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Of 'Lone Nut Assassin's' Lawyer's and Psychiatrist's

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One of the interesting items regarding the 1960's assassinations is looking at the 'dynamic' of how the alleged perpetrator's of heinous crimes received legal counsel that resembled the kind of help that would make a 'court appointed attorney' seem like the re-incarnation of Clarence Darrow or Daniel Webster. With regards to the most famous lone nut assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, he was, as we are all too aware...denied that right, courtesy of Mr Jack Rubenstein...but the others Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray, [and for the purpose of illustration] Jack Ruby, Maj General Edwin Walker, and even Silvia Odio.....all received legal and psychiatric 'help' from a small cadre of individuals.....

And if one were to pick out a name...there would be no better place to begin than with a 'more than cursory examination'....[pardon the pun] of Dr. Robert J Stubblefield....In no particular order he was.....involved in psychiatric examinations of......Major General Edwin Walker, Jack Ruby [call me Sparky] Rubenstein, and Silvia Odio...It could be argued that had Lee Harvey Oswald lived, Dr Stubblefield may well have been providing psychiatric evaluations for him as well...but that is obviously conjectural.

Please read on....... Treachery in Dallas by Walt Brown mentions in a blurb.......Sylvia Odio received psychiatric treatment for the trauma induced by this event, and one of her therapists was a Dr. Stubblefield, hardly a common name, yet one that would resurface.......

The very open and shut approach in the book The Trial of Jack Ruby [1965 John Kaplan/Jon Waltz], Jack Ruby is portrayed for the most part as a psychotic with almost no mention of criminal association's, The Trail of Jack Ruby states ....[Dr Olinger] "and while he might have been permitted to testify on this psychiatric issue," [ego-dyscontrol theory] "the prosecutors decided to wait for their next witness, Dr. Robert L. Stubblefield, a psychiatrist. Dr. Stubblefield a member of the panel appointed by Judge Joe Brown to examine the accused, posessed credentials, which, at least superficially were a good deal more impressive than Dr Olinger's. Stubblefield, like Dr Ohlinger was a product of the University of Texas."

And while this first post is focused primarily on the psychiatrist's, it would be worth mentioning Jack Ruby's [less than psychotic elucidation of Melvin Belli's skills as a member of the legal profession. As Jack spoke with his jail visitors from the Warren Commission - "Mr Belli evidently did not go into my case thoroughly circumstantially, if he had gone into it, he wouldn't have tried to vindicate me with an insanity plea to relieve me of all responsibility, because circumstantially everything looks so bad for me.....Had Mr Belli spent more time with me, he would have realized not to try to get me out completely free. At the time we are talking, technically, how attorney's operate."

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "I understand."

page 347 - The Trial of Jack Ruby - Kaplan/Waltz 1965

But getting back to the psychiatrist's.......

There is, a veritable cornucopia of material concerning Dr Stubblefield, submitted for your perusal are the



Dallas Morning News

Psychiatrist Joins UT Medical Staff

Dr. Robert Lee Stubblefield of Denver, Colo., who has arrived in Dallas to head

up the psychiatry department of the medical school here, Friday outlined plans

for substantially expanding psychiatric services in Dallas The 37-year-old psych-

iatrist is the first psychiatrist department chairman the University of Texas South-

western Medical School has had for three years. An acting chairman has

headed the department in recent years.


Dallas Morning News

Gen. Walker Meets with Psychiatrist

Former Maj. General Edwin A Walker quietly kept his court-ordered appointment with a Dallas psychiatrist Thursday Night. The two spent-20 minutes "just talking," then Walker left---put on 24-hour notice for the decision on when he should report for psychiatric tests. Walker who was arrested, during the rioting at the University of Mississippi, Oxford Miss, reported to Dr. R.L. Stubblefield. Dr. Stubblefield chief of psychiatry at the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School here, is one of two psychiatrists who will examine Walker under the terms of a court-order freeing him from a federal prison hospital at Springfield, Mo., Saturday night. Walker arrived at Southwestern Medical School at 10:50 P.M., only one hour and 10 minutes from the deadline set for him to report. Night Police Chief Jack Tanner had deployed six detectives, five 1-man squad cars, and two squads with police dogs in the area to guard against any demonstration when Walker arrived. However, things came off so quietly that a corps of reporters in a make-shift press room did not know Walker had arrived until he was in Dr. Stubblefield's office other than reporters the only spectators present apparently were a group of medical students who drifted into the corridor to watch the proceedings. Dr. Stubblefield and Walker did not appear together at any time outside the doctor's office. Walker stopped by the press room on the way out, but did not answer any questions. Dr. Stubblefield appeared for a press conference, after Walker left, he said "We just talked," that there was no effort to begin any test's. "When I am notified officially by the court of the second psychiatrist, we will decide what is a reasonable psychiatric exam."

