

Representative Ford - Was this the position you were in at the time you heard the first shot?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir.

Representative Ford - After the third shot and as the car hesitated, did you see any law enforcement officials move in any concentrated or concerted direction?

Mr. JACKSON - I saw at least one, there may have been more, run up the School Depository steps, toward the door. That is one of the things I saw in this confusion.

Representative Ford - Was this separate from the policeman on the motorcycle?

Mr. JACKSON - Yes, sir. Yes. I should have said that a while ago. There was a policeman who moved toward the door of the Depository. But to the best of my knowledge there was no concentrated movement toward any one spot. It looked like general confusion to me, and of course, I stayed in the car. As we did turn the corner our driver speeded up and we went by the scene pretty fast and I do recall this Negro family covering up their child on the grass, and I, as we passed them, they were just getting up and he had the child in his arms and the child looked limp and I didn't know whether the child was shot or not. But then we were moving fast and went on under the underpass.

Representative Ford - That is all Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN - Mr. Wright, do you have any questions?

Mr. WRIGHT - No, Mr. Chief Justice, I passed a question on.

Mr. SPECTER - I have just one additional question, and that is whether Mr. Jackson had any occasion to see anybody leave the scene of the Texas School Book Depository Building?

Mr. JACKSON - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - That is all, Your Honor.

The CHAIRMAN - Mr. Jackson, thank you very much for coming.

Mr. JACKSON - Thank you.

The CHAIRMAN - We appreciate it.

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Mr. DILLARD - Well, then I later estimated, immediately later, estimated, oh, 4, about 3 or 4 seconds, another explosion and my comment was, "No, It's heavy rifle fire," and I remember very distinctly I said, "It's very heavy rifle fire."

Mr. BALL - How many explosions did you hear?

Mr. DILLARD - I heard three - the three approximately equally spaced.

Mr. DILLARD - There was never any question, in my mind that there was more than or less than three explosions which were all heave rifle fire, in my opinion, of the same rifle. The same rifle fired three shots.



Date 3/19/64

JAMES L. SIMMONS, 1325 Rosemont Street, Mesquite Texas, was interviewed at the Union Terminal Company, 500 South Houston Street, Dallas, Texas. SIMMONS advised that he is a car inspector and on November 22, 1963, he was standing on the Elm Street viaduct with some fellow employees waiting for President JOHN F. KENNEDY's motorcade to come into view. SIMMONS stated when the President's car started down Elm Street he heard three shots ring out. President KENNEDY slumped forward in his seat and appeared to have been hit by a bullet

SIMMONS advised that it was his opinion the shots came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building. He stated that immediately after the shots were fired, people were running in every direction through the whole area and there was a sense of mass confusion.


Mr. UNDERWOOD. Yes; between Main and Elm, closer to the Elm intersection, Elm and Houston intersection, when I heard the first shot fired. I thought it was an explosion. I have heard many rifles fired but it did not sound like a rifle to me. Evidently must have been a reverberation from the buildings .or something. I believe I said to one of the other fellows it sounds like a giant firecracker and the car I was in was about in the intersection of Elm and Houston when I heard a second shot fired and moments later a third shot fired and I realized that they were by that time, the last two shots, I realized they were coming from overhead.

Mr. BALL. You realized they were coming from overhead and that would be from what source?

Mr. UNDERWOOD. That would be from the Texas School Book Depository Building.


Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him - the second shot.

Mr. LIEBELER - That was when the bullet hit him in the head; is that correct?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it looked like it ht him somewhere along about a little bit behind the ear and a little bit above the ear.

Mr. LIEBELER - On the right-hand side or the left-hand side?

Mr. HUDSON - Right hand.

Mr. LIEBELER - How many shots did you here altogether?

Mr. HUDSON - Three.

Mr. LIEBELER - Three shots?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - Are you sure about that?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - You say that it was the second shot that hit him in the head; is that right?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes; I do believe that - I know it was.

Mr. LIEBELER - You saw him hit in the head, there wasn't any question in your mind about that, was there?

Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - And after you saw him hit in the head, did you here another shot?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see that shot hit anything - the third shot?

Mr. HUDSON - No, sir

Mr. LIEBELER - You say it was the second shot that hit him in the head?

Mr. HUDSON - Yes





Protective Assignment of S/A Bennett on 11122/63

at Dallas, Texas

A second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the President's head. I immediately hollered "he's hit''


"a second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head."


CHARLES F. BREHM, 1619 Kings Highway, was interviewed at his residence at which tme he furnished the following information:

When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the President seemed do to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. BREHM said when the President was hit by the second shot, he could notice the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction.

