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CE399/Missing Copper Jacket at Base of Bullet.

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The first time that I even developed any interest in the JFK assassination matter was in 1989, and even then it had nothing to do with the actual event, as it centered around one of the FBI Agents who testified before the WC and his afterlife as an "Expert Witness".

Nevertheless, I observed photo's of CE399 and became quite interested in it's story.

Or, perhaps one should claim it's "Fairytale Story" as presented by the WC.

First off, it takes no great amount of expertise to recognize that the WC version of how this bullet (CE399) came to exist and the wounds that it is responsible for, are pure and slightly sweetened BS, in order for those who believe same to swallow it better.

Common sense tells most persons who actually study the evidence, that the WC is incorrect in this matter.

Thorough research ultimately reveals that the WC was intentionally/by design wrong, as well as the facts that they/the FBI were fully aware of exactly how this bullet came to exist as well as the wounds to JFK that it was ultimately responsible for.

(Provided of course that one is not lost------on some totally unsubstantuated and mythological multiple assassin/body snatcher hunt.)

The first time that I observed various photographs of CE399, it basically "jumped" to my attention that the portion of the copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the base of the bullet, was missing.

And, in all of my "limited" experience dealing with bullets, I had never observed this as a result of a bullet having been fired.

Additionally, the manner in which the missing portion of the copper jacket at the bullet base was evenly gone, was virtually complete evidence that this portion of the bullet had been removed manually with some specific method.

And, despite this quite obvious alteration to the base of the bullet, I found that in the 1989/1990 time period, some 26 to 27 years after the assassination of JFK, no "researcher" or supposedly knowledgeable person had ever pointed out this man-made anomaly.

And, although it took considerable effort, expense, and time to find WCC 6.5 Carcano bullets, the demonstration of this alteration to the base of CE399 could not be adequately presented without the presentation of the same exact type bullets.

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One extremely strange thing about this forum is the fact that the "Manage Current Attachments" menu will not even allow me to open my own posted attachments (prior to full posting), in order to at least observe if ALL of the attachment was copied over.

Certainly makes one question when they are dis-allowed access to their own posted documents/attachments.

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For those who may be familiar with my previously posted works in regards to evaluation of CE399, the last item makes reference to the missing portion of the copper jacket at the base of the bullet.

Back then, the photographic evidence available, which included the HSCA photo's of the bullet, all demonstrated that the copper jacket base was absent to the bullet.

And, these photo's along with the available witness testimony regarding the bullet, gave absolutely no evidence as to when this portion of the bullet was removed, or for what reasons.

A complete "Dead-End" back in the 1990/early 1990"s time frame.

And, not unlike many items of evidence, logical as well as illogical speculations as to the reasons could be easily dreamed up.

However, it was felt that at the time, the "best" was to merely leave it as an unanswered question.

Nevertheless, as with most intentional manipulations of the evidence, there was little doubt that this was a critical item which must be resolved if one were to fully understand ALL of the sneaky little stunts which were being pulled in order to continue to confuse the factual evidence of the JFK assassination.

I might add that the two top priority "speculations" were:

1. That the base of the copper jacket was intentionally removed in order to support the WC SBT theory that adequate amounts of the lead core of the bullet could have been exposed to have created the wounding of JBC's wrist and thereafter leave lead from the base of the bullet in this wound to JBC's wrist.

2. That there was potentially some damage to the base of the copper jacket which was indicative of it having struck the bone in the neck of JFK.

Ultimately, when the final facts as to this anomaly to the base of CE399 came into light, there was in fact a "bonus" prize added which had escaped even speculative theories.

Being somewhat persistent in the hunt for the factual evidence as regards the base of CE399, I ultimately brought this item up for discussion to FBI Agent Robert Frazier, and considering the potential importance of the never before revealed alteration to evidence, I felt the necessity to insure that this point was at least documented on my end of the discussion.

In discussions with Frazier, he fully stated that the photo's sent to him clearly demonstrated that the copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the bullet base was now absent.

He further stated that at the time that he conducted ALL testing of the bullet that the base of the bullet (other than it's normal deformed states) was no different than unfired bullets and that the copper jacket was, as far as he could recall, absolutely no different than any other bullet and was not missing.

From there, I went back to other FBI Agents, (who had no particular love for Frazier) in an attempt to double verify this information.

This "double-check" came from FBI Agent Gallagher who had run the NAA work at Oak Ridge.

And, Gallagher informed me that he recalled no specific abnormality to the copper jacket base of CE 399, and although he did not pay that much attention to it when he took a sample from the base of the bullet, he felt also that he would have noticed, had the portion of the copper jacket which normally covered the base of the bullet been absent when he took his NAA Sample.

Nevertheless, even with this relatively reliable "cross/double-check" of information, no definitive information as regards the missing copper jacket portion of the base of the bullet could be defined, or even pinned down as to when this may have occurred.

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After passage of the JFK Records act, the final resolution regarding the copper jacket at the base of CE399 came into resolution.

The Records Review Board released a photograph of the base of CE399 which had never before been made public.


This photograph, along with many others, was taken at the time in which CE399 was turned over to the National Archives, and it's release clearly demonstrated that the portion of the copper jacket which normally covered a portion of the base of the bullet, was fully present when this evidence was turned over to the National Archives.

This photograph also served to re-inforce the statements made to me by both FBI Agent Frazier as well as Gallagher, in regards to the base of the bullet when they had access to it.