"Mr. Walker will be on 24-hour notice to be available for the exam." Dr. Stubblefield said in a statement. He refused to comment on possible details of the test or how long it will take. Meanwhile the government named Dr. Winfred Overholser of Washington as its psychiatrist in the case. Dr. Overholser said he planned to talk by phone soon to Dr. Stubblefield.

Dr. Overholser said he would prefer the two psychiatrists examine Mr. Walker together. The Washington doctor said he expected to be in Dallas next week to examine Mr. Walker.

Walker had earlier returned to Dallas from a brief rest at Tanglewood-on-the-Lake, a resort near Lake Texoma.

His chief attorney Gen. Clyde Watts of Oklahoma City, said Walker piloted the plane all the way to Dallas. In good spirits, the General joked with reporters at a crowded press conference in the living room of his 4011 Turtle Creek home. "It looks like we have a quorom here," he said. Then he asked how the newspapers found out he was staying at the Texoma resort.

It was a marked difference from previous press conferences when the general was extremely nervous and was hesitant to answer questions specifically. Walker who placed fifth in the Democratic spring gubernatorial race, declined comment on politics.

Asked if he was going to vote Republican or Democrat in the general election said "The question is, have I still got a right to vote." The examinations are to determine whether he is able to go to trial on federal charges of insurrection and conspiracy growing out of the integration riots at the Mississippi institution.

Ruby Medical Test's Conducted in Secret

DMN 01-29-1964 -

The Trio of Psychiatrist's administering the tests were:

Dr Robert Stubblefield of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

Dr John Holbrook of the Beverly Hills Sanitarium Dallas, Texas

Dr Martin Towler of the John Sealy Hospital of Galveston

The test's that day were conducted at the Dallas Neurological Clinic in the Medical Tower Building - 712 N Washington St, Dallas, Texas

Edited by Robert Howard
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Nice work, Robert.

Overholser seemed to almost specialise in getting fascists off the the hook.

Thank's both of you; James for the very obscure photo and Greg for moral support. There will indeed be a next installment.

There is the matter of Jack Ruby's connection to Dr Herman Ulivitch pre-assassination, that is.

There is a January 15, 1964 memorandum written by Jesse Curry, it reads in part

January 15, 1964

Mr J.E. Curry

Subject: Dr. Herman Ulivitch

6146 Averill Way

Office: 915 St. Joseph Street

Phone: TA 3-5791


I talked to a confidential informant and obtained the following


This doctor has been interviewed by the F.B.I. and a private investigator

employed by Mr. Belli.

Upon recomendation of Isadore Miller, Jack Ruby called on October 28, 1963

and made an appointment for his sister, Eva Grant for October 29, 1963.

Jack Ruby accompanied Eva Grant and waited while the examination was conducted.

This examination lasted two hours.

The doctor had known Jack Ruby for a number of years and has seen him several

times at the YMCA.

Jack Ruby was examined by Dr Ulivitch on November 11, 1963, for a cold and a cough.

The doctor prescribed 12 capsules Tussornole, [An antihistamine and decongestant cough

syrup] and 12 tablets Terrostation [Phonetic], an Antibiotic and a drug for nervousness.

These prescriptions were filled at Walgreen Drug Store, 1321 Commerce and refilled November

15, 1963.

During this examination, Jack Ruby told the doctor that he had just come from the sheriff's

office. That a "Stripper" named "Jada" had accused Ruby of pandering for her. "Jada" is from

New Orleans, Louisiana.

The doctor considers Ruby to be eccentric, boisterous, [sic] errotic, and impulsive. He seems

very devoted to his sister, Eva Grant.

I wonder if Dr Ulevitch...... [the spelling as it appears above, is incorrect] administered Jack 'anything' that Jack didn't remember after he opened his eyes.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Nice work, Robert.

Overholser seemed to almost specialise in getting fascists off the the hook.

I seemed to sense a deep and resonant creaking in all the joints of the universe when I read this. It arrived as such an inconceivable and unexpected connection to a random piece of esoterica (in a rather giant collection of esoterica), that I immediately had to go and search for where I had seen that name before, because I knew the name had to be the same. And I found the document. And it is the same name. (Although that's another level of weirdness, because in the originally circulated document, the name had been misspelled [intentionally?] as "Oberholser.")

