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The Head Wound Explained

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Bill, I have no intention of getting into an argument with you about this. I'm I won't attempt to insult you, and I trust you'll return the favor.
It's Ok, Mark ... it is not an argumentative point because it has already been verified to be possible when experts have explained how it could happen that way. Could it happen another way ... I have not heard of such an example that would explain the problems we have discussed. It now seems to be a matter of me explaining it properly, so thanks for your patience with me.
And the fact is, I just can't duplicate with MY body, what I'm [apparently] seeing in your interpretation of the Z-film...but then, I'm older than JFK was then, and my parts don't quite move like a 46 year-old's anymore. So that might explain a lot of the problem I have in understanding all this.

You also appear to be much heavier than JFK was, but so am I. However, if one bows his head forward and just lightly nudges the top of their head - it has no choice but to rock forward. Now multiply that force to the entent of a bullet slamming into your head and your body should react to that which happened to JFK.

But I suppose my point in all this is...if JFK is apparently turning toward Jackie, as he appears to be doing prior to this backward shoulder movement, what sort of VIOLENT force would cause this degree of movement of the right shoulder in a single frame--0.0546 seconds, by my calculations--but still allow the head to continue to move FORWARD and DOWNWARD?

The reaction that I speak of can be compared to a shock or possibly a jolt. It occurs in an instant. The force of the bullet hits the top front part of the bone plate that came off the top of the skull and the energy is absorbed down through the spine in that brief instant. The head having been rocked forward as far as it could go bounces back the other way causing a type of whiplash effect that pulls the upper torso of JFK along with it. The clip below has not been stabilized, but watch very closely to the back of JFK's head .... I see it rock forward between Z312 and Z313 only to then already be straightening back up by Z314 as it bounces back the other way, thus pulling the President back and to the left with it.

Bill Miller

Pay close attention to the angle of pitch to the back of Kennedy's head at Z313 and again at Z314. In less than 1/18th of a second the President's head has changed direction. When one accelerates their car for example ... does not the head start to rock forward as the upper trunk of the body gets pushed back into the seat, which then causes the head to come springing back with what is commonly called a whiplash? What I am trying to say is that the pitch of JFK's head went forward while at least the right shoulder went backwards in Z313 from the aborbtion of all that force passing through the body ..... and by Z314 the shoulder was back in place and the head had returned to where it was before the impact of the bullet.

Edited by Bill Miller
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Guest Mark Valenti
I just can't get my mind around the dynamics of what appears to be happening. I agree, for the most part, about what you say we're seeing...I just can't for the life of me figure it out...it's as if something is already driving his right shoulder backwards, as in the back-and-left movement, but it's apparently NOT any kind of impact to the head, since the head is continuing forward and downward. And it's apparently NOT a result of the limo accelerating, since all of JFK would be rocked back in the seat...and if the limo was decelerating, the shoulder woulr move forward, not backward.


This, to me, is the crux of the puzzle.

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Jackie is pushing John upright. As they have not yet reached the point closest to Zap., this is seen as a rearward movement.

They are traversing the field of view diagonally from left to right (commonly called 'translation'). This is seen as a forward movement in relation to the limo rear seat back.

As a head is turned, the head planes seen (these are the planes suggested by the topography of the head such as the flat area at the neck and the very different angle planes on the sides) change. As more of the rear of the head comes into view, there is an illusion of a forward movement.

The explosive cavitation of the head shich has shattered skull and torn scalp over an extensive gutter wound expands the head outline. This can be seen as both forward and rearward movement.

One needs to add and subtract these various factors in order to predict where the intact head should be immediately before the headshot and compare that to the headshot as seen.

As the area of the film frames in question is peripheral, because of the simple fact of it being impossible to make a perfect lens, a straight line in the middle of the lens will appear straight. The same straight line at the periphery will be curved. Depending on which portion of the peripheral line one chooses to look at, they will appear to point in different directions.

At the periphery, foreshortening effects are greater. You can see an angle between the rear seat and the far edge of the limo that increases and decreases as this effect occurs as the lens tilts.This is not a smooth effect, but must be factored in when aligning.

Does one align to the rear seat? to a point on the rear seat? to a point on the far door? to a point on Kennedy??? Which point?

Whichever one chooses, in order to properly understand what is seen one must think 3D, and one must add and subtract various factors. If one doesn't it's pointless to make conclusions.


Apart from these effects, there are various things happening like limo speed changes, Kennedy passing out and slumping. his brace, and then the headshot itself.

Edited by John Dolva
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Guest Mark Valenti
Does one align to the rear seat? to a point on the rear seat? to a point on the far door? to a point on Kennedy??? Which point?

