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Position "A" as marked on the original WC Survey Plat produced by Mr. Robert West.


P.S. Jack! You really should go back and erase some of those "continous" street contour lines which I drew in for copying purposes, in event you wish to continue to promote your "curb strike" survey plat as having come from an original.

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Now! Exactly how far is it from "Position A" to Z313??????????????????????????????????

Exactly what is the Stationing number of either Position "A" or Z313???????????????????

From the work done by the WC, it would appear that they were somewhat lacking in giving us such specific detail.

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Now! Exactly how far is it from "Position A" to Z313??????????????????????????????????

Exactly what is the Stationing number of either Position "A" or Z313???????????????????

From the work done by the WC, it would appear that they were somewhat lacking in giving us such specific detail.


Mr. SPECTER. What Commission number has been affixed to frame 313?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Commission Exhibit No. 902.

Mr. SPECTER. Is this exhibit organized in a somewhat different fashion from the prior frame exhibits?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct.

Mr. SHANEYFELT. The dimensions from the surveyor on frame 313 of the distance from the wound mark on the President's stand-in to station C is 230.8 feet.

Distance to the rifle in the window is 265.3 feet. The angle to rifle in window is 15b021' and this is based on the horizontal.

Distance to the overpass is 260.6 feet, the angle to the overpass is 1b028'.

Mr. SPECTER. What would the angle be considering the adjustment on the angle of the street?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. It would be less 3b0 or 12b021', approximately.

Got That! Now, would someone within the WC please provide that information relative to station numbers for impact points, as determined by the WC.

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Now! Exactly how far is it from "Position A" to Z313??????????????????????????????????

Exactly what is the Stationing number of either Position "A" or Z313???????????????????

From the work done by the WC, it would appear that they were somewhat lacking in giving us such specific detail.


Mr. SPECTER. What Commission number has been affixed to frame 313?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Commission Exhibit No. 902.

Mr. SPECTER. Is this exhibit organized in a somewhat different fashion from the prior frame exhibits?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct.

Mr. SHANEYFELT. The dimensions from the surveyor on frame 313 of the distance from the wound mark on the President's stand-in to station C is 230.8 feet.

Distance to the rifle in the window is 265.3 feet. The angle to rifle in window is 15b021' and this is based on the horizontal.

Distance to the overpass is 260.6 feet, the angle to the overpass is 1b028'.

Mr. SPECTER. What would the angle be considering the adjustment on the angle of the street?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. It would be less 3b0 or 12b021', approximately.

Got That! Now, would someone within the WC please provide that information relative to station numbers for impact points, as determined by the WC.

Got That! Now, would someone within the WC please provide that information relative to station numbers for impact points, as determined by the WC.

No can do!

You see, the WC was fully aware of the work of Mr. West for the US Secret Service as well as the FBI, which ALL referenced Station/footage numbers on Elm St. from a given point which Mr. West had designated back at the intersection of Elm & Houston St.

Therefore, the WC came up with "Position "A" as an original starting point for Mr. West to conduct his measurements from during the WC re-enactment work, and thereafter transferred measurements to "Station C", both of which would be unknown to virtually everyone with the exception of Mr. West, who did the survey work and the members of the WC who were in on this little shell game.

So, the WC in fact designated no Station# for the work, and everything was in relationship to Position "A", and thereafter, it's relationship to Station "C".

And since the WC copy of the survey plat was so reduced in size, absolutely no one would ever be able to actually tell exactly where either of these points were, or that the important aspect of all of the survey work was the Survey station numbers which Mr. West had established for Elm St.

During the survey work of December 2, 3, & 4 of 1963, with the Survey Plat dated December 5, 1963, Mr. West had established his survey control points and elevations throughout the Elm St. area.

Thus, he had established survey control points, complete with nails driven into the asphalt of Elm St. for those three points of impact for shots fired, as established by the US Secret Service.

This also included those nails as established during the Time/Life Survey work, and the later FBI survey work.

And, since Mr. West had established horizontal control/stationing numbers throughout the US Secret Service work, when the WC began their work, the stationing number and contour elevations for Elm St. had been well established and already made into a survey plat.

So, apparantly unknown to the WC group, each time that Mr. West conducted survey measurements for the WC, be it to Station "C" or any other measurement, in his field notes Mr. West also made the correlating tie which this "new" measurement had with the original stationing which he had established along Elm St.

That this is what transpired is only evident from the handwritten field notes of Mr. West in which he made reference to the "old nail" and it's original station number as determined during the US Secret Service survey work.

Thereafter, when Mr. West's draftsman drew up the survey plat for the WC, not only did the draftsman utilize the survey stationing of Elm St. as determined during the US Secret Service work, but he also assigned stationing numbers from this work to the positions as surveyed in during the WC survey work.

Thereby establishing a "common bond" between the two surveys, which could be utilized in determination of the survey stationing and impact point locations of absolutely any of the US Secret Service and/or FBI work, and equating it exactly to the WC Survey Plat.