I won't go into the long-winded explanation provided by the researcher who sent me this document several years ago concerning how it was determined that "Oberrholser" was, in fact, meant to be spelled "Overholser," but the internal mention of St. Elizabeth's in the document I'm posting below is one confirming clue, plus evidence that the document had been typed from dictation, where the misspelling likely was introduced.

The author of the document happens to be L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology. The date of the document is 28 February 1972. I feel compelled to mention the date, because as I have recently chronicled by timeline in the Watergate forum, it appears that L. Ron Hubbard permanently disappeared exactly three months after the date of the dispatch I'm about to post, on or about 28 May 1972—which happens to be during Memorial Day weekend 1972, when E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, James McCord, and other CIA scum (but I repeat myself) claim they were busy trying to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex, when they patently were not.

And all of that occurred just months before the CIA entered into a top-secret contract on 1 October 1972 with two "former" intelligence personnel—Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann—both of whom had entered Scientology and gone through the highest levels before being granted the secret contract by CIA, under Sidney Gottlieb, Richard Helms, Vernon Walters, and William Colby.

I'm not able to take all this any further at the moment. There just are too many vectors whizzing through all of this suddenly. So here is the document as it was sent to me some time ago, in what the researcher who sent it to me says is a carefully restored correction of spelling errors, along with annotations of acronyms and abbreviations in square brackets:

  • L. Ron Hubbard
    28th February, 1972
    CS-G [Commodore's Staff-Guardian]<—
    GO WW [Guardian Office World Wide]<—
    D/G Int WW [Deputy Guardian World Wide]
    D/GO US [Deputy Guardian United States]
    D/D/G INT US [Deputy Deputy Guardian International, United States]
    Dear Brian,
    Thank you for the excellent package on Overholser (the late and very unlamented).
    The interest in this bad hat stems from the fact that he blew the whistle on Dianetics when St. Elizabeth psychiatrists were just beginning to use it and were for the first time getting results on patients at the National Asylum. He forbade them to use it but they disagreed heavily and privately used it for many years under cover. This broke up introducing Dianetics on regular channels - May 1950.
    Thereafter a violent and gory attack was mounted. It was begun by Overholser, went over to George Wash. U. Psychology Dept at once and there a student of the first Dianetics class (Dolly Jones) - also a psychology student - was hypnotized, beaten, told to go crazy, did go, and we had to hospitalize her. We handled it so fast and so well no "Dianetics drove her crazy" could be campaigned and wasn't. This was the first hard flat-out PR-Intelligence operation in Dianetics. Her state was not assisted by her husband, Col Jones of US Army Intelligence, also a member of the first Dianetics Class.
    From then on the NY Times Literary Section began an attack and a lot of violent track ran by which included DR. MEYER-ZELIG, a psychiatrist in San Francisco master-minding a kidnapping of me to fly me to St. Louis and be put away. His (Zelig's) plans miscarried, MILES HOLLISTER, formerly a psych student, got hold of SARA NORTHRUP (really Komknoidominoff, [or "ov"]) and handed her over to Zelig who put her in deep hypnosis, fixated her on the idea I was trying to kill her, and spun her in, which state she has remained in since. This caused the final destruction of the HDRF [Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation] as national press only played up her divorce.
    GENE BENTON, Sec'y of the Young Communist League and others, were part of this.
    So you see why I am interested in this bad hat Overholser. He struck the first blow.
    You do have evidence re Ezra Pound. It is on pg 29 of "Manufacture of Madness". Overholser's connection to WFMH [World Federation of Mental Health] has not been picked up in this review but exists I believe in the WFMH rosters.
    We get a very out-pointy package on Overholser. Majored in ECONOMICS. Six wks formal training as a head-boiler, membership crossed to Council of Foreign Relations. All the "best people" and the "right societies" but they are very anti-Man.
    Interest in Central-South America - that's a Rockefeller clue.
    George Washington U altered and misreports my status to reporters. Once said I never went there, now may have another tale.
    This ties back to Overholser by what you've dug up.
    He is involved in judicial degradations according to his works, fascinated with socking people in without trial. Siberia Bill [H.R. 6376, 1956] included.
    Now when we hit and wrecked his Siberia Bill, Overholser must have revived pressure. That funny dead man Brock Chrisholm (undoubtedly connected as same societies) is reported by NAMH [National Association for Mental Health] head SA [south Africa] to have said (1958?) "Scientology is dangerous" and the attack on us suddenly went all out mounting up to the FDA raid and finally all the "bans".
    Now WFMH is about to die; most of these old birds are carrion and we are making rapid headway once more.
    From all this sorting out of detail I hazard that we ran into and hit a massive plan to escalate the destruction of human liberty by psychiatry and didn't just dent it but are now approaching a total wreckage of their political-judicial domination of the world scene.
    While this is just hitting the high spots it gives us a need to
    (1) Continue to apply hard pressure and mop up.
    (2) Dead-agent [prove falseness of] the wild false statements of the 1950-1970 scene by pin-pointing the general villainy of the agencies concerned (AMA, FDA, NAMH, APA and George Wash. U where govt clerks go to get degrees to be FBI, Justice Attorneys, FDA execs and other dreck).
    (3) Be alert that we have not omitted another spearhead that was also involved.
    (4) Continue to look for NEW opposition and handle well.
    This search was a good one. He (Overholser) was a member of the club.
    Your work is appreciated.
    The above 1 to 4 general plan is called to the attention of the GO [Guardian Office].