How about what appears to be an interior arm rest just to the right of Jackie? It seems to have less blur than the seat back does.

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I think there are things to be learnt about the movements whichever reference point one chooses. Whichever it is, one should try to understand the particular factors that apply. for example,where is the portion of the image on the frame. Will an alignment that takes points separated sufficiently to have this effect measurable? Is one aligning an image from the lower left quadrant with one from the middle, or from the lower right? Sometimes the correct alignment for one small section appearing in different areas on two successive frames will reflect a large displacement of object on the other side of the frames etc.

Edited by John Dolva
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Jackie is pushing John upright. As they have not yet reached the point closest to Zap., this is seen as a rearward movement.

John, don't be fooled by the blur because when a camera moves above or below the horizon line to an object - it gives a false impression of movement. You may recall the tree on the south pasture ... I did a clip where such an occurence happens and it made the tree do what Jackie's arm appears to have done.


Z312 and Z314 with Z313 removed

Edited by Bill Miller
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I believe the shot that killed JFK came from the exact location that Hoffman saw the man with the rifle, which is the exact same spot where the men on the underpass saw the smoke come through the trees which is the same spot that the accoustic evidence says a shot came from. It would certainly explain the avusion seen on the back of the President's head by so many medical personnel at Parkland.

Finally. Finally you manage to cough up an origin point for Miller's Magic Bullet—sort of. Naturally you won't provide it with any specific location, but I've triangulated your clues right down to the purported position of "Hat Man," which is here:


Now, first, I realize, Bill, that you take an extremely dim view of this 3D model. I realize how desperately you want to ridicule and demean it, and make nothing of the work that has gone into it. I realize just how beneath your lofty standards it is. And I could not possibly care less what you think of it.

Second, maybe this isn't the location you're trying to "describe" in your roundabout evasive way, but that's your problem. I gave you every opportunity to provide a specific location. And if this one doesn't suit your fancy, you're going to have to get more specific, aren't you? And when and if you do, I'll just keep dollying the virtual camera wherever you next claim that Miller's Magic Bullet came from.

Third, let's just set aside for the moment that this is at or near the location where the car salesman said he had parked and watched the show, later showing up at work and puking, and that this is near the location where muddy tracks were found, and let's see how Miller's Magic Bullet works from here.

First, here's an approximation of what our bold rifleman would see peering over the fence:


Just look at those Saturdy morning cartoony crepe myrtles! Why, that can't be how they really were. What a joke, huh? So since I cannot possibly duplicate the actual relative placement of crepe myrtle trunks to determine how they would or would not have interfered with the tracking down the barrel of a rifle as the limo moved left to right, I'm just going to get rid of the pesky things, and take them out of consideration altogether:


Whew. That's better. Say hello to the boys on the knoll steps. You won't have to shout: they're only about 30 feet away. That's about across a good-sized living room.

And there's the target.

Let's get a little closer and see what the shot's like:


Now we're talking. Now we're locked and loaded. Now we're dead on trajectory for Miller's Magic Bullet. Now let's see what it does—according to Bill Miller:


And now we know how the famous Bill Miller says the dark and deadly deed was done.

And Bill, I gotta' hand it to you: your Miller's Magic Bullet makes the Warren Commission's Magic Bullet look like a kindergarten effort. Theirs is just amateur all the way when compared to the dazzling, electrifying, supernatural talents of yours. I am awestruck at the exaltation of simultaneous radiating forces that this terrible talisman exhibited on impact, only to perform it's final stupifying feat: an instantaneous 90° turn to blow out the back of the head and go flying off— Well, who knows where.

Wait! I've got it! Now I see the diabolical plan in all it's brilliance: Miller's Magic Bullet was supposed to fly up to the 6th floor window and kill the patsy, too, making it look like a murder-suicide! But the damned thing was misprogrammed by a gnat's hair, causing the hard-turn trajectory to land it at the YMCA instead, in a bucket of oily rags, starting a fire. Is that what you've been holding back? Is that the secret? Tell, us, O Sage of Ballistic Wonders.

Ashton Gray

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Finally. Finally you manage to cough up an origin point for Miller's Magic Bullet—sort of. Naturally you won't provide it with any specific location, but I've triangulated your clues right down to the purported position of "Hat Man," which is here:

Ashton, a first year student of the assassination knows about the accoustics evidence and where it was estimated to come from. And that Hat Man location is not correct either. Moorman's photograph makes him appear to be near the corner of the fence where you have placed him by the tree, but the Nix film shows that he is west of that tree. The Moorman photo gives off an illusion of his location due to the extreme angle at which he is seen. It would really help if you wish to debate the evidence if you would first learn it. Going to the plaza and walking it would be a helpful start.