Which effectively now narrowed down the time frame/who's possession the bullet was in when the removal of this portion of the bullet occurred.

At some point between the time that this bullet was turned over to the National Archives for safekeeping, and the time of the HSCA inquiry, someone had gained access to the National Archives and had altered this evidence.

Which, when other aspects of the evidence in possession of the National Archives is examined, is not great revelation of a singular type event.

And, which demonstrates clearly the continual effort to progressively destroy or alter evidence in order to prevent the factual information from ever being resolved.

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Tom, it appears to me that the black and white photo of CE 399 does include the outside copper ring, but that it shows up much darker than one would expect due to the angle of light to the surface. I believe the color photo of CE 399 you cite in the subsequent post is a recent photograph.

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Tom, it appears to me that the black and white photo of CE 399 does include the outside copper ring, but that it shows up much darker than one would expect due to the angle of light to the surface. I believe the color photo of CE 399 you cite in the subsequent post is a recent photograph.


The color photo represents the base of the bullet at the time that it was turned over to the National Archives and the copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the base of the bullet was present.

The "later" photo's represent photographs which were taken later at the National Archives, as well as when the bullet was first examined by the HSCA.


The "ring" which you see in the lead core is what is created as a result, primarily of compression of the bullet as it passes through the rifle and attempts to force the lead core our the base of the bullet, added with the additional extreme compression on the outer shell of the bullet as a result of having the external pressures exerted by the wood through which the bullet passed.

There are several indicators which definitively present that the portion of the copper jacket which once existed here, are gone/missing in the black and white photo.

1. At almost an entire 1/4 of the bullet, one can easily observe the area of dis-similar metals where the lead is not continguous

with the outer bullet jacket.

2. A distinctive shelf-like area of the lead core in one area.

3. Gouges down into the lead core which even extend into the area where the copper jacket once existed.

4. A literal "hole" in the outer rim of the lead core which correlates exactly with the rim damage to the copper jacket in that photograph which demonstrates the the entire copper jackey as present. This "hole" in fact being an indentation into the lead core which was created by the impact which damaged the corresponding edge of the copper jacket.

5. The metallic texture of the lead is totally different from the smooth copper of the copper jacket.

6. The completely "flat" edge to the external copper jacket around the outer rim of the bullet, which also happens to be the absolute proof of intentional removal*

*In fact, the outer rim looks exactly like a bullet which I created in removal of this portion of the copper jacket from one of my fired bullets.

This happens to be how I know the almost exact weight which this portion of the copper jacket weighs.

The photo of the two rings demonstrates the normal portion of the copper which covers the bullet base, and the smaller of the two rings demonstrates exactly how much of the copper jacket must be removed in order for the entire lead core to be visible.

This was somewhat an exercise in futility as it was done during the period between when it was first observed that the bullet had this man-made alteration and prior to the time that the National Archives photo was released/made public as a result of the JFK Records Act.

Because I had nothing to go on other than the unverifiable word of Frazier and Gallagher, I determined that it best to determine the amount of weight loss which this portion of the copper jacket may have accounted for.

Since it was ultimately determined that Frazier statements to me were correct, and additional handwritten notes made by Frazier at the time of initial examination of the bullet demonstrated that the bullet he weighed was in fact the 158.6 grains, and the National Archives photo demonstrates that the copper jacket at the base of the bullet was fully intact when the bullet was turned over to them, then the actual weight of that portion of the bullet became ALMOST a mute point.

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In recognition that I am just an ole backwoods country boy who obviously does not recognize exactly how "complicated" all this planted bullets and multiple assassins and body kidnappings were.

Nevertheless, my highly "simple" mind can find nothing that complicated about this.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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So! Why the necessity to remove that portion of the copper jacket which normally covers a portion of the lead core of the bullet, at the base of the bullet?

I might add that the two top priority "speculations" were:

1. That the base of the copper jacket was intentionally removed in order to support the WC SBT theory that adequate amounts of the lead core of the bullet could have been exposed to have created the wounding of JBC's wrist and thereafter leave lead from the base of the bullet in this wound to JBC's wrist.

A. Removal of the now missing portion of the copper jacket at the bullet base most certainly now exposed more of the lead to view, and, anyone who was unfamiliar with the normal structure of these bullets would most certainly accept the possiblity that the lead core could merely shear off due to impact with the arm/wrist bone of JBC.

2. That there was potentially some damage to the base of the copper jacket which was indicative of it having struck the bone in the neck of JFK.

A. There most assuredly was an indication of impact damage to the rim of the copper jacket at the base of the bullet.

And, since absolutely no copper was found within the wrist wound of JBC, this could have created additional questioning of the evidence.

And, as valid as these speculations may have been, there was an even more important reason for the need to remove the copper jacket from the base of CE399.

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Back to that old "comparative analysis".

Top photo is of course the deformed base of CE399 when turned over to the National Archives.

Bottom photo is one of those true "Pristine" bullets which was fired only into a drum of water and recovered.

One might add that other than in-common/similar rifling markings, the drum of water bullet has virtually NONE of the abnormalaties/anomalies which CE399 demonstrates.

It is completely impossible to fire a WCC FMJ Carcano bullet into a drum of water and achieve any bullet deformation which even approximates CE399. And, this is to inclulde firing the bullet through a tube of cotton, or even a complete bale of cotton.

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