As a coda: after Hubbard disappeared, the Scientology Guardian Office was destroyed and its senior officials sent to jail after raids in 1977 by the FBI.


Edited by Ashton Gray
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Nice work, Robert.

Overholser seemed to almost specialise in getting fascists off the the hook.

I seemed to sense a deep and resonant creaking in all the joints of the universe when I read this. It arrived as such an inconceivable and unexpected connection to a random piece of esoterica (in a rather giant collection of esoterica), that I immediately had to go and search for where I had seen that name before, because I knew the name had to be the same. And I found the document. And it is the same name. (Although that's another level of weirdness, because in the originally circulated document, the name had been misspelled [intentionally?] as "Oberholser.")

I won't go into the long-winded explanation provided by the researcher who sent me this document several years ago concerning how it was determined that "Oberrholser" was, in fact, meant to be spelled "Overholser," but the internal mention of St. Elizabeth's in the document I'm posting below is one confirming clue, plus evidence that the document had been typed from dictation, where the misspelling likely was introduced.

The author of the document happens to be L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology. The date of the document is 28 February 1972. I feel compelled to mention the date, because as I have recently chronicled by timeline in the Watergate forum, it appears that L. Ron Hubbard permanently disappeared exactly three months after the date of the dispatch I'm about to post, on or about 28 May 1972—which happens to be during Memorial Day weekend 1972, when E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, James McCord, and other CIA scum (but I repeat myself) claim they were busy trying to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex, when they patently were not.

And all of that occurred just months before the CIA entered into a top-secret contract on 1 October 1972 with two "former" intelligence personnel—Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann—both of whom had entered Scientology and gone through the highest levels before being granted the secret contract by CIA, under Sidney Gottlieb, Richard Helms, Vernon Walters, and William Colby.

I'm not able to take all this any further at the moment. There just are too many vectors whizzing through all of this suddenly. So here is the document as it was sent to me some time ago, in what the researcher who sent it to me says is a carefully restored correction of spelling errors, along with annotations of acronyms and abbreviations in square brackets:

  • L. Ron Hubbard
    28th February, 1972
    CS-G [Commodore's Staff-Guardian]<—
    GO WW [Guardian Office World Wide]<—
    D/G Int WW [Deputy Guardian World Wide]
    D/GO US [Deputy Guardian United States]
    D/D/G INT US [Deputy Deputy Guardian International, United States]
    Dear Brian,
    Thank you for the excellent package on Overholser (the late and very unlamented).
    The interest in this bad hat stems from the fact that he blew the whistle on Dianetics when St. Elizabeth psychiatrists were just beginning to use it and were for the first time getting results on patients at the National Asylum. He forbade them to use it but they disagreed heavily and privately used it for many years under cover. This broke up introducing Dianetics on regular channels - May 1950.
    Thereafter a violent and gory attack was mounted. It was begun by Overholser, went over to George Wash. U. Psychology Dept at once and there a student of the first Dianetics class (Dolly Jones) - also a psychology student - was hypnotized, beaten, told to go crazy, did go, and we had to hospitalize her. We handled it so fast and so well no "Dianetics drove her crazy" could be campaigned and wasn't. This was the first hard flat-out PR-Intelligence operation in Dianetics. Her state was not assisted by her husband, Col Jones of US Army Intelligence, also a member of the first Dianetics Class.
    From then on the NY Times Literary Section began an attack and a lot of violent track ran by which included DR. MEYER-ZELIG, a psychiatrist in San Francisco master-minding a kidnapping of me to fly me to St. Louis and be put away. His (Zelig's) plans miscarried, MILES HOLLISTER, formerly a psych student, got hold of SARA NORTHRUP (really Komknoidominoff, [or "ov"]) and handed her over to Zelig who put her in deep hypnosis, fixated her on the idea I was trying to kill her, and spun her in, which state she has remained in since. This caused the final destruction of the HDRF [Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation] as national press only played up her divorce.
    GENE BENTON, Sec'y of the Young Communist League and others, were part of this.
    So you see why I am interested in this bad hat Overholser. He struck the first blow.
    You do have evidence re Ezra Pound. It is on pg 29 of "Manufacture of Madness". Overholser's connection to WFMH [World Federation of Mental Health] has not been picked up in this review but exists I believe in the WFMH rosters.
    We get a very out-pointy package on Overholser. Majored in ECONOMICS. Six wks formal training as a head-boiler, membership crossed to Council of Foreign Relations. All the "best people" and the "right societies" but they are very anti-Man.
    Interest in Central-South America - that's a Rockefeller clue.
    George Washington U altered and misreports my status to reporters. Once said I never went there, now may have another tale.
    This ties back to Overholser by what you've dug up.
    He is involved in judicial degradations according to his works, fascinated with socking people in without trial. Siberia Bill [H.R. 6376, 1956] included.
    Now when we hit and wrecked his Siberia Bill, Overholser must have revived pressure. That funny dead man Brock Chrisholm (undoubtedly connected as same societies) is reported by NAMH [National Association for Mental Health] head SA [south Africa] to have said (1958?) "Scientology is dangerous" and the attack on us suddenly went all out mounting up to the FDA raid and finally all the "bans".
    Now WFMH is about to die; most of these old birds are carrion and we are making rapid headway once more.
    From all this sorting out of detail I hazard that we ran into and hit a massive plan to escalate the destruction of human liberty by psychiatry and didn't just dent it but are now approaching a total wreckage of their political-judicial domination of the world scene.
    While this is just hitting the high spots it gives us a need to
    (1) Continue to apply hard pressure and mop up.
    (2) Dead-agent [prove falseness of] the wild false statements of the 1950-1970 scene by pin-pointing the general villainy of the agencies concerned (AMA, FDA, NAMH, APA and George Wash. U where govt clerks go to get degrees to be FBI, Justice Attorneys, FDA execs and other dreck).
    (3) Be alert that we have not omitted another spearhead that was also involved.
    (4) Continue to look for NEW opposition and handle well.
    This search was a good one. He (Overholser) was a member of the club.
    Your work is appreciated.
    The above 1 to 4 general plan is called to the attention of the GO [Guardian Office].

As a coda: after Hubbard disappeared, the Scientology Guardian Office was destroyed and its senior officials sent to jail after raids in 1977 by the FBI.


Thank's for the post Ashton...the [intentional?] misspelling of names is quite the norm in the JFK Labyrinth, and undoubtedly has been utilized in other areas of FYEO covert op's. There is an obvious connection with regards to Dr. Robert Stubblefield ala a Six Degrees of Separation type of dynamic; Silvia Odio is the next name on the list for this thread. Dr Robert Stubblefield was involved in her couseling in the period of her trauma of having the misfortune to be visited by Leopoldo, Angel and Leon Oswald, before 11/22/63; these three were not exactly the three kings bearing gold frankincense and myrhh, but what is interesting about Silvia may lie more in what isn't known about her, that is more fascinating than what is known, but is an area that expounds on what is known about the Cuban Catholic Committee, a Fr. Walter McChann, Colonel Castor and a 'political Cuban,' making false promises to the exile community in Dallas.

As to your post Ashton, all I can say is tell us more.

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As to your post Ashton, all I can say is tell us more.

I can say no more. ;)


Okay, seriously: I don't know anything more about that document than what I posted. I hadn't seen it probably in years, but the name of Overholser had stuck with me for some reason (partially due to the spelling thing), and the document was in the timeline database, so searching on the name Overholser when I saw your post brought it up immediately. I do think it's a string worth tugging on a little harder at some point, but for now I just felt I ought to post it here, hoping it wouldn't disrupt the flow of what you were doing.

So I wait with bated breath for the Sylvia Odio information. Does the name "Einspruch" ring a bell? (Apologies to Pavlov and all his minions.)


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Nice work, Robert.

Overholser seemed to almost specialise in getting fascists off the the hook.

Thank's both of you; James for the very obscure photo and Greg for moral support. There will indeed be a next installment.

There is the matter of Jack Ruby's connection to Dr Herman Ulivitch pre-assassination, that is.