BREHM said that a third shot followed and that all three shots were relatively close together. BREHM stated that he was in military service and he has had experience with bolt-action rifles, and he expressed the opinion that the three shots were fired just about as quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-action rifle, take aim, and fire three shots.

BREHM stated he definitely knew the President had been shot and he recalled having seen blood on the President's face. He also stated that it seemed quite apparent to him that the shots came from one of two buildings back at the corner of Elm and Houston Streets.

BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move 10 or 12 feet. It seemed to him that the automobile almost came to a halt after the first shot, but of this he is not certain. After the third shot, the car in which the President was riding increased its speed and went under the freeway overpass and out of his sight.


Mr. BRENNAN. Well, as it appeared to me he was standing up and resting against the left window sill, with gun shouldered to his right shoulder, holding the gun with his left hand and taking positive aim and fired his last shot.

VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22 day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Howard Leslie Brennan, Address 6814 Woodard, Dallas, Texas Age 44 , Phone No. EV 1-2713

Deposes and says:

I then saw this man I have described in the window and he was taking aim with a high powered rifle. I could see all of the barrel of the gun. I do not know if it had a scope on it or not. I was looking at the man in this windows at the time of the last explosion. Then this man let the gun down to his side and stepped down out of sight.


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Tom, I thought you might be interested in this enhancement/enlargment of a HSCA published blowup of the back wound. Not quite sure what one can see there, but I thought the edges and the apparent tissue locations inside would be of interest. The photo is oriented with the back upright. (as I interpret it)


Edited by John Dolva
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Tom, I thought you might be interested in this enhancement/enlargment of a HSCA published blowup of the back wound. Not quite sure what one can see there, but I thought the edges and the apparent tissue locations inside would be of interest. The photo is oriented with the back upright. (as I interpret it)


Thanks John;

It probably belongs over with the "seamingly/seemingly" obvious photo of the base of CE399 since they have much in common.

Although the HSCA claimed that the bullet entered on a slightly "upward" angle, it would be difficult from evaluation of this phot to confirm that report.

However, I had observed the tissue/whatever inside the wound on the lower margin, and accepted that this may have had something (in addition to the abrasion collar) to do with the HSCA determination that the bullet did not enter on a downward angle.

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He drops his arm as they

go by - possibly 20 feet.

Suddenly - a sound.

Gun shots? So hard to tell above

the clamor of the crowd.


The President bent forward into

his wife’s lap as his arm

slipped off the side of the

car. Jackey circled him with

her arm.

Another shot.


A cry. The President has

been shot.

A third shot. People




Mr. ALTGENS - This would put me at approximately this area here, which would be about 15 feet from me at the time he was shot in the head--about 15 feet from the car on the west side of the car--on the side that Mrs. Kennedy was riding in the car.

Mr. ALTGENS: I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shots were in between. There was not another shot fired after the President was struck in the head. That was the last shot--that much I will say with a great degree of certainty.

--I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot. I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet, because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera.

. LIEBELER - And that it was 15 feet away at the time the third shot was fired.

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - But during that period of time the car moved much more than 15 feet down Elm Street going down toward the triple underpass?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - I don't know how many feet it moved, but it moved quite a ways from the time the first shot was fired until the time the third shot was fired. I'm having trouble on this Exhibit No. 203 understanding how you could have been within 30 feet of the President's car when you took Commission Exhibit No. 203 and within 15 feet of the car when he was hit with the last shot in the head without having moved yourself. Now, you have previously indicated that you were right beside the President's car when he was hit in the head.

Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I was about 15 feet from it.

Mr. LIEBELER - But it was almost directly in front of you as it went down the street; isn't that right?


Mr. LIEBELER - So, it is clear from your testimony that the third shot--the last shot, rather--hit the President?

Mr. ALTGENS - Well, off and on we have been referring to the third shot and the fourth shot; but actually, it was the last shot, the shot did strike the President and there was no other sound like a shot that was made after that. I was just going to make a conclusion here, but that's not my place to do that, so I'll just forget it--what I was going to say.

Mr. ALTGENS -There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing




It would be hoped that by now everyone knows exactly where station 4+96 is located!

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Tom, here's another that may be of inerest. While the WC dismiss it as just tissue on the hair, there are actually differences in the grayscale values that when enhanced describe a couple of offset ellipses that seem support the finding of the pathologists. One could interpret this as an upwards/downwards tunnelling.


Edited by John Dolva
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