Now, first, I realize, Bill, that you take an extremely dim view of this 3D model. I realize how desperately you want to ridicule and demean it, and make nothing of the work that has gone into it. I realize just how beneath your lofty standards it is. And I could not possibly care less what you think of it.

I will say this once so not to have to argue with a dumbass who isn't interested enough to care about the accuracy of the data he uses to draw his conclusions on. Dale Myers used a far more sophisticated program than what you are playing with. Dale used countless measurements from location to location and the known hieghts of many of the objects in and around the plaza and yet when he offered some of Zapruder's views - I did composite overlays of them onto the actual Zapruder film and what I found was unbelieveable. If one is going to talk about trajectories and where they lead, then the information has to be precise. If I got a part of the limo of Dale's 3D view from the Zapruder location to match the real limo on the Zapruder film, then the people didn't space out correctly both vertically and horizontally. So you do not have to care what I think, but you should care that your 3D model is not accurate, thus meaning your conclusions cannot be accurate.

Second, maybe this isn't the location you're trying to "describe" in your roundabout evasive way, but that's your problem. I gave you every opportunity to provide a specific location. And if this one doesn't suit your fancy, you're going to have to get more specific, aren't you? And when and if you do, I'll just keep dollying the virtual camera wherever you next claim that Miller's Magic Bullet came from.

Study the Nix film and get back to me.

First, here's an approximation of what our bold rifleman would see peering over the fence:
Your model is in error, your placement of the Hat Man is in error, thus your view is in error.
So since I cannot possibly duplicate the actual relative placement of crepe myrtle trunks to determine how they would or would not have interfered with the tracking down the barrel of a rifle as the limo moved left to right, I'm just going to get rid of the pesky things, and take them out of consideration altogether

If you have to remove trees that were not in the way during the real assassination, then it just shows how flawed your model is, which makes it worthless.


And now we know how the famous Bill Miller says the dark and deadly deed was done.

Not only did you half-ass the model, but JFK was not hit down on the head where you have located it with that red spot. The purported temple shot .... Bill Newman also said the right ear flew off, but these witnesses mistook the overturned bone plate as a side head wound. The bone plate came off the top of the head and you are looking at its underside in the Zapruder film. I don't think I have ever heard anyone ever try and represent that overturned bone plate as a hole in the front side of JFK's head once they have studied the most basic evidence of the case. I am beginning to think what others are saying about you and that is you are a disinformation agent of some sorts.

And Bill, I gotta' hand it to you: your Miller's Magic Bullet makes the Warren Commission's Magic Bullet look like a kindergarten effort.

Now we agree ... for the way you have misrrepsented the facts - no one could buy it. How could one not look at this clip and not see the missing scalp on the top of JFK's head from where that bone plate came from? To represent that wound where you have placed it is beyond reckless, but rather deceitful IMO. (study clip below)

Wait! I've got it! Now I see the diabolical plan in all it's brilliance: Miller's Magic Bullet was supposed to fly up to the 6th floor window and kill the patsy, too, making it look like a murder-suicide! But the damned thing was misprogrammed by a gnat's hair, causing the hard-turn trajectory to land it at the YMCA instead, in a bucket of oily rags, starting a fire. Is that what you've been holding back? Is that the secret? Tell, us, O Sage of Ballistic Wonders.

Ashton Gray

I love it when people like yourself make complete idiots out of themselves by pretending to know the facts. I supposed that a rebuttal isn't really necessary - I should have just posted Altgens 7 and a few frames of the Zapruder film in combination with the Dallas doctors statements saying the President's face was undamaged to rebut your nonsense. Read the quote below and see if you can't do a little better in the future.

"Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one has a right to be wrong about the facts. Without the facts, your opinion is of no value.” Rene

Dahinden, August 1999.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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Finally. Finally you manage to cough up an origin point for Miller's Magic Bullet—sort of. Naturally you won't provide it with any specific location, but I've triangulated your clues right down to the purported position of "Hat Man," which is here:
Ashton, a first year student of the assassination knows about the accoustics evidence and where it was estimated to come from. And that Hat Man location is not correct either. Moorman's photograph makes him appear to be near the corner of the fence where you have placed him by the tree, but the Nix film shows that he is west of that tree. The Moorman photo gives off an illusion of his location due to the extreme angle at which he is seen. It would really help if you wish to debate the evidence if you would first learn it. Going to the plaza and walking it would be a helpful start.