There is a January 15, 1964 memorandum written by Jesse Curry, it reads in part

January 15, 1964

Mr J.E. Curry

Subject: Dr. Herman Ulivitch

6146 Averill Way

Office: 915 St. Joseph Street

Phone: TA 3-5791


I talked to a confidential informant and obtained the following


This doctor has been interviewed by the F.B.I. and a private investigator

employed by Mr. Belli.

Upon recomendation of Isadore Miller, Jack Ruby called on October 28, 1963

and made an appointment for his sister, Eva Grant for October 29, 1963.

Jack Ruby accompanied Eva Grant and waited while the examination was conducted.

This examination lasted two hours.

The doctor had known Jack Ruby for a number of years and has seen him several

times at the YMCA.

Jack Ruby was examined by Dr Ulivitch on November 11, 1963, for a cold and a cough.

The doctor prescribed 12 capsules Tussornole, [An antihistamine and decongestant cough

syrup] and 12 tablets Terrostation [Phonetic], an Antibiotic and a drug for nervousness.

These prescriptions were filled at Walgreen Drug Store, 1321 Commerce and refilled November

15, 1963.

During this examination, Jack Ruby told the doctor that he had just come from the sheriff's

office. That a "Stripper" named "Jada" had accused Ruby of pandering for her. "Jada" is from

New Orleans, Louisiana.

The doctor considers Ruby to be eccentric, boisterous, [sic] errotic, and impulsive. He seems

very devoted to his sister, Eva Grant.

I wonder if Dr Ulevitch...... [the spelling as it appears above, is incorrect] administered Jack 'anything' that Jack didn't remember after he opened his eyes.


Ulevitch also took an x-ray of Ruby's chest and FWIW, Terrastatin is now commonly used for infections secondary to aids.

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As to your post Ashton, all I can say is tell us more.

I can say no more. ;)


Okay, seriously: I don't know anything more about that document than what I posted. I hadn't seen it probably in years, but the name of Overholser had stuck with me for some reason (partially due to the spelling thing), and the document was in the timeline database, so searching on the name Overholser when I saw your post brought it up immediately. I do think it's a string worth tugging on a little harder at some point, but for now I just felt I ought to post it here, hoping it wouldn't disrupt the flow of what you were doing.

So I wait with bated breath for the Sylvia Odio information. Does the name "Einspruch" ring a bell? (Apologies to Pavlov and all his minions.)


I know Robert wants to concentrate on others mentioned in the thread, so I'll make this the last post on Overholser.

WWI - Overholser in France treating soldiers mentally scarred in battle.

WWII - in OSS psychological assessment unit. According to John Marks in "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate", Overholser headed up the team searching for a "truth drug".

After the war, he declared Ezra Pound mentally unfit to stand trial on treason charges. Pound was given a private room at St Elizabeth's and according to some, was treated like royalty by the psychiatrist. It is now widely considered that Overholser's conclusions on Pound's mental state were not only wrong, but deliberately so. In fact, even at the time, Overholser did not go unchallenged. Another prominent psychiatrist, Frederick Wertham was vocal in his criticism of the findings.

According to May Brussells, Earl Warren wanted to get Overholser's services for the commision he was setting up. Overholser was to provide psychiatric insight into Oswald and Ruby.

Overholser died in Oct, '64.

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Next Installment: Silvia Odio and Dr Louis Shlipak

An FBI document dated September 14, 1964 under the heading Lee Harvey Oswald reads in part

"Odio is alleged to have told Mrs. C.L. Connell on November. 28, 1963 that Oswald had spoken previously to small Cuban exile-groups in Dallas and had been well received . Odio is also alleged by Mrs. Connell to have mentioned that a friend of Odio's had called a Cuban friend in New Orleans who warned the Cubans in Dallas to beware of Oswald as they considered him a possible double-agent trying to infiltrate the Cuban exile-groups."

I realize that this may or may not be old news but the phrasing of the document gives hints that the Cuban friend in New Orleans may have been Carlos Bringuer, then there is the controversy over discrepancies in 'the accounts given of events' between Silvia Odio and Lucille Connell aka Mrs Mary Lucille Bass Connell aka Lucille Connell Light, [these variations are not aliases just indicative of full name and the latter her name circa 1978.] There is more than one possibility obviously concerning said discrepancies over statement made to the FBI regarding these two personages, [thank God it does not take a woman to know, [inside joke] Mrs Connell could have been.........spinning at best or lying at worse and furthermore Silvia Odio as the following reveals was suffering from....god knows what.....