Since the information relative to how Mr. West, in his field notes, made the "tie" from the WC survey work from Position "A" and Station "C" is found only within these notes, it must be assumed that the WC had no intention of providing this information, and they most certainly did not provide it in the "Comparison" photo's in which they utilized frames of the Z-film in comparison with the WC's own re-enactment photo's.

Therefore, I would assume that it came as a completely unwelcome suprise to Specter & Company when they received the ONLY survey plat, and found that Mr. West had completely prepared a data block which not only established the frames of the Z-film which he was informed that he was surveying in, but also contained the correlating Station# on Elm St. for the frame of the film, and these Station# were in direct correlation with the stationing as established for the US Secret Service during December of 1963.

So, those who have been here long enough should recall that information relative to the altered survey data within the WC survey work, and how it was introduced into evidence.

What this "slight"/sleight-of-hand episode effectively did also, was to admit into evidence the survey data block and effectively reduce it down to an extent in size that not only would no one ever see and catch the altered data, but they would also be highly likely to make the connections between the station numbers on the block and anything found on the SS Survey plat which was introduced into evidence seperately during the Ronald Simmons/Edgewood Arsenal questioning.


Mr. SPECTER. Did you participate in the onsite tests made in Dallas?

Mr. GAUTHIER. I did.

Mr. SPECTER. Was a survey made of the scene used to record some of the results of that onsite testing?


Mr. SPECTER. And by whom was the survey made?

Mr. GAUTHIER. The survey was made on May 24, 1964, by Robert H. West, county surveyor, a licensed State land surveyor, located at 160 County Courthouse, Dallas, Tex.

Mr. SPECTER. Have you brought the tracing of that survey with you today?

Mr. GAUTHIER. I have; yes.

Mr. SPECTER. And have you brought a cardboard reproduction of that?

Mr. GAUTHIER. A copy made from the tracing; yes.

Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the cardboard copy made from the tracing for the inspection of the Commission at this time, please?


Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the tracing at this time, please?

Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes; the tracing is wrapped, and sealed in this container.

Mr. SPECTER. Without breaking the seal, I will ask you if the cardboard which has been set up here--may the record show it is a large cardboard. I will ask you for the dimensions in just a minute.

Does the printing on the cardboard represent an exact duplication of the tracing which you have in your hand?


Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, we will mark the tracing Commission Exhibit No. 882, and not take it out, since the cardboard represents it, and place Commission Exhibit No. 883 on the cardboard drawing itself, and I would like to move for the admission into evidence of both Exhibits Nos. 882 and 883.

The CHAIRMAN. They may be admitted.



Not likely that one will decipher anything from these data blocks.


Mr. SPECTER. I now hand you a schedule which I have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 884 and ask you what figures are contained thereon.

(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 884 for identification.)

Mr. GAUTHIER. This is a copy of a tabulation which appears on the plat map.

It contains certain positions marked as frame numbers. It indicates elevations and a column dealing with angle of sight from the frame positions to the window and to a horizontal line.

It also contains angels of sight the degree of sight and distances from these positions to a point on the top of the bridge, handrail height.

Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, that concludes the description of the general setting.

I would like to move now at this time for the admission into evidence of Exhibit No. 884, which completes all of the exhibits used heretofore.

Mr. McCLOY. It may be admitted.

(The document heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibit No. 884, was received in evidence.)

Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, that completes the testimony of Inspector Gauthier


Certainly a "quick" once over for such an important part of the WC's re-enactment work. Makes one wonder if the altered survey data and the fact that Mr. West included reference stationing numbers had anything to do with the sweeping this one under the covers without much comment at all, and absolutely no comment as regards the stationing numbers as demonstrated in the tabulation.*



For the official & historical record, I had long prior found how to identify those items of which Specter & Company did not want one to fully examine.

Therefore, in/around 1989 or so, when reading this portion of the WC Testimony, it literally "jumped out" and demanded full attention.

Therefore, with a magnification glass, I fully examined the documents.

And, as a pre-engineering major who had his problems with Mr. "LeRoy Set", it took only a quick glance to observe the changed numbers on CE884.

This of course lead to my locating and questioning MR. West and attempting to secure what information he may have, and also, having attended survey schooling, I knew that at minimum, MR. West would probably have his field notes, and hopefully even a copy of the survey plat itself.

All of which resulted in exposing what is to date the only absolutely irrefutable evidence of altered evidence in the WC Investigation.

Plus a lot of enjoyable memories at Mr. West home discussing the WC and what all they went through to obscure the facts.

So, at risk of being claimed to be another "dis-information" agent, here for the first time ever seen, is the direct survey data block, directly from one of the survey plats obtained from Mr. West.

All previous seen works were nothing more than copies, which we all know that anyone can do with whatever they desire.

Those who are aware of the altered survey data, will know what to look for in this.

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