Now, first, I realize, Bill, that you take an extremely dim view of this 3D model. I realize how desperately you want to ridicule and demean it, and make nothing of the work that has gone into it. I realize just how beneath your lofty standards it is. And I could not possibly care less what you think of it.

I will say this once so not to have to argue with a dumbass who isn't interested enough to care about the accuracy of the data he uses to draw his conclusions on. Dale Myers used a far more sophisticated program than what you are playing with. Dale used countless measurements from location to location and the known hieghts of many of the objects in and around the plaza and yet when he offered some of Zapruder's views - I did composite overlays of them onto the actual Zapruder film and what I found was unbelieveable. If one is going to talk about trajectories and where they lead, then the information has to be precise. If I got a part of the limo of Dale's 3D view from the Zapruder location to match the real limo on the Zapruder film, then the people didn't space out correctly both vertically and horizontally. So you do not have to care what I think, but you should care that your 3D model is not accurate, thus meaning your conclusions cannot be accurate.

Second, maybe this isn't the location you're trying to "describe" in your roundabout evasive way, but that's your problem. I gave you every opportunity to provide a specific location. And if this one doesn't suit your fancy, you're going to have to get more specific, aren't you? And when and if you do, I'll just keep dollying the virtual camera wherever you next claim that Miller's Magic Bullet came from.

Study the Nix film and get back to me.

First, here's an approximation of what our bold rifleman would see peering over the fence:
Your model is in error, your placement of the Hat Man is in error, thus your view is in error.
So since I cannot possibly duplicate the actual relative placement of crepe myrtle trunks to determine how they would or would not have interfered with the tracking down the barrel of a rifle as the limo moved left to right, I'm just going to get rid of the pesky things, and take them out of consideration altogether

If you have to remove trees that were not in the way during the real assassination, then it just shows how flawed your model is, which makes it worthless.


And now we know how the famous Bill Miller says the dark and deadly deed was done.

Not only did you half-ass the model, but JFK was not hit down on the head where you have located it with that red spot. Thr purported temple shot .... Bill Newman also said the right ear flew off, but these witnesses mistook the overturned bone plate as a side head wound. The bone plate came off the top of the head and you are looking at its underside in the Zapruder film. I don't think I have ever heard anyone ever try and represent that overturned bone plate as a hole in the front side of JFK's head once they have studied the most basic evidence of the case. I am beginning to think what others are saying about you and that is you are a disinformation agent of some sorts.

And Bill, I gotta' hand it to you: your Miller's Magic Bullet makes the Warren Commission's Magic Bullet look like a kindergarten effort.
Now we agree ... for the way you have misrrepsented the facts - no one could buy it. How could one not look at this clip and not see the missing scalp on the top of JFK's head from where that bone plate came from? To represent that wound where you have placed it is beyond reckless, but rather deceitful IMO. (study clip below)
Wait! I've got it! Now I see the diabolical plan in all it's brilliance: Miller's Magic Bullet was supposed to fly up to the 6th floor window and kill the patsy, too, making it look like a murder-suicide! But the damned thing was misprogrammed by a gnat's hair, causing the hard-turn trajectory to land it at the YMCA instead, in a bucket of oily rags, starting a fire. Is that what you've been holding back? Is that the secret? Tell, us, O Sage of Ballistic Wonders.

Ashton Gray

I love it when people like yourself make complete idiots out of themselves by pretending to know the facts. I supposed that a rebuttal isn't really necessary - I should have just posted Altgens 7 and a few frames of the Zapruder film in combination with the Dallas doctors statements saying the President's face was undamaged to rebut your nonsense. Read the quote below and see if you can't do a little better in the future.

"Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but no one has a right to be wrong about the facts. Without the facts, your opinion is of no value.” Rene

Dahinden, August 1999.

Bill Miller

Comparing shoulder movements?

Muchmore vs. Zapruder?

Bill, used your previous gif.



Edited by Chris Davidson
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Comparing shoulder movements?

Muchmore vs. Zapruder?

Bill, used your previous gif.



Chris (or Bill),

What is the source for the posted Muchmore sequence? It appears to be a superior copy to the one on the NFV DVD.

Frank, that was from a Discovery Channel program titled "Murder in Dealy Plaza".


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the old non sequiteur once more. Bill. Look at 311 312 .

Further: I've explained to you the tree thing you see.

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the old non sequiteur once more. Bill. Look at 311 312 .

Further: I've explained to you the tree thing you see.

John, could you cite where you explained it because I must have nmissed it. I would like to see if it matches what the experts have told me.



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