Continuing......another document dated September 10th, 1964 an FBI report by SA Richard Burnett reads:

First line redacted [a name, probably a hospital administrator ]............Professional Center Hospital, 1735 West Irving Boulevard,

advised that her files indicate that SILVIA EUGENIA ODIO, 1816-A West Davis, Dallas, Texas was a patient

at this hospital on one occasion and that was from the time of her admission at 4:00 PM on November 22, 1963 until her discharge from the hospital around 3:15 November 24, 1963

The patient was described as a single female, 26 years of age, born May 4, 1937, and an employee of National Chemsearch, Carl Road, Irving, Texas. She listed as her friend one SHEILA MACOURICK, 4222 North Crest, Dallas, Texas.

The hospital records note that Miss Odio was treated by Dr. LOUIS SHLIPAK, whose final medical diagnosis of Miss Odio's condition was

"Psychophysiologic Vasomotor Reaction."

Dr. SHLIPAK prepared a history and physical report on November 22, 1963, pertaining to Miss ODIO's health and it reads as follows:

"This 25 year old white female was admitted on 11-22-63 after fainting at work. The patient is apparently two months' pregnant, and has been having a threatened abortion. She has been bleeding for approximately four or five days, and at the present time. Approximately three nights ago she had very heavy bleeding, but this has lessened since that time."

The patient was in an automobile accident approximately one month ago in which her abdomen was slightly injured. She had bleeding for approximately two day's following this. The patient has been under considerable emotional strain and has been under the care of a psychiatrist."

"Soon after hearing of President Kennedy's death, the patient fainted at work. She was seen at work, and then taken to the hospital via ambulance."

"This is apparently the patient's fourth pregnancy."

"The patient has been having rather frequent, though intermittent headaches."

Miss GORE [likely this is the name redacted at beginning of the document] added her files do not indicate that Miss ODIO has ever been a patient at this hospital prior to or subsequent to this one occasion from November 22, 1963 through November 24, 1963


Well, interesting....Sheila Macourek [see the name discrepancy?] is of particular interest to me, maryferrell.org has the following regarding her:


CD 1546, pp. 196, 198 Worked in same office with Sylvia Odio at National Chemsearch. By 9/10/64, Macourek was married and living in Portugal...Portugal...how far is say Lisbon, Portugal to Madrid, Spain? That would be 311 miles or 501 kilometers, as the crow flies, as it were. Why does that matter? There are a few JFK assassination 'person's of interest' who matriculated over to Madrid, which had and has it's own particular set of intriguing Post Cold War activity [ranging from CIA, Reinhard Gehlen/Otto Skorzeny/US Army CIC/Franco/Willoughby/KGB ...oh never mind..it's just a thought..

Also National Chemsearch get's into an area of oil/geologist's.....Socony Mobil does it not?


CD 1546, pp. 196-197 International co-ordinator for National Chemsearch Corp., Carl Rd., Irving. Sylvia Odio was his secretary from Sept 16, 1963, until Feb 10, 1964, when she quit...

In closing I would mention that obviously there are voluminous articles. book excerpts et cetera regarding this subject. I pretty much try not to endorse a particular author, on any JFK related subject because then I can be open to accusations of being...well...take your pick, but I am forced to suggest that Jim DiEugenio in my opinion would be my guide in sifting through what could be the most convoluted episode of al the JFK Assassination related subplots, because...well I think his work on the subject is impartial and pretty much speaks for itself...As to the identities of Leopoldo & Angel, as Will Smith say's [Oh Hell, no!!]

Edited by Robert Howard
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Robert, thanks for this very interesting research. It seems to have inspired a sort of silence.

Sometimes silences are signposts. I believe there are connecting paths here, some still covered in brush.

Thanks again.


Thanks Ashton.

As a follow-up to my last post I would like to continue on Silvia Odio for reasons which should be apparent re topic thread subject. First.....

Augustin Guitart in New Orleans had known Silvia since she was a child, According to Warren Commission documents Silvia Odio was the niece of Guitart's wife; and Silvia had told Guitart of the three mystery men who paid her a visit. See WCD 1553 FBI Hoover letter of 11/09/1964 with attached reports re: Silvia Odio. Guitart and Mrs Roger's [see below; as well as in CD 1546 FBI Gemberling Report 10/08/64, page 192] were the primary source's for much of the information gathered about Odio.

Guitart mentions that Silvia's husband was 'sent to Germany for some type of training, by his company' and which we are led to believe was, at least part of the reason for their separation. Here are two salient questions, unanswered after some 43 years? why was it neccesary for her husband to just 'leave his wife and children,' and has the name of her husband ever been discovered? [does that seem odd to anyone besides my self?] Additionally Guitart mentions that "Silvia required psychiatric treatment in Puerto Rico," as a result of her being abandoned by her husband.

The Doctor states that after JFK 's assassination, but before January 1964 Silvia's sister brought the four children to live with him in New Orleans, he also mentioned that Silvia "had an operation in Dallas, at an unknown hospital for the removal of her female organs." Interestingly enough Dr. Guitart mentions that he was at New Orleans Municipal Court on August 12th when Lee Oswald was arraigned for the fracas with Carlos Bringuer for disturbing the peace, earlier in the month. At the close of his FBI interview Dr Guitart mentions that Silvia's husband has returned from Germany, and is back in Puerto Rico. Towards the end of WCD 1553 there is the following passage:

When telephonically contacted on the morning of October 1, 1964 in order to arrange an interview Silvia advised that she had an appointment at 11:30 A.M. that date with her doctor. The interview was then set for 1:00 PM. Shortly after making this arrangement for interview Mr Maurice Ferre, a member of the Ferre family with extensive industrial holdings in Southern Florida and Puerto Rico, contacted the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to state he is a personal friend of Silvia Odio in the last week that Silvia Odio. He wished to advise that Odio was then under the care of Dr. Irwin Jacobs, a psychiatrist, at Miami, and had attempted suicide in the last week.

If the above information seems interesting, what follows next may be something of an attention grabber.

Mrs Robert D Rogers 3821 Whitehall Road advised that she has known Mrs Silvia Odio for about a year

She stated that Mrs. Odio's family were acquaintances of friends of her husbands family in Miami, Florida. from pre-Batista day's. Mrs. Rogers stated when Mrs. Odio's parents were arrested and put in jail by the Castro government, Miss Odio and all her brothers and sisters were able to get out of Cuba and came to live in the United States. She stated, Miss Odio went to Puerto Rico with her husband and children. She understands that the husband actually obtained the divorce from Miss Odio but that they have some sort of written agreement permitting her to have the children. She stated that when Miss Odio arrived in Dallas, Texas she was quite upset emotionally and had undergone psychiatric care at Southwestern Medical School. For a while she resided with Mrs. Rogers' brother-in-law, John B. Rogers at 4626 Watauga Rd., Dallas Miss Rogers advised that Miss Odio stayed a short time with the John B. Rogers family due to the family ties that went back beyond the Batista day's in Cuba. However when she was able to bring her four children to Dallas from Puerto Rico she moved into her own apartment. Mrs Roger's described Miss Odio as a very well educated person who has a typical "Latin" personality, that is, she is very excitable and emotional. However, Mrs Rogers stated that she is a truthful person, who is not believed to be the type to make up a story to impress others of her importance. Mrs Rogers stated that she has never known Miss Odio to lie to her about anything. Mrs Rogers stated that she has had very little contact with Miss Odio in recent months and has never heard anything concerning Miss Odio having seen Oswald at her apartment prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Interesting? then continue on..... to Mrs and Mrs [Gladys/Eric] Rogers; note what maryferrell.org mentions about........where the interview was conducted. Note, I am not aware of any blood relation between Mrs Rogers in Dallas and Eric & Glady's Rogers who lived in Marina and Lee's neighborhood. The point of adding the information was to illustrate how being in possession of 'important information' read not-supportive of Lone-Nut hypothesis was like a curse to those in posssession of it....unless being put in a mental hospital is your idea of a nice getaway from it all


Sources: CD 75, p. 106 (shown as Rodgers in error)


Comments: Husband: Eric. Interviewed about the LHO's while in the Psychiatric Ward of Charity Hospital. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Kyle Hamm, was present during the interview. LHO lived in the apartment immediately adjacent to her apartment. She recalled two visitors to LHO: one was Bill Stuckey and the other was Pete Mollar.

.....A psychiatric hospital? Dpn't tell me your surprised...... as well as their names, there's that misspelling again] For a very accurate and detailed account of the various personages interaction with Miss Odio I would advise perusing Larry Hancock's updated Someone Would Have Talked ie Appendix H, as well as all the other information contained therein. Larry adroitly mentions that Guitart was no stranger to Tony Verona nor, Carlos Bringuer....

Edited by Robert Howard
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Larry adroitly mentions that Guitart was no stranger to Tony Verona nor, Carlos Bringuer....

The latter of whom (along with his several accomplices) I have become entirely convinced flat-out lied about the celebrated "Oswald visit" to his store on 5 August 1963, with a planted CIA prop of what purportedly was Oswald's "Guidebook for Marines" as so-called "proof" of this visit. What a joke. What a miserable, absurd-on-its-face cock-and-bull story.

There's more to come on this. Lots